16 research outputs found

    Seleksi Vendor Dengan Integrasi Anp – Topsis Dan Optimalisasi Alokasi Order Dengan Pendekatan Goal Programming (Studi Kasus Di PT. Xyz)

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    Salah satu faktor kesuksesan sebuah Perusahaan adalah pemilihan vendor. Pemilihan vendormerupakan masalah pengambilan keputusan penting agar mendapatkan pemasok yang dapatmeningkatkan daya saing Perusahaan. Dalam penelitian ini akan dikaji mengenai pemilihan vendor untuk dua macam subkomponen untuk produk spare part motor yaitu bolt flange (Part Code 90105060270080) dan washer plain (Part Code 90201208140080) di PT. XYZ. Penyelesaian masalah seleksi vendor dalam penelitian ini dibantu dengan menggunakan metode gabungan ANP-TOPSIS. Setelah didapatkan vendor terpilih kemudian dilakukan perhitungan goal programming untuk pengalokasian order kepada vendor-vendor terpilih tersebut. Berdasarkan hasil pengolahan data dengan metode gabungan ANP-TOPSIS didapatkan perangkingan untuk vendor bolt flange secara berurutan adalah PT. GMS dengan nilai c* =0,91960, PT. DPM dengan nilai c* = 0,49236, PT. GIP dengan nilai c* = 0,43609, dan PT. GNP dengan nilai c* = 0,27989. Sedangkan untuk vendor washer plain secara berurutan adalah PT. NCS dengan nilai c* = 0,79556, PT. IDS dengan nilai c* = 0,37118, PT. PSM dengan nilai c* = 0,34377, dan PT. CKP dengan nilai c* = 0,12120. Dari perangkingan tersebut dipilih dua vendor dengan urutan dua teratas. Dengan demikian vendor yang terpilih untuk memasok bolt flange adalah PT. GMS dan PT. DPM, sedangkan untuk washer plain adalah PT. NCS dan PT. IDS. Penelitian dilanjutkan untuk menentukan alokasi order kepada masing-masing vendor dengan metode goal programming

    Analisis Pengaruh Kepuasan Kerja terhadap Kinerja Karyawan dengan Pendekatan Kansei Engineering Perusahaan XYZ

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    Perusahaan XYZ merupakan Perusahaan yang berorientasi ekspor sehingga penting bagi Perusahaan untuk dapat mempertahankan karyawan yang berkompeten dibidangnya. Salah satu cara yang dapat dilakukan Perusahaan untuk mempertahankan karyawan adalah dengan menciptakan kepuasan kerja karyawan yang dapat mempengaruhi kinerja karyawan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui besar pengaruh kepuasan kerja dan beban kerja terhadap kinerja karyawan Perusahaan XYZ. Beban kerja dipengaruhi oleh lingkungan kerja. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah pendekatan Kansei Engineering. Kansei Engineering merupakan metode yang digunakan untuk mengolah nilai Kansei sebagai input menjadi atribut sistem kerja baru sebagai outputnya. Selain itu metode ini juga digunakan untuk mengetahui gap antara respon verbal dan non-verbal. Nilai Kansei diperoleh melalui wawancara yang disertai dengan pemutaran video sebagai sumber imajinasi karyawan. Hasil dari kuesioner kepuasan dan pengukuran beban kerja kemudian dianalisis menggunakan regresi berganda dengan hasil kuesioner kinerja. Input dari penelitian adalah faktor kepuasan kerja dan beban kerja, sedangkan output adalah kinerja karyawan. Hasil penelitian diperoleh nilai r square yaitu diketahui bahwa nilai korelasi model regresi linier berganda ini adalah sebesar 77,5%, sedangkan adjusted r square sebesar 44,1% menunjukkan bahwa kinerja karyawan variabel Y dapat dijelaskan oleh variabel X yang meliputi faktor fisiologis, keselamatan dan keamanan, sosial, penghargaan, aktualisasi diri, dan beban kerja sebesar 44,1%. Persentase sisanya sebesar 55,9% dijelaskan oleh variabel lainnya

    Combining Kansei Engineering and Artificial Neural Network to Assess Worker Capacity in Small-Medium Food Industry

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    This paper highlighted a new method for worker capacity assessment in Indonesian small-medium food industry. The sustainable and productivity of Indonesian food industry should be maintained based on the workers capacity. The status of worker capacity could be categorized as normal, capacity constrained worker and bottleneck. By using Kansei Engineering, worker capacity can be assessed using verbal response of profile of mood states, non-verbal response of heart rate in a given workplace environmental parameters. Fusing various Kansei Engineering parameters of worker capacity requires a robust modeling tool. Artificial Neural Network (ANN) is required to assess worker capacity. The model was demonstrated via a case study of Tempe Industry. The trained ANN model generated satisfied accuracy and minimum error. The research results concluded the possibility to assess worker capacity in Indonesian small-medium food industry by combining Kansei Engineering and ANN

