2,401 research outputs found

    Field-assisted doublon manipulation in the Hubbard model. A quantum doublon ratchet

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    For the fermionic Hubbard model at strong coupling, we demonstrate that directional transport of localized doublons (repulsively bound pairs of two particles occupying the same site of the crystal lattice) can be achieved by applying an unbiased ac field of time-asymmetric (sawtooth-like) shape. The mechanism involves a transition to intermediate states of virtually zero double occupation which are reached by splitting the doublon by fields of the order of the Hubbard interaction. The process is discussed on the basis of numerically exact calculations for small clusters, and we apply it to more complex states to manipulate the charge order pattern of one-dimensional systems.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure

    Electronic double-excitations in quantum wells: solving the two-time Kadanoff-Baym equations

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    For a quantum many-body system, the direct population of states of double-excitation character is a clear indication that correlations importantly contribute to its nonequilibrium properties. We analyze such correlation-induced transitions by propagating the nonequilibrium Green's functions in real-time within the second Born approximation. As crucial benchmarks, we compute the absorption spectrum of few electrons confined in quantum wells of different width. Our results include the full two-time solution of the Kadanoff-Baym equations as well as of their time-diagonal limit and are compared to Hartree-Fock and exact diagonalization data

    Ultrafast and reversible control of the exchange interaction in Mott insulators

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    The strongest interaction between microscopic spins in magnetic materials is the exchange interaction JexJ_\text{ex}. Therefore, ultrafast control of JexJ_\text{ex} holds the promise to control spins on ultimately fast timescales. We demonstrate that time-periodic modulation of the electronic structure by electric fields can be used to reversibly control JexJ_\text{ex} on ultrafast timescales in extended antiferromagnetic Mott insulators. In the regime of weak driving strength, we find that JexJ_\text{ex} can be enhanced and reduced for frequencies below and above the Mott gap, respectively. Moreover, for strong driving strength, even the sign of JexJ_\text{ex} can be reversed and we show that this causes time reversal of the associated quantum spin dynamics. These results suggest wide applications, not only to control magnetism in condensed matter systems, for example, via the excitation of spin resonances, but also to assess fundamental questions concerning the reversibility of the quantum many-body dynamics in cold atom systems.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    Invariance of the Kohn (sloshing) mode in a conserving theory

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    It is proven that the center of mass (COM or Kohn) oscillation of a many-body system in a harmonic trap coincides with the motion of a single particle as long as conserving approximations are applied to treat the interactions. The two conditions formulated by Kadanoff and Baym \cite{kb-book} are shown to be sufficient to preserve the COM mode. The result equally applies to zero and finite temperature, as well as to nonequilibrium situations, and to the linear and nonlinear response regimes

    Non-equilibrium Green's function approach to inhomogeneous quantum many-body systems using the Generalized Kadanoff Baym Ansatz

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    In non-equilibrium Green's function calculations the use of the Generalized Kadanoff-Baym Ansatz (GKBA) allows for a simple approximate reconstruction of the two-time Green's function from its time-diagonal value. With this a drastic reduction of the computational needs is achieved in time-dependent calculations, making longer time propagation possible and more complex systems accessible. This paper gives credit to the GKBA that was introduced 25 years ago. After a detailed derivation of the GKBA, we recall its application to homogeneous systems and show how to extend it to strongly correlated, inhomogeneous systems. As a proof of concept, we present results for a 2-electron quantum well, where the correct treatment of the correlated electron dynamics is crucial for the correct description of the equilibrium and dynamic properties

    Electronic correlations in double ionization of atoms in pump-probe experiments

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    The ionization dynamics of a two-electron atom in an attosecond XUV-infrared pump-probe experiment is simulated by solving the time-dependent two-electron Schr\"odinger equation. A dramatic change of the double ionization (DI) yield with variation of the pump-probe delay is reported and the governing role of electron-electron correlations is shown. The results allow for a direct control of the DI yield and of the relative strength of double and single ionization

    Phosphorylation of Subunit Proteins of Intermediate Filaments from Chicken Muscle and Nonmuscle Cells

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    The phosphorylation of the subunit proteins of intermediate (10-nm) filaments has been investigated in chicken muscle and nonmuscle cells by using a two-dimensional gel electrophoresis system. Desmin, the 50,000-dalton subunit protein of the intermediate filaments of muscle, had previously been shown to exist as two major isoelectric variants--alpha and ß --in smooth, skeletal, and cardiac chicken muscle. Incubation of skeletal and smooth muscle tissue with 32PO4{}3- reveals that the acidic variant, alpha -desmin, and three other desmin variants are phosphorylated in vivo and in vitro. Under the same conditions, minor components of alpha - and ß -tropomyosin from skeletal muscle, but not smooth muscle, are also phosphorylated. Both the phosphorylated desmin variants and the nonphosphorylated ß -desmin variant remain insoluble under conditions that solubilize actin and myosin filaments, but leave Z-discs and intermediate filaments insoluble. Primary cultures of embryonic chicken muscle labeled with 32PO4{}3- possess, in addition to the desmin variants described above, a major nonphosphorylated and multiple phosphorylated variants of the 52,000-dalton, fibroblast-type intermediate filament protein (IFP). Filamentous cytoskeletons, prepared from primary myogenic cultures by Triton X-100 extraction, contain actin and all of the phosphorylated and nonphosphorylated variants of both desmin and the IFP. Similarly, these proteins are the major components of the caps of aggregated 10-nm filaments isolated from the same cell cultures previously exposed to Colcemid. These results demonstrate that a nonphosphorylated and several phosphorylated variants of desmin and IFP are present in assembled structures in muscle and nonmuscle cells
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