47 research outputs found

    Covid-19 Vaccines in Iraq

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    المقدمة    ان ظهور فايروس كورونا الجديد ("SARS-CoV-2") في أواخر عام 2019 هدد العالم بأسره و بدأ العلماء في جميع أنحاء العالم بالبحث عن الأنشطة البيولوجية للفايروس. خلال فترة قياسية غير مسبوقة لم تتجاوز العام الواحد، تمكن العلماء من تطوير عدد من اللقاحات الآمنة والفعالة، والتي تم اختبارها على عشرات الآلاف من المتطوعين حول العالم. أعدت شركات مختلفة العديد من اللقاحات وقليل منها حصل على موافقة طارئة من قبل إدارة الغذاء والدواء ويستخدم في بلدان مختلفة.  تهدف الدراسة الحالية الى وصف اللقاحات, تركيبها, وسلامتها.  في العراق ، تُستخدم ثلاثة لقاحات (لقاح فايزر بيونتيك ولقاح أسترازينيكا أكسفورد ولقاح سينوفارم) لتطعيم الناس. أظهرت جميع اللقاحات المستخدمة فعالية متفاوتة مع عيارية الأجسام المضادة المختلفة. ان اللقاح المثالي يجب أن يكون رخيصاً وقائياً ويمنع التشوهات الخلقية ويقاوم المرض ويقضي عليه ويجب ان يكون  فعالاً في كل الأعمار و في ظروف صحية مختلفة وتأثيره يستمر لفترة طويلة. الاستنتاجات: يبدو أن لقاح Pfizer Biontech مفضل من قبل العراقيين لأنه يعطي أعلى عيارية للأجسام المضادة بالإضافة إلى توفره واستخدامه العالمي مقارنة باللقاحات الآخرى.The emergence of the new corona virus ("SARS-CoV-2") in the late 2019 threatened the whole world and scientists throughout the word began searching for biological activities of the virus , During an unprecedented record period that did not exceed one year,  scientists were able to develop a number of safe and effective vaccines  , which have been tested on tens of thousands of volunteers around the world.  Different companies prepared many vaccines and few of them get emergency approval by Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and used in different countries. The aim of the current study is to describe COVID 19 vaccines, structures, efficacy and safety  used in Iraq. Three vaccines (Pfizer,Biontech vaccine, AstraZenica,Oxford vaccine and Sinopharm,vaccine) are used to vaccinate people. All used vaccines showed variable effectiveness with different antibody titers. The ideal vaccine should be cheap, prophylactic, prevent congenital abnormalities, control the disease and eradicate it and be effective at all ages, at different health conditions and its effect is its effect lasts for a long time

    Effect of adding blue-green algae, probiotic and antibiotic to the diet on the productive performance of common carp Cyprinus carpio L.

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    This current study aimed to study the effect of adding blue-green algae (Spirulina), symbiotic (poultry star®me) at a ratio of 1 to 2% and colistin antibiotic to the control diet of common carp fish reared in glass aquariums for 56 days terms of three replicates for each treatment. The growth results showed that the fish fed on the third diet was significantly superior to the fish fed on the other experimental diets in the rate of total and daily weight gain, feed conversion ratio, feeding efficiency ratio and protein efficiency ratio criteria over all other experimental diets except for the second diet, 1% spirulina. The fish fed on the second diet significantly outperformed in the precipitated protein criterion and the protein productive value of all the experimental diets under study. The value of crude protein in the edible portion increased significantly when fish were fed on spirulina, symbiotic and antibiotic diets, compared to the control diet, while the percentage of fats in the fish fed on diets containing the food additives under test decreased significantly compared to the control diet. No significant differences were recorded in the percentage of ash. It is evident from what was mentioned above that the best results of the studied criteria were when adding spirulina at had positive effects on growth criteria and food utilization


