30 research outputs found

    Differences of some chemicals and physical properties of winter wheat grain of mealy and vitreous appearance

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    Many wheat species and cultivars, independent of genetic markers of hardness, can produce grain with a vitreous, mealy or mixed appearance. This study analyzed selected chemical and physical differences between kernels with a vitreous and mealy appearance, hand-picked from grain of four winter wheat cultivars cultivated in Poland. Separated fractions were examined for protein content and composition, friabilin presence, carotenoids and total phenolic compounds content, specific kernel density, hardness, as well as kernel surface color. It was found that the ratio of vitreous kernels in the cultivars ranged from 39.18% to 76.28%. Vitreous kernels were darker, slightly heavier and harder than mealy kernels. Additionally, these kernels were more abundant in proteins (an average increase of 2.13%, with variation among cultivars from 0.71% to 2.89%). This type of kernels was also richer in phenolic compounds (on average by 4.02%) and less abundant in carotenoids (on average by 4.53%). Mealy (softer) kernels fractured to a finer flour

    Cechy geometryczne nasion nowych form dyni

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    Plant growers are looking for new crops which would make farms and processing plants more profitable. Currently, in Poland, waste-free pumpkin processing is mainly associated with pumpkin seed production, oil extraction, pulverization of pumpkin oil cake to obtain pumpkin meal, the small-scale use of flesh in food production, but mainly the utilisation of flesh as a feed additive. During technological processes applied for the processing of pumpkin seeds it is important to be familiar with their physical characteristics. The aim of this study was to analyse the geometric characteristics of the seeds of new nine forms of the pumpkin variety Olga, which were bred by researchers from the Department of Plant Genetics, Breeding and Biotechnology at the Warsaw University of Life Sciences. Geometrical features were measured using the Digital Image Analysis (DIA) set, consisting of a digital camera (Nikon DXM 1200), computer and lighting (KAISER RB HF). The following geometrical features were measured: length, width, diameter, perimeter, area, circularity and elongation. Additionally, thickness of the seeds was measured by a calliper. Seeds of the studied forms of hull-less pumpkins differed from the standards in the dimensions and shape, whereas significant differences were demonstrated for the Olga variety standard. The most variable geometric characteristic of the seeds under study was area, while the least variable geometric characteristics of the pumpkin seeds turned out to be the circularity and width.Hodowcy roślin szukają nowych roślin, które sprawiają, że gospodarstwa i zakłady przetwórcze są bardziej opłacalne. Obecnie w Polsce, bezodpadowe przetwarzanie dyni jest związane przede wszystkim z produkcją nasion dyni, wydobyciem oleju, rozdrabnianiem makucha do postaci mączki dyniowej, wykorzystaniem na małą skalę miąższu w produkcji żywności, ale przede wszystkim wykorzystanie miąższu jako dodatku do pasz. Podczas procesu technologiczne stosowanego do obróbki nasion dyni ważna jest znajomość ich cech fizycznych, dlatego celem niniejszej pracy była analiza cech geometrycznych nasion nowych dziewięciu form odmiany dyni Olga, które zostały wyhodowane przez naukowców z Katedry Genetyki, Hodowli Roślin i Biotechnologii Uniwersytetu Przyrodniczego w Warszawie. Cechy geometryczne były mierzone za pomocą zestawu do Cyfrowej Analizy Obrazu (DIA) składającego się z kamery cyfrowej (Nikon DXM 1200), komputera i oświetlenia (KAISER RB HF). W pracy zostały zmierzone takie cechy geometryczne jak: długość, szerokość, średnica zastępcza, obwód, pole powierzchni, kolistość i wydłużenie. Dodatkowo zmierzono grubość nasion za pomocą suwmiarki. Nasiona badanych form dyni bezłuskowej różniły się od standardów wymiarami i kształtem, przy czym istotne różnice wykazano w porównaniu ze standardem odmiany Olga. Najbardziej zmienną cechą geometryczną badanych nasion było pole powierzchni, natomiast najmniej zmienne okazały się takie cechy jak kolistość i szerokość

