528 research outputs found

    Hybrid fuzzy PI controlled multi-input DC/DC converter for electric vehicle application

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    Power electronic interface with its effective control scheme plays a major role in the utilization of energy sources for electric vehicle application. For this purpose, a hybrid fuzzy PI based control scheme for a multiple input converter (MIC) topology is proposed. The proposed hybrid fuzzy PI controller includes a conventional PI controller at steady state and fuzzy PI at transient state. Also, the proposed control design helps in tracking a predefined speed profile to have complete realization of electric vehicle. Detailed simulation study and performance comparisons with conventional controller are performed. The results show that the developed control scheme is robust providing bidirectional power management, fast tracking capability with less steady state error, better dynamic response by enhancing the flexibility and proper utilization of energy sources. Simulation in MATLAB/SIMULINK environment is carried out to verify the performance of the multi-input converter with the developed control scheme. An experimental set-up is constructed to validate the same

    A Review of Privacy Preserving Techniques inWireless Sensor Network

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    This paper represents a review of privacy preserving techniques in wireless sensor network. Wireless sensor networks are not secure. To preserve privacy of wireless sensor network various techniques are discovered. A lot of work has been done to address challenges faced to preserve privacy of wireless sensor network. In this paper we represent a research on privacy preserving techniques used in location privacy, data privacy and network privacy. This paper should provide help for further research in privacy preservation in wireless sensor network. Keywords: Context privacy, data privacy, source location privac

    A study of histomorphological profile of triple-negative breast cancer

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    BACKGROUND: Triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) is defined by the lack of expression of estrogen receptor (ER), progesterone receptor (PR) and human epidermal growth factor 2 (Her2) expression. It is characterized by distinct clinical, morphological and molecular features and associated with aggressive clinical course and poor prognosis. PURPOSE: This study is aimed at examining the clinicopathologic features of triple- negative breast cancer and at evaluating the expression of CK 5/6 and epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) among 50 cases of triple-negative breast cancers and to correlate the expression of basal markers with the clinicopathologic prognostic parameters. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Fifty female patients with triple-negative breast cancer were studied for clinical and pathological features and by immunohistochemistry for CK 5/6 and EGFR expression. Statistical analysis was done using descriptive analysis and correlation tests. RESULTS: The mean age of the patients was 50.4 years. Infiltrating ductal carcinoma IDC, NOS type was the predominant histological type (46/50 [92%]). The commonest histologic grade was grade II (27/50 [55%]). Tumour necrosis was seen in 70% of the cases (35/50). 72% of the cases were positive for at least one of the basal markers CK 5/6 and EGFR. We observed a statistically significant correlation between tumour size and lymph node metastasis. CONCLUSION: The triple-negativity of tumours should not be used as a marker for basal-like tumours. The use of CK 5/6 and EGFR can define basal phenotype. A majority of the cases show EGFR expression. Hence TNBCs could be treated with EGFR targeted therapies

    A dissertation on comparison of the results of outcome of canal wall up mastoidectomy and canal wall down mastoidectomy for chronic suppurative otitis media.

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    The chronic discharging ear is still one of the common problems that the Otorhinolaryngologist in India and other developing countries are encountering. Although, thanks to the advent of newer antibiotics, the incidence of acute suppurative otitis media and its complications have reduced, chronic suppurative otitis media and their complications are still prevalent. The continuation of the infection and the bone eroding properties of granulation tissue and cholesteatoma seen in CSOM are known to be the major pathological process causing these complications. As there is no simple means to eradicate this chronic pathology, appropriate and timely intervention by an Otologist goes a long way in the prevention of these human maladies. The decision to treat chronic suppurative otitis media by surgery, in this case by a canal wall down procedure, is not to be undertaken lightly. Whatever the reason for the procedure, the patient will become a regular visitor to the outpatient for many years to come, and will only be discharged if the cavity is entirely trouble-free and self-cleaning over a number of consecutive visits

    Antimicrobial activity of Gandhakadya Malahara in vitro study

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    Bhaishajya Kalpana Vigyana is the pharmacological branch of Ayurveda which deals with the preparation of herbal and herbo-mineral formulations. Malahara is a lately introduced dosage form to Ayurvedic system of medicine. Microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites are present everywhere in the soil, water, and air are responsible for large number of infectious diseases in human beings. To avoid such problems our Acharyas has mentioned many Malaharayogas. Gandhakadya Malahara is one among them which is mentioned in Rasatarangini Gandhaka Vinjaniya Taranga

