91,744 research outputs found

    The Effect of Non-tightness on Bayesian Estimation of PCFGs

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    Probabilistic context-free grammars have the unusual property of not always defining tight distributions (i.e., the sum of the “probabilities” of the trees the grammar generates can be less than one). This paper reviews how this non-tightness can arise and discusses its impact on Bayesian estimation of PCFGs. We begin by presenting the notion of “almost everywhere tight grammars ” and show that linear CFGs follow it. We then propose three different ways of reinterpreting non-tight PCFGs to make them tight, show that the Bayesian estimators in Johnson et al. (2007) are correct under one of them, and provide MCMC samplers for the other two. We conclude with a discussion of the impact of tightness empirically.

    Impact-Melt Populations in Apollo Drive-Tubes

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    Adapting to variable prismatic displacement

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    In each of two studies, subjects were exposed to a continuously changing prismatic displacement with a mean value of 19 prism diopters (variable displacement) and to a fixed 19-diopter displacement (fixed displacement). In Experiment 1, significant adaptation (post-pre shifts in hand-eye coordination) was found for fixed, but not for variable, displacement. Experiment 2 demonstrated that adaptation was obtained for variable displacement, but it was very fragile and is lost if the measures of adaptation are preceded by even a very brief exposure of the hand to normal or near-normal vision. Contrary to the results of some previous studies, an increase in within-S dispersion was not found of target pointing responses as a result of exposure to variable displacement

    Jewish Community Study of New York: 2011 Special Report on Poverty

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    The sheer scale of needs associated with being poor or near poor dwarfs the resources of even the largest Jewish community in the United States. One is tempted to believe that the scale of need is so vast that the Jewish community should abandon this field to others.Yet since the earliest days of Jewish communal life in New York, the organized Jewish community has accepted its responsibilities to care for those in need. Even since the New Deal, when the federal government took on the primary role of providing a societal safety net, the Jewish community has been active in providing philanthropic support and services for poor and near-poor Jews.The numbers of poor and near-poor Jewish households, the enormous increase in the number of these households over the past 20 years, and the diverse groups affected by poverty create an imperative for an extraordinary response -- from government, the voluntary sector, the philanthropic sector, and all segments of society. These findings suggest that the organized Jewish community needs to take a hard look at current planning, advocacy, service delivery, and resource investment

    Absorption and emission spectroscopies of homogeneous and inhomogeneously broadened multilevel systems in strong light fields

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    A method is introduced to calc., for a model set of mol. levels, the spectral line shapes expected for a variety of conventional laser expts. including absorption, hole burning, fluorescence line narrowing, and Raman scattering. The method allows the incident laser field to have arbitrary intensity. Furthermore, the effects of model gaussian or lorenzian inhomogeneous distributions are readily incorporated. Earlier results for a 2-level system are easily obtained and new results are presented for inhomogeneously broadened 2- and 3-level systems, and for the effects of pure dephasing on the strong field spectra. The differences between fluorescence and Raman in strong fields, and the effect of strong fields on the spontaneous emission of inhomogeneously broadened transitions were described. Some predictions are made regarding line narrowing expts. in the strong-field limit

    Bose-Einstein condensates in RF-dressed adiabatic potentials

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    Bose-Einstein condensates of 87^{87}Rb atoms are transferred into radio-frequency (RF) induced adiabatic potentials and the properties of the corresponding dressed states are explored. We report on measurements of the spin composition of dressed condensates. We also show that adiabatic potentials can be used to trap atom gases in novel geometries, including suspending a cigar-shaped cloud above a curved sheet of atoms