2,153 research outputs found

    Oversight of non-cash payment schemes: objectives and implementation procedures.

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    The use of non-cash payment schemes is particularly widespread in France where the number of non-cash transactions is in fact well above the European average. Though they have different features corresponding to users’ varying needs (payments may be face-to-face, remote or recurring, for instance), non-cash payment schemes generally consist of an instrument that generates a payment order combined with the technical and organisational arrangements that enable this order to be processed. Putting these arrangements in place requires close co-operation between all participants of the payment «network», i.e., naturally, credit institutions that hold accounts for debtors and beneficiaries, and also their technical service providers. The Everyday Security Act of 15 November 2001 entrusts the Banque de France with a specific task with regard to overseeing the security of non-cash means of payment. This task falls naturally within the purview of central banks, which guarantee both the value of the currency and the stability of payment systems. To carry out its task, the Banque de France analyses the potential threats associated with payment schemes and defines, in consultation with the parties involved, the minimum security objectives designed to prevent the occurrence of payment-specific risk events. To assess the security of a payment scheme, the Banque de France ensures that the parties involved comply with these objectives.

    Kajian Awal Penyusunan Algoritma Perhitungan Luas Tanah dan Faktor Koreksi dengan Metode Poligon Terbuka dan Tertutup

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    Data for land squares area and land volumes are strongly needed for private company neither is the government. Nowadays, the calculations of land squares are done manually, which need long and repetitive calculations. It is unfortunately risky for the researches. On the other side, none of the standard methods is used to calculate the volume of land burying. One of the alternatives when we intend to minimize the error of the calculation and measurement process is to integrate the step of calculation and measurement processes themselves. The underlined means to practice the automation on the recitation of several measurement output, and then the calculation of land squares, contour drawing, and land volumes can automatically be done. On the calculation of area squares, contour drawing, and land volumes, data of the measurements are put into calculation algorithm and are expected to be directly used in calculating the land squares, contour drawing, and land volumes, also automatically make the correction on the errors in order to minimize them. In this research, no hardware development is being developed. The author intended only to compose a calculation of algorithm to calculate land squares.Keywords: Land Squares, Algorithm, Integrat

    Notes on simplicial rook graphs

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    The simplicial rook graph SR(m,n){\rm SR}(m,n) is the graph of which the vertices are the sequences of nonnegative integers of length mm summing to nn, where two such sequences are adjacent when they differ in precisely two places. We show that SR(m,n){\rm SR}(m,n) has integral eigenvalues, and smallest eigenvalue s=max⁡(−n,−(m2))s = \max (-n, -{m \choose 2}), and that this graph has a large part of its spectrum in common with the Johnson graph J(m+n−1,n)J(m+n-1,n). We determine the automorphism group and several other properties

    Non-axisymmetric oscillations of stratified coronal magnetic loops with elliptical cross-sections

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    We study non-axisymmetric oscillations of a straight magnetic tube with an elliptic cross-section and density varying along the tube. The governing equations for kink and fluting modes in the thin tube approximation are derived. We found that there are two kink modes, polarised along the large and small axes of the elliptic cross-section. We have shown that the ratio of frequencies of the first overtone and fundamental harmonic is the same for both kink modes and independent of the ratio of the ellipse axes. On the basis of this result we concluded that the estimates of the atmospheric scale height obtained using simultaneous observations of the fundamental harmonic and first overtone of the coronal loop kink oscillations are independent of the ellipticity of the loop cross-section

    Linking science to technology: using bibliographic references in patents to build linkage schemes.

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    In this paper, we develop and discuss a method to design a linkage scheme that links the systems of science and technology through the use of patent citation data. After conceptually embedding the linkage scheme in the current literature on science-technology interactions and associations, the methodology and algorithms used to decelop the linkage scheme are discussed in detail. The method is subsequently tested on and applied to subsets of USPTO patents. The results point to highly skewed citation distributions, enabling us to discern between those fields of technology that are highly science-interactive and those fields where technology develoment is highly independent from the scientific literature base.Science; Patents; Systems; Data; Algorithms; Distribution;

    La surveillance des moyens de paiement et des systĂšmes d’échange.

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    Le premier rapport sur la surveillance des moyens de paiement et des systĂšmes d’échange de la Banque de France prĂ©sente le cadre dans lequel s’inscrit la mission de surveillance, le rĂ©sultat des Ă©valuations rĂ©alisĂ©es et les enjeux pour l’avenir.Surveillance, moyen de paiement, instrument de paiement, systĂšme d’échange, systĂšme de paiement, systĂšme de compensation et de rĂšglement d’instruments financiers.

    Performance improvements of a highly integrated digital electronic control system for an F-15 airplane

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    The NASA highly integrated digital electronic control (HIDEC) program is structured to conduct flight research into the benefits of integrating an aircraft flight control system with the engine control system. A brief description of the HIDEC system installed on an F-15 aircraft is provided. The adaptive engine control system (ADECS) mode is described in detail, together with simulation results and analyses that show the significant excess thrust improvements achievable with the ADECS mode. It was found that this increased thrust capability is accompanied by reduced fan stall margin and can be realized during flight conditions where engine face distortion is low. The results of analyses and simulations also show that engine thrust response is improved and that fuel consumption can be reduced. Although the performance benefits that accrue because of airframe and engine control integration are being demonstrated on an F-15 aircraft, the principles are applicable to advanced aircraft such as the advanced tactical fighter and advanced tactical aircraft

    Resonant Alfven waves in partially ionized plasmas of the solar atmosphere

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    Context. Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) waves are ubiquitous in the solar atmosphere. In magnetic waveguides resonant absorption due to plasma inhomogeneity naturally transfers wave energy from large-scale motions to small-scale motions. In the cooler parts of the solar atmosphere as, e.g., the chromosphere, effects due to partial ionization may be relevant for wave dynamics and heating. Aims. We study resonant Alfven waves in partially ionized plasmas. Methods. We use the multifluid equations in the cold plasma approximation. We investigate propagating resonant MHD waves in partially ionized flux tubes. We use approximate analytical theory based on normal modes in the thin tube and thin boundary approximations along with numerical eigenvalue computations. Results. We find that the jumps of the wave perturbations across the resonant layer are the same as in fully ionized plasmas. The damping length due to resonant absorption is inversely proportional to the frequency, while that due to ion-neutral collisions is inversely proportional to the square of the frequency. For observed frequencies in the solar atmosphere, the amplitude of MHD kink waves is more efficiently damped by resonant absorption than by ion-neutral collisions. Conclusions. Most of the energy carried by chromospheric kink waves is converted into localized azimuthal Alfven waves that can deposit energy in the coronal medium. The dissipation of wave energy in the chromosphere due to ion-neutral collisions is only effective for high-frequency waves. The chromosphere acts as a filter for kink waves with periods shorter than 10 s
