23 research outputs found

    Prise En Charge Des Victimes Du Conflit Armé Du Nord Mali Dans Les Hôpitaux De Niamey

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    Objectives: The aims of this study was to evaluate the management of lesions in victims of the malian conflict patients admitted to Niamey hospitals. Methods: A retrospective study was conducted in Niamey hospitals from January 1st, 2012 to December, 31th, 2013. Data collected included âge, sex, means of transport, topography of trauma, treatment and outcome. Results: The sample included fifty one (51) patients. All patients were male; the mean age was 29,5 years ± 9 years, ranging from 17-71 years. The age between 26 and 35 were most affected in 47% of cases (24 patients), soldiers represented 72.54% (37 patients); and civils 27.45% (14 patients). 74.50% of our patients (38) were been transported in Niamey by aircraft. The trauma concerned the members in 54.90% (28 cases), canio facial in 17.60% (9 cases), abdomen in 11.80% (6 cases). We observed only one polytrauma. 66.66% (34) of patients were injured by firearms, 29.41% (15) by accidents of roads, 3,93% by burn (2 patients). The lesions found were bone in 41.17% (21 patients), skin-muscle in 35.29% (18 patients), visceral in 9.80% (5 patients). Five patients died (9.80%). Conclusion: the internationalization of conflicts requires a reorganization of the care by involving all the nearness health structures in order to ensure adequate care and neutrality

    Emotional Psychological and Related Problems Among Truant Youths: An Exploratory Latent Class Analysis

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    Latent class analysis was conducted on the psychosocial problems experienced by truant youths. Data were obtained from baseline interviews completed on 131 youths and their parents/guardians involved in a NIDA-funded, Brief Intervention Project. Results identified two classes of youths: Class 1(n=9) - youths with low levels of delinquency, mental health and substance abuse issues; and Class 2(n=37) - youths with high levels of these problems. Comparison of these two classes on their urine analysis test results and parent/guardian reports of traumatic events found significant (p\u3c.05) differences between them that were consistent with their problem group classification. Our results have important implications for research and practice

    Brief Intervention for Truant Youth Sexual Risk Behavior and Marijuana Use

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    Substance use and sexual risk behaviors are common among adolescents, but research has focused attention on alcohol use. Much less is known about the relationship of marijuana use and sexual risk behavior among high-risk, especially truant, youths. We report interim findings from a NIDA-funded experimental, brief intervention (BI) study involving truant youths and their parents/guardians. Longitudinal data were analyzed to study (1) the relationships between the youths\u27 marijuana use and sexual risk behavior and (2) the effects of a substance use BI on their marijuana use and sexual risk behavior. A growth model analysis for parallel processes was conducted to study relationships between marijuana use and sexual risk behavior, and to assess the overall BI effect on linear and quadratic trends in subgroups of youth differing in their sexual risk behavior and marijuana use. Implications of the results for future research and service delivery are considered. © 2014 Copyright Taylor & Francis Group, LLC

    Brief Intervention for Truant Youth Sexual Risk Behavior and Alcohol Use: A Parallel Process Growth Model Analysis

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    Truant youths frequently experience family problems, emotional/psychological issues, substance misuse, and delinquency. They are likely engaging in alcohol use and sexual risk behavior at a higher rate than the general youth population. Early intervention services would benefit them, their families, and society. We present interim findings from an ongoing, National Institute on Drug Abuse-funded, experimental, brief intervention (BI) study involving truant youths and their parent/guardians. Baseline, 3-, 6-, and 12-month follow-up data were analyzed to determine whether alcohol use and sexual risk behaviors were longitudinally related, to examine the effects of the BI on alcohol use and sexual risk behaviors, to identify subgroups of youths involved in alcohol use and sexual risk behaviors, and to assess the impact of the BI on these subgroups. Results indicated alcohol use and sexual risk were longitudinally related. Limited treatment effects were observed for alcohol use. Implications for future research and service delivery are considered. © 2014 Copyright Taylor & Francis Group, LLC

