1,489 research outputs found

    Automation of the Registration of Range Plant Images Using Geomagic Studio

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    As plant science advances, the quantitative measurement of 3D plant growth has become an essential tool to evaluate the growth performance of genetically modified seeds or plants. In the past, “wet volumes” had been used to quantitatively measure plant growth which result in the destruction of the plants. Other traditional methods like interferometry methods or mechanical methods are also inefficient because they are either invasive or unable to provide sufficient growth information of the plant body. On the other hand, computer vision methods, especially optical and range flow techniques, are non-contact, more accurate, and relatively less expensive. But they require a fixed light source for the experimental environment and also, higher acquisition rate for the data. In this thesis, unlike optical or range flow methods, we generate a number of 3D range scans of the Arabidopsis thaliana plant from different viewpoints to reconstruct 3D polygonal meshes of it. We use ShapeGrabber range sensor to acquire the scanned data and Geomagic Studio 12 CAD software to register these scans to produce 3D polygonal meshes. Then, the canopy surface area and 3D stem volume of the plant are computed from these meshes to determine its growth over a time cycle. To perform the registration process in Geomagic, 6 ping pong balls are used as reference spheres.However, because the laser scanner can only see the parts of an object that are visible from its viewpoint, the balls are imaged as semi-spheres in the original range images.But, Geomagic is unable to register multiple images with incomplete semi-sphere data and requires full spheres as target objects. Zhao (MSc UWO 2010) and Yang (MSc UWO 2009) manually replaced these semi-spheres with artificially generated spheres using Geomagic which is both tedious and error prone. Moreover, they manually rotated the images to find out the pair of spheres that matches in adjacent range scans and aligned them manually before performing the registration. Because of the manual nature of this processing, automation of the registration process is very desirable. Among the major contributions of this research are not only to automatically generate synthetic sphere data but also detect and localize the semi-spheres in the original range images using parameter estimation techniques and parametric equation of spheres. Additionally, we reconstruct the original range images by replacing the incomplete semi-sphere data with “perfect” full sphere data to aid Geomagic during the automatic detection of target objects. After this pre-processing, the modified images are automatically registered using Geomagic macros so that the 3D polygonal meshes found from the registration process can be used to measure plant growth quantitatively. We believe that the automation of the registration process is a good first step towards a fully automated system of 3D plant growth measurement

    A New Algorithm for Optimizing Dubins Paths to Intercept a Moving Target

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    This paper is concerned with determining the shortest path for a pursuer aiming to intercept a moving target travelling at a constant speed. We introduce an intuitive and efficient mathematical model outlined as an optimal control problem to address this challenge. The proposed model is based on Dubins path where we concatenate two possible paths: a left-circular curve or a right-circular curve followed by a straight line. We develop and explore this model, providing a comprehensive geometric interpretation, and design an algorithm tailored to implement the proposed mathematical approach efficiently. Extensive numerical experiments involving diverse target positions highlight the strength of the model. The method exhibits a remarkably high convergence rate in finding solutions. For experiment purposes, we utilized the modelling software AMPL, employing a range of solvers to solve the problem. Subsequently, we simulated the obtained solutions using MATLAB, demonstrating the efficiency of the model in intercepting a moving target. The proposed model distinguishes itself by employing fewer parameters and making fewer assumptions, setting the model simplifies the complexities, and thus, makes it easier for experts to design optimal path plans

    Effect of stocking density on growth performance of monosex tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) with Indian spinach (Basella alba) in a recirculating aquaponic system