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    Objectives: Polyphenols are vital micronutrients, in our diet, which have a role in the prevention of progressive cancer and cardiovascular diseases developing. The main objective of this research was to evaluate the hemopreventive effects of some polyphenols of Phoenix dactylifera pits on 7,12-dimethylbenz(a)anthracene (DMBA)-induced mammary cancer of female albino rats.Methods: The phenolics of P. dactylifera pits (Zahidi cultivar) were prepared by successive steps; extraction by ethanol:methanol:HCl:H2O, adsorption chromatography using a silica gel column and preparative high performers chromatography. The cytotoxic activity of the phenolics was detected against human breast cancer cell line (MCF-7). The acetone phenolic fraction, 50 female albino rats, and DMBA carcinogen were used to study the preventive effects.Results: The acetone phenolic fraction contained considerable amounts of the total phenolics and having antioxidant activity, which inhibit cancer cell line MCF-7 growth, and the inhibitory concentration 50% of cells (IC50) at 24 hrs was 202 μg/ml for MCF-7 and 480 μg/ml for WRL-68. The purified phenolic compounds may be related to genistein and quercetin derivatives that inhibited MCF-7 cell line growth and IC50 were 1030 and 203.9 μg/ml, respectively, compared with negligible effects on normal cell line. The acetone phenolic fraction prevented mammary cancer formation in the DMBA-induced rat model.Conclusions: The phenolics of date palm had chemopreventive effects against DMBA-induced mammary cancer, and they required further research to clarify the possible mechanisms that might have contributed to the preventive effects against mammary cancer

    Virulence Factors in Streptococcus pneumonia and the Role of Complement C1q in the Immune Response

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    المكورات العقدية الرئوية Streptococcus pneumonia  هي بكتيريا إيجابية الغرام , تستعمر في الأسطح المخاطية من البلعوم الأنفي تعتبر من مسببات الأمراض الرئيسية لدى البشر, من الأمراض التي تسببها هي الالتهاب الرئوي والتهاب السحايا. تنتج هذه البكتريا العديد من عوامل الضراوة التي تشارك في ميكانيكيه الإصابة, ان المعركة بين المضيف البشري والممرض الجرثومي معقدة للغاية  اذ يحاول كل طرف التفوق على الآخر من أجل البقاء.  الجهاز المناعي الذاتي في الأنسان وخاصة نظام المتمم  complement system يعتبر خط الدفاع الأول ضد مسببات الأمراض الغازية. بصورة عامة تمتلك الممرضات عدد من الاستراتيجيات لمواجهة نظام المتمم  من أجل البقاء والاستمرار داخل المضيف, وأحد هذه المُمْرِضات هو المكورات الرئوية Streptococcus pneumonia التي تمتلك العديد من عوامل الضراوة تساعدها في أحداث الإصابة داخل جسم المضيف, مثل قابلية المكورات الرئوية على الالتصاق adhesions , تكوين المستعمرات  colonize, التي تعتبر العوامل الأساسية في أحداث الإصابة. تناقش هذه المراجعة الفعاليات البيولوجية ضد عوامل الضراوة للمكورات الرئوية, وتوضح الدور الرئيسي لجزيئة المتمم الأولى (( C1q التي تنشط ضد الإصابة خلال المسلك الكلاسيكي للمتمم .  Streptococcus pneumonia is a major pathogen in humans, and causes diseases such as pneumonia and meningitis. This bacterium produces many virulence factors that participate in the mechanics of injury. The battle between human host and bacterial pathogen is extremely complex. Each side tries to outpace the other in the race for survival. Particularly in the innate immune system in humans, the complementary immune system acts as the first line of defense against invading pathogens during the course of evolution, however, the pathogen has developed multiple strategies to counter the host complement system and colonization, for survival and sustainability within the host. One of these pathogens is Streptococcus (pneumococcus), which are Gram-positive bacterial pathogens that often coexist in the human respiratory system. Depending on the host's sensitivity, pneumococcus can transform into an infectious agent that spreads within the human host and causes diseases ranging from mild to severe and potentially life-threatening diseases. This transition from the symbiont to the infectious agent is a very complex process and an understanding of this mechanism is essential in controlling pneumococcal disease. Using its complex arsenal of weapons such as surface adhesions as well as pneumococcal recruitment recruit the host's immune system. This review discusses the biological activity of several pneumococcal virulence agents and describes C1q, the first subunit of the classic complement pathway, and its role in antimicrobial reactions, as pneumococcus exploits C1q as a molecular bridge that facilitates the attachment of this bacterium to the cell surfaces of the host