    Lactate Dehydrogenase: A biochemical marker of preeclampsia and eclampsia

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    This was a comparative observational study done on 173 patients attending Outpatient department/ Labour Ward at Chengalpattu Medical College & Hospital, Chengalpattu from November 2013 ~ August 2014 All patients were of gestational age 28 weeks and above. Patients were selected irrespective of the age and parity and they were divided into three groups based on NHBPEP classification as 50 normotensives, 50 mild pre-eclamptics, 50 severe pre-eclamptics & 23 eclamptics. Patients were also divided into three groups based on their S. LDH (less than 600, 600 to 800, and more than 800 IU/l). All the diagnostic components and the possible maternal and fetal complications of pre-eclampsia were correlated with their S.LDH levels. The study was done in search of a valuable marker for preeclampsia and Eclampsia which would reflect the severity of the disease and would predict the maternal and fetal outcome. Such markers can help in decision making and can influence the current management protocols in order to achieve a better maternal and perinatal outcome. Lactate dehydrogenase has been suggested by various authors as a promising marker and the inferences made out of this study are as follows. 1. Age & Parity did not have any relation with S. LDH levels of P(0.21). 2. Systolic & Diastolic blood pressure had significant correlation with S. LDH levels with a P value of 0.00 3. S. LDH levels did not vary much between normotensives and mid preeclampsia (P =0.47) but significant increase was observed between normotenisves, severe pre-eclampsia & eclampsia (p < 0.00.) 4. Proteinuria by itself is a marker of severity of the disease and correlating LDH values P (0.00) proves S. LDH to be a similar marker with high significance and hence the need for management strategies based on S. LDH. Among the 121cases with normal LDH levels (<600 IU/L), 109 cases (90.08%) had uneventful maternal outcome. 12 cases (9.91%) had maternal complications which include 10 cases (8.26%) with abruptio placenta, 2 cases (1.65%) with Eclampsia. No IUGR cases were observed. 5 cases (4.14%) of late fetal deaths were reported. Among the 20 cases with LDH levels between 600-800 IU/L, 7 cases (35%) had uneventful maternal outcome. 13 cases (65%) had maternal complications which include 9 cases (45%) with abruptio placenta, 4 cases (20%) with Eclampsia. 3 cases (15%) had IUGR. 5 cases (25%) had late fetal death. Among the 32 cases with LDH levels more than 800 IU/L, Only one case (3.12%) had uneventful maternal outcome. 31 cases (96.88%) had maternal complication which include 13 cases (40.62%) with abruptio placenta, 1 case (3.12%) with HELLP & DIC leading to maternal death, 17 cases (53.12%) with Eclampsia including 2 maternal deaths due to pulmonary edema. 4 cases (12.5%) had IUGR. 10 cases (31.25%) had late fetal death. Overall incidence of maternal complications (Abruption, Pulmonary Edema, DIC, HELLP) were 50% with increased LDH values (>600 IU/L) when compared to 8.26% with normal LDH values (<600 IU/L). Significantly high maternal morbidity and mortality were observed with high LDH levels (P= 0.00). There was an overall incidence of fetal complication ( IUGR + IUD ) of 42.3 % with increased LDH values (>600 IU/L) when compared to 4.13 % with normal LDH values (<600 IU/L). Significantly high fetal complications were observed with high LDH levels (P=0.00). CONCLUSION: After analyzing the data and comparing the results following conclusion have been drawn from the study. S. LDH values were significantly high in pre-eclamptic patients depending on the severity of the disease indicating the increased cellular turnover in them. S. LDH levels had a good correlation with all the diagnostic components of preeclampsia like SBP, DBP & Proteinuria, similarly with maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality Hence diagnostic and management strategies may be considered based on S.LDH levels and further studies on a larger sample can be done to substantiate our observations on the utility of this parameter as a diagnostic and prognostic component of preeclampsia. Development of new management strategies based on S. LDH levels may help in appropriate decision making thereby avoiding unwanted maternal & fetal deaths

    Tree Based Boosting Algorithm to Tackle the Overfitting in Healthcare Data

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    Healthcare data refers to information about an individual's or population's health issues, reproductive results, causes of mortality, and quality of life. When people interact with healthcare systems, a variety of health data is collected and used. However, these healthcare data are noisy as well as it prone to over-fitting. Over-fitting is a modeling error in statistics that occurs when a function is too closely aligned to a limited set of data points. As a result, the model learns the information and noise in the training data to the point where it degrades the model's performance on fresh data. The tree-based boosting approach works well on over-fitted data and is well suited for healthcare data. Improved Paloboost performs trimmed gradient and updated learning rate using Out-of-Bag mistakes collected from Out-of-Bag data. Out-of-Bag data are the data that are not present in In-Bag data. Improved Paloboost's outcome will protect against over-fitting in noisy healthcare data and outperform all tree baseline models. The Improved Paloboost is better at avoiding over-fitting of data and is less sensitive, according to experimental results on health-care datasets

    A single base deletion in the SLC45A2 gene in a Bullmastiff with oculocutaneous albinism.