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    An experiment was conducted to compare effect of stocking density on growth performance of monosex tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) with Indian spinach (Basella alba) in a recirculating aquaponic system. The experiment was set-up for 8 weeks under 4 treatments with three replications, where stocking density of tilapia were 30, 50, 70 and 90 fish/tank (300 litre) in treatments T1, T2, T3 and T4, respectively. Water from the tank was recirculated through a vegetable growing tray. Each of the tray was 0.15 m3in size, which was planted with 12 plants (Indian spinach). The fish of all the treatments was fed two times a day. During the experimental period,the range of water temperature was 27.1 to 31.50 C, pH 7.48 to 8.28, ammonia 0.2 to 2.0 mg/l and dissolve oxygen 5.11 to 6.58 mg/l. At the end of the experiment, average weight gain, final length, specific growth rate (%/day), survival rate was significantly higher in T1 (30 fish/tank) treatment while the net yield of fish and plant biomass was higher in T2 (50 fish/tank) treatment.Therefore, the study suggests that stocking density of 50 fish/tank for tilapia, i.e. 167 fish/m3, is suitable for production of both plant and fish in a recirculating aquaponic system

    Inset Fed Rectangular Patch Antenna Design for ISM Band Applications

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    Wireless communication systems rely on efficient and compact antennas to transmit and receive signals. Microstrip patch antennas have gained popularity due to their small size, low profile, and ease of fabrication. In this study, an inset fed microstrip rectangular patch antenna using a partial ground plane is designed for ISM band applications in the frequency range of 2.4 - 2.4835 GHz. The antenna is made on a low-cost FR4 substrate with a dielectric constant of 4.3 and a thickness of 1.6 mm. The dimensions of the antenna is 28.35 × 37.58  mm2. The antenna is fed by an inset feedline, which provides a compact and efficient feeding mechanism. The design of the antenna is carried out using CST Microwave Studio software. The performance of the antenna is evaluated based on various parameters such as return loss, bandwidth, VSWR, directivity, gain, and radiation pattern. The simulation results indicate that the proposed antenna achieves a return loss (S11) of -27.339 dB, a bandwidth of 0.01478 GHz (147.8 MHz), and a VSWR of 1.09. Additionally, the antenna provides a gain of 2.97 dBi, a directivity of 4.7 dBi, and an efficiency of -1.726 dB (67.20%). Overall, this design meets the requirements of decreased antenna size, lightweight, low profile, cost-effectiveness, simple manufacturing, and good performance for ISM band applications

    Digital transformation of higher education in Australia: Understanding affordance dynamics in E-Textbook engagement and use

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    This paper addresses digital transformation in higher education by exploring the engagement and use of e-textbooks through an affordance theory lens. Drawing on the insights from in-depth interviews (n = 18), focus group discussions (n = 15), a pilot survey (n = 83) and the main survey (n = 344) in Australia, we developed and validated an affordance actualisation model for the engagement and use of e-textbooks. The partial least squares (PLS) technique was used to validate the dimensions of affordance actualisation and its relationship with e-textbooks engagement and affordance effect. The findings indicate the efficacy of the two affordance constructs, as well as the significant mediating effect of engagement. An important lesson for the e-textbook industry is that firms need to consider affordance actualisation dimensions (i.e., portability, accessibility, searchability, highlighting, copying, browsing, hedonic and utilitarian value) when enhancing digital engagement and use of e-textbooks

    Comparable Efficacy of Some IPM Packages on the Suppression of Pod Borer (Euchrysops cnejus) in Yard Long Bean

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    A study was undertaken to evaluate the effectiveness of some IPM tools for the suppression of pod borer (Euchrysops cnejus) attacking yard long bean. The experiment was conducted at She-e-Bangla agricultural University, Sher-e-Bangla Nagar Dhaka, during March to September 2007 & comprised of nine treatments. Those were T1: Mechanical control   (hand picking of larvae) at 7 days interval; T2: Neem oil @ 5ml/ L of water at 7 days interval; T3 : Neem oil @ 5 ml /L of water + Mechanical control at 7 days interval; T4 : Suntap 50 SP@ 3 g /L of  water at7 days interval; T5 : suntap 50 SP @ 3 g /L of water +Mechanical control at 7days interval; T6 : Shobicron 425 EC @ 2 ml / L of water at 7 days inrterval ; T7: Shobicron 425 EC @ 2 ml /L of water +Mechanical control at 7 days interval; T8: Neem seed kernel @ 10 g /L of water + Mechanical control at 7 days interval & T9: Untreated control. Data recorded on infestation level, yield contributing characters & yield of yard long bean revealed that performance of treatment T3 (Neem oil @ 5 ml /L of water + Mechanical control at 7 days interval) was superior throughout the season as compared to others; the lowest performance in the control treatment (T9). The highest healthy pods by number (59.80) & by weight (993.87 g), similarly the lowest infestation per plant by number (7.06 %) & by weight (72.62 g) was recorded in T3 treatment. The highest healthy pod length (54.20 cm) the height length of edible portion (48.64 cm) of partially infested pod, the highest yield (22.15 ton /ha) was recorded in the T3 treatment; while the lowest healthy pod length (44.60 cm), lowest edible portion (30.11cm) of partially infested pod and the lowest yield (14.74 ton / ha) was recorded in the control treatment (T9). The highest benefit cost ratio (3.53) was recorded in the T3 treatment while the lowest benefit cost ratio (1.23) in T8 treatment

