78 research outputs found

    Gate-controlled superconductivity in diffusive multiwalled carbon nanotube

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    We have investigated electrical transport in a diffusive multiwalled carbon nanotube contacted using superconducting leads made of Al/Ti sandwich structure. We find proximity-induced superconductivity with measured critical currents up to I_cm = 1.3 nA, tunable by gate voltage down to 10 pA. The supercurrent branch displays a finite zero bias resistance which varies as R_0 proportional to I_cm^-alpha with alpha=0.74. Using IV-characteristics of junctions with phase diffusion, a good agreement is obtained with Josephson coupling energy in the long, diffusive junction model of A.D Zaikin and G.F. Zharkov (Sov. J. Low Temp. Phys. 7, 184 (1981)).Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Thermal conductance of Andreev interferometers

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    We calculate the thermal conductance GTG^T of diffusive Andreev interferometers, which are hybrid loops with one superconducting arm and one normal-metal arm. The presence of the superconductor suppresses GTG^T; however, unlike a conventional superconductor, GT/GNTG^T/G^T_N does not vanish as the temperature T→0T\to0, but saturates at a finite value that depends on the resistance of the normal-superconducting interfaces, and their distance from the path of the temperature gradient. The reduction of GTG^T is determined primarily by the suppression of the density of states in the proximity-coupled normal metal along the path of the temperature gradient. GTG^T is also a strongly nonlinear function of the thermal current, as found in recent experiments.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Double proximity effect in hybrid planar Superconductor-(Normal metal/Ferromagnet)-Superconductor structures

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    We have investigated the differential resistance of hybrid planar Al-(Cu/Fe)-Al submicron bridges at low temperatures and in weak magnetic fields. The structure consists of Cu/Fe-bilayer forming a bridge between two superconducting Al-electrodes. In superconducting state of Al-electrodes, we have observed a double-peak peculiarity in differential resistance of the S-(N/F)-S structures at a bias voltage corresponding to the minigap. We claim that this effect (the doubling of the minigap) is due to an electron spin polarization in the normal metal which is induced by the ferromagnet. We have demonstrated that the double-peak peculiarity is converted to a single peak at a coercive applied field corresponding to zero magnetization of the Fe-layer

    Nonequilibrium spin-dependent phenomena in mesoscopic superconductor-normal metal tunnel structures

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    We analyze the broad range of spin-dependent nonequilibrium transport properties of hybrid systems composed of a normal region tunnel coupled to two superconductors with exchange fields induced by the proximity to thin ferromagnetic layers and highlight its functionalities. By calculating the quasiparticle distribution functions in the normal region we find that they are spin-dependent and strongly sensitive to the relative angle between exchange fields in the two superconductors. The impact of inelastic collisions on their properties is addressed. As a result, the electric current flowing through the system is found to be strongly dependent on the relative angle between exchange fields, giving rise to a huge value of magnetoresistance. Moreover, the current presents a complete spin-polarization in a wide range of bias voltages, even in the quasiequilibrium case. In the nonequilibrium limit we parametrize the distributions with an ``effective`` temperature, which turns out to be strongly spin-dependent, though quite sensitive to inelastic collisions. By tunnel coupling the normal region to an additional superconducting electrode we show that it is possible to implement a spin-polarized current source of both spin species, depending on the bias voltages applied.Comment: Published version: 12 pages, 14 figures; new text added and one figure modifie

    Proximity effect in the presence of Coulomb interaction and magnetic field

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    We consider a small metallic grain coupled to a superconductor by a tunnel contact. We study the interplay between proximity and charging effects in the presence of the external magnetic field. Employing the adiabatic approximation we develop a self-consistent theory valid for an arbitrary ratio of proximity and Coulomb strength. The magnetic field suppresses the proximity-induced minigap in an unusual way. We find the phase diagram of the grain in the charging energy - magnetic field plane. Two distinct states exist with different values and magnetic field dependences of the minigap. The first-order phase transition occurs between these two minigapped states. The transition to the gapless state may occur by the first- or second-order mechanism depending on the charging energy. We also calculate the tunneling density of states in the grain. The energy dependence of this quantity demonstrates two different gaps corresponding to the Coulomb and proximity effects. These gaps may be separated in sufficiently high magnetic field.Comment: 11 pages (including 8 EPS figures). Version 3: extended. Final version as published in PR

