4,627 research outputs found

    Commissioning of the CMS Detector

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    The status of the commissioning of the CMS detector is summarized and some of the achievements of the past year are highlighted. Preliminary results presented in this note used the big amount of cosmic data collected during 2008 and events produced by the first LHC beams

    Standard Model Higgs searches at CDF

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    Fermilab Experiments CDF and D0 excluded in March, 2009 the existence of a Standard Model Higgs boson having a mass in the [160; 170] GeV/c2 range at 95% CL. We resume here the analysis channels and techniques used by CDF to reach this result

    Civil Rights - Civil Rights Act of 1964 - Title VII - Sex Discrimination - Employee Pension Plans

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    The United States Supreme Court has held that an employer cannot offer a privately run pension annuity plan which at retirement pays women a smaller monthly annuity than men, where women and men contribute equally to the plan. Arizona Governing Committee For Tax Deferred Annuity & Deferred Compensation Plans v. Norris, 103 S. Ct. 3492 (1983)

    Diagnosing transient ionization in dynamic events

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    The present study aims to provide a diagnostic line ratio that will enable the observer to determine whether a plasma is in a state of transient ionization. We use the Atomic Data and Analysis Structure (ADAS) to calculate line contribution functions for two lines, Si IV 1394 A and O IV 1401 A, formed in the solar transition region. The generalized collisional-radiative theory is used. It includes all radiative and electron collisional processes, except for photon-induced processes. State-resolved direct ionization and recombination to and from the next ionization stage are also taken into account. For dynamic bursts with a decay time of a few seconds, the Si IV 1394 A line can be enhanced by a factor of 2-4 in the first fraction of a second with the peak in the line contribution function occurring initially at a higher electron temperature due to transient ionization compared to ionization equilibrium conditions. On the other hand, the O IV 1401 A does not show such any enhancement. Thus the ratio of these two lines, which can be observed with the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph, can be used as a diagnostic of transient ionization. We show that simultaneous high-cadence observations of two lines formed in the solar transition region may be used as a direct diagnostic of whether the observed plasma is in transient ionization. The ratio of these two lines can change by a factor of four in a few seconds owing to transient ionization alone.Comment: 3 pages, in press A&

    The supergiant fast X-ray transients XTE J1739-302 and IGR J08408-4503 in quiescence with XMM-Newton

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    Context. Supergiant fast X-ray transients are a subclass of high mass X-ray binaries that host a neutron star accreting mass from the wind of its OB supergiant companion. They are characterized by an extremely pronounced and rapid variability in X-rays, which still lacks an unambiguous interpretation. A number of deep pointed observations with XMM-Newton have been carried out to study the quiescent emission of these sources and gain insight into the mechanism that causes their X-ray variability. Aims. We continued this study by using three XMM-Newton observations of the two supergiant fast X-ray transient prototypes XTEJ1739-302 and IGR J08408-4503 in quiescence. Methods. An in-depth timing and spectral analysis of these data have been carried out. Results. We found that the quiescent emission of these sources is characterized by both complex timing and spectral variability, with multiple small flares occurring sporadically after periods of lower X-ray emission. Some evidence is found in the XMM-Newton spectra of a soft component below ~2 keV, similar to that observed in the two supergiant fast X-ray transients AXJ1845.0-0433 and IGRJ16207-5129 and in many other high mass X-ray binaries. Conclusions.We suggest some possible interpretations of the timing and spectral properties of the quiescent emission of XTEJ1739- 302 and IGR J08408-4503 in the context of the different theoretical models proposed to interpret the behavior of the supergiant fast X-ray transients.Comment: 13 pages, 14 figures. Accepted for publication in A&A. V2: Corrected few typo

    A Machine Learning-Based Approach for Audio Signals Classification using Chebychev Moments and Mel-Coefficients

