569 research outputs found

    Analisis Pengaruh Citra Merek, Ekuitas Merek, Promosi Dan Harga Terhadap Pengambilan Keputusan Pembelian Sepeda Motor Honda Vario (Studi Pengguna Honda Vario)

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    AbstractThis research aims to analyze the impact brand image, brand equity, promotion and price on purchasing decisions on honda vario . motorcycles. The samples used in this study refer to Ferdinand's Snowball sampling technique  that is, the researcher chose the Snowball sample to ensure that the respondents' criteria were in accordance with the specified and the sample consisted of 100 respondents. The results of this study simultaneously show that there is a significant influence between the variables of Brand Image, Brand Equity, Promotion and Price on Decision Making on the purchase of Honda Vario motorcycles. While the partial test results have a positive and significant effect between the Brand Image variables on purchasing decisions for Honda Vario motorcycles and Price on the decision to purchase a Honda Vario motorcycle while for the Brand Equity and promotion variable it partially has a positive and insignificant effect on purchasing decisions for Honda Vario motorcycles.Keywords: Brand image, Brand equity, Promotion, Price, Purchasing decision

    Hubungan Pengetahuan dan Sikap dengan Kebugaran Jasmani pada Mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Riau

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    Physical fitness is a fundamental element being a human. A fit and healthy body helped us to maintain focus while studying, leads to excellent understanding and ability to solve a problem. This research aimed to discover the relationship of knowledge and attitude of faculty of medicine, university of Riau students to their physical fitness level. This analytic research used a cross sectional design to 86 sample of faculty of medicine, university of Riau students. This research used Harvard Step Test as the method to measure the fitness level and a valid questionnaire to assess the knowledge and attitude aspects. The result is 51 students (59.3 %) had a good knowledge, 46 students (53.5%) had a negative, and 71 students (82.6 %) had a bad physical fitness. From statistical point of view found p=1.031 for the relation between knowledge and physical fitness p=0.437 for the relation between attitude and physical fitness

    Hubungan Tingkat Pengetahuan Asma Dengan Tingkat Kontrol Asma Di Poliklinik Paru RSUD Arifin Achmad Pekanbaru

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    Asthma is a chronic inflammatory process in the respiratory tract. In the process of respiratory tract will be hiperesponsif. The level of asthma knowledge is essential to achieve the level of asthma control. Patients and families can understand asthma with either consciously would avoid trigger factors attacks. This study aims to determine the relationship of the level asthma knowledge to the level of asthma control in the pulmonary clinic Arifin Achmad Pekanbaru. This study uses an analytical method with cross sectional approach. The sampling technique used in the formula n= and the obtained value n = 97 people. The study was held on February-May 2015 at the pulmonary polyclinic of Arifin Achmad general hospital Pekanbaru. The results of this study with the most level of knowledge asthma is higher 72 people (74%), the level of uncontrolled asthma control 77 people (79.4%), based on age 18-45 years are 51 people (52.6% ), most are female gender 62 people (64%). Most jobs are housewives 47 people (48.5%). Relations with the level asthma knowledge level of and asthma control by chi square\u27s test found no significant relationship between the level asthma knowledge to the level of asthma control with p = 0.843 (p <0.5)

    Gambaran Tingkat Pengetahuan Tentang Penggunaan Lensa Kontak pada Siswa dan Guru di Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri 1 dan 9 Kota Pekanbaru

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    Contact lens is a result of technology in ophthalmology which is used as an alternative for eye glasses to correct the refractive error. The use of contact lens also has negative effect mainly for those who use it continuously without paying attention to its health impact. This research aimed to assess knowledge about the use of contact lens in students and teachers of Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri (SMAN/State High School) 1 and SMAN 9 Pekanbaru. The research was done in both high schools room on December 2015. Population amount of this research was 353 which consisted of all class XI students and all teachers of SMAN 1 and SMAN 9 Pekanbaru. The sample taking method used was total sampling method. Primary data was taken and then managed by using computerized method. Data analysis used in this research was univariate and bivariate analysis. Result of the research showed that most of respondents (students) in SMAN 1 were female (21 persons, 52,5%), 25 persons (62,5%) of them use contact lens for fashion reason. There were 28 persons (70,0%) of respondents who had less knowledge about contact lens USAge. The cooperation between school and health worker especially ophthalmologist is needed to give information and improve the knowledge of students and teachers about the correct and safe use of contact lens

    Pengaruh Teknik Pencucian terhadap Hasil Pemeriksaan Cairan Mani dan Spermatozoa pada Kain Katun

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    Sexual offence is one of social problem that often happened in society. One of the best evidence used for investigation was semen and sperm found in a victim's dress. A dress usually made by cotton fabric. This research aimed to discover the influence of washing method to semen and sperm test result in a cotton fabric. This research planned as experimental research, used berberio test for semen and baechi test for sperm test. The result concluded that semen still visible up to 7 days, while the sperm only lasts 3 to 4 days. Conclusion there is no influence of washing found in semen test result while the washing method did influence the sperm test result in the cotton fabric

