1,084 research outputs found

    Numerical analysis of tangential slot blowing on a generic chined forebody

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    A numerical study is performed to investigate the effects of tangential slot blowing on a generic chined forebody. The Reynolds-averaged, thin-layer, Navier-Stokes equations are solved to obtain the high-angle-of-attack viscous flow field about a generic chined forebody. Tangential slot blowing is investigated as a means of forebody flow control to generate side force and yawing moment on the forebody. The effects of jet mass flow ratios, angle of attack, and blowing slot location in the axial and circumferential directions are studied. The computed results are compared with available wind tunnel experimental data. The solutions with and without blowing are also analyzed using helicity density contours, surface flow patterns, and off-surface instantaneous streamlines. The results of this analysis provide details of the flow field about the generic chined forebody, as well as show that tangential slot blowing can be used as a means of forebody flow control to generate side force and yawing moment

    Nonlinear modes in the harmonic PT-symmetric potential

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    We study the families of nonlinear modes described by the nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation with the PT-symmetric harmonic potential x2−2iαxx^2-2i\alpha x. The found nonlinear modes display a number of interesting features. In particular, we have observed that the modes, bifurcating from the different eigenstates of the underlying linear problem, can actually belong to the same family of nonlinear modes. We also show that by proper adjustment of the coefficient α\alpha it is possible to enhance stability of small-amplitude and strongly nonlinear modes comparing to the well-studied case of the real harmonic potential.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures; accepted to Phys. Rev.

    Energy Resource Transportation Governance: Case Studies of The Alberta Oil Sands and The Argentinian Vaca Muerta Shale Oil Fields

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    In recent years, there has been increasing focus on the economic and other benefits of the development of “unconventional” sources of oil—resources that cannot be produced using traditional production techniques—partly due to the increased scarcity of conventional oil reserves. This paper compares and contrasts unconventional oil resources in Canada and Argentina. Canada has deposits of bitumen known as oil sands/tar sands. Bitumen is “a thick, sticky form of crude oil that is so heavy and viscous that it will not flow unless it is heated or diluted with lighter hydrocarbons” (Government of Alberta 2009), and when mixed with sand and clay, is known as the oil sands. In Argentina there are shale oil formations, which is crude oil found in low-permeability rock formations. The unconventional hydrocarbons in Canada (the oil sands) and Argentina (shale oil) are significant resources for both countries, especially when compared with their conventional reserves. Though the institutional structure is different in both countries—Canada’s oil and gas and transportation companies are privately-owned, whereas in Argentina, they are partially government owned—the rhetoric of the discussions seems to be similar in both countries: many are in favor of development due to the significance of the economic benefits. However, in both countries, the development of transport infrastructure has been hindered by different factors, on environmental grounds, notably with regard to concerns regarding greenhouse gas emissions (in Canada) and lacking sufficient planning capabilities and institutional framework for long-term investments such as railroads (in Argentina)

    The Land Cadastre in Italy and some fiscal implications: a case study

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    The Land Cadastre, as an inventory of all relevant real estate in a territory, and most importantly, as a national tax system is, or at least should be, the protago-nist of fiscal, social and civil implications affecting the Italian context. According to unitary farmland incomes, the last revision dates back to 1978-1979, a period that no longer reflects the country’s current socioeconomic situation and does not consider the changes the land market has undergone over the years. Through the analysis of 183 purchases and sales of agricultural land in two districts in western Sicily, this research aims at verifying the adequacy or inadequacy of the current cadastral tariffs. Based on the prices surveyed and the cadastral farmland incomes, some indicators were constructed showing, on the one hand the absence of a strict correspondence between these two values and on the other hand the actual presence of fiscal ine-quality for all the crop qualities examined; and, consequently, the need for revising cadastral tariffs or for reforming tax system of Italian Cadastre by replacing tariffs with market values

    JIST: just-in-time scheduling translation for parallel processors

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    The application fields of bytecode virtual machines and VLIW processors overlap in the area of embedded and mobile systems, where the two technologies offer different benefits, namely high code portability, low power consumption and reduced hardware cost. Dynamic compilation makes it possible to bridge the gap between the two technologies, but special attention must be paid to software instruction scheduling, a must for the VLIW architectures. We have implemented JIST, a Virtual Machine and JIT compiler for Java Bytecode targeted to a VLIW processor. We show the impact of various optimizations on the performance of code compiled with JIST through the experimental study on a set of benchmark programs. We report significant speedups, and increments in the number of instructions issued per cycle up to 50% with respect to the non-scheduling version of the JITcompiler. Further optimizations are discussed

    Computational Investigation of Tangential Slot Blowing on a Generic Chined Forebody

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    The effect of tangential slot blowing on the flowfield about a generic chined forebody at high angles of attack is investigated numerically using solutions of the thin-layer, Reynolds-averaged, Navier-Stokes equations. The effects of jet mass now ratios, angle of attack, and blowing slot location in the axial and circumferential directions are studied. The computed results compare well with available wind-tunnel experimental data. Computational results show that for a given mass now rate, the yawing moments generated by slot blowing increase as the body angle of attack increases. It is observed that greater changes in the yawing moments are produced by a slot located closest to the lip of the nose. Also, computational solutions show that inboard blowing across the top surface is more effective at generating yawing moments than blowing outboard from the bottom surface

    Upper critical field study in the organic superconductor β′′\beta''-(ET)2_{2}SF5_{5}CH2_{2}CF2_{2}SO3_{3} : Possibility of Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov state

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    We report upper critical field measurements in the metal-free-all-organic superconductor β′′\beta''-(ET)2_{2}SF5_{5}CH2_{2}CF2_{2}SO3_{3} obtained from measuring the in-plane penetration depth using the tunnel diode oscillator technique. For magnetic field applied parallel to the conducting planes the low temperature upper critical fields are found to exceed the Pauli limiting field calculated by using a semi-empirical method. Furthermore, we found a signature that could be the phase transition between the superconducting vortex state and the Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov state in the form of a kink just below the upper critical field and only at temperatures below 1.23 K.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figure

    Water driven adsorption of amino acids on the (101) anatase TiO2 surface: an ab initio study

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    Arg, Lys and Asp amino acids are known to play a critical role in the adhesion of the RKLPDA engineered peptide on the (101) surface of the titania anatase phase. To understand their contribution to peptide adhesion, we have considered the relevant charge states due to protonation (Arg and Lys) or deprotonation (Asp) occurring in neutral water solution, and studied their adsorption on the (101) anatase TiO2 surface by ab initio total energy calculations based on density functional theory. The adsorption configurations on the hydrated surface are compared to those on the dry surface considering also the presence of the hydration shell around amino acid side-chains. This study explains how water molecules mediate the adsorption of charged amino acids showing that protonated amino acids are chemically adsorbed much more strongly than de-protonated Asp. Moreover it is shown that the polar screening of the hydration shell reduces the adsorption energy of the protonated amino acids to a small extent, thus evidencing that both Arg and Lys strongly adhere on the (101) anatase TiO2 surface in neutral water solution and that they play a major role in the adhesion of the RKLPDA peptide
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