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    This paper proposes a machine learning-based architecture for audio signals classification based on a joint exploitation of the Chebychev moments and the Mel-Frequency Cepstrum Coefficients. The procedure starts with the computation of the Mel-spectrogram of the recorded audio signals; then, Chebychev moments are obtained projecting the Cadence Frequency Diagram derived from the Mel-spectrogram into the base of Chebychev moments. These moments are then concatenated with the Mel-Frequency Cepstrum Coefficients to form the final feature vector. By doing so, the architecture exploits the peculiarities of the discrete Chebychev moments such as their symmetry characteristics. The effectiveness of the procedure is assessed on two challenging datasets, UrbanSound8K and ESC-50


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    Among pathologies of the old people, dementia represent one of the main sanitary problems. Approximately 70% of the dementia cases it is represented by the Alzheimer\u2019s Disease, a neurodegenerative cerebral pathology, whose prevalence is supposed to be increased in the next years. One pathological hallmark is represented by amyloid-beta (A\u3b2) plaques, which represent the key element to oxidative and pro-inflammatory mechanisms by the activated microglia. The interaction, in fact, between activated microglia and plaques of A\u3b2 induces the release of pro-inflammatory citokynes, like interleukin-6 (IL-6), or neurotoxic factors, like the tumor necrosis factor-\u3b1, and stimulates the expression by the microglia of some scavengers receptors, deputies to remove the A\u3b2 plaques: among them the multifunctional protein of class B type I (SRBI) CD36. Currently an effective diagnosis of AD is possible only post mortem: for this reason during the last few years has been intensified the search for biological and hormonal markers that could be useful in the early diagnosis of AD. These markers are expressed also from the peripheral leucocytes, cells easily obtainable, which express virtually all hormones and hormone receptors, which are under the same regulatory mechanisms that control their expression in the brain. So the leucocytes may be profitably used as tools to investigated the changes occurring in brain areas reportedly inaccessible in humans. In particular, it has been recently demonstrated that the leukocyte expression of CD36 is significantly reduced in patients with AD and in patients with mild cognitive impairment (MCI), a prodromic phase of AD. CD36 could represent an earlier marker of increased neurodegenerative risk. Epidemiologic studies have shown a greater incidence of AD in the individuals of female sex. A possible cause of this is represented by the modifications of the endocrine functions, that occur during the menopausal transition and that develop an unfavorable hormonal milieu predisposing to the neurodegeneration. It is demonstrated that estrogens have a neuroprotective and neurotrophic role by the binding to specific receptors, present in two isoformes (ER-\u3b1 and ER-\u3b2), and that in course of AD they prevent the formation of the A\u3b2-fibrils, inhibit the inflammatory reaction due to the plaque deposition, and protect the cells from their cytotoxic action. The diminished estrogen secretion in postmenopausal age, in fact, is correlated inversely with the \u201ccerebral health\u201d and directly with the entity of the cognitive deterioration. An other female sexual hormone, the progesterone, seems to carry out multiple functions centers different from the riproduction function: the regulation of the cognitive processes, the mitochondrial function of the neuronal cell, the neurogenesis and the repair of the damaged nervous tissue. The neuronal response regulated from the progesterone are mediated by the receptors PR-A and PR-B, included some forms derived from alternative splicing. At the level of the central nervous system them (CNS), therefore, the estrogens and the progesterone cooperate in regulating some neuronal functions, such as the neuroprotection and various cognitive processes. The PR gene contains promoter sequences able to bind ER; therefore, the gene expression of PR supposes the existence of one (efficient) estrogenic stimulation. Moreover, it has been demonstrated the existence of points of convergence between intracellular signaling of estrogens and the factor of insulin-like growth factor type 1 (IGF-1), a neuromodulator that regulates the synaptic plasticity and has been involved in the tissue regeneration, guaranteeing protection during the neurodegenerative processes. Based on this, in the present thesis we evaluated the leukocyte expression of some biological parameters, in order to clearly understand the balance between the neuroprotective and proneurotoxic hormonal factors in during the life, focusing the interest on the phase of menopausal