    Pengaruh Waktu, Suhu Udara dan Kelembaban Udara terhadap Hasil Pemeriksaan Cairan Mani dan Spermatozoa pada Kain Polyester

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    The finding of the presence of seminal fluid and sperm was the gold standard of the examination from victim of sexual crimes. A total from 75.6% of victims of sexual crimes were late to report to the authorities. The influence of air temperature, humidity, CO2 and sunlight exposure directly to the spermatozoa were the occurrence of DNA\u27s fragmentation. DNA\u27s fragmentation causes disruption of the bond between the DNA and acid fushsin, so the sperm\u27s morphology could not be seen with the test Baechi. Air temperature and air humidity were not affect to spermine picric. This study is a descriptive research and experimental design in to knew the influence of time, air temperature, air humidity on the results of seminal fluid and spermatozoa\u27s examination. This study uses Barberio test for the identification of seminal fluid and sperm test Baechi for identification. The results of this study was still finding spermatozoa with Baechi test for ten days and still finding semen with Barberio test for fifteen days

    Hubungan Kebiasaan Merokok dengan Ketahanan Kardiorespirasi pada Dosen Pria Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Riau

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    Cardiorespiratory endurance is ability of heart system, lungs and blood vesselsto optimal function when do daily activity in long time without serious tired.Cardiorespiratory endurance influenced some factors such as: age, sex, nutritionalstatus, sport and smoke habits. Harvard step test is one of cardiorespiratory enduranceinspection that can do in the field with use simple tools, cheap, and easy to do by allpeople. This research is the analytical research with cross sectional approach thatpurpose to know the relation of smoke habits with cardiorespiratory endurance of manlecturer in social and politicies faculty in Riau university by taking over sample technicsis total sampling. There are 40 man lecturers in 45-65 years old, but 31 of them fillinclude criteria. The result of research show there are relation that meaning betweensmoke habits and cardiorespiratory endurance with medium correlation strong anddirection negative correlation (r=-0,497 ; p=0,001). Conclusion in this research is mostof man lecturer have smoke habits in medium smoker category with enoughcardiorespiratory endurance

    Gambaran Aktivitas Fisik pada Wanita Pascamenopause di Panti Sosial Tresna Werdha Khusnul Khotimah Pekanbaru

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    Decreased estrogen will be followed by physical and psychological disorder that causes physical activity of postmenopausal woman tend to be limited even depend on others. Descriptive study with cross sectional approach was conducted to identify the physical activity of postmenopausal women in nursing home Khusnul Khotimah Pekanbaru. The instrument study used Barthel Activity of Daily Living and modification of Baecke index questionnaire. Sampel were taken by consecutive sampling tecnique obtaining as many as 27 people respondents aged 56 – 90 years. All of respondents had experienced menopause for over 5 years. Characteristic of postmenopausal women mostly aged 60 - 74 years (66.67%), history of working (62.96%), not have children (51.85%), history of marriage ( 92.60%), not using contraception (92.60%) and no history of chronic disease (59.26%), education level was elementary school (44,44%). The result of this study showed most of postmenopausal women have mild dependence (51,85%) and moderate physical activity (66,66%)

    Hubungan antara Tingkat Pengetahuan Mahasiswa dengan Sikap Pengelolaan Sampah di Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Riau

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    Waste management is an activity in waste reduction and handling that is systematic, continous and thorough. The state of good and health environmental in acollege is needed as carrying comfort in learning. The state of a clean and healthy environment is determined by the behavior of individuals who materialized in the form of knowledge, attitudes and actions. The purpose of this study to determine the correlation between knowledge level of student with attitudes of waste management in Medical Faculty of Riau University . This type of research was analytic survey with cross sectional approach. Samples in this reseacrh were 90 respondents from population students of Medical Faculty of Riau University.The data that were collected using a questionnaire to assess knowledge and attitudes. The results of this study, obtained that 44 students (48,9%) had a good knowledge and 65 students (72,2%) had a neutral stance. From the statistical test result was obtained that p=0,971 for the correlation with the students knowledge of waste management attitude

    Consumers’ Factors on eWOM Diffusion in Social Networking Services (SNS)

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    This present study seeks to uncover personal factors of social networking services (SNS) users’ on eWOM diffusion in SNS through review of previous studies. This paper also aims to build a conceptual theory based on these findings and create a path for further studies and empirical research in the future.  Literature from technology acceptance fields and social sciences were examined on eWOM diffusion via four levels of self-factors in individuals.  The issues of level of trust, personal eWom experience, and self-efficacy are discussed in the prediction of eWOM, while different personalities are predicted to have different outcomes in eWOM diffusion.  The insights of personal factors influence in eWOM would enhance consumers’ ability to understand further how to navigate positive and negative perspectives of personal factors and act to use this discovery to assist own decision making. Keywords: eWOM, SNS, self-efficacy, eWOM experience trust, personality
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