44 research outputs found

    Charge-odd correlation of lepton and pion pair production in electron-proton scattering

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    Charge-odd correlation of the charged pair components produced at electron-proton scattering can measure three current correlation averaged by proton state. In general these type correlation can be described by 14 structure functions. We restrict here by consideration of inclusive distributions of a pair components, which is the light-cone projection of the relevant hadronic tensor. Besides we consider the point-like approximation for proton and pion. Numerical estimations show that charge-odd effects can be measured in exclusive ep -> 2 pi X experiments.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    A model of a transition neutral pion formfactor measured in annihilation and scattering channels

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    We consider an alternative explanation of newly found growth of neutral pion transition form factor with virtuality of one of photon. It is based on Sudakov suppression of quark-photon vertex. Some applications to scattering and annihilation channels are considered including the relevant experiments with lepton-proton scattering.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figur

    Compton and double Compton scattering processes at colliding electron-photon beams

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    Radiative corrections (RC) to the Compton scattering cross section are calculated in the leading and next-to leading logarithmic approximation to the case of colliding high energy photon-electron beams. RC to the double Compton scattering cross section in the same experimental set-up are calculated in the leading logarithmic approximation. We consider the case when no pairs are created in the final state. We show that the differential cross section can be written in the form of the Drell-Yan process cross-section. Numerical values of the KK-factor and the leading order distribution on the scattered electron energy fraction and scattering angle are presented

    Artificial Epitope-Based Immunogens in HIV-Vaccine Design

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    One of the promising approaches for designing HIV vaccines is construction of synthetic polyepitope HIV-1 immunogen using a wide range of conservative T- and B-cell epitopes of the main virus antigens. In theory this approach helps cope with HIV-1 antigenic variability, focuses immune responses on protective determinants and enables to exclude from the vaccine compound adverse regions of viral proteins that can induce autoantibodies or antibodies enhancing infectivity of virus. The paper presents the experience of our team in development of artificial polyepitope HIV-1 immunogens, which can induce both a humoral response, and responses of cytotoxic (CD8 + CTL) and helpers (CD4 + Th) T-cells. The design of HIV-immunogens has been done using our original software, TEpredict and PolyCTLDesigner. We describe development of the candidate HIV-1/AIDS vaccine – CombiHIVvac, which included two artificial polyepitope immunogens TBI and TCI for stimulating humoral and cellular responses. The results of the specific activity and safety of CombiHIVvac vaccine, obtained during preclinical and clinical trials, are presented

    One-loop chiral amplitudes of Moller scattering process

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    The high energy amplitudes of the large angles Moller scattering are calculated in frame of chiral basis in Born and 1-loop QED level. Taking into account as well the contribution from emission of soft real photons the compact relations free from infrared divergences are obtained. The expressions for separate chiral amplitudes contribution to the cross section are in agreement with renormalization group predictions.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figure

    Molecular epidemiology, phylogeny, and phylodynamics of CRF63_02A1, a recently originated HIV-1 circulating recombinant form spreading in Siberia

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    The HIV-1 epidemic in Russia is dominated by the former Soviet Union subtype A (A(FSU)) variant, but other genetic forms are circulating in the country. One is the recently described CRF63_02A1, derived from recombination between a CRF02_AG variant circulating in Central Asia and A(FSU), which has spread in the Novosibirsk region, Siberia. Here we phylogenetically analyze pol and env segments from 24 HIV-1 samples from the Novosibirsk region collected in 2013, with characterization of three new near full-length genome CRF63_02A1 sequences, and estimate the time of the most recent common ancestor (tMRCA) and the demographic growth of CRF63_02A1 using a Bayesian method. The analyses revealed that CRF63_02A1 is highly predominant in the Novosibirsk region (81.2% in pol sequences) and is transmitted both among injecting drug users and by heterosexual contact. Similarity searches with database sequences combined with phylogenetic analyses show that CRF63_02A1 is circulating in East Kazakhstan and the Eastern area of Russia bordering China. The analyses of near full-length genome sequences show that its mosaic structure is more complex than reported, with 18 breakpoints. The tMRCA of CRF63_02A1 was estimated around 2006, with exponential growth in 2008-2009 and subsequent stabilization. These results provide new insights into the molecular epidemiology, phylogeny, and phylodynamics of CRF63_02A1.We thank the personnel at the Genomic Unit of Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Majadahonda, Madrid, Spain, for technical assistance in sequencing, and Bonnie Mathieson, from the Office of AIDS Research, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland for her support of this study. This work was funded by Office of AIDS Research, National Institutes of Health, through the training program “Molecular Epidemiology of HIV-1 in Eastern Europe and Its Significance for Vaccine Development.”S


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    In 2017, the specialists of the radiation safety laboratory of JSC «VNIPIpromtekhnologii» conducted a radioecological examination of the «Buranny», «Severny» and «Yuzhny» sites in the Tomtorskoe rare metal deposit (the northern part of the Olenek ulus of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia)). By this time, exploration work was completed at the field with an assessment of the radiation situation. Due to the fact that the amount of information received was not sufficient for a comprehensive analysis and prediction of the radiation situation, it was decided to conduct an additional radioecological survey at the field and in the adjacent area. The research program included field and laboratory work: gamma surveying of the territory, measuring the flux density of alpha and beta particles, gamma spectrometric measurements, environmental sampling, residues of drill cuttings and core, conducting research on the content of natural and man-made radionuclides, as well as individual chemical elements in the selected samples. According to the results of the research, a conclusion was drawn about the normal radiation situation in general in the field. Certain sites of the radioactive contamination was associated with an anthropogenic impact on the ecology of the field during exploratory drilling with the extraction of core from the ore body to the surface of the sites.В 2017 г. специалистами лаборатории радиационной безопасности Акционерного Общества «ВНИПИпромтехнологии» было проведено радиоэкологическое исследование участков «Буранный», «Северный» и «Южный» на территории Томторского редкометалльного месторождения (северная часть Оленекского улуса Республики Саха (Якутия)). К этому времени на месторождении были завершены геологоразведочные работы с оценкой радиационной обстановки. В связи с тем, что объем полученной информации оказался недостаточным для всестороннего анализа и прогноза радиационной обстановки, а оценка ведущих радиационных факторов противоречила представлениям о роли техногенного излучения, было решено провести дополнительное радиоэкологическое обследование на месторождении и на прилегающей к нему территории. Целью исследования являлась оценка текущего состояния радиационной и экологической обстановки в окрестностях площадок буровых разведочных скважин и производственных помещений на Томторском месторождении с установлением сравнительной роли техногенного и природного факторов. Программа исследований включала в себя полевые и лабораторные работы: гамма-съемка территории, измерение плотности потока альфа- и бета-частиц, гамма-спектрометрические измерения, отбор проб окружающей среды, остатков бурового шлама и керна, проведение исследований содержания природных и техногенных радионуклидов, а также отдельных химических элементов в отобранных пробах. По результатам исследований сделан вывод о нормальной радиационной обстановке в целом на территории месторождения и отсутствии дополнительного облучения населения. Отдельные локальные радиоактивные загрязнения были связаны с техногенным воздействием на экологию месторождения при выполнении разведочного бурения с извлечением на поверхность площадок радиоактивного керна из рудного тела. При этом дополнительное облучение людей для наиболее вероятного гипотетического сценария не превысит пределов допустимых нормативных доз