transition, a critical period of the women life during which conditions predisposing to the neurodegeneration occur. We recruited, health male and female subjects as control, of age between 20 and 91 years, and AD patients, both male and female. Fasting blood samples were drawn from all the subjects to isolated the leucocytes and the plasma. With RT-PCR we analyzed the CD36 expression, ER-\u3b1, ER-\u3b2, PR-A/B, IGF-R1 and IL-6 on the leucocytes and, by RIA or ELISA, the levels of estradiol, progesterone, IGF-1 and IL-6 in the plasma, with the following results: \u2022 as aspected, the leukocyte expression of CD36 was significantly reduced in the AD patients than the controls, young and old. Moreover, while in the healthy males the expression was not modified with the age, in the women it endured a remarkable reduction in the period correspondent to the menopausal transition (decade of age between 51 and 60 years), in order then to return to normal levels in the older subjects; interesting was that in women with AD the values were similar to those found in the women in peri-menopause; \u2022 the leukocyte expression of ER-\u3b1 and ER-\u3b2 in the women of 51 and 60 years of age was significantly increased, while in the men was quitly constant in the course of the life and in the AD patients of both sexes it wasn\u2019t different by the healthy subjects of comparable age; \u2022 the leukocyte expression of PR-A/B in the healthy men was lower than the women of the same age and progressively it increased until a peak in the decade of age between 41 and 50 years, after that it was reduced in the successive decades in order then to remain stable with increasing of the age. In the women, instead, there was two-phase pathway with a minimum in the subjects 41-50 years old and higher values in older and younger. In the patients with AD of both sexes the PR-A/B expression was similar to that observed in control subjects; \u2022 the leukocyte expression of IGF-1R in the male controls diminished with increasing of the age, while in the women this decrease was less evident. In the AD patients of male sex the IGF-1R expression was significantly higher of that of the healthy subjects of the same sex; \u2022 the leukocyte expression of IL-6 in the male control population was constant while in the female population occurs an abrupt increase in the decade between 51 and 60 years. In the AD patients of both sexes the IL-6 expression was lower than the healthy controls of comparable age; \u2022 the plasmatic levels of estradiol and progesterone in the healthy men did not vary according to the age. On the contrary, in the women starting with the menopause the both hormones levels were significantly reduced. In the AD men the levels of estradiol0 were lower than the controls, while in the AD women they were similar to those found in the controls of comparable age; \u2022 the plasmatic levels of IGF-1 progressively diminished in the healthy subjects of both sexes. This reduction was not only more evident, but also more precocious in women than men. The levels of IGF-1 were significantly higher in the AD patients of both sexes than the control subjects of equal age; \u2022 none of the biological parameters investigated was related to age, except for the estradiol and progesterone levels in women and IGF-1 in both sexes; \u2022 in the healthy population of both sexes a direct correlation between the expression of ER-\u3b1 or ER-\u3b2 and IL-6 and between the concentrations of IGF-1 and the expression of IGF-1R was observed. In order to estimate the role of IGF-1 in the menopausal transition, the female pre- and post- menopausal population has been subdivided in the groups with normal or reduced levels of IGF-1 based on a predefined cut-off: in the group of pre-menopause women with normal levels of IGF-1 the plasma concentrations of estradiol were positively related to the leukocyte expression of PR-A/B, but this association was less evident when the group with reduced levels of IGF-1 was considered. On the contrary, in post-menopause women with normal or reduced levels of IGF-1 any statistically significative correlation between the two parameters was observed. On the base of these data it can be asserted that the phase of menopausal transition represents a \u201ccritical temporal window\u201d in which an hormonal milieu characterized by a strong loss of balance of various hormonal factors and by the evident prevalence of pro-neurotoxic infuences is developed (in particular, the reduction of the estrogen protection, which in presence of normal levels of IGF-1, is not able to stimulating the PR-A/B expression and to reduce the production of IL-6). This could be a favoring element to develop neurodegeneration. In the second part of this thesis we decided to investigated the effectiveness of estrogens in modifying, in favorable sense, the balance between neuroprotective vs. pro-neurotoxic