6,230 research outputs found

    Signal modeling of high-purity Ge detectors with a small read-out electrode and application to neutrinoless double beta decay search in Ge-76

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    The GERDA experiment searches for the neutrinoless double beta decay of Ge-76 using high-purity germanium detectors enriched in Ge-76. The analysis of the signal time structure provides a powerful tool to identify neutrinoless double beta decay events and to discriminate them from gamma-ray induced backgrounds. Enhanced pulse shape discrimination capabilities of "Broad Energy Germanium" detectors with a small read-out electrode have been recently reported. This paper describes the full simulation of the response of such a detector, including the Monte Carlo modeling of radiation interaction and subsequent signal shape calculation. A pulse shape discrimination method based on the ratio between the maximum current signal amplitude and the event energy applied to the simulated data shows quantitative agreement with the experimental data acquired with calibration sources. The simulation has been used to study the survival probabilities of the decays which occur inside the detector volume and are difficult to assess experimentally. Such internal decay events are produced by the cosmogenic radio-isotopes Ge-68 and Co-60 and the neutrinoless double beta decay of Ge-76. Fixing the experimental acceptance of the double escape peak of the 2.614 MeV photon to 90%, the estimated survival probabilities at Qbb = 2.039 MeV are (86+-3)% for Ge-76 neutrinoless double beta decays, (4.5+-0.3)% for the Ge-68 daughter Ga-68, and (0.9+0.4-0.2)% for Co-60 decays.Comment: 27 pages, 17 figures. v2: fixed typos and references. Submitted to JINS

    Spectrum of the gauge Ising model in three dimensions

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    We present a high precision Monte Carlo study of the spectrum of the Ising gauge theory in three dimensions in the confining phase. Using state of the art Monte Carlo techniques we are able to accurately determine up to three masses in a single channel. We compare our results with the SU(2) spectrum and with the prediction of the Isgur-Paton model. Our data strongly support the conjecture that the glueball spectrum is described by some type of flux tube model. We also compare the spectrum with some recent results for the correlation length in the 3d spin Ising model. This analysis sheds light on some nontrivial features of the duality transformation.Comment: Talk given at LATTICE9

    Etude des meĢcanismes impliqueĢs dans le deĢveloppement d'une insuffisance mitrale fonctionnelle lors de Cardiopathie dilateĢe

