358 research outputs found

    Distribution and prevalence of the myxozoan parasite Tetracapsuloides bryosalmonae in northernmost Europe: analysis of three salmonid species

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    Global climate change is altering the abundance and spread of many aquatic parasites and pathogens. Proliferative kidney disease (PKD) of salmonids caused by the myxozoan Tetracapsuloides bryosalmonae is one such emerging disorder, and its impact is expected to increase with rising water temperature. Yet, the distribution and prevalence of T. bryosalmonae in Northern Europe remain poorly characterized. Here, we studied 43 locations in 27 rivers in northernmost Norway and Finland to describe T. bryosalmonae infection frequency and patterns in 1389 juvenile salmonids. T. bryosalmonae was discovered in 12 out of 27 rivers (44%) and prevalence ranged from 4.2 to 55.5% in Atlantic salmon and from 5.8 to 75% in brown trout among infected rivers. In sympatric populations, brown trout was more frequently infected with T. bryosalmonae than was salmon. Age-specific parasite prevalence patterns revealed that in contrast to lower latitudes, the infection of juvenile fish predominantly occurs during the second summer or later. Temperature monitoring over 2 yr indicated that the mean water temperature in June was 2.1 to 3.2°C higher in rivers containing T. bryosalmonae compared to parasite-free rivers, confirming the important role of temperature in parasite occurrence. Temporal comparison in T. bryosalmonae prevalence over a 10 yr period in 11 rivers did not reveal any signs of contemporary parasite spread to previously uninfected rivers. However, the wide distribution of T. bryosalmonae in rivers flowing to the Barents Sea indicates that climate change and heat waves may cause new disease outbreaks in northern regions.publishedVersio

    Xenobiotic-induced activation of human aryl hydrocarbon receptor target genes in Drosophila is mediated by the epigenetic chromatin modifiers

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    Aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AHR) is the key transcription factor that controls animal development and various adaptive processes. The AHR\u27s target genes are involved in biodegradation of endogenous and exogenous toxins, regulation of immune response, organogenesis, and neurogenesis. Ligand binding is important for the activation of the AHR signaling pathway. Invertebrate AHR homologs are activated by endogenous ligands whereas vertebrate AHR can be activated by both endogenous and exogenous ligands (xenobiotics). Several studies using mammalian cultured cells have demonstrated that transcription of the AHR target genes can be activated by exogenous AHR ligands, but little is known about the effects of AHR in a living organism. Here, we examined the effects of human AHR and its ligands using transgenic Drosophila lines with an inducible human AhR gene. We found that exogenous AHR ligands can increase as well as decrease the transcription levels of the AHR target genes, including genes that control proliferation, motility, polarization, and programmed cell death. This suggests that AHR activation may affect the expression of gene networks that could be critical for cancer progression and metastasis. Importantly, we found that AHR target genes are also controlled by the enzymes that modify chromatin structure, in particular components of the epigenetic Polycomb Repressive complexes 1 and 2. Since exogenous AHR ligands (alternatively - xenobiotics) and small molecule inhibitors of epigenetic modifiers are often used as pharmaceutical anticancer drugs, our findings may have significant implications in designing new combinations of therapeutic treatments for oncological diseases. © Akishina et al

    Exploring the possibilities of transhumanistic risk management

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    The article considers the actual reflection of the transhumanistic concept in various fields of scientific knowledge. This concept has recently aroused genuine interest both because of its direction and because of its own contradictions. The discussion that has unfolded around this concept allows to evaluate all the pros and cons of the implementation of the transhumanist idea, which requires improving the physical condition of a person through the use of the most advanced technologies, among which biotechnology occupies an important place. Their use generates contextual social, economic and political problems. In this regard, it is necessary to investigate the process of emergence and development of transhumanistic risks, as well as the possibility of managing them on the basis of both traditional and original tools, taking into account the specifics of the transhumanistic approach. In the article, the authors present a study of the formation of transhumanistic risks associated with the creation and use of artificial intelligence, as well as the possibility of risk management in the transhumanistic space. The threat is increasing due to the growing globalization, interconnectedness and the speed of change in the world. These trends are generally useful, but present new challenges, including new types of transhumanistic risks associated with the use of artificial intelligence. It is more difficult to predict them than any other known risks. Conceptual options for assessing the situation developing in the transhumanistic space together represent a new vector transhumanistic risk management theory and practice development

    Research of the peculiarities of enterpises՚ work organization in the intercultural space

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    The article is devoted to the study of the organization of the work of enterprises in the intercultural space. The authors consider the cross-cultural approach as a cross-cutting process that leads to significant changes within organizations and society and which manifests itself through interaction that functions as a generating element of the exchange of ideas and knowledge. Culture becomes the driving force of the processes taking place in international companies, where people interact freely, focusing on achieving common goals of their development, understanding their own characteristics and differences, which inevitably leads to high productivity of the organization and increased motivation of its partners.The paper considers the management of the organization’s cross-cultural space in the context of three main elements: cross-culturality, competencies and interaction in the workplace. In the course of their activities, enterprises are faced with the peculiarities of the organization of work in an intercultural space, which, as a rule, consist in the mental differences of business representatives of different cultures. In the process of interaction, difficulties may arise due to the lack of a deep understanding of the ethnic characteristics of the partner, its history, culture, etc. In this regard, the authors recommend pay attention to the quality of the acquired cross-cultural competencies of the participants of the business dialogue. Organizations should invest in the cross-cultural knowledge of their employees to increase the efficiency and productivity of internationally organized businesses.Modern organizations tend to view business processes as knowledge processes. The creation of knowledge includes its further expansion, development, improvement and application in the organization. Modern business organizations are looking for ways to create additional knowledge values through identifying, applying, and using them in a unique way, and this is a process that is part science, part art, and part pure luck. Effective management of the knowledge that people from different cultures bring, as well as the spaces in which they will interact, сontribute to strengthening the corporate image of the organization and its positioning in the international market

