2,650 research outputs found

    How would GW150914 look with future GW detector networks?

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    The first detected gravitational wave signal, GW150914, was produced by the coalescence of a stellar-mass binary black hole. Along with the subsequent detection of GW151226, GW170104 and the candidate event LVT151012, this gives us evidence for a population of black hole binaries with component masses in the tens of solar masses. As detector sensitivity improves, this type of source is expected to make a large contribution to the overall number of detections, but has received little attention compared to binary neutron star systems in studies of projected network performance. We simulate the observation of a system like GW150914 with different proposed network configurations, and study the precision of parameter estimates, particularly source location, orientation and masses. We find that the improvements to low frequency sensitivity that are expected with continued commissioning will improve the precision of chirp mass estimates by an order of magnitude, whereas the improvements in sky location and orientation are driven by the expanded network configuration. This demonstrates that both sensitivity and number of detectors will be important factors in the scientific potential of second generation detector networks.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figures, 2 table

    Fixed Investment in the American Business Cycle, 1919-83

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    Contributions are made by this paper in three areas, methodological, data creation, and empirical. The methodological section finds that, while structural model building exercises may be useful in suggesting lists of variables that may play an explanatory role in investment equations, they generally achieve identification of structural parameters only by imposing arbitrary and unbelievable simplifying assumptions and exclusion restrictions.The paper advocates a hybrid methodology combining guidance from traditional structural models on the choice and form of explanatory variables to be included, with estimation in a reduced-form format that introduces all explanatory variables and the lagged dependent variable with the same number of unconstrained lag coefficients. The second contribution is the use of a new set of quarterly data for major expenditure categories of GNP extending back to 1919. The data file also contains quarterly data back to 1919 for other variables, including the capital stock, interest rates, the cost of capital including tax incentive effects, a proxy for Tobin's "Q", and the real money supply.The empirical results support the view that there are two basic impulses in the business cycle, real and financial.The real impulse appears in our statistical evidence as an autonomous innovation to investment in structures. We interpret these structures innovations as due in turn to changes in the rate of population growth, episodes of speculation and overbuilding, and Schumpeterian waves of innovation.The financial impulse works through the effect on investment of changes in the money supply, as well as the real interest rate (in the case of postwar investment in durable equipment).There is a strong role for the money supply as a determinant of investment behavior, relative to such other factors as the user cost of capital or Tobin's "Q". The role of the money supply is interpreted as primarily reflecting the banking contraction of 1929-33 and the episodes of credit crunches and disintermediation in the postwar years. Another feature of the empirical work is the attention paid to aggregation. Coefficient estimates are more stable when four types of investment expenditures are aggregated along the structures-equipment dimension than along the household-business dimension. Historical decompositions highlight the role of autonomous innovations in structures investment and in the money supply, and an inspection of residuals suggests that the main autonomous downward shift in spending in 1929-30 was in fixed investment, not nondurable consumption.

    A new code for parameter estimation in searches for gravitational waves from known pulsars

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    We describe the consistency testing of a new code for gravitational wave signal parameter estimation in known pulsar searches. The code uses an implementation of nested sampling to explore the likelihood volume. Using fake signals and simulated noise we compare this to a previous code that calculated the signal parameter posterior distributions on both a grid and using a crude Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method. We define a new parameterisation of two orientation angles of neutron stars used in the signal model (the initial phase and polarisation angle), which breaks a degeneracy between them and allows more efficient exploration of those parameters. Finally, we briefly describe potential areas for further study and the uses of this code in the future.Comment: Accepted for proceedings of Amaldi 9 meetin

    The use of phenyl-Sepharose for the affinity purification of proteinases

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    Phenyl-Sepharose is most often used as an adsorbent for hydrophobic interaction chromatography (HIC). We report on its effective use for the affinity purification of some extracellular thermostable proteinases from bacterial sources. Proteinases belonging to the serine, aspartate and metallo mechanistic classes were effective retained by the media. Purification factors in the range of 2.9–60 and enzyme activity yields in excess of 88% were obtained. In some cases homogeneous enzyme was obtained from culture supernatants in a single step. A number of other proteinases from mammalian sources were also retained. The specificity of the enzyme/support interaction was studied. Proteinases complexed with peptide inhibitors (pepstatin and chymostatin) showed reduced binding to phenyl Sepharose indicating with the active site cleft whereas modification with low molecular weight active site directed inactivators such as PMSF and DAN did not, indicating that binding may not be dependent on the catalytic site. Pepsinogen and the pro-enzyme form of the serine proteinase from the thermophilic Bacillus sp. strain Ak.1 were not retained by the media and could be resolved in an efficient manner from their active counterparts