14,744 research outputs found

    Simple models of the hydrofracture process

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    Hydrofracturing to recover natural gas and oil relies on the creation of a fracture network with pressurized water. We analyze the creation of the network in two ways. First, we assemble a collection of analytical estimates for pressure-driven crack motion in simple geometries, including crack speed as a function of length, energy dissipated by fluid viscosity and used to break rock, and the conditions under which a second crack will initiate while a first is running. We develop a pseudo-three-dimensional numerical model that couples fluid motion with solid mechanics and can generate branching crack structures not specified in advance. One of our main conclusions is that the typical spacing between fractures must be on the order of a meter, and this conclusion arises in two separate ways. First, it arises from analysis of gas production rates, given the diffusion constants for gas in the rock. Second, it arises from the number of fractures that should be generated given the scale of the affected region and the amounts of water pumped into the rock.Shell UTNational Science FoundationPhysic

    On the threshold-width of graphs

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    The GG-width of a class of graphs GG is defined as follows. A graph G has GG-width k if there are k independent sets N1,...,Nk in G such that G can be embedded into a graph H in GG such that for every edge e in H which is not an edge in G, there exists an i such that both endpoints of e are in Ni. For the class TH of threshold graphs we show that TH-width is NP-complete and we present fixed-parameter algorithms. We also show that for each k, graphs of TH-width at most k are characterized by a finite collection of forbidden induced subgraphs

    Transformation Optics scheme for two-dimensional materials

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    Two dimensional optical materials, such as graphene can be characterized by a surface conductivity. So far, the transformation optics schemes have focused on three dimensional properties such as permittivity ϵ\epsilon and permeability μ\mu. In this paper, we use a scheme for transforming surface currents to highlight that the surface conductivity transforms in a way different from ϵ\epsilon and μ\mu. We use this surface conductivity transformation to demonstrate an example problem of reducing scattering of plasmon mode from sharp protrusions in graphene

    Photon Emission Rate Engineering using Graphene Nanodisc Cavities

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    In this work, we present a systematic study of the plasmon modes in a system of vertically stacked pair of graphene discs. Quasistatic approximation is used to model the eigenmodes of the system. Eigen-response theory is employed to explain the spatial dependence of the coupling between the plasmon modes and a quantum emitter. These results show a good match between the semi-analytical calculation and full-wave simulations. Secondly, we have shown that it is possible to engineer the decay rates of a quantum emitter placed inside and near this cavity, using Fermi level tuning, via gate voltages and variation of emitter location and polarization. We highlighted that by coupling to the bright plasmon mode, the radiative efficiency of the emitter can be enhanced compared to the single graphene disc case, whereas the dark plasmon mode suppresses the radiative efficiency

    Radiative and flavor-violating transitions of leptons from interactions with color-octet particles

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    It has been recently proposed that neutrino mass could originate from Yukawa interactions of leptons with new colored particles. This raises the interesting possibility of testing mass generation through copious production of those particles at hadron colliders. A realistic assessment of it however should take into account how large those interactions could be from available precision results. In this work we make a systematic analysis to the flavor structure in Yukawa couplings, provide a convenient parametrization to it, and investigate the rare radiative and pure leptonic decays of the muon and tau leptons. For general values of parameters the muon decays set stringent constraints on the couplings, and all rare tau decays are far below the current experimental sensitivity. However, there is room in parameter space in which the muon decays could be significantly suppressed by destructive interference between colored particles without generically reducing the couplings themselves. This is also the region of parameters that is relevant to collider physics. We show that for this part of parameter space some tau decays can reach or are close to the current level of precision.Comment: 20 pages, 7 figure

    Investigating 1d and 1d/1d Modeling Using SWMM

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    Source: ICHE Conference Archive - https://mdi-de.baw.de/icheArchive

    Approximate gauge symmetry of composite vector bosons

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    It can be shown in a solvable field theory model that the couplings of the composite vector bosons made of a fermion pair approach the gauge couplings in the limit of strong binding. Although this phenomenon may appear accidental and special to the vector boson made of a fermion pair, we extend it to the case of bosons being constituents and find that the same phenomenon occurs in more an intriguing way. The functional formalism not only facilitates computation but also provides us with a better insight into the generating mechanism of approximate gauge symmetry, in particular, how the strong binding and global current conservation conspire to generate such an approximate symmetry. Remarks are made on its possible relevance or irrelevance to electroweak and higher symmetries.Comment: Correction of typos. The published versio

    Quark-lepton mass unification at TeV scales

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    A scenario combining a model of early (TeV) unification of quarks and leptons with the physics of large extra dimensions provides a natural mechanism linking quark and lepton masses at TeV scale. This has been dubbed as early quark-lepton mass unification by one of us (PQH) in one of the two models of early quark-lepton unification, which are consistent with data, namely SU(4)_PS \otimes SU(2)_L \otimes SU(2)_R \otimes SU(2)_H. In particular, it focused on the issue of naturally light Dirac neutrino. The present paper will focus on similar issues in the other model, namely SU(4)_PS \otimes SU(3)_L \otimes SU(3)_H.Comment: Accepted for publication in PRD: The new version is in agreement with the accepted manuscrip