    Andreev current enhancement and subgap conductance of superconducting hybrid structures in the presence of a small spin-splitting field

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    We investigate the subgap transport properties of a S-F-Ne structure. Here S (Ne) is a superconducting (normal) electrode, and F is either a ferromagnet or a normal wire in the presence of an exchange or a spin- splitting Zeeman field respectively. By solving the quasiclassical equations we first analyze the behavior of the subgap current, known as the Andreev current, as a function of the field strength for different values of the voltage, temperature and length of the junction. We show that there is a critical value of the bias voltage V * above which the Andreev current is enhanced by the spin-splitting field. This unexpected behavior can be explained as the competition between two-particle tunneling processes and decoherence mechanisms originated from the temperature, voltage and exchange field respectively. We also show that at finite temperature the Andreev current has a peak for values of the exchange field close to the superconducting gap. Finally, we compute the differential conductance and show that its measurement can be used as an accurate way of determining the strength of spin-splitting fields smaller than the superconducting gap.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Electron cooling in diffusive normal metal - superconductor tunnel junctions with a spin-valve ferromagnetic interlayer

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    We investigate heat and charge transport through a diffusive SIF1F2N tunnel junction, where N (S) is a normal (superconducting) electrode, I is an insulator layer and F1,2 are two ferromagnets with arbitrary direction of magnetization. The flow of an electric current in such structures at subgap bias is accompanied by a heat transfer from the normal metal into the superconductor, which enables refrigeration of electrons in the normal metal. We demonstrate that the refrigeration efficiency depends on the strength of the ferromagnetic exchange field h and the angle {\alpha} between the magnetizations of the two F layers. As expected, for values of h much larger than the superconducting order parameter \Delta, the proximity effect is suppressed and the efficiency of refrigeration increases with respect to a NIS junction. However, for h \sim \Delta the cooling power (i.e. the heat flow out of the normal metal reservoir) has a non-monotonic behavior as a function of h showing a minimum at h \approx \Delta. We also determine the dependence of the cooling power on the lengths of the ferromagnetic layers, the bias voltage, the temperature, the transmission of the tunneling barrier and the magnetization misalignment angle {\alpha}.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure

    Interface dependence of the Josephson-current fluctuations in short SNS junctions

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    We discuss the dependence of the Josephson current correlations in mesoscopic superconductor/normal-conductor/superconductor (SNS) devices on the transparency of the superconductor/normal-conductor (SN) interfaces. Focusing on short junctions we apply the supersymmetry method to construct an effective field theory for mesoscopic SNS devices which is evaluated in the limit of highly and weakly transparent interfaces. We show that the two-point Josephson-current correlator differs by an universal factor 2 in these two cases.Comment: 5 pages, 1figure, version accepted by PR

    Voltage-induced Shapiro steps in a superconducting multi-terminal structure

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    When a superconducting tunnel junction at a finite voltage is irradiated with microwaves, the interplay between the alternating Josephson current and the ac field gives rise to steps in the dc current known as Shapiro steps. In this work we predict that in a mesoscopic structure connected to several superconducting terminals one can induce Shapiro-like steps in the absence of any external radiation simply by tuning the voltages of the leads. To illustrate this effect we make quantitative predictions for a three-terminal structure which comprises a diffusive superconductor-normal metal-superconductor junction and a tunneling probe, a set-up which can be realized experimentally.Comment: revtex4, 5 pages, 5 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Spectroscopy and critical temperature of diffusive superconducting/ferromagnetic hybrid structures with spin-active interfaces

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    The description of the proximity effect in superconducting/ferromagnetic heterostructures requires to use spin-dependent boundary conditions. Such boundary conditions must take into account the spin dependence of the phase shifts acquired by electrons upon scattering on the boundaries of ferromagnets. The present article shows that this property can strongly affect the critical temperature and the energy dependence of the density of states of diffusive heterostructures. These effects should allow a better caracterisation of diffusive superconductor/ferromagnet interfaces.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures, to be published in Phys. Rev.
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