6,097 research outputs found

    Anisotropic flow of strange particles at RHIC

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    Space-time picture of the anisotropic flow evolution in Au+Au collisions at BNL RHIC is studied for strange hadrons within the microscopic quark-gluon string model. The directed flow of both mesons and hyperons demonstrates wiggle structure with the universal antiflow slope at |y| < 2 for minimum bias events. This effect increases as the reaction becomes more peripheral. The development of both components of the anisotropic flow is closely related to particle freeze-out. Hadrons are emitted continuously, and different hadronic species are decoupled from the system at different times. These hadrons contribute differently to the formation and evolution of the elliptic flow, which can be decomposed onto three components: (i) flow created by hadrons emitted from the surface at the onset of the collision; (ii) flow produced by jets; (iii) hydrodynamic flow. Due to these features, the general trend in elliptic flow formation is that the earlier mesons are frozen, the weaker their elliptic flow. In contrast, baryons frozen at the end of the system evolution have stronger v2.Comment: proceedings of the conference SQM2004 (September 2004, Cape Town, South Africa

    Partonic effects on anisotropic flows at RHIC

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    We report recent results from a multiphase transport (AMPT) model on the azimuthal anisotropies of particle momentum distributions in heavy ion collisions at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider. These include higher-order anisotropic flows and their scaling, the rapidity dependence of anisotropic flows, and the elliptic flow of charm quarks.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, talk given at "Hot Quarks 2004", July 18-24, 2004, Taos Valley, NM, US

    Anisotropic flows from initial state of a fast nucleus

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    We analyze azimuthal anisotropy in heavy ion collisions related to the reaction plane in terms of standard reggeon approach and find that it is nonzero even when the final state interaction is switched off. This effect can be interpreted in terms of partonic structure of colliding nuclei. We use Feynman diagram analysis to describe details of this mechanism. Main qualitative features of the appropriate azimuthal correlations are discussed.Comment: 16 pages, 11 figures. This paper is an extended version of a talk given at Session of Nuclear Physics Division of Russian Academy of Sciences in November 200

    Overview of experimental results in PbPb collisions at sqrt{s_NN} = 2.76 TeV by the CMS Collaboration

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    The CMS experiment at the LHC is a general-purpose apparatus with a set of large acceptance and high granularity detectors for hadrons, electrons, photons and muons, providing unique capabilities for both proton-proton and ion-ion collisions. The data collected during the November 2010 PbPb run at sqrt{s_NN} = 2.76 TeV was analyzed and multiple measurements of the properties of the hot and dense matter were obtained. Global event properties, detailed study of jet production and jet properties, isolated photons, quarkonia and weak bosons were measured and compared to pp data and Monte Carlo simulations.Comment: 8 pages, 10 figures, proceedings for Quark Matter 2011, Annecy, France, May 23-28, 201

    Directed and Elliptic Flow at RHIC

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    We present the directed flow measurement (v1v_1) from Au+Au collisions at \sqrtsNN = 62 GeV. Over the pseudorapidity range we have studied, which covers η\eta from -1.2 to 1.2 and 2.4<η<42.4 < |\eta| < 4, the magnitude of v1v_1 for charged particles is found to increase monotonously with pseudorapidity for all centralities. No ``v1v_1 wiggle'', as predicted by various theoretical models, is observed at midrapidity. Elliptic flow (v2v_2) from moderate high ptp_t particles (36GeV/c3-6 GeV/c) at \sqrtsNN = 200 GeV is presented as a function of impact parameter. It is found that models that are based on {\it jet quenching} alone appear to underpredict v2v_2 at moderate high ptp_t, while the model that incorporates both, recombination and fragmentation, describes the data better.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures. Proceeding for Hot Quark 04 conference Changes in the revision are mostly English fixes. v1 versus eta plot is flipped over to follow the conventio

    Phase diversity restoration of sunspot images I. Relations between penumbral and photospheric features

