727 research outputs found

    Electromagnetically excited acoustic resonance for evaluating attenuation coefficient and grain size in polycrystalline metals

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    Copyright 1994 American Institute of Physics. This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the American Institute of Physics. The following article appeared in Applied Physics Letters, 64(17), 2217-2219, 1994 and may be found at http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.11167

    Resonance EMAT system for acoustoelastic stress measurement in sheet metals

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    Copyright 1993 American Institute of Physics. This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the American Institute of Physics. The following article appeared in Review of Scientific Instruments, 64(11), 3198-3205, 1993 and may be found at http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.114432

    Flow Characteristics of Oil Film in Suction Line of Refrigeration Cycle

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    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Assure Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar IPS Siswa Kelas IV C Sdn 37 Pekanbaru

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    The objectives of this research is to improve learning outcomes IPS academic year 2015/2016. Subjects in this research all fourth grade students of grade IV C SDN 37 Pekanbaru by the number of students as many as 32 students. This research is a classroom action research conducted by two cycles. The results showed after applying the learning model ASSURE in learning IPS learning outcomes increased. This can be evidenced by the value of the acquisition of the activities of teachers in the first cycle of the first meeting with an average of 75% of both categories increased in the first cycle of the second meeting as much as 5,54% to 79,16% with the good category and the second cycle of the first meeting with the price increases both categories increased 83,33% in the second cycle the second meeting as much as 5,26% to 91,66% with very good category. Activities of students in the first cycle of the first meeting with an average of 75% of both categories increased in the first cycle of the second meeting as much as 11,10% to 83,33% with the good category and the second cycle first meeting increased by an average of 87,5% category good and at the second meeting of the second cycle increased by 9,52% to 95,83% with very good category. The results of social studies has increased, before action is ASSURE learning model application data on the basis of the complete score of 6 (18,75%) with an average of 70,78. Which completed the first cycle increased 26 votes (81,25%) with an average of 79,5 and the second cycle increased the complete 29 people (90,62%) with average 87,13 this indicates that the application of ASSURE learning model can improve the results of IPS grade IV C SDN 37 Pekanbaru

    A Study on the Ability of the Third Year Students of English Study Program Fkip Ur in Writing Sequence of Events of Reed's Movie Yes Man

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    The purpose of this study is to find out the third year students' ability of English Study Program in writing sequence of events of Yes Man movie. This research focus on the accuracy in grammar, vocabulary mastery, the mechanics, arrange the form and style and ease of communication (fluency) based on the movie. Data were collected using writing test, particularly writing the sequence of events the movie. The research finding are as follows: firstly, the ability of the students based on three raters in writing plot of movie is 70.37 which is in Average to Good level. Second, the students' average score based on three raters for Grammar aspect is 3.49, the average score for Mechanics is 3.54, in Vocabulary aspect the average score is 3.66, the students' average score for Form is 3.31 and the last average score is Fluency, which is 3.39. The highest score obtained by the students is in Vocabulary aspect and the lowest score is in Form aspect

    Pengaruh Kompetensi, Komitmen Organisasi dan Keterlibatan Kerja terhadap Kinerja Karyawan pada PT. Pln (Persero) Wilayah Suluttenggo

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    Karyawan sebagai sumber daya utama Perusahaan dituntut untuk memberikan pelayanan terbaik kepada konsumen dan memberikan kinerja yang optimal. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa sumber daya manusia sangat berpengaruh terhadap kesuksesan Perusahaan dalam pencapaian tujuannya. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui apakah Kompetensi, Komitmen Organisasi dan Keterlibatan Kerja berpengaruh terhadap Kinerja Karyawan. Populasi Penelitian Merupakan Karyawan PT. PLN, dan sampel sebanyak 63 Karyawan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah jenis penelitian asosiatif dengan teknik Analisa data menggunakan regresi linear berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukan secara simultan Kompetensi, Keterlibatan Kerja berpengaruh terhadap Kinerja Karyawan, secara parsial Komitmen Organisasi tidak berpengaruh terhadap Kinerja Karyawan sedangkan Kompetensi dan Komitmen Organisasi berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap Kinerja Karyawan. Pimpinan PT. PLN sebaiknya meningkatkan Kesejateraan karyawan, agar karyawan dapat merasa nyaman bekerja di Perusahaan. Kata kunci: kompetensi, komitmen, keterlibatan kerja, kinerj

    Rider Variables Affecting the Stirrup Directional Force Asymmetry during Simulated Riding Trot

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    Riders' asymmetry may cause back pain in both human and equine athletes. This pilot study aimed at documenting in a simple and quick way asymmetry in riders during a simulation of three different riding positions on wooden horseback using load cells applied on the stirrup leathers and identifying possible associations between riders' asymmetry and their gender, age, level of riding ability, years of riding experience, riding style, motivation of riding, primary discipline and handedness. After completing an interview to obtain the previously mentioned information, 147 riders performed a standardized test on a saddle fixed on a wooden horseback-shaped model. The riding simulation was split into three phases of 1 min each: (1) sit in the saddle, (2) standing in the stirrups and (3) rising trot. The directional force on the left and the right stirrup leathers was recorded every 0.2 s. A paired t-test was performed on the recorded data to test the difference (i.e., asymmetry) in each phase. In phases 1, 2 and 3, 99.3% (53.4% heavier on the right (R)), 98% (52.8% heavier on the left (L)) and 46.3% (51.5% heavier on the left (L)) of the riders were asymmetrical, respectively. Chi-square tests showed a significant association between riding ability and riding experience, but no significant association between reported handedness and calculated leg-sidedness (p > 0.05). Univariate logistic (1: asymmetry, 0: symmetry) regression analysis was performed only on the phase 3 data. One-hand riders were found twice more likely to be asymmetrical than two-hand riders (Odds Ratio (OR): 2.18, Confidence Interval (CI): 1.1-4.29; p = 0.024). This preliminary study confirmed that the majority of the riders are asymmetrical in load distribution on stirrups and suggested the riding style as a possible risk factor for asymmetry

    Temperature behavior of sound velocity of fluorine-doped vitreous silica thin films studied by picosecond ultrasonics

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    Vitreous silica (v-SiO2) shows anomalous temperature dependence of velocity, including positive temperature coefficient of velocity (TCV) and velocity minimum around 70 K. The former characteristic allows its application in acoustic-resonator devices as a temperature compensating material. In this paper, we study the temperature dependence of velocity of fluorine-doped v-SiO2 (v-SiO2-xFx) thin films using picosecond ultrasonic spectroscopy. To correct the temperature increase caused by irradiation with light pulses, we calculated the steady temperature increase in the measuring volume with a finite volume method, considering the temperature dependence of thermal conductivity, and find that temperature in the measurement region remains high even when the back surface is cryogenically cooled. Using the corrected temperature, we determine TCV of v-SiO2-xFx thin films for 0 < x < 0.264, which increases as x increases and is smaller than reported bulk values by a factor of 0.5 - 0.7. The velocity minimum is absent for the film with x = 0, but it is clearly observed at 70 K for the film with the highest fluorine concentration of x = 0.264. These temperature behaviors are attributed to the change in the Si-O-Si bond angle caused by the fluorine doping.Nagakubo A., Ogi H., Ishida H., et al. Temperature behavior of sound velocity of fluorine-doped vitreous silica thin films studied by picosecond ultrasonics. Journal of Applied Physics, 118(1), 014307 (2015) https://doi.org/10.1063/1.4923353.https://doi.org/10.1063/1.492335
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