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    Introduction : Le deĢveloppement d'une insuffisance mitrale fonctionnelle seĢveĢ€re est un facteur de mauvais pronostic dans l'eĢvolution de toute cardiopathie dilateĢe (CD). Cette insuffisance est la conseĢquence d'une modification de la geĢomeĢtrie du myocarde aboutissant aĢ€ une perte de coaptation des feuillets mitraux. Si on se base sur la litteĢrature, les deux meĢcanismes principalement incrimineĢs sont le remodelage ventriculaire (VG) et la dilatation de l'oreillette gauche(OG).NeĢanmoins, l'importance relative de chacun de ces meĢcanismes n'est que mal connu. A l'eĢ€re du deĢveloppement de nouvelles approches theĢrapeutiques percutaneĢes, il nous a sembleĢ inteĢressant d'eĢtudier plus en deĢtail les facteurs morphologiques associeĢs aĢ€ la preĢsence d'une insuffisance mitrale fonctionnelle significative dans la CD d'origine ischeĢmique ou non ischeĢmique, dans le but de mieux cibler les interventions theĢrapeutiques en fonction du meĢcanisme de la valvulopathie. MeĢthode : Sur la base des archives du laboratoire d'eĢchocardiographie du CHUV, les patients reĢpondant aĢ€ la deĢfinition eĢchocardiographique de la CD, soit un volume teĢleĢdiastolique du ventricule gauche > 75cc/m2 et une fraction d'eĢjection infeĢrieure aĢ€ 45% ont eĢteĢ reĢtrospectivement identifieĢs. Seuls les examens eĢchocardiographiques de bonnes qualiteĢs ont eĢteĢ inclus dans l'analyse. Les parameĢ€tres cliniques de bases ainsi que les mesures eĢchocardiographiques incluant les volumes du ventricule et de l'oreillette gauches, ainsi que la mesure quantitiative de l'orifice reĢgurgitant de l'insuffisance mitrale (ERO) ont eĢteĢ recueillis pour tous les patients. Le diagnostic d'insuffisance mitrale fonctionnelle seĢveĢ€re eĢtait retenu en preĢsence d'un ERO>20 mm2. Les caracteĢristiques de base des patients ont eĢteĢ compareĢs en fonction du type de CD (ischeĢmique vs non-ischeĢmique) et les parameĢ€tres eĢchocardiographiques significativement correĢleĢs aĢ€ la preĢsence d'une insuffisance mitrale seĢveĢ€re ont eĢteĢ deĢtermineĢs dans chacun des deux groupes par reĢgression lineĢaire. ReĢsultats : 852 patients remplissant les criteĢ€res d'inclusion ont eĢteĢ identifieĢs, desquels 100 patients conseĢcutifs avec CD ischeĢmique et 100 patients conseĢcutifs avec CD non-ischeĢmique ont eĢteĢ retenus pour analyse. La preĢvalence d'une IM seĢveĢ€re eĢtait similaire dans les deux groupes, de 25% et 24% respectivement (p=ns). Par rapport aux CD ischeĢmiques, les patients atteints de CD non-ischeĢmiques eĢtaient moins aĢ‚geĢs (61Ā±16 vs 68Ā±12 ans, p<0.01) et eĢtaient moins freĢquemment de sexe masculin (67% vs 90%, p<0.001). Parmi les caracteĢristique eĢchocardiographiques, les patients avec CD non- ischeĢmiques preĢsentaient un volume ventriculaire diastolique (125Ā±46 vs 115Ā±32 ml/m2, p=0.05) et systolique (166Ā±83 vs147Ā±58, p=0.05) plus important tandis que la fraction d'eĢjection (29Ā±9% vs 31Ā±8%, p=ns) et le volume de l'oreillette gauche (95Ā±45 vs 89Ā±33, p=ns) eĢtaient comparables. En analyse multivarieĢe, les facteurs indeĢpendamment associeĢs aĢ€ l'IM seĢveĢ€re eĢtaient le volume de l'OG (coeff -0.001 ; 95%-CI 0.0004/0.002 ; p<0.01) et l'eĢpaisseur de la paroi posteĢrieure (coeff -0.29 ; 95%- CI -0.49/-0.1 ; p<0.01) dans la CD non ischeĢmique, et l'aire de tenting de la valve (coeff 0.03 ; 95%-CI 0.002/0.06 ; p<0.05) dans la CD ischeĢmique. Conclusion : Cette analyse reĢtrospective monocentrique indique une preĢvalence eĢleveĢe d'IM seĢveĢ€re associeĢe aĢ€ la CD tant ischeĢmique que non-ischeĢmique. Bien qu'une dilatation seĢveĢ€re du VG et de l'OG soient retrouveĢe dans les deux types de CD, l'IM seĢveĢ€re correĢ€le le plus significativement avec la dilatation de l'OG dans la CD non-ischeĢmique, suggeĢrant une importance particulieĢ€re de la dilatation de l'anneau. A l'inverse, c'est l'aire de tenting de la valve qui apparaiĢ‚t le plus significativement correĢleĢ aĢ€ l'IM seĢveĢ€re dans la CD ischeĢmique, faisant supposer un roĢ‚le plus important du remodelage - local ou global - du ventricule gauche. La force de ces correĢlations est toutefois peu importante dans cette population non-seĢlectionneĢe et ne permet que de geĢneĢrer des hypotheĢ€ses. Leur relevance clinique reste donc incertaine

    TL1A/DR3 axis involvement in the inflammatory cytokine network during pulmonary sarcoidosis

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    BACKGROUND: TNF-like ligand 1A (TL1A), a recently recognized member of the TNF superfamily, and its death domain receptor 3 (DR3), firstly identified for their relevant role in T lymphocyte homeostasis, are now well-known mediators of several immune-inflammatory diseases, ranging from rheumatoid arthritis to inflammatory bowel diseases to psoriasis, whereas no data are available on their involvement in sarcoidosis, a multisystemic granulomatous disease where a deregulated T helper (Th)1/Th17 response takes place. METHODS: In this study, by flow cytometry, real-time PCR, confocal microscopy and immunohistochemistry analyses, TL1A and DR3 were investigated in the pulmonary cells and the peripheral blood of 43 patients affected by sarcoidosis in different phases of the disease (29 patients with active sarcoidosis, 14 with the inactive form) and in 8 control subjects. RESULTS: Our results demonstrated a significant higher expression, both at protein and mRNA levels, of TL1A and DR3 in pulmonary T cells and alveolar macrophages of patients with active sarcoidosis as compared to patients with the inactive form of the disease and to controls. In patients with sarcoidosis TL1A was strongly more expressed in the lung than the blood, i.e., at the site of the involved organ. Additionally, zymography assays showed that TL1A is able to increase the production of matrix metalloproteinase 9 by sarcoid alveolar macrophages characterized, in patients with the active form of the disease, by reduced mRNA levels of the tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase (TIMP)-1. CONCLUSIONS: These data suggest that TL1A/DR3 interactions are part of the extended and complex immune-inflammatory network that characterizes sarcoidosis during its active phase and may contribute to the pathogenesis and to the progression of the disease