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    Oculocutaneous albinism type 4 (OCA4) in humans and similar phenotypes in many animal species are caused by variants in the SLC45A2 gene, encoding a putative sugar transporter. In dog, two independent SLC45A2 variants are known that cause oculocutaneous albinism in Doberman Pinschers and several small dog breeds respectively. For the present study, we investigated a Bullmastiff with oculocutaneous albinism. The affected dog was highly inbred and resulted from the mating of a sire to its own grandmother. We obtained whole genome sequence data from the affected dog and searched specifically for variants in candidate genes known to cause albinism. We detected a single base deletion in exon 6 of the SLC45A2 gene (NM_001037947.1:c.1287delC) that has not been reported thus far. This deletion is predicted to result in an early premature stop codon. It was confirmed by Sanger sequencing and perfectly co-segregated with the phenotype in the available family members. We genotyped 174 unrelated dogs from diverse breeds, all of which were homozygous wildtype. We therefore suggest that SLC45A2:c.1287delC causes the observed oculocutaneous albinism in the affected Bullmastiff

    Influence of Cu concentration on the structural, morphological, optical and catalytic properties of TiO2 thin films

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    Pristine titanium oxide (TiO2) and Cu doped TiO2 thin films of ~2.0 µm thicknesses have been deposited on glass substrates by sol-gel dip coating technique. The deposited films are even and more adherent to the substrate. The consequences of incorporation of Cu ions of different concentration in TiO2 lattice towards the structural, morphological and optical characteristics of prepared thin films have been investigated. Cu doping alters crystallite size and morphology of doped TiO2 films marginally. Gradual increase in concentration of Cu atoms into TiO2 matrix expands the absorption window of prepared films to visible region. The decrease in excitonic energy upon Cu doping promotes the charge separation in TiO2 semiconductor. Depending upon Cu concentration, exciton life time is extended fairly which leads to improved electron-hole separation and enhanced oxidation-reduction reactions at the surface of TiO2 semiconductors. The advantage of thin film catalyst over the other catalyst structures has been exhibited by the reusability nature of Cu-TiO2 films. This study reveals that an ideal amount of Cu doping can increase the photocatalytic performance of TiO2 thin films efficiently

    Orbital Infections: An Analytical study

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    INTRODUCTION: Orbit is a closed sterile compartment surrounded by bony walls and anteriorly by the diaphanous orbital septum. The orbit houses the eyeball and subserves the major functions of protection of the eye and facilitation of the extreme degree of motility by the eye. As such, it may be a secondary site for infection originating in the surrounding structures or an intermediary for infection to other sites. Orbital infections most commonly results from a contiguous source of infection. The orbital anatomy and its relationship to the other adjacent as well as remote structures are essential in understanding the pathogenesis of orbital infections. These relationships also explain the potentially devastating consequences of orbital infection and influence therapeutic decisions. Orbital and periorbital infectious may be caused by variety of bacterial fungal and parasitic agents. Appropriate management depends on recognition of primary source of infection, identification of the responsible organisms and appreciation of the topography of the process within the orbit and periorbital tissues. Integration of the history physical examination and ancillary testing allow the achievement of these primary goals. AIM OF THE STUDY: To analyze the prevalence pattern and etiopathogenesis of orbital infections, to analyse the role of radiological investigations to diagnose orbital infections and to analyse the course of orbital infections with treatment. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Orbital infection was diagnosed in 126 patients who attended Regional Institute of Ophthalmology Government Ophthalmic Hospital between the period of September 2006 to September 2008. Patients who were admitted and treated were included in the study. These patients were evaluated clinically and radiologically. ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION: Total numbers of cases of orbital infections included in the study period of September 2006 to September 2008 were 126. The study included only the in patients during the study period. SUMMARY: 126 patients who attended Regional Institute of Ophthalmology Government Ophthalmic Hospital between the period of September 2006 to September 2008 with orbital infection were included in the study. The analysis included the prevalence pattern of orbital infections, sex incidence, laterality, associated conditions, efficacy of investigative procedure and the course of disease with treatment. CONCLUSION: Orbital infections are more common in children and preseptal cellulitis is the commonest infection encountered. Periocular infections are the most common associated condition for the orbital infections. Bacteria formed the major causative organism for orbital infections. Among this gram positive organisms predominated. Ultrasonography and CT scan help in diagnosis, identification of complications and in assessment of response of treatment in orbital infections. They are complimentary to each other. Most of the orbital infections resolve with the prompt treatment. Surgical approach forms the treatment of choice in parasitic infections