602 research outputs found

    Coherent states on the circle

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    We present a possible construction of coherent states on the unit circle as configuration space. In our approach the phase space is the product Z x S^1. Because of the duality of canonical coordinates and momenta, i.e. the angular variable and the integers, this formulation can also be interpreted as coherent states over an infinite periodic chain. For the construction we use the analogy with our quantization over a finite periodic chain where the phase space was Z_M x Z_M. Properties of the coherent states constructed in this way are studied and the coherent states are shown to satisfy the resolution of unity.Comment: 7 pages, presented at GROUP28 - "28th International Colloquium on Group Theoretical Methods in Physics", Newcastle upon Tyne, July 2010. Accepted in Journal of Physics Conference Serie

    Automorphisms of the fine grading of sl(n,C) associated with the generalized Pauli matrices

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    We consider the grading of sl(n,C)sl(n,\mathbb{C}) by the group Πn\Pi_n of generalized Pauli matrices. The grading decomposes the Lie algebra into n21n^2-1 one--dimensional subspaces. In the article we demonstrate that the normalizer of grading decomposition of sl(n,C)sl(n,\mathbb{C}) in Πn\Pi_n is the group SL(2,Zn)SL(2, \mathbb{Z}_n), where Zn\mathbb{Z}_n is the cyclic group of order nn. As an example we consider sl(3,C)sl(3,\mathbb{C}) graded by Π3\Pi_3 and all contractions preserving that grading. We show that the set of 48 quadratic equations for grading parameters splits into just two orbits of the normalizer of the grading in Π3\Pi_3

    Symmetries of the finite Heisenberg group for composite systems

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    Symmetries of the finite Heisenberg group represent an important tool for the study of deeper structure of finite-dimensional quantum mechanics. As is well known, these symmetries are properly expressed in terms of certain normalizer. This paper extends previous investigations to composite quantum systems consisting of two subsystems - qudits - with arbitrary dimensions n and m. In this paper we present detailed descriptions - in the group of inner automorphisms of GL(nm,C) - of the normalizer of the Abelian subgroup generated by tensor products of generalized Pauli matrices of orders n and m. The symmetry group is then given by the quotient group of the normalizer.Comment: Submitted to J. Phys. A: Math. Theo

    Dihedral symmetry of periodic chain: quantization and coherent states

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    Our previous work on quantum kinematics and coherent states over finite configuration spaces is extended: the configuration space is, as before, the cyclic group Z_n of arbitrary order n=2,3,..., but a larger group - the non-Abelian dihedral group D_n - is taken as its symmetry group. The corresponding group related coherent states are constructed and their overcompleteness proved. Our approach based on geometric symmetry can be used as a kinematic framework for matrix methods in quantum chemistry of ring molecules.Comment: 13 pages; minor changes of the tex

    Symmetries of finite Heisenberg groups for k-partite systems

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    Symmetries of finite Heisenberg groups represent an important tool for the study of deeper structure of finite-dimensional quantum mechanics. This short contribution presents extension of previous investigations to composite quantum systems comprised of k subsystems which are described with position and momentum variables in Z_{n_i}, i=1,...,k. Their Hilbert spaces are given by k-fold tensor products of Hilbert spaces of dimensions n_1,...,n_k. Symmetry group of the corresponding finite Heisenberg group is given by the quotient group of a certain normalizer. We provide the description of the symmetry groups for arbitrary multipartite cases. The new class of symmetry groups represents very specific generalization of finite symplectic groups over modular rings.Comment: 6 pages, to appear in Proceedings of QTS7 "Quantum Theory and Symmetries 7", Prague, August 7-13, 201

    On Representations of sl(n, C) Compatible with a Z2-grading

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    This paper extends existing Lie algebra representation theory related to Lie algebra gradings. The notion of a representation compatible with a given grading is applied to finite-dimensional representations of sl(n,C) in relation to its Z2-gradings. For representation theory of sl(n,C) the Gel’fand-Tseitlin method turned out very efficient. We show that it is not generally true that every irreducible representation can be compatibly graded

    Group theoretical construction of mutually unbiased bases in Hilbert spaces of prime dimensions

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    Mutually unbiased bases in Hilbert spaces of finite dimensions are closely related to the quantal notion of complementarity. An alternative proof of existence of a maximal collection of N+1 mutually unbiased bases in Hilbert spaces of prime dimension N is given by exploiting the finite Heisenberg group (also called the Pauli group) and the action of SL(2,Z_N) on finite phase space Z_N x Z_N implemented by unitary operators in the Hilbert space. Crucial for the proof is that, for prime N, Z_N is also a finite field.Comment: 13 pages; accepted in J. Phys. A: Math. Theo

    The Newest Offering in the Higher Education Leadership Movement: A Model Campus-Wide Residential Program for Faculty and Staff .

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    The purpose of this article is to review the recent emphases by institutions of higher education on leadership development and to describe a model program for a population not yet widely addressed: faculty and staff