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    We investigate the dynamics of and the relations between small-scale penumbral and photospheric features near the outer penumbral boundary: penumbral grains (PGs), dark penumbral fibrils, granules, and photospheric G-band bright points. The analysis is based on a 2 h time sequence of a sunspot close to disc center, taken simultaneously in the G-band and in the blue continuum at 450.7 nm. Observations were performed at the Swedish Vacuum Solar Telescope (La Palma) in July 1999. A total of 2564 images (46 arcsec x 75 arcsec) were corrected for telescope aberrations and turbulence perturbations by applying the inversion method of phase diversity. Our findings can by summarized as follows: (a) One third of the outward-moving PGs pass through the outer penumbral boundary and then either continue moving as small bright features or expand and develop into granules. (b) Former PGs and G-band bright points next to the spot reveal a different nature. The latter have not been identified as a continuation of PGs escaping from the penumbra. The G-band bright points are mostly born close to dark penumbral fibrils where the magnetic field is strong, whereas PGs stem from the less-magnetized penumbral component and evolve presumably to non-magnetic granules or small bright features.Comment: Accepted by A&A, 9 pages and 5 figure

    Bulk properties and flow

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    In this report, I summarize the experimental results on {\bf bulk properties and flow} presented at Quark Matter 2004. It is organized in four sections: 1) Initial condition and stopping; 2) Particle spectra and freeze-outs; 3) Anisotropic flow; 4) Outlook for future measurements.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, "Rapporteur-Conference Highlights", Quark Matter 2004, Oakland, January 11-1

    The Importance of Correlations and Fluctuations on the Initial Source Eccentricity in High-Energy Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions

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    In this paper, we investigate various ways of defining the initial source eccentricity using the Monte Carlo Glauber (MCG) approach. In particular, we examine the participant eccentricity, which quantifies the eccentricity of the initial source shape by the major axes of the ellipse formed by the interaction points of the participating nucleons. We show that reasonable variation of the density parameters in the Glauber calculation, as well as variations in how matter production is modeled, do not significantly modify the already established behavior of the participant eccentricity as a function of collision centrality. Focusing on event-by-event fluctuations and correlations of the distributions of participating nucleons we demonstrate that, depending on the achieved event-plane resolution, fluctuations in the elliptic flow magnitude v2v_2 lead to most measurements being sensitive to the root-mean-square, rather than the mean of the v2v_2 distribution. Neglecting correlations among participants, we derive analytical expressions for the participant eccentricity cumulants as a function of the number of participating nucleons, \Npart,keeping non-negligible contributions up to \ordof{1/\Npart^3}. We find that the derived expressions yield the same results as obtained from mixed-event MCG calculations which remove the correlations stemming from the nuclear collision process. Most importantly, we conclude from the comparison with MCG calculations that the fourth order participant eccentricity cumulant does not approach the spatial anisotropy obtained assuming a smooth nuclear matter distribution. In particular, for the Cu+Cu system, these quantities deviate from each other by almost a factor of two over a wide range in centrality.Comment: 18 pages, 10 figures, submitted to PR

    The Landscape of Particle Production: Results from PHOBOS

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    Recent results from the PHOBOS experiment at RHIC are presented, both from Au+Au collisions from the 2001 run and p+p and d+Au collisions from 2003. The centrality dependence of the total charged particle multiplicity in p+p and d+Au show features, such as Npart-scaling and limiting fragmentation, similar to p+A collisions at lower energies. Multiparticle physics in Au+Au is found to be local in (pseudo)rapidity, both when observed by HBT correlations and by forward-backward pseudorapidity correlations. The shape of elliptic flow in Au+Au, measured over the full range of pseudorapidity, appears to have a very weak centrality dependence. Identified particle ratios in d+Au reactions show little difference between the shape of proton and anti-proton spectra, while the absolute yields show an approximate m_T scaling.Comment: 8 Pages, 11 Figures, Plenary talk at Quark Matter 2004, Oakland, CA, January 11-18, 200