    The effect of oils quality and transesterification method on the degree of conversion of the fatty acids methyl esters

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    The aim of the work was to determine the effect of oils quality and transesterification method on the degree of conversion of the fatty acids. Material consisted of 4 samples of oil: rapeseed oil obtained by the laboratory hot pressing of rape seeds oils in approx. 80 °C, waste rapeseed and palm oils and one refined rapeseed oil. Oils used in the one-stage transesterification were characterized by a lower hydrolysis and oxidation degree than the oils used in two-stage transesterification (double-base and base-acid method). The quality of the obtained crude methyl esters was determined in terms of acid number, peroxide value, the lipid composition by thin layer chromatography. Quantitative testing of the degree of transesterification and the share of individual esters of fatty acids was conducted by gas chromatography. Studies have shown that that degree of conversion of the fatty acid methyl esters is dependent on both the quality of the oil and the method of transesterification. If oils are characterized by a good quality, then a method of transesterification is less important. However, if oils are heavily contaminated, then the right technology for their transesterification should be chosen, e.g. oil with high content of FFA should be subjected to base-acid transesterification. Studies have shown. If oils are characterized by a good quality, then a method of transesterification is less important. However, if oils are heavily contaminated, then the right technology for their transesterification should be chosen, e.g. oil with high content of FFA should be subjected to base-acid transesterification


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    The aim of the study was to determine the possibility of using small seeds of rape (diameter 1.6 mm – sample F1 and with diameter < 1.6 mm – sample F2. Each fraction was characterized by its share in bulk mass, moisture content, 1000 seeds weight, yield of pressing, fat content and phosphorus content. Cold-pressed oils were determined in terms of total and unhydrated phosphorus content, acid value and fatty acids content. Fractionation by weight rapeseeds with using an industrial sieve separation may provide a simple method for improving the technological value of the raw material used for food purposes, and thus obtain fine seed that could be intended exclusively for the production of technical oil. Despite the stated inferior quality of small seeds, it was found that the increased values of some discriminants would not have impact on the technology of biofuel production and cost of production

    Fatty acid composition as a parameter of using vegetable oils for biofuel production

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    The aim of the study was to show the validity of determining the quality of oils intendent for the biofuels production. One of the main discriminant that should be used to assess the suitability of oil raw materials for the fuel purposes is the composition of fatty acids. The research was conducted on 13 different samples of vegetable oils, that were cold-pressed from the seeds of various species, including rape, camelina, flax (light and dark), mustard, milk thistle, hemp, evening primrose oil, amaranth, sunflower, soybean, and cumin. The analysis of the fatty acid composition showed significant differences between the analysed oil samples, both within the species and varieties of oilseeds. The results indicate the need for continuous quality control of oils and fats led to the production of biodiesel in the small households and large commercial enterprises, because as it was indicated by the analysis of fatty acids composition rape seeds of different varieties are characterized by the diverse quality

    Possibility of use a small fraction of rape seeds for the production of biofuels for compression ignition engines

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    The aim of the study was to determine the possibility of using small seeds of rape (diameter 1.6 mm – sample F1 and with diameter < 1.6 mm – sample F2. Each fraction was characterized by its share in bulk mass, moisture content, 1000 seeds weight, yield of pressing, fat content and phosphorus content. Cold-pressed oils were determined in terms of total and unhydrated phosphorus content, acid value and fatty acids content. Fractionation by weight rapeseeds with using an industrial sieve separation may provide a simple method for improving the technological value of the raw material used for food purposes, and thus obtain fine seed that could be intended exclusively for the production of technical oil. Despite the stated inferior quality of small seeds, it was found that the increased values of some discriminants would not have impact on the technology of biofuel production and cost of production

    The Implementation of Concept of a Regional Product „Sudeten Beef” in the Context of Environment Protection