    Brief Intervention for Truant Youth Sexual Risk Behavior and Marijuana Use

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    Substance use and sexual risk behaviors are common among adolescents, but research has focused attention on alcohol use. Much less is known about the relationship of marijuana use and sexual risk behavior among high-risk, especially truant, youths. We report interim findings from a NIDA-funded experimental, brief intervention (BI) study involving truant youths and their parents/guardians. Longitudinal data were analyzed to study (1) the relationships between the youths\u27 marijuana use and sexual risk behavior and (2) the effects of a substance use BI on their marijuana use and sexual risk behavior. A growth model analysis for parallel processes was conducted to study relationships between marijuana use and sexual risk behavior, and to assess the overall BI effect on linear and quadratic trends in subgroups of youth differing in their sexual risk behavior and marijuana use. Implications of the results for future research and service delivery are considered. © 2014 Copyright Taylor & Francis Group, LLC

    Enrolling and Engaging High-Risk Youths and Families in Community-Based, Brief Intervention Services

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    Increasing interest has been shown in brief interventions for troubled persons, including those with substance abuse problems. Most of the published literature on this topic has focused on adults, and on the efficacy of these interventions. Few of these studies have examined the critical issues of enrollment and engagement in brief intervention services. The present article seeks to address the shortcomings in the current literature by reporting on our experiences implementing National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)-funded brief intervention projects involving truant and diversion program youths

    Stress, Mental Health, and Substance Abuse Problems in a Sample of Diversion Program Youths: An Exploratory Latent Class Analysis

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    Reflective of interest in mental health and substance abuse issues among youths involved with the justice system, we performed a latent class analysis on baseline information collected on 100 youths involved in two diversion programs. Results identified two groups of youths: Group 1: a majority of the youths, who had high levels of delinquency, mental health, and substance abuse issues; and Group 2: youths with low levels of these problems. Comparison of these two groups on a variety of psychosocial measures and parent/guardian reports found differences between them that were consistent with their problem group classification. Follow-up analysis confirmed problem behavior that was consistent with the youths\u27 latent class placement. Implications of the findings for research and practice are presented

    Brief Intervention for Truant Youth Sexual Risk Behavior and Alcohol Use: A Parallel Process Growth Model Analysis

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    Truant youths frequently experience family problems, emotional/psychological issues, substance misuse, and delinquency. They are likely engaging in alcohol use and sexual risk behavior at a higher rate than the general youth population. Early intervention services would benefit them, their families, and society. We present interim findings from an ongoing, National Institute on Drug Abuse-funded, experimental, brief intervention (BI) study involving truant youths and their parent/guardians. Baseline, 3-, 6-, and 12-month follow-up data were analyzed to determine whether alcohol use and sexual risk behaviors were longitudinally related, to examine the effects of the BI on alcohol use and sexual risk behaviors, to identify subgroups of youths involved in alcohol use and sexual risk behaviors, and to assess the impact of the BI on these subgroups. Results indicated alcohol use and sexual risk were longitudinally related. Limited treatment effects were observed for alcohol use. Implications for future research and service delivery are considered

    Problem Profiles of at-Risk Youth in two Service Programs: A Multigroup Exploratory Latent Class Analysis

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    Baseline data collected in two brief intervention projects (BI-Court and Truancy Project) were used to assess similarities and differences in subgroups of at-risk youth. Classifications of these subgroups were based on their psychosocial characteristics (e.g., substance use). Multigroup latent class analysis identified two BI-Court subgroups of youth and three truant subgroups. These classes can be viewed as differing along two dimensions, substance use involvement and emotional and behavioral issues. Equality tests of means across the latent classes for BI-Court and Truancy Project youths found significant differences that were consistent with their problem group classification. These findings highlight the importance of quality assessments and allocating appropriate services on the basis of problem profiles of at-risk youth

    Problem Profiles of At-Risk Youth in Two Service Programs: A Multigroup Exploratory Latent Class Analysis

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    Baseline data collected in two brief intervention projects (BI-Court and Truancy Project) were used to assess similarities and differences in subgroups of at-risk youth. Classifications of these subgroups were based on their psychosocial characteristics (e. g., substance use). Multigroup latent class analysis identified two BI-Court subgroups of youth and three truant subgroups. These classes can be viewed as differing along two dimensions, substance use involvement and emotional and behavioral issues. Equality tests of means across the latent classes for BI-Court and Truancy Project youths found significant differences that were consistent with their problem group classification. These findings highlight the importance of quality assessments and allocating appropriate services on the basis of problem profiles of at-risk youth