3,819 research outputs found

    Dispersive spherical optical model of neutron scattering from Al27 up to 250 MeV

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    A spherical optical model potential (OMP) containing a dispersive term is used to fit the available experimental database of angular distribution and total cross section data for n + Al27 covering the energy range 0.1- 250 MeV using relativistic kinematics and a relativistic extension of the Schroedinger equation. A dispersive OMP with parameters that show a smooth energy dependence and energy independent geometry are determined from fits to the entire data set. A very good overall agreement between experimental data and predictions is achieved up to 150 MeV. Inclusion of nonlocality effects in the absorptive volume potential allows to achieve an excellent agreement up to 250 MeV.Comment: 13 figures (11 eps and 2 jpg), 3 table

    Characterization of dynamical regimes and entanglement sudden death in a microcavity quantum - dot system

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    The relation between the dynamical regimes (weak and strong coupling) and entanglement for a dissipative quantum - dot microcavity system is studied. In the framework of a phenomenological temperature model an analysis in both, temporal (population dynamics) and frequency domain (photoluminescence) is carried out in order to identify the associated dynamical behavior. The Wigner function and concurrence are employed to quantify the entanglement in each regime. We find that sudden death of entanglement is a typical characteristic of the strong coupling regime.Comment: To appear in Journal of Physics: Condensed Matte

    Theory and simulation of the dynamics, deformation, and breakup of a chain of superparamagnetic beads under a rotating magnetic field

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    In this work, an analytical model for the behavior of superparamagnetic chains under the effect of a rotating magnetic field is presented. It is postulated that the relevant mechanisms for describing the shape and breakup of the chains into smaller fragments are the induced dipole-dipole magnetic force on the external beads, their translational and rotational drag forces, and the tangential lubrication between particles. Under this assumption, the characteristic S-shape of the chain can be qualitatively understood. Furthermore, based on a straight chain approximation, a novel analytical expression for the critical frequency for the chain breakup is obtained. In order to validate the model, the analytical expressions are compared with full three-dimensional smoothed particle hydrodynamics simulations of magnetic beads showing excellent agreement. Comparison with previous theoretical results and experimental data is also reported

    Normal lubrication force between spherical particles immersed in a shear-thickening fluid

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    In this work, the inverse bi-viscous model [Physics of Fluids 29, 103104 (2017)] is used to describe a shear-thickening fluid. An analytical velocity profile in a planar Poiseuille flow is utilized to calculate an approximate solution to the generalized lubrication force between two close spheres interacting hydrodynamically in such a medium. This approximate analytical expression is compared to the exact numerical solution.The flow topology of the shear-thickening transition within the interparticle gap is also shown and discussed in relation to the behaviour of the lubrication force. The present result can allow in the future to perform numerical simulations of dense particle suspensions immersed in a shear-thickening matrix based on an effective lubrication force acting between pairwise interacting particles. This model may find additional value in representing experimental systems consisting of suspensions in shear thickening media, polymer coated suspensions, and industrial systems such as concrete

    A conservative lubrication dynamics method for the simulation of dense non-colloidal suspensions with particle spin

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    In this paper, a novel Fast Lubrication Dynamics method that can efficiently simulate dense non-colloidal suspensions is proposed. To reduce the computational cost in the presented methodology, interparticle lubrication-based forces and torques alone are considered together with a short-range repulsion to enforce finite inter-particle separation due to surface roughness, Brownian forces or other excluded volume effects. Given that the lubrication forces are singular, i.e. scaling inversely with the inter-particle gap, the strategy to expedite the calculations is severely compromised if explicit integration schemes are used, especially at high concentrations. To overcome this issue, an efficient semi-implicit splitting integration scheme to solve for the particles translational and rotational velocities is presented. To validate the proposed methodology, a suspension under simple shear test is simulated in three dimensions and its rheology is compared against benchmark results. To demonstrate the stability/speed-up in the calculations, performance of the proposed semi-implicit scheme is compared against a classical explicit Velocity-Verlet scheme. The predicted viscometric functions for a non-colloidal suspension with a Newtonian matrix are in excellent agreement with the reference data from the literature. Moreover, the presented semi-implicit algorithm is found to be significantly faster than the classical lubrication dynamics methods with Velocity-Verlet integration schemes

    Numerical investigation of the rheological behavior of a dense particle suspension in a biviscous matrix using a lubrication dynamics method

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    This paper presents a numerical approach to predict the rheology of dense non-colloidal suspensions with a biviscous matrix. A biviscous matrix is characterized as a fluid with two shear rate dependent viscosities i.e. one above and below a critical shear rate γ˙c\dot{\gamma}_c . The methodology is based on the lubrication dynamics which dominantly influence the suspension properties at high values of particle concentration. To efficiently handle the singular lubrication forces in the dense suspensions, a semi-implicit splitting integration scheme is employed. Using the presented approach, three dimensional simulations were performed and the predicted rheology of the suspension with a biviscous matrix is discussed under two regimes: (a) γ˙c\dot{\gamma}_c larger than the macroscopic applied shear rate where fluid slippage effect can be modeled in terms of the non-Newtonian properties of the matrix, and (2) γ˙c\dot{\gamma}_c smaller than the macroscopic applied shear rate where a biviscous model can be seen as a regularization of an apparent yield stress matrix. The results obtained at high γ˙c\dot{\gamma}_c show that the shear thinning of the biviscous matrix in the inter-particle gaps, which can be interpreted as an apparent fluid slipping on the particle surface, provides an alternative mechanism to explain the experimentally observed shear-thinning of non-colloidal suspension with Newtonian matrices. At low γ̇c values, the predicted suspension properties and its microstructure corroborates the available experimental results on suspensions with yield stress fluids

    Apparent slip mechanism between two spheres based on solvent rheology: Theory and implication for the shear thinning of non-Brownian suspensions

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    Analytical results for the apparent slip between two spheres in a simple biviscous model of a shear thinning fluid are presented. Velocity profiles and apparent slip lengths along the surfaces are analyzed in order to characterize the physical mechanism. It is shown that in this non-Newtonian model, the effect of shear-thinning limited to high-shear rates in the interstitial regions between close spheres can be alternatively interpreted as the onset of an apparent shear-rate dependent slippage effect. The results of the theory compare well with experiments from the literature showing the presence of surface slip on a particle approaching a planar wall. In terms of implications on suspensions rheology, the present results bridge the ’hidden’ solvent shear-thinning theory [A. Va ́zquez-Quesada et al. , Phys. Rev. Lett., 117, 108001-5 (2016)] with slip-based models presented recently in [M. Kroupa et al., Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 19, 5979-5984 (2017)] as a possible explanation on the mechanism behind the shear-thinning in hard-sphere non-Brownian suspensions