7,381 research outputs found

    Load distribution in small world networks

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    In this paper we introduce a new model of data packet transport, based on a stochastic approach with the aim of characterizing the load distribution on complex networks. Moreover we analyze the load standard deviation as an index of uniformity of the distribution of packets within the network, to characterize the effects of the network topology. We measure such index on the model proposed by Watts and Strogatz as the redirection probability is increased. We find that the uniformity of the load spread is maximized in the intermediate region, at which the small world effect is observed and both global and local efficiency are high. Moreover we analyze the relationship between load centrality and degree centrality as an approximate measure of the load at the edges. Analogous results are obtained for the load variance computed at the edges as well as at the vertices.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures. Included in conference proceedings International Conference PhysCon 2005 August 24-26, 2005, Saint Petersburg, RUSSI

    Measurement of the Gravity-Field Curvature by Atom Interferometry

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    We present the first direct measurement of the gravity-field curvature based on three conjugated atom interferometers. Three atomic clouds launched in the vertical direction are simultaneously interrogated by the same atom interferometry sequence and used to probe the gravity field at three equally spaced positions. The vertical component of the gravity-field curvature generated by nearby source masses is measured from the difference between adjacent gravity gradient values. Curvature measurements are of interest in geodesy studies and for the validation of gravitational models of the surrounding environment. The possibility of using such a scheme for a new determination of the Newtonian constant of gravity is also discussed.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Symmetries, Cluster Synchronization, and Isolated Desynchronization in Complex Networks

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    Synchronization is of central importance in power distribution, telecommunication, neuronal, and biological networks. Many networks are observed to produce patterns of synchronized clusters, but it has been difficult to predict these clusters or understand the conditions under which they form, except for in the simplest of networks. In this article, we shed light on the intimate connection between network symmetry and cluster synchronization. We introduce general techniques that use network symmetries to reveal the patterns of synchronized clusters and determine the conditions under which they persist. The connection between symmetry and cluster synchronization is experimentally explored using an electro-optic network. We experimentally observe and theoretically predict a surprising phenomenon in which some clusters lose synchrony while leaving others synchronized. The results could guide the design of new power grid systems or lead to new understanding of the dynamical behavior of networks ranging from neural to social

    Complete Characterization of Stability of Cluster Synchronization in Complex Dynamical Networks

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    Synchronization is an important and prevalent phenomenon in natural and engineered systems. In many dynamical networks, the coupling is balanced or adjusted in order to admit global synchronization, a condition called Laplacian coupling. Many networks exhibit incomplete synchronization, where two or more clusters of synchronization persist, and computational group theory has recently proved to be valuable in discovering these cluster states based upon the topology of the network. In the important case of Laplacian coupling, additional synchronization patterns can exist that would not be predicted from the group theory analysis alone. The understanding of how and when clusters form, merge, and persist is essential for understanding collective dynamics, synchronization, and failure mechanisms of complex networks such as electric power grids, distributed control networks, and autonomous swarming vehicles. We describe here a method to find and analyze all of the possible cluster synchronization patterns in a Laplacian-coupled network, by applying methods of computational group theory to dynamically-equivalent networks. We present a general technique to evaluate the stability of each of the dynamically valid cluster synchronization patterns. Our results are validated in an electro-optic experiment on a 5 node network that confirms the synchronization patterns predicted by the theory.Comment: 6 figure

    Long-lived Bloch oscillations with bosonic Sr atoms and application to gravity measurement at micrometer scale

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    We report on the observation of Bloch oscillations on the unprecedented time scale of severalseconds. The experiment is carried out with ultra-cold bosonic strontium-88 loaded into a vertical optical standing wave. The negligible atom-atom elastic cross section and the absence of spin makes 88^{88}Sr an almost ideal Bose gas insensitive to typical mechanisms of decoherence due to thermalization and to external stray fields. The small size enables precision measurements of forces at micrometer scale. This is a challenge in physics for studies of surfaces, Casimir effects, and searches for deviations from Newtonian gravity predicted by theories beyond the standard model

    Quantum test of the equivalence principle for atoms in superpositions of internal energy eigenstates

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    The Einstein Equivalence Principle (EEP) has a central role in the understanding of gravity and space-time. In its weak form, or Weak Equivalence Principle (WEP), it directly implies equivalence between inertial and gravitational mass. Verifying this principle in a regime where the relevant properties of the test body must be described by quantum theory has profound implications. Here we report on a novel WEP test for atoms. A Bragg atom interferometer in a gravity gradiometer configuration compares the free fall of rubidium atoms prepared in two hyperfine states and in their coherent superposition. The use of the superposition state allows testing genuine quantum aspects of EEP with no classical analogue, which have remained completely unexplored so far. In addition, we measure the Eotvos ratio of atoms in two hyperfine levels with relative uncertainty in the low 10−910^{-9}, improving previous results by almost two orders of magnitude.Comment: Accepted for publication in Nature Communicatio

    Synchronization of dynamical hypernetworks: dimensionality reduction through simultaneous block-diagonalization of matrices

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    We present a general framework to study stability of the synchronous solution for a hypernetwork of coupled dynamical systems. We are able to reduce the dimensionality of the problem by using simultaneous block-diagonalization of matrices. We obtain necessary and sufficient conditions for stability of the synchronous solution in terms of a set of lower-dimensional problems and test the predictions of our low-dimensional analysis through numerical simulations. Under certain conditions, this technique may yield a substantial reduction of the dimensionality of the problem. For example, for a class of dynamical hypernetworks analyzed in the paper, we discover that arbitrarily large networks can be reduced to a collection of subsystems of dimensionality no more than 2. We apply our reduction techique to a number of different examples, including a class of undirected unweighted hypermotifs of three nodes.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.