    About the parabolic relation existing between the skewness and the kurtosis in time series of experimental data

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    In this work we investigate the origin of the parabolic relation between skewness and kurtosis often encountered in the analysis of experimental time-series. We argue that the numerical values of the coefficients of the curve may provide informations about the specific physics of the system studied, whereas the analytical curve per se is a fairly general consequence of a few constraints expected to hold for most systems.Comment: To appear in Physica Script

    Self-reported gait unsteadiness in mildly impaired neurological patients: an objective assessment through statistical gait analysis

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    Background Self-reported gait unsteadiness is often a problem in neurological patients without any clinical evidence of ataxia, because it leads to reduced activity and limitations in function. However, in the literature there are only a few papers that address this disorder. The aim of this study is to identify objectively subclinical abnormal gait strategies in these patients. Methods Eleven patients affected by self-reported unsteadiness during gait (4 TBI and 7 MS) and ten healthy subjects underwent gait analysis while walking back and forth on a 15-m long corridor. Time-distance parameters, ankle sagittal motion, and muscular activity during gait were acquired by a wearable gait analysis system (Step32, DemItalia, Italy) on a high number of successive strides in the same walk and statistically processed. Both self-selected gait speed and high speed were tested under relatively unconstrained conditions. Non-parametric statistical analysis (Mann-Whitney, Wilcoxon tests) was carried out on the means of the data of the two examined groups. Results The main findings, with data adjusted for velocity of progression, show that increased double support and reduced velocity of progression are the main parameters to discriminate patients with self-reported unsteadiness from healthy controls. Muscular intervals of activation showed a significant increase in the activity duration of the Rectus Femoris and Tibialis Anterior in patients with respect to the control group at high speed. Conclusions Patients with a subjective sensation of instability, not clinically documented, walk with altered strategies, especially at high gait speed. This is thought to depend on the mechanisms of postural control and coordination. The gait anomalies detected might explain the symptoms reported by the patients and allow for a more focused treatment design. The wearable gait analysis system used for long distance statistical walking assessment was able to detect subtle differences in functional performance monitoring, otherwise not detectable by common clinical examination

    Statistical methods applied to the search of sterile neutrinos

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    The frequentist statistical methods applied to search for short-baseline neutrino oscillations induced by a sterile neutrino with mass at the eV scale are reviewed and compared. The comparison is performed under limit setting and signal discovery scenarios, considering both when an oscillation would enhance the neutrino interaction rate in the detector and when it would reduce it. The sensitivity of the experiments and the confidence regions extracted for specific data sets change considerably according to which test statistic is used and the assumptions on its probability distribution. A standardized analysis approach based on the most general kind of hypothesis test is proposed

    Comprehensive measurement of pp-chain solar neutrinos

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    About 99 per cent of solar energy is produced through sequences of nuclear reactions that convert hydrogen into helium, starting from the fusion of two protons (the pp chain). The neutrinos emitted by five of these reactions represent a unique probe of the Sun's internal working and, at the same time, offer an intense natural neutrino beam for fundamental physics. Here we report a complete study of the pp chain. We measure the neutrinoā€“electron elastic-scattering rates for neutrinos produced by four reactions of the chain: the initial protonā€“proton fusion, the electron-capture decay of beryllium-7, the three-body protonā€“electronā€“proton (pep) fusion, here measured with the highest precision so far achieved, and the boron-8 beta decay, measured with the lowest energy threshold. We also set a limit on the neutrino flux produced by the 3 Heā€“proton fusion (hep). These measurements provide a direct determination of the relative intensity of the two primary terminations of the pp chain (pp-I and pp-II) and an indication that the temperature profile in the Sun is more compatible with solar models that assume high surface metallicity. We also determine the survival probability of solar electron neutrinos at different energies, thus probing simultaneously and with high precision the neutrino flavour-conversion paradigm, both in vacuum and in matter-dominated regimes
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