infuences (for eg., reduction of microglial expression of CD36 by citokynes stimulation) in vitro For this study we treated murine microglial immortalized N9 cells with 17-\uf062-estradiol and TNF-\uf061 in a time-dependent way: estradiol before, after or simultaneously to TNF-\uf061, in order to analize the effect of a precocious, late or simultaneous 17-\uf062-estradiol administration on the CD36 expression. As previously said, the CD36 reduction is a phenomenon predisposing to the disease; in fact TNF-\u3b1, one of the citochine mainly expressed in course of AD, induce a significative reduction of CD36. Only a precocious treatment with 17-\u3b2-estradiolo was able to revert the effect of the pro-inflammatory citokyne, demonstrating the effective existence of a temporal window in which the estrogen carries out its protecting role. Moreover, since is increased the tendency to the prescription of isoflavones derived from soy (phytoestrogens) in order to contrast the hot flushes, which plague many women in the precocious menopause phases, could be useful to investigate the possiblel neuroprotective ability to these compounds, evaluating the effects of hormonal replacement therapy (HRT) or of a therapy with phytoestrogens on the expression of CD36, as precocious biochemical marker of increased dementia risk by Real-Time PCR, or by mmunostaining For this study we used females rats, subdivided into 4 groups: intact + vehicle, ovariectomized + vehicle, ovariectomized + 17-\u3b2-estradiol and ovariectomied + phytoestrogen and we investigated some parameters of correct estrogenic replacement, with the following result: \u2022 analysis of the body weight: it was higher in the ovariectomied animals, and in the animals in phytoestrogen therapy, while the intact animals and those in therapy with estrogen were less fat, although the weights of the two groups of animals were not exactly the same; \u2022 analysis of the uterus weight: the ovariectomy and the phytoestrogen therapy induced the uterus atrophy, while the intact animals or in therapy with estrogens showed trophic uteri, although with a discrepancy between the two groups; \u2022 analysis of the femoral bone denity: the ovariectomy and the phytoestrogen therapy reduced the femoral mineral bone density (diaphisis and metaphisis included), while the intact animals and those in therapy with estrogen, the bone density was not affected and the values of bone density of the two groups were very similar, except about diaphisis; \u2022 plasma levels of 17-\u3b2-estradiol: the levels were lower in the ovariectomized group and in the phytoestrogen therapy group, while they were higher, but always different, in the intact animals and those in therapy with estrogen; \u2022 cerebral gene expression of CD36 (PCR): CD36 expression in the ippocampus and in the cortex of ovariectomized animals was low and the therapy with 17-\u3b2-estradiol was able to revert this effect, bringing back it to the levels of the intact group; \u2022 peripheral gene expression of CD36: it did not vary between the 4 groups; \u2022 CNS protein expression of CD36 (immunostaining): it did not changes in the various groups and tended to form some clusters; \u2022 CNS protein expression of GFAP (immunostaining): the animals shown a state of gliosis age-related, but no any difference occurred between the several groups; \u2022 CNS protein expression of Ferritina (immunostaining): the staining was similar to that for CD36, except for the endoteliali cells. Analyzing the result about the body weight, the uterus, the bone and the plasma concentrations of 17-\u3b2-estradiol in these animals we can conclude that the estrogen exogen administration was efficient to contrast the ipoestrogenic assessment. Moreover, in considering the data obtained in human subjects, we can maintain a loss of balance during menopause towards unfavorable factors, as CD36 reduction. The discrepancy between gene and protein CD36 expression probably is due to a different method sensibility. At last, considering the role wide demonstrated in literature of CD36 in the pathogeneses of AD and to test the possibility to use CD36 as precocious biochemical marker of disease, we investigated the CD36 expression in APP23 mice, valid model of AD, by Real-Time PCR and immunostaining. To We used animals of 1,3,6,9 and 12 months of age, in which the deposition of plaques begins around the sixth month of age; at the same time we assist at the maximum gene and protein expression of CD36, in order then to return to lower levels. Moreover, a staining with tioflavina S, which stains for A\u3b2 plaques, showed an inverse relation between plaque and CD36, determining for this receptor a role in the acute phase of disease. In conclusion, the protecting effect of estrogens in contrasting the CD36 reduction, is showed to be time and dose-dependent. Moreover, would seem to have a precocious in the diagnosis of this disease