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    This paper presents the issues related to the specific of market of regional and traditional products and shows how important may be the development of this market in the context of environmental protection. This is due to the fact that the idea of food production and consumption in the same region reduces the need for long-distance transport (this reduces fuel consumption and also helps reduce the greenhouse effect). Another issue is that the regional products are made from components having a common ecological character (this helps to reduce chemical treatments that may harm nature). Besides, in some cases, regional products can contribute to maintaining natural ecosystems and enhance natural values of a specific area. An example of this is described in detail in this study regional product “Sudeten Beef”, which is produced in the Polish part of the Sudetes Mountains in the voivodeship of Lower Silesia (south-western Poland). Regional products can play an important role in sustainable development, particularly in relations to the peripheral areas. This applies to environmental aspects as well as the typical economic. In this article defines sustainable development as a way of doing business, which on the one hand give a positive economic results, and at the same time will as far as possible to care for the environmental and does not cause over-exploitation of resources, so that future generations can also use them. In addition, sustainable development also means equalizing opportunities between regions with high growth potential (usually of a large urban areas) and areas with less growth potential (in Polish condition this is particularly true of rural areas far from big cities). According to such assumptions, the development of regional product’s market can contribute to sustainable economic development of rural areas, because it gives opportunities to create new jobs, increasing incomes and the stimulation of the local community. Regional product „Sudeten Beef”, which is the main focus in this article, has a good chance to market success. This product comes from meat obtained from cattle in meat and combined type, which is kept in Sudeten districts. This is due to both the natural character of the Sudetenland, and the potential of demand and supply in the study area. Placing on the market “Sudeten Beef” should enable the development of agricultural production in direction to which the region is especially predisposed because of natural conditions. This product may also be a source of additional income for local farmers and entrepreneurs. The benefits reach also the consumers who receive high quality and unique food product that will enrich the catering and tourist offer in the study area. Placing such type of product on the market can run non-agricultural activities in rural areas covered by the project. This type of activity can help in the integration of local communities related to agricultural, food production, catering and tourism. Finally it can help to preserve valuable environmental assets Sudeten Mountains (grazing cattle will help to maintain a balance in areas of high natural value, due to the act as “natural lawn”)

    Unconventional vegetable oils as raw materials for biodiesel production

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    The aim of the study was to determine the possibility of using the unconventional vegetable oils for the biofuel production. The research material were cold-pressed oils from the seeds of milk thistle, hemp and evening primrose. After conducting the initial physicochemical characteristics of oil samples, including the determination of sulphur content, acid number, viscosity at 40°C, density at 15ºC, oxidation stability and fatty acid composition, analysed oils have been subjected to the transesterification process. The roduced methyl esters were further characterized by the above-mentioned features. Additionally, the temperatures of cold filter plugging point, cloud point and flash point were determined. On the basis of the conducted analyses it was demonstrated that the obtained oils, due to the high, far in excess of acceptable, values of the viscosity and density, and too low oxidative stability could not be used as a pure fuel. A similar conclusion was formulated in case of the produced methyl esters

    Vegetable oils as additives to improve the lubricity of low-sulphur fuels

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    The aim of the study was to determine the sulphur content in 33 samples of oils pressed from different species of vegetable. The unconventional oil samples were purchased from commercial store. Oils was analysed in terms of sulphur content according to the method using X-ray fluorescence spectrometry with wave dispersion, that is described in the PN-EN ISO 20884, 2012 standard. Obtained results of sulphur analysis were presented as the arithmetic mean ± standard deviation (from three replicates) and statistically analysed using the Statistica 13.0 PL program. In order to indicate significance of differences between oils analysis of variance (ANOVA) with Tukey’s test of p ≤ 0.05 significance level was used. The statistical analysis indicated significant differences in the content of sulphur content in the analysed vegetable oils, which could affect the lubricity of prepared fuel blends and in some cases significantly, increase the sulphur content above acceptable value 10 ppm. It was concluded that vegetable oils could be a suitable raw material improving the lubricating properties of low-sulphur diesel oils. However, due to significant differences in the sulphur content in the analysed samples, the content of this element should be analysed beforehand in order to eliminate the possibility of exceeding the permissible level of sulphur in transport fuels