    Comparative Performance of Some Insecticides and Botanicals against Chilli Fruit Borer (Helicoverpa armigera)

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    : The study was carried out in the experimental field of Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University, Dhaka, Bangladesh during the period from February to June 2007 to determine the comparative efficacy of some chemical insecticides and botanicals against chilli fruit borer. The experiment comprised with twelve treatments and among them first six (T1-T6) were the application of insecticide and others (T7-T11) were botanicals. Treatments were T1: Sumicidin @ 6.0 ml/2 litre of water at 7 days interval; T2: Malathion @ 6.0 ml/2 litre of water at 7 days interval; T3: Ripcord @ 3.0 ml/2 litre of water at 7 days interval; T4: Marshal @ 6.0 ml/2 litre of water at 7 days interval; T5: Diazinon @ 6.0 ml/2 litre of water at 7 days interval; T6: Suntaf @ 2.5 ml/2 litre of water at 7 days interval; T7: Allamanda leaf extract @ 0.5 kg/2 litre of water at 7 days interval; T8: Neem leaf extract @ 0.5 kg/2 litre of water at 7 days interval; T9: Garlic clove extract @ 0.5 kg/2 litre of water at 7 days interval; T10: Ginger rhizome extract @ 0.5 kg/2 litre of water at 7 days interval; T11: Onion bulb extract @ 0.5 kg/2 litre of water at 7 days interval; T12: Untreated control. In total cropping season the lowest percentage of fruit infestation by number (5.72%) was recorded from the treatment T4 which was statistically similar (6.22%) with the treatment T8 and the highest (24.90%) was recorded from untreated control treatment which was closely followed (17.39%) by the treatment T5 and T11 (16.48%) and T10 (15.37%) respectively. Fruit infestation reduction over control by number estimated as the highest value (77.03%) was recorded from the treatment T4, while the lowest (30.16%) was recorded from T5 treatment. Fruit infestation reduction over control by weight was estimated and the highest value was (63.35%), recorded from the treatment T4, while the lowest (22.84%) reduction of fruit infestation over control was from the treatment T5. Highest weight of fruit yield (30.60 t/ha) was recorded from the treatment T4 and the lowest yield (24.48 t/ha) of fruit was recorded from untreated control treatment. Among different treatments as whole botanicals (T7-T11) were more effective than those of the chemicals insecticides (T1-T6)

    Efficient Cell Phone Keypad Designing for Bangla SMS Using English Alphabets

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    Mobile phone networks are increasingly supporting the transmission of textual message between individuals. In this paper we have introduced a new approach that will enhance the speed of typing process in Bangla by using English mobile keypad. An example of making Bangla sentences using English keypad could be “Ami valo achiâ€. Traditional cell phone keypad is not suitable for Bangla typing using English alphabets and number of key pressing is high to make such Bangla SMS (Short Message Service). The proposed approach has been explored to speed up the typing process in Bangla using English alphabets. The alphabets are rearranged according to the priority of frequencies. The frequency of alphabet is appeared by most used letter in SMS. The letters which are mostly used are recognized as higher frequency. The proposed design consumes less time for typing Bangla SMS using English letter format. Keywords: Mobile keypad, unitap, multitap, Bangla SMS, frequency
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