503 research outputs found

    Two intracellular and cell type-specific bacterial symbionts in the placozoan Trichoplax H2

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    Placozoa is an enigmatic phylum of simple, microscopic, marine metazoans(1,2). Although intracellular bacteria have been found in all members of this phylum, almost nothing is known about their identity, location and interactions with their host(3-6). We used metagenomic and metatranscriptomic sequencing of single host individuals, plus metaproteomic and imaging analyses, to show that the placozoan Trichoplax sp. H2 lives in symbiosis with two intracellular bacteria. One symbiont forms an undescribed genus in the Midichloriaceae (Rickettsiales)(7,8) and has a genomic repertoire similar to that of rickettsial parasites(9,10), but does not seem to express key genes for energy parasitism. Correlative image analyses and three-dimensional electron tomography revealed that this symbiont resides in the rough endoplasmic reticulum of its host's internal fibre cells. The second symbiont belongs to the Margulisbacteria, a phylum without cultured representatives and not known to form intracellular associations(11-13). This symbiont lives in the ventral epithelial cells of Trichoplax, probably metabolizes algal lipids digested by its host and has the capacity to supplement the placozoan's nutrition. Our study shows that one of the simplest animals has evolved highly specific and intimate associations with symbiotic, intracellular bacteria and highlights that symbioses can provide access to otherwise elusive microbial dark matter

    Connecting structure and function from organisms to molecules in small-animal symbioses through chemo-histo-tomography

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    Our understanding of metabolic interactions between small symbi-otic animals and bacteria or parasitic eukaryotes that reside within their bodies is extremely limited. This gap in knowledge originates from a methodological challenge, namely to connect histologi -cal changes in host tissues induced by beneficial and parasitic (micro)organisms to the underlying metabolites. We addressed this challenge and developed chemo-histo-tomography (CHEMHIST), a culture-independent approach to connect anatomic structure and metabolic function in millimeter-sized symbiotic animals. CHEMHIST combines chemical imaging of metabolites based on mass spectrom-etry imaging (MSI) and microanatomy-based micro-computed X-ray tomography (micro-CT) on the same animal. Both high-resolution MSI and micro-CT allowed us to correlate the distribution of metab-olites to the same animal's three-dimensional (3D) histology down to submicrometer resolutions. Our protocol is compatible with tissue-specific DNA sequencing and fluorescence in situ hybridiza-tion for the taxonomic identification and localization of the associ-ated micro(organisms). Building CHEMHIST upon in situ imaging, we sampled an earthworm from its natural habitat and created an in-teractive 3D model of its physical and chemical interactions with bacteria and parasitic nematodes in its tissues. Combining MSI and micro-CT, we present a methodological groundwork for connecting metabolic and anatomic phenotypes of small symbiotic animals that often represent keystone species for ecosystem functioning

    Life in the Dark: Phylogenetic and Physiological Diversity of Chemosynthetic Symbioses

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    Possibly the last discovery of a previously unknown major ecosystem on Earth was made just over half a century ago, when researchers found teaming communities of animals flourishing two and a half kilometers below the ocean surface at hydrothermal vents. We now know that these highly productive ecosystems are based on nutritional symbioses between chemosynthetic bacteria and eukaryotes and that these chemosymbioses are ubiquitous in both deep-sea and shallow-water environments. The symbionts are primary producers that gain energy from the oxidation of reduced compounds, such as sulfide and methane, to fix carbon dioxide or methane into biomass to feed their hosts. This review outlines how the symbiotic partners have adapted to living together. We first focus on the phylogenetic and metabolic diversity of these symbioses and then highlight selected research directions that could advance our understanding of the processes that shaped the evolutionary and ecological success of these associations

    Eat Smart Move More Weigh Less: A Community Based Weight Management Program for Adults

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    Describes development of a comprehensive, low cost weight management program to be delivered by local public health educators or cooperative extension agents. The program was developed by a unique partnerships of the NC Cooperative Extension Serive, the NC Division of Public Health and the Brody School of Medicine at East Carolina University

    Circulating miRNAs miR-34a and miR-150 associated with colorectal cancer progression

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    BACKGROUND: Screening for the early detection of colorectal cancer is important to improve patient survival. The aim of this study was to investigate the potential of circulating cell-free miRNAs as biomarkers of CRC, and their efficiency at delineating patients with polyps and benign adenomas from normal and cancer patient groups. METHODS: The expression of 667 miRNAs was assessed in a discovery set of 48 plasma samples comprising normal, polyp, adenoma, and early and advanced cancer samples. Three miRNAs (miR-34a, miR-150, and miR-923) were further examined in a validation cohort of 97 subjects divided into the same five groups, and in an independent public dataset of 40 CRC samples and paired normal tissues. RESULTS: High levels of circulating miR-34a and low miR-150 levels distinguished groups of patients with polyps from those with advanced cancer (AUC = 0.904), and low circulating miR-150 levels separated patients with adenomas from those with advanced cancer (AUC = 0.875). In addition, the altered expression of miR-34a and miR-150 in an independent public dataset of forty CRC samples and paired normal tissues was confirmed. CONCLUSION: We identified two circulating miRNAs capable of distinguishing patient groups with different diseases of the colon from each other, and patients with advanced cancer from benign disease groups. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12885-015-1327-5) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users

    Sulfur-Oxidizing Symbionts without Canonical Genes for Autotrophic CO2 Fixation

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    Many animals and protists depend on symbiotic sulfur-oxidizing bacteria as their main food source. These bacteria use energy from oxidizing inorganic sulfur compounds to make biomass autotrophically from CO2, serving as primary producers for their hosts. Here we describe a clade of nonautotrophic sulfur-oxidizing symbionts, “Candidatus Kentron,” associated with marine ciliates. They lack genes for known autotrophic pathways and have a carbon stable isotope fingerprint heavier than other symbionts from similar habitats. Instead, they have the potential to oxidize sulfur to fuel the uptake of organic compounds for heterotrophic growth, a metabolic mode called chemolithoheterotrophy that is not found in other symbioses. Although several symbionts have heterotrophic features to supplement primary production, in Kentron they appear to supplant it entirely.Since the discovery of symbioses between sulfur-oxidizing (thiotrophic) bacteria and invertebrates at hydrothermal vents over 40 years ago, it has been assumed that autotrophic fixation of CO2 by the symbionts drives these nutritional associations. In this study, we investigated “Candidatus Kentron,” the clade of symbionts hosted by Kentrophoros, a diverse genus of ciliates which are found in marine coastal sediments around the world. Despite being the main food source for their hosts, Kentron bacteria lack the key canonical genes for any of the known pathways for autotrophic carbon fixation and have a carbon stable isotope fingerprint that is unlike other thiotrophic symbionts from similar habitats. Our genomic and transcriptomic analyses instead found metabolic features consistent with growth on organic carbon, especially organic and amino acids, for which they have abundant uptake transporters. All known thiotrophic symbionts have converged on using reduced sulfur to gain energy lithotrophically, but they are diverse in their carbon sources. Some clades are obligate autotrophs, while many are mixotrophs that can supplement autotrophic carbon fixation with heterotrophic capabilities similar to those in Kentron. Here we show that Kentron bacteria are the only thiotrophic symbionts that appear to be entirely heterotrophic, unlike all other thiotrophic symbionts studied to date, which possess either the Calvin-Benson-Bassham or the reverse tricarboxylic acid cycle for autotrophy