    Development of Green-Affective Work System for Food SMEs

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    Work system of food Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) is influenced by various factors as worker performance, characteristics of raw material, value-added process and workplace environmental ergonomics. Green-affective design analyzes properties of work systems and how these technical attributes could be sensible to the environment (Green) and worker (Affective). The research objectives were: 1) To explore the relationship between green and affective parameters in work systems of Food SMEs; 2) To design a green-affective work system for Food SMEs. Six (6) SMEs of different food products were used for the case studies as Crackers, Nuggets, Fish Chips, Bakpia, Tempe and Herbal Instant Beverages. Air conditioner was suggested to set the temperature set points for controlling environmental ergonomics. Green parameters were analyzed using calculation of air conditioner electricity cost at different workplace temperature set point. Affective parameters were analyzed using heart rate, worker energy consumption and rowan incentive plan. Research findings indicated air conditioner could be used to control environmental ergonomics based on the satisfied temperature set points and efficient electricity cost in work system of food SMEs

    Possibility of Some Indigenous Spices as Flavor Agents to Enrich Indonesia Flavor Database

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    Indonesia has huge potency of herbs and spices, some of them are vetiver, lime leaves and Indonesian basil. They have contribution on foods, drinks and traditional treatments. To determine their characteristics, they were distillated by boiling them with water then extracted by rotary vapor, before they were tested by Gas Chromatography – Mass Spectrometry. The essential or volatile oils detected by GS-MS depicted their specific contents and approved by Similarity Index in WILEY.LIB


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    KemuningSariclump1is accompany engaged in the food with the raw materials of the tea leaf is processed into semi-finished dry tea which would then be marketed to industrial black tea, green tea and jasmine tea. PT Rumpun Sari Kemuning use more human labor than machinery. Labor is very influential in the production process is carried out by PT Rumpun Sari Kemuning, especially in the process of picking is done by hand. Data processing is performed to measure productivity using a quantitative approach is the method of input output ratio approach. Determine the amount of input efficiency companies, especially in the division of labor of picking units using methods Marvin E. Mundel. Data processed with output productivity Marvin E. Mundel input method. Measurements were performed resulting in a ratio of productivity and productivity index productivity each period. Increased productivity is characterized by increasing productivity index specific period of the base period. With reference base period in July 2011, the partial labor productivity index is equal to 6.56 the lowest occurred in October 2012, and partial labor productivity index is equal to 17.38 the highest occurred in January 2012. Period July 2011 used as the base period for the This period is a condition close to normal productivity with the productivity ratio of 12.35

    Innovative and sustainable research-based learning & community services during lockdown by COVID-19

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has caused severe human suffering and substantial damage to life throughout the world. The lockdown caused by COVID-19 also significantly impacted three main elements in UGM education processes, including teaching, research, and community service, where most of their activities involving a large group of people, field, and outdoor programs. Innovation in learning, research, and community service without mobility from home is needed to overcome the impact of Covid-19. Methods of internet-based learning, research, and community service must be established during the pandemic to generate a reliable yet efficient blended program that can accommodate their outcomes. This paper will generally look at the initiative and strategy taken by UGM in planning and developing a sustainable research-based learning and community services. It is based on integrated research-based learning and community service, which integrates former individual education, research, and community service programs. The policy of considering COVID-19 as an emergency at UGM has eliminated teaching and learning activities on campus and replaced them with online learning activities from home. The application of the Three-Centra Education concept, which consists of families, schools, and communities, is truly relevant for developing research-based learning and service programs. Besides, academic and non-academic atmospheres to support integrated education, research, and community service processes in universities in the current era must be developed under millennial students� style. The millennial approach's adjustment is possible by developing tutoring systems through student-centered learning with the edutainment process that triggers the learning system to be more enjoyable, but the quality is still maintained. This quality of online learning during an emergency in UGM has been improved based on conducted surveys indicating that the advantages of online lectures, according to students, are its flexibility and relaxation; no preparation needed to visit campus; more courageous to ask questions during lecture; most materials are well documented for rereading; time and cost-efficient. Meanwhile, online learning disadvantages covered the fact that the lectures confused with online assignments that caused an excessive workload; the lecturers need to be more interactive and communicative; the schedule should not be frequently changed until later evening, and decrease concentration ability among students. University leaders, the academic community, including alumni, have been building solidarity, compassion, and empathy through food assistance, credit, academic fee reduction, non-bureaucratic procedures for students affected by COVID-19. Co-learning system and work from home in the cyber campus 4.0 for the millennial student in the era of lockdown and destructive innovation with the support of sophisticated information technology and significant data access seems to be the most appropriate learning media. The empowerment online learning system must implement the principles of win�win solution, co-creation, co-finance, flexibility, and sustainability of the proposed programs to strengthen education's real meaning during this pandemic. © The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021