78 research outputs found

    In situ recordings of large gelatinous spheres from NE Atlantic, and the first genetic confirmation of egg mass of Illex coindetii (VĂ©rany, 1839) (Cephalopoda, Mollusca)

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    In total, 90 gelatinous spheres, averaging one meter in diameter, have been recorded from ~ 1985 to 2019 from the NE Atlantic Ocean, including the Mediterranean Sea, using citizen science. More than 50% had a dark streak through center. They were recorded from the surface to ~ 60–70 m depth, mainly neutrally buoyant, in temperatures between 8 and 24°C. Lack of tissue samples has until now, prohibited confirmation of species. However, in 2019 scuba divers secured four tissue samples from the Norwegian coast. In the present study, DNA analysis using COI confirms species identity as the ommastrephid broadtail shortfin squid Illex coindetii (VĂ©rany, 1839); these are the first confirmed records from the wild. Squid embryos at different stages were found in different egg masses: (1) recently fertilized eggs (stage ~ 3), (2) organogenesis (stages ~ 17–19 and ~ 23), and (3) developed embryo (stage ~ 30). Without tissue samples from each and every record for DNA corroboration we cannot be certain that all spherical egg masses are conspecific, or that the remaining 86 observed spheres belong to Illex coindetii. However, due to similar morphology and size of these spheres, relative to the four spheres with DNA analysis, we suspect that many of them were made by I. coindetii

    Moraxella lacunata: a rare cause of infective endocarditis

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    We describe the first case of Moraxella lacunata definite native valve endocarditis in a patient with previously normal mitral valves. The disease was complicated with embolizations of the brain and spleen. After 6 weeks of antimicrobial treatment, valvular replacement was performed. The clinical course and diagnostic findings suggest that Moraxella lacunata possesses high aggressiveness leading to progressive valvular destruction and embolizations

    The nocturnal bottleneck and the evolution of activity patterns in mammals

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    <p>In 1942, Walls described the concept of a 'nocturnal bottleneck' in placental mammals, where these species could survive only by avoiding daytime activity during times in which dinosaurs were the dominant taxon. Walls based this concept of a longer episode of nocturnality in early eutherian mammals by comparing the visual systems of reptiles, birds and all three extant taxa of the mammalian lineage, namely the monotremes, marsupials (now included in the metatherians) and placentals (included in the eutherians). This review describes the status of what has become known as the nocturnal bottleneck hypothesis, giving an overview of the chronobiological patterns of activity. We review the ecological plausibility that the activity patterns of (early) eutherian mammals were restricted to the night, based on arguments relating to endothermia, energy balance, foraging and predation, taking into account recent palaeontological information. We also assess genes, relating to light detection (visual and non-visual systems) and the photolyase DNA protection system that were lost in the eutherian mammalian lineage. Our conclusion presently is that arguments in favour of the nocturnal bottleneck hypothesis in eutherians prevail.</p>
