21,629 research outputs found

    Input-output relations for multiport ring cavities

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    Quantum input-output relations for a generic nn-port ring cavity are obtained by modeling the ring as a cascade of nn interlinked beam splitters. Cavity response to a beam impinging on one port is studied as a function of the beam-splitter reflectivities and the internal phase-shifts. Interferometric sensitivity and stability are analyzed as a function of the number of ports.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures (low-res

    Slow relaxation in the Ising model on a small-world network with strong long-range interactions

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    We consider the Ising model on a small-world network, where the long-range interaction strength J2J_2 is in general different from the local interaction strength J1J_1, and examine its relaxation behaviors as well as phase transitions. As J2/J1J_2/J_1 is raised from zero, the critical temperature also increases, manifesting contributions of long-range interactions to ordering. However, it becomes saturated eventually at large values of J2/J1J_2/J_1 and the system is found to display very slow relaxation, revealing that ordering dynamics is inhibited rather than facilitated by strong long-range interactions. To circumvent this problem, we propose a modified updating algorithm in Monte Carlo simulations, assisting the system to reach equilibrium quickly.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Are better conducting molecules more rigid?

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    We investigate the electronic origin of the bending stiffness of conducting molecules. It is found that the bending stiffness associated with electronic motion, which we refer to as electro-stiffness, κe\kappa_{e}, is governed by the molecular orbital overlap tt and the gap width uu between HOMO and LUMO levels, and behaves as κet2/u2+t2\kappa_{e}\sim t^{2}/\sqrt{u^2+t^{2}}. To study the effect of doping, we analyze the electron filling-fraction dependence on κe\kappa_{e} and show that doped molecules are more flexible. In addition, to estimate the contribution of κe\kappa_{e} to the total stiffness, we consider molecules under a voltage bias, and study the length contraction ratio as a function of the voltage. The molecules are shown to be contracted or dilated, with κe\kappa_{e} increasing nonlinearly with the applied bias

    Problems with Fitting to the Power-Law Distribution

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    This short communication uses a simple experiment to show that fitting to a power law distribution by using graphical methods based on linear fit on the log-log scale is biased and inaccurate. It shows that using maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) is far more robust. Finally, it presents a new table for performing the Kolmogorov-Smirnof test for goodness-of-fit tailored to power-law distributions in which the power-law exponent is estimated using MLE. The techniques presented here will advance the application of complex network theory by allowing reliable estimation of power-law models from data and further allowing quantitative assessment of goodness-of-fit of proposed power-law models to empirical data.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, 2 table

    Monogamy and polygamy for multi-qubit entanglement using R\'enyi entropy

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    Using R\'enyi-α\alpha entropy to quantify bipartite entanglement, we prove monogamy of entanglement in multi-qubit systems for α2\alpha \geq 2. We also conjecture a polygamy inequality of multi-qubit entanglement with strong numerical evidence for 0.83ϵα1.43+ϵ0.83-\epsilon \leq \alpha \leq 1.43+\epsilon with 0<ϵ<0.010<\epsilon<0.01.Comment: 19 pages, 2 figure

    An evolving network model with community structure

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    Many social and biological networks consist of communities—groups of nodes within which connections are dense, but between which connections are sparser. Recently, there has been considerable interest in designing algorithms for detecting community structures in real-world complex networks. In this paper, we propose an evolving network model which exhibits community structure. The network model is based on the inner-community preferential attachment and inter-community preferential attachment mechanisms. The degree distributions of this network model are analysed based on a mean-field method. Theoretical results and numerical simulations indicate that this network model has community structure and scale-free properties

    Rules for Computing Symmetry, Density and Stoichiometry in a Quasi-Unit-Cell Model of Quasicrystals

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    The quasi-unit cell picture describes the atomic structure of quasicrystals in terms of a single, repeating cluster which overlaps neighbors according to specific overlap rules. In this paper, we discuss the precise relationship between a general atomic decoration in the quasi-unit cell picture atomic decorations in the Penrose tiling and in related tiling pictures. Using these relations, we obtain a simple, practical method for determining the density, stoichiometry and symmetry of a quasicrystal based on the atomic decoration of the quasi-unit cell taking proper account of the sharing of atoms between clusters.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figure

    The Rich Mid-Infrared Environments of Two Highly-Obscured X-ray Binaries: Spitzer Observations of IGR J16318-4848 and GX 301-2

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    We present the results of Spitzer mid-infrared spectroscopic observations of two highly-obscured massive X-ray binaries: IGR J16318-4848 and GX301-2. Our observations reveal for the first time the extremely rich mid-infrared environments of this type of source, including multiple continuum emission components (a hot component with T > 700 K and a warm component with T ~ 180 K) with apparent silicate absorption features, numerous HI recombination lines, many forbidden ionic lines of low ionization potentials, and pure rotational H2 lines. This indicates that both sources have hot and warm circumstellar dust, ionized stellar winds, extended low-density ionized regions, and photo-dissociated regions. It appears difficult to attribute the total optical extinction of both sources to the hot and warm dust components, which suggests that there could be an otherwise observable colder dust component responsible for the most of the optical extinction and silicate absorption features. The observed mid-infrared spectra are similar to those from Luminous Blue Variables, indicating that the highly-obscured massive X-ray binaries may represent a previously unknown evolutionary phase of X-ray binaries with early-type optical companions. Our results highlight the importance and utility of mid-infrared spectroscopy to investigate highly-obscured X-ray binaries.Comment: To appear in ApJ Letter

    Condition numbers and scale free graphs

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    In this work we study the condition number of the least square matrix corresponding to scale free networks. We compute a theoretical lower bound of the condition number which proves that they are ill conditioned. Also, we analyze several matrices from networks generated with the linear preferential attachment model showing that it is very difficult to compute the power law exponent by the least square method due to the severe lost of accuracy expected from the corresponding condition numbers.Comment: Submitted to EP

    Lattice dynamics and correlated atomic motion from the atomic pair distribution function

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    The mean-square relative displacements (MSRD) of atomic pair motions in crystals are studied as a function of pair distance and temperature using the atomic pair distribution function (PDF). The effects of the lattice vibrations on the PDF peak widths are modelled using both a multi-parameter Born von-Karman (BvK) force model and a single-parameter Debye model. These results are compared to experimentally determined PDFs. We find that the near-neighbor atomic motions are strongly correlated, and that the extent of this correlation depends both on the interatomic interactions and crystal structure. These results suggest that proper account of the lattice vibrational effects on the PDF peak width is important in extracting information on static disorder in a disordered system such as an alloy. Good agreement is obtained between the BvK model calculations of PDF peak widths and the experimentally determined peak widths. The Debye model successfully explains the average, though not detailed, natures of the MSRD of atomic pair motion with just one parameter. Also the temperature dependence of the Debye model largely agrees with the BvK model predictions. Therefore, the Debye model provides a simple description of the effects of lattice vibrations on the PDF peak widths.Comment: 9 pages, 11 figure