    Diabetic Macular Edema Grading Based on Deep Neural Networks

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    Diabetic Macular Edema (DME) is a major cause of vision loss in diabetes. Its early detection and treatment is therefore a vital task in management of diabetic retinopathy. In this paper, we propose a new featurelearning approach for grading the severity of DME using color retinal fundus images. An automated DME diagnosis system based on the proposed featurelearning approach is developed to help early diagnosis of the disease and thus averts (or delays) its progression. It utilizes the convolutional neural networks (CNNs) to identify and extract features of DME automatically without any kind of user intervention. The developed prototype was trained and assessed by using an existing MESSIDOR dataset of 1200 images. The obtained preliminary results showed accuracy of (88.8 %), sensitivity (74.7%) and specificity (96.5 %). These results compare favorably to state-of-the-art findings with the added benefit of an automatic feature-learning approach rather than a time-consuming handcrafted approach

    Stimulation of the Drilling Process with the Top Driven Screw Downhole Motor

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    Paper considers application of the top driven screw downhole motor during drilling of directional wells. The advantages and disadvantages of the rotation-sliding technology with implementation of top drive together with screw downhole motor are shown. It has been proven that the use of a screw downhole motor with simultaneous rotation of drilling pipes using the drilling rig's top drive allows increasing the bit rotation frequency without additional loading of the drilling string. Field data for the work out of one-type PDC bits in identical geological and technical conditions with different types of drives during the construction of three directed wells at the Rumaila oil field of the Republic of Iraq were obtained. A regular increase in the mechanical penetration rate, which is explained by an increase in the bit rotation frequency, has been proved. According to the data obtained, a comparative analysis of the drilling indices was carried out, as a result of which the feasibility of joint use of top power drive with screw downhole motor at drilling oil and gas wells was proved

    Seroprevalence study of IgG and IgM Antibodies to Toxoplasma, Rubella, Cytomegalovirus, Chlamydia trachomatis and Herpes simplex II in Pregnancy women in Babylon Province

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    In this work 180 blood samples was collected from pregnant women in Babylon province, Babylon maternity and children hospital from October/2008 to April/2009. It revealed that TORCH infections was; Cytomegalovirus formed (CMV) 57.2% followed by Toxoplasma gondii 55.5% Rubella 53.9%, Herpes simplex II 28.9% and Chlamydia trachomatis 24.4%. Seroprevalence of Toxoplasma, Rubella, CMV, Chlamydia trachomatis and Herpes IgM Antibodies according to various obstetric losses showed that Abortions happened in all causes with high percentage (Over than 30%) except Herpes infections (less than 6%), while congenital anomalies and premature delivery formed high ratio with some different in some cases. Neonatal deaths are very low under 1% except in CMV infections which formed 4.9%. Distribution of age with type of infection according IgM Antibodies to Toxoplasma, Rubella, CMV, Chlamydia trachomatis and Herpes simplex revealed that major age group for infection was between <20 to 40 years which formed more than two third of all infection cases. Residential distribution with type of infection according IgM Antibodies shows that most infection occurred in rural area (over than 50% in all agents) except in Herpes simplex infections which formed 82.7% in urban area. TORCH (Toxoplasma gondii, Rubella, Cytomegalovirus and Herpes simplex) infections with incidence of abortion in pregnant women in this study revealed that First trimester was the highest ratio of infection than other two trimesters