1,802 research outputs found

    Efficient Enumeration of Non-Equivalent Squares in Partial Words with Few Holes

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    International audienceA partial word is a word with holes (also called don't cares: special symbols which match any symbol). A p-square is a partial word matching at least one standard square without holes (called a full square). Two p-squares are called equivalent if they match the same sets of full squares. Denote by psquares(T) the number of non-equivalent p-squares which are subwords of a partial word T. Let PSQUARES k (n) be the maximum value of psquares(T) over all partial words of length n with k holes. We show asympthotically tight bounds: c1 · min(nk 2 , n 2) ≤ PSQUARES k (n) ≤ c2 · min(nk 2 , n 2) for some constants c1, c2 > 0. We also present an algorithm that computes psquares(T) in O(nk 3) time for a partial word T of length n with k holes. In particular, our algorithm runs in linear time for k = O(1) and its time complexity near-matches the maximum number of non-equivalent p-squares

    Introductory lectures on the Effective One Body formalism

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    The Effective One Body (EOB) formalism is an analytical approach which aims at providing an accurate description of the motion and radiation of coalescing binary black holes. We present a brief review of the basic elements of this approach.Comment: 22 pages, 3 figures, lectures given at the Second ICRANet Stueckelberg Workshop on Relativistic Field Theories (Pescara, Italy, September 3-8, 2007); to be published in the International Journal of Modern Physics

    Hadamard Regularization

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    Motivated by the problem of the dynamics of point-particles in high post-Newtonian (e.g. 3PN) approximations of general relativity, we consider a certain class of functions which are smooth except at some isolated points around which they admit a power-like singular expansion. We review the concepts of (i) Hadamard ``partie finie'' of such functions at the location of singular points, (ii) the partie finie of their divergent integral. We present and investigate different expressions, useful in applications, for the latter partie finie. To each singular function, we associate a partie-finie (Pf) pseudo-function. The multiplication of pseudo-functions is defined by the ordinary (pointwise) product. We construct a delta-pseudo-function on the class of singular functions, which reduces to the usual notion of Dirac distribution when applied on smooth functions with compact support. We introduce and analyse a new derivative operator acting on pseudo-functions, and generalizing, in this context, the Schwartz distributional derivative. This operator is uniquely defined up to an arbitrary numerical constant. Time derivatives and partial derivatives with respect to the singular points are also investigated. In the course of the paper, all the formulas needed in the application to the physical problem are derived.Comment: 50 pages, to appear in Journal of Mathematical Physic

    Gravitational-Wave Recoil from the Ringdown Phase of Coalescing Black Hole Binaries

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    The gravitational recoil or "kick" of a black hole formed from the merger of two orbiting black holes, and caused by the anisotropic emission of gravitational radiation, is an astrophysically important phenomenon. We combine (i) an earlier calculation, using post-Newtonian theory, of the kick velocity accumulated up to the merger of two non-spinning black holes, (ii) a "close-limit approximation" calculation of the radiation emitted during the ringdown phase, and based on a solution of the Regge-Wheeler and Zerilli equations using initial data accurate to second post-Newtonian order. We prove that ringdown radiation produces a significant "anti-kick". Adding the contributions due to inspiral, merger and ringdown phases, our results for the net kick velocity agree with those from numerical relativity to 10-15 percent over a wide range of mass ratios, with a maximum velocity of 180 km/s at a mass ratio of 0.38.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures; to appear in Class. Quant. Gra

    Wash-Out in N_2-dominated leptogenesis

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    We study the wash-out of a cosmological baryon asymmetry produced via leptogenesis by subsequent interactions. Therefore we focus on a scenario in which a lepton asymmetry is established in the out-of-equilibrium decays of the next-to-lightest right-handed neutrino. We apply the full classical Boltzmann equations without the assumption of kinetic equilibrium and including all quantum statistical factors to calculate the wash-out of the lepton asymmetry by interactions of the lightest right-handed state. We include scattering processes with top quarks in our analysis. This is of particular interest since the wash-out is enhanced by scatterings and the use of mode equations with quantum statistical distribution functions. In this way we provide a restriction on the parameter space for this scenarios.Comment: 26 pages, 4 figures, profound revision, exposition is now in flavor notation, one plot and discussion added, numerical error corrected, three plots changed, text polished, main results remain unchanged, reference added,matches published versio

    A template bank to search for gravitational waves from inspiralling compact binaries: II. Phenomenological model

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    Matched filtering is used to search for gravitational waves emitted by inspiralling compact binaries in data from ground-based interferometers. One of the key aspects of the detection process is the deployment of a set of templates, also called a template bank, to cover the astrophysically interesting region of the parameter space. In a companion paper, we described the template-bank algorithm used in the analysis of LIGO data to search for signals from non-spinning binaries made of neutron star and/or stellar-mass black holes; this template bank is based upon physical template families. In this paper, we describe the phenomenological template bank that was used to search for gravitational waves from non-spinning black hole binaries (from stellar mass formation) in the second, third and fourth LIGO science runs. We briefly explain the design of the bank, whose templates are based on a phenomenological detection template family. We show that this template bank gives matches greater than 95% with the physical template families that are expected to be captured by the phenomenological templates.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figure

    Post-Newtonian expansion of gravitational waves from a particle in circular orbits around a rotating black hole: Up to O(v8)O(v^8) beyond the quadrupole formula

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    Extending a method developed by Sasaki in the Schwarzschild case and by Shibata, Sasaki, Tagoshi, and Tanaka in the Kerr case, we calculate the post-Newtonian expansion of the gravitational wave luminosities from a test particle in circular orbit around a rotating black hole up to O(v8)O(v^8) beyond the quadrupole formula. The orbit of a test particle is restricted on the equatorial plane. We find that spin dependent terms appear in each post-Newtonian order, and that at O(v6)O(v^6) they have a significant effect on the orbital phase evolution of coalescing compact binaries. By comparing the post-Newtonian formula of the luminosity with numerical results we find that, for 30Mr100M30M\lesssim r \lesssim 100M, the spin dependent terms at O(v6)O(v^6) and O(v7)O(v^7) improve the accuracy of the post-Newtonian formula significantly, but those at O(v8)O(v^8) do not improve.Comment: 27 pages, revtex, 6 figures, submitted to Physical Review

    Full Boltzmann equations for leptogenesis including scattering

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    We study the evolution of a cosmological baryon asymmetry produced via leptogenesis by means of the full classical Boltzmann equations, without the assumption of kinetic equilibrium and including all quantum statistical factors. Beginning with the full mode equations we derive the usual equations of motion for the right-handed neutrino number density and integrated lepton asymmetry, and show explicitly the impact of each assumption on these quantities. For the first time, we investigate also the effects of scattering of the right-handed neutrino with the top quark to leading order in the Yukawa couplings by means of the full Boltzmann equations. We find that in our full Boltzmann treatment the final lepton asymmetry can be suppressed by as much as a factor of 1.5 in the weak wash-out regime (K<1), compared to the usual integrated approach which assumes kinetic equilibrium and neglects quantum statistics. This suppression is in contrast with the enhancement seen in some previous studies that considered only decay and inverse decay of the right-handed neutrino. However, this suppression quickly decreases as we increase K. In the strong wash-out regime (K>1), the full Boltzmann treatment and the integrated approach give nearly identical final lepton asymmetries (within 10 % of each other at K>3). Finally, we show that the opposing effects of quantum statistics on decays/inverse decays and the scattering processes tend to reduce the net importance of scattering on leptogenesis in the full treatment compared to the integrated approach.Comment: 39 pages, 8 figures, typos corrected, replaced to match published versio