    Static and vibration analysis of functionally graded beams using refined shear deformation theory

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    Static and vibration analysis of functionally graded beams using refined shear deformation theory is presented. The developed theory, which does not require shear correction factor, accounts for shear deformation effect and coupling coming from the material anisotropy. Governing equations of motion are derived from the Hamilton's principle. The resulting coupling is referred to as triply coupled axial-flexural response. A two-noded Hermite-cubic element with five degree-of-freedom per node is developed to solve the problem. Numerical results are obtained for functionally graded beams with simply-supported, cantilever-free and clamped-clamped boundary conditions to investigate effects of the power-law exponent and modulus ratio on the displacements, natural frequencies and corresponding mode shapes

    The Great Space Weather Event during February 1872 Recorded in East Asia

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    The study of historical great geomagnetic storms is crucial for assessing the possible risks to the technological infrastructure of a modern society, caused by extreme space-weather events. The normal benchmark has been the great geomagnetic storm of September 1859, the so-called "Carrington Event". However, there are numerous records of another great geomagnetic storm in February 1872. This storm, about 12 years after the Carrington Event, resulted in comparable magnetic disturbances and auroral displays over large areas of the Earth. We have revisited this great geomagnetic storm in terms of the auroral and sunspot records in the historical documents from East Asia. In particular, we have surveyed the auroral records from East Asia and estimated the equatorward boundary of the auroral oval to be near 24.3 deg invariant latitude (ILAT), on the basis that the aurora was seen near the zenith at Shanghai (20 deg magnetic latitude, MLAT). These results confirm that this geomagnetic storm of February 1872 was as extreme as the Carrington Event, at least in terms of the equatorward motion of the auroral oval. Indeed, our results support the interpretation of the simultaneous auroral observations made at Bombay (10 deg MLAT). The East Asian auroral records have indicated extreme brightness, suggesting unusual precipitation of high-intensity, low-energy electrons during this geomagnetic storm. We have compared the duration of the East Asian auroral displays with magnetic observations in Bombay and found that the auroral displays occurred in the initial phase, main phase, and early recovery phase of the magnetic storm.Comment: 28 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal on 31 May 201

    Uterine artery pulsatility index at 30-34 weeks' gestation in the prediction of adverse perinatal outcome

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    Objective: To investigate the potential value of uterine artery Doppler at 30 34 weeks’ gestation in the prediction of adverse perinatal outcome. Methods: Screening study in 30,780 singleton pregnancies at 30 34 weeks. Uterine artery pulsatility index (PI) was measured and the values were converted to multiples of the median (MoM) after adjustment from variables in maternal characteristics and medical history that affect the measurements. Multivariable logistic regression analysis was used to determine if uterine artery PI had a significant additional contribution to maternal characteristics, medical history and obstetric factors in predicting adverse outcome. The detection rate (DR) and false positive rate (FPR) of screening by uterine artery PI were estimated for stillbirth, cesarean section for fetal distress, umbilical arter ial cord blood pH <7.0 or umbilical venous pH <7.1 and Apgar score <7 at 5 minutes. Results: The incidence of adverse perinatal outcome was higher in small for gestational age (SGA) than in non SGA fetuses, but the majority of cases for each adverse outcome were in the non SGA group, including about 70% of stillbirths and more than 80% of cases of cesarean section for fetal distress, low cord blood pH and low Apgar score. The performance of uterine artery PI >95 th percentile in screening for each adverse outcome was poor with DR of 6 16% and FPR of 5 6%. T he DR of high uterine artery PI for adverse outcome was higher in the SGA than non SGA groups, including 24% vs. 13% for stillbirth , 15% vs. 5% for cesarean section for fetal distress, 22% vs. 9% for low cord blood pH and 20% vs. 3% for low Apgar score. Conclusion: High uterine artery PI at 30 34 weeks’ gestation may be useful in the prediction of adverse perinatal outcome in pregnancies with SGA fetuses, but not in those with non SGA fetuses
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