12,205 research outputs found

    Cluster Dynamical Mean-Field Methods for d-wave Superconductors: the Role of Geometry

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    We compare the accuracy of two cluster extensions of Dynamical Mean-Field Theory in describing d-wave superconductors, using as a reference model a saddle-point t-J model which can be solved exactly in the thermodynamic limit and at the same time reasonably describes the properties of high-temperature superconductors. The two methods are Cellular Dynamical Mean-Field Theory, which is based on a real-space perspective, and Dynamical Cluster Approximation, which enforces a momentum-space picture by imposing periodic boundary conditions on the cluster, as opposed to the open boundary conditions of the first method. We consider the scaling of the methods for large cluster size, but we also focus on the behavior for small clusters, such as those accessible by means of present techniques, with particular emphasis on the geometrical structure, which is definitely a relevant issue in small clusters.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figure

    Streamline integration as a method for structured grid generation in X-point geometry

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    We investigate structured grids aligned to the contours of a two-dimensional flux-function with an X-point (saddle point). Our theoretical analysis finds that orthogonal grids exist if and only if the Laplacian of the flux-function vanishes at the X-point. In general, this condition is sufficient for the existence of a structured aligned grid with an X-point. With the help of streamline integration we then propose a numerical grid construction algorithm. In a suitably chosen monitor metric the Laplacian of the flux-function vanishes at the X-point such that a grid construction is possible. We study the convergence of the solution to elliptic equations on the proposed grid. The diverging volume element and cell sizes at the X-point reduce the convergence rate. As a consequence, the proposed grid should be used with grid refinement around the X-point in practical applications. We show that grid refinement in the cells neighboring the X-point restores the expected convergence rate

    The influence of temperature dynamics and dynamic finite ion Larmor radius effects on seeded high amplitude plasma blobs

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    Thermal effects on the perpendicular convection of seeded pressure blobs in the scrape-off layer of magnetised fusion plasmas are investigated. Our numerical study is based on a four field full-F gyrofluid model, which entails the consistent description of high fluctuation amplitudes and dynamic finite Larmor radius effects. We find that the maximal radial blob velocity increases with the square root of the initial pressure perturbation and that a finite Larmor radius contributes to highly compact blob structures that propagate in the poloidal direction. An extensive parameter study reveals that a smooth transition to this compact blob regime occurs when the finite Larmor radius effect strength, defined by the ratio of the magnetic field aligned component of the ion diamagnetic to the E×B\vec{E}\times\vec{B} vorticity, exceeds unity. The maximal radial blob velocities agree excellently with the inertial velocity scaling law over more than an order of magnitude. We show that the finite Larmor radius effect strength affects the poloidal and total particle transport and present an empirical scaling law for the poloidal and total blob velocities. Distinctions to the blob behaviour in the isothermal limit with constant finite Larmor radius effects are highlighted

    Kinks: Fingerprints of strong electronic correlations

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    The textbook knowledge of solid state physics is that the electronic specific heat shows a linear temperature dependence with the leading corrections being a cubic term due to phonons and a cubic-logarithmic term due to the interaction of electrons with bosons. We have shown that this longstanding conception needs to be supplemented since the generic behavior of the low-temperature electronic specific heat includes a kink if the electrons are sufficiently strongly correlatedComment: 4 pages, 1 figure, ICM 2009 conference proceedings (to appear in Journal of Physics: Conference Series

    Pressure-induced metal-insulator transition in LaMnO3 is not of Mott-Hubbard type

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    Calculations employing the local density approximation combined with static and dynamical mean-field theories (LDA+U and LDA+DMFT) indicate that the metal-insulator transition observed at 32 GPa in paramagnetic LaMnO3 at room temperature is not a Mott-Hubbard transition, but is caused by orbital splitting of the majority-spin eg bands. For LaMnO3 to be insulating at pressures below 32 GPa, both on-site Coulomb repulsion and Jahn-Teller distortion are needed.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Signature of antiferromagnetic long-range order in the optical spectrum of strongly correlated electron systems

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    We show how the onset of a non-Slater antiferromagnetic ordering in a correlated material can be detected by optical spectroscopy. Using dynamical mean-field theory we identify two distinctive features: The antiferromagnetic ordering is associated with an enhanced spectral weight above the optical gap, and well separated spin-polaron peaks emerge in the optical spectrum. Both features are indeed observed in LaSrMnO_4 [G\"ossling et al., Phys. Rev. B 77, 035109 (2008)]Comment: 11 pages, 9 figure