15 research outputs found

    <em>Aspergillus nidulans</em> Synthesize Insect Juvenile Hormones upon Expression of a Heterologous Regulatory Protein and in Response to Grazing by <em>Drosophila melanogaster</em> Larvae.

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    Secondary metabolites are known to serve a wide range of specialized functions including communication, developmental control and defense. Genome sequencing of several fungal model species revealed that the majority of predicted secondary metabolite related genes are silent in laboratory strains, indicating that fungal secondary metabolites remain an underexplored resource of bioactive molecules. In this study, we combine heterologous expression of regulatory proteins in Aspergillus nidulans with systematic variation of growth conditions and observe induced synthesis of insect juvenile hormone-III and methyl farnesoate. Both compounds are sesquiterpenes belonging to the juvenile hormone class. Juvenile hormones regulate developmental and metabolic processes in insects and crustaceans, but have not previously been reported as fungal metabolites. We found that feeding by Drosophila melanogaster larvae induced synthesis of juvenile hormone in A. nidulans indicating a possible role of juvenile hormone biosynthesis in affecting fungal-insect antagonisms

    Can Insects Develop Resistance to Insect Pathogenic Fungi?

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    This paper presents new, important information on the microevolution of insect resistance to the insect pathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana which will have far-reaching implications for the development of insect pathogenic fungi as biological control agents. We placed successive generations of a melanic population of the Greater wax moth, Galleria mellonella, under constant selective pressure from the insect pathogenic fungus, Beauveria bassiana. Enhanced fungal resistance was observed and larvae from the 25th generation were studied in detail to uncover mechanisms underpinning resistance, and the possible cost of those survival strategies. There are 3 novel, core findings from the study:1.Antifungal resistance in these insects is pathogen species-specific, and probably arises through trans-generational immune priming. The resistance was less obvious in earlier generations, suggesting subtle cumulative changes that are only fully apparent in the 25th generation. 2.The insect’s fecundity is already pushed close to minimum by its melanic phenotype. Therefore, the additional drain on resources required to boost antifungal defence still more, comes not from further compromising life history traits but via a re-allocation of the insect’s immune defences. Specifically during B. bassiana infection, systemic (fat body and hemocoel) responses, particularly the expression of antimicrobial peptides, are damped down in favour of a tailored repertoire of enhanced responses in the integument (cuticle and epidermis) – the foremost and most important barrier to natural fungal infection. 3.A previously-overlooked range of putative stress-management factors are activated during the specific response of selected insects to B. bassiana. This too occurs primarily in the integument, and contributes to antifungal defense and/or helps ameliorate the damage inflicted by the fungus or the host’s own immune responses during the battle between host and pathogen.No other study to date has examined so many genes in this context. Indeed, we show that the epidermis has a great capacity to express defense and stress-management genes as well as the fat body (which is the main tissue producing antimicrobial peptides and has been the traditional focus of attention). We therefore propose a “be specific / fight locally / de-stress” model to explain resource allocation and defence priorities for insects selected for superior resistance to insect-pathogenic fungi. However, we also show that these insects are less fecund and probably at no evolutionary advantage in the wild, implying that the risk is small of biological control agents failing in the field

    Induced Fungal Resistance to Insect Grazing:Reciprocal Fitness Consequences and Fungal Gene Expression in the Drosophila-Aspergillus Model System

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    <p>Background: Fungi are key dietary resources for many animals. Fungi, in consequence, have evolved sophisticated physical and chemical defences for repelling and impairing fungivores. Expression of such defences may entail costs, requiring diversion of energy and nutrients away from fungal growth and reproduction. Inducible resistance that is mounted after attack by fungivores may allow fungi to circumvent the potential costs of defence when not needed. However, no information exists on whether fungi display inducible resistance. We combined organism and fungal gene expression approaches to investigate whether fungivory induces resistance in fungi.</p><p>Methodology/Principal Findings: Here we show that grazing by larval fruit flies, Drosophila melanogaster, induces resistance in the filamentous mould, Aspergillus nidulans, to subsequent feeding by larvae of the same insect. Larval grazing triggered the expression of various putative fungal resistance genes, including the secondary metabolite master regulator gene laeA. Compared to the severe pathological effects of wild type A. nidulans, which led to 100% insect mortality, larval feeding on a laeA loss-of-function mutant resulted in normal insect development. Whereas the wild type fungus recovered from larval grazing, larvae eradicated the chemically deficient mutant. In contrast, mutualistic dietary yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, reached higher population densities when exposed to Drosophila larval feeding.</p><p>Conclusions/Significance: Our study presents novel evidence that insect grazing is capable of inducing resistance to further grazing in a filamentous fungus. This phenotypic shift in resistance to fungivory is accompanied by changes in the expression of genes involved in signal transduction, epigenetic regulation and secondary metabolite biosynthesis pathways. Depending on reciprocal insect-fungus fitness consequences, fungi may be selected for inducible resistance to maintain high fitness in fungivore-rich habitats. Induced fungal defence responses thus need to be included if we wish to have a complete conception of animal-fungus co-evolution, fungal gene regulation, and multitrophic interactions.</p>

    Metabolic effect of an exogenous gene on transgenic beauveria bassiana using liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry-based metabolomics

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    Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 61(28), pages 7008-7017, 2013The article of record as published may be found at http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/jf401703bGenetic modification of Beauveria bassiana with the scorpion neurotoxin aaIT gene can distinctly increase its insecticidal activity, whereas the effect of this exogenous gene on the metabolism of B. bassiana is unknown until now. Thus, we investigate the global metabolic profiling of mycelia and conidia of transgenic and wild-type B. bassiana by liquid chromatography−mass spectrometry (LC−MS). Principal component analysis (PCA) and orthogonal projection to latent structure discriminant analysis (OPLS-DA) reveal clear discrimination of wild-type mycelia and conidia from transgenic mycelia and conidia. The decrease of glycerophospholipids, carnitine, and fatty acids and the increase of oxylipins, glyoxylate, pyruvic acid, acetylcarnitine, fumarate, ergothioneine, and trehalose in transgenic mycelia indicate the enhanced oxidative reactions. In contrast, most metabolites related to oxidative stress are not altered significantly in conidia, which implies that there will be no significant oxidative stress reaction when the aaIT gene is quiescent in cells