    The Influence of Online Format on Forming Soft Skills in Foreign Language Teaching

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    The purpose of this research is to identify opportunities to develop soft skills, which are essential for graduates’ future professional activities, in online foreign language learning. The study focuses on distance learning, which has become a reality in university education due to the pandemic and the increased availability of higher education to those who cannot attend in-person classes (because of the distance, health problems, etc). Specifically, the research aims to demonstrate which soft skills, prioritized by employers, can and must be developed in distance foreign language learning, the preferred typology of exercises for this task, the specifics of teachers’ work in this format, and how to mobilize active attention in distance education. The study uses survey results collected from teachers and students at Lomonosov Moscow State University, which are analyzed along with relevant theoretical models. The research prioritizes tasks and assignments targeting soft skills such as creativity, learnability, critical thinking, and collaboration, with independent student work gaining more importance. The study concludes that online lessons should emphasize autonomous work performance over primary educational elements, and the results can form the basis for developing foreign language methodology in distance instruction. The research suggests this could be an optional module in a hybrid format that shows promise for higher foreign language education

    Testing the model of information system of innovative management in education

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    © 2015, Mediterranean Center of Social and Educational Research. All rights reserved. The work presents the results of testing the model of information system of innovative management in education on the example of Institute of Economics, Management and Law (Kazan) based on transactional approach, taking into account the classical theory of transaction costs. Classifications of transaction costs, most applicable in corporate hierarchies, are used. Special emphasis is made on the descriptions of economic effects of the information system implementation in an educational establishment

    Distribution and prevalence of the myxozoan parasite Tetracapsuloides bryosalmonae in northernmost Europe: analysis of three salmonid species

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    Global climate change is altering the abundance and spread of many aquatic parasites and pathogens. Proliferative kidney disease (PKD) of salmonids caused by the myxozoan Tetracapsuloides bryosalmonae is one such emerging disorder, and its impact is expected to increase with rising water temperature. Yet, the distribution and prevalence of T. bryosalmonae in Northern Europe remain poorly characterized. Here, we studied 43 locations in 27 rivers in northernmost Norway and Finland to describe T. bryosalmonae infection frequency and patterns in 1389 juvenile salmonids. T. bryosalmonae was discovered in 12 out of 27 rivers (44%) and prevalence ranged from 4.2 to 55.5% in Atlantic salmon and from 5.8 to 75% in brown trout among infected rivers. In sympatric populations, brown trout was more frequently infected with T. bryosalmonae than was salmon. Age-specific parasite prevalence patterns revealed that in contrast to lower latitudes, the infection of juvenile fish predominantly occurs during the second summer or later. Temperature monitoring over 2 yr indicated that the mean water temperature in June was 2.1 to 3.2 degrees C higher in rivers containing T. bryosalmonae compared to parasite-free rivers, confirming the important role of temperature in parasite occurrence. Temporal comparison in T. bryosalmonae prevalence over a 10 yr period in 11 rivers did not reveal any signs of contemporary parasite spread to previously uninfected rivers. However, the wide distribution of T. bryosalmonae in rivers flowing to the Barents Sea indicates that climate change and heat waves may cause new disease outbreaks in northern regions


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    The subject of the investigation is duration of naturai bringing of the 105 chiidren of the first year, whose were on treatment in the region hospitai. We found correiation of iiiness with the kind of bringing. Chiidren on naturai bringing have iiiness more rare then chiidren on artificiai bringing. 25.7% of chiidren had rude mistakes on bringing.Проанализировано распространенность и длительность грудного вскармливания среди 105 младенцев первого года жизни, которые находились на стационарном лечении в областной детской клинической больнице. Обнаружено недопустимо низкую распространённость (25,7 %) его среди исследуемых, часто в сочетании с грубыми нарушениями основныхпринципов диететики. Установлено зависимость здоровья детей от характера питания: младенцы на искусственном и смешанном вскармливании болеют чаще и дольше, чем на естественном.Проаналізовано поширеність та тривалість грудного вигодовування серед 105 дітей першого року, які знаходились на стаціонарному лікуванні в областній дитячій лікарні. Виявлено необгрунтовано низьку поширеність (25,7 %) її серед обстежених, нерідко з грубими порушеннями основних принципів дієтетики. Встановлено залежність здоров'я дітей від характеру вигодовування: малюки на штучному та змішаному вигодовуванні хворіють значно частіше і триваліше, чим на природньому

    The structure and characteristics of photochromic dithienylethenes

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    Abstract. The data on X-ray diffraction analysis for dihetarylethenes with perfluorocyclopentene (F), maleic anhydride (M) and cyclobutenedione (S) bridges between thienyl fragments were summarized and their photochromic properties were discussed. It was established that benzoxazole and benzothiazole substituents in position 5 of thienyl rings are coplanar to the plane of thiophene cycles. Thienyl fragments in A form of all dithienylethenes are considerably turned relative to the plane of bridging cycle. It means that there is no conjugation between π -electrons of aromatic heterocycles and double bond of the bridge. Flattening of molecule framework and the envelope conformation of thienyl cycles because of aromaticity loss are characteristic features of the form B structure with F-bridge. In all cases (excluding the compounds with alkylthio substituents in position 2 of thiophene cycle) the photochromic transition A −→ B is observed independently of different nature and structure of functional groups