7 research outputs found

    Sistem Pakar Pembagian Waris (Faro\u27idl) Studi Kasus Kepakaran Kyai Rochmadi

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    Faro\u27idl is the science of division of inheritance be based Islamic rules already stated in the Qur\u27an. Someexperts faro\u27idl has built and formulate rules the division of inheritance in the specific tables. So as toresolve the division of inheritance cases, an expert can solve it by following the rules set out in the table.Expert system is part of artificial intelligence that is built to resemble an expert way of thinking in solvingproblems. Inheritance division expert system is a system that represents expertise that had been developedby an expert division of inheritance. Kyai Rochmadi is a faroidl expert who lived between the early 20thcentury until the 1970s of Weleri Kendal regency of Central Java has posted faro\u27idl rules in the form oftables and algorithms dispute resolution division of inheritance.This research is a design system based onthe expertise built by Kyai Rochmadi. With the design and development of research methodology, thesesystems are built with the knowledge acquisition phase, the design and development of data tables andprogramming algorithms. The system can resolve the problem faro\u27idl prepared with optimally resemblanceto the expertise of the expert when testing.Expert System is built using PHP programming language andMySQL database, for this system to be used by the general public. The results of this study are web-basedsystems. Users can enter data such as the number of heirs to the input field, then the system will answersection obtained as heirs along with the arguments that support it. Keywords: expert system, faro\u27id (division of inheritance), a web-based syste

    Penggunaan Teknik Analisis Dalam Pengembangan Sistem Informasi Menggunakan Soft System Methodology (SSM)

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    Soft Systems Methodology (SSM) is a systematic method of information system development using a structured approach to understanding an issue, building a conceptual mode, getting the feasibility and the desired changes and to be implemented. The system being developed using Soft Systems Methodology aimed at addressing organizational, which is used to respond to the symptoms caused by an underlying problem that has not been previously known. Organizations can be regarded as an open system so that the relationship between the organization and the surrounding environment become the systemic relationships that are considered important. And SSM is a methodology that makes the problem situation in an organization become part of a perspective view of a problem. The use of CATWOE technique is one of the techniques in SSM stages mainly in the stage of disclosure in a structured problem situations. However, not all paper explicitly using this technique. What is the comparison between the use of the technique CATWOE and other techniques in the development of the information system using the SSM. This paper explains the techniques in implementing SSM in various areas of the organizatio

    Rancang Bangun Document Management System Universitas “45” Bekasi

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    Sistem Manajemen Dokumen atau Document Management System (DMS) adalah sistem pengelolaan dokumen secara elektronik yang diterapkan pada suatu organisasi yang besar. DMS dapat mengurangi resiko kehilangan dokumen dan besarnya biaya penyimpanan. DMS mempunyai berbagai kelebihan sehingga dokumen akan mudah dikelola, mudah dicari letaknya, dapat dicetak kembali dan berbagai manfaat lainnya yang dapat mendukung proses bisnis suatu Perusahaan ataupun institusi pendidikan yang membutuhkan pelayanan dokumen secara cepat dan akurat meskipun jumlah dokumen yang dikelola sangat banyak. Siklus hidup DMS dimulai dari proses digitalisasi dokumen, penerimaan dokumen, pengolahan dokumen yang mencakup duplikasi, distribusi, indexing, penyimpanan dan pemeliharaan sampai pada jadual retensi dan pemusnahan dokumen. DMS yang dibangun diimplementasikan pada Universitas Islam “45” Bekasi. Admin yang berada di pusat (Rektorat) mengelola data seluruh fakultas, dibantu oleh manajer (admin fakultas) untuk menverifikasi data di setiap fakultas. User (pengguna, dosen maupun karyawan) dapat menginput dan mengelola data akademik serta data individu, sehingga data yang terkelola dengan baik tersebut menghasilkan knowledge yang dapat mendukung penentu kebijakan dalam pengambilan keputusan di tingkat program studi, fakultas maupun universitas. Secara khusus DMS tersebut mendukung evaluasi program studi dan pengurusan kepangkatan fungsional dosen. DMS Unisma dikembangkan menggunakan bahasa pemrograman PHP dan database MySQL dengan tujuan agar dapat diakses melalui jaringan intranet yang sudah terpasang di seluruh fakultas. Kata kunci : DMS, Document Management System, knowledge, sistem berbasis web, dokumen elektronik Document Management Systems DMS is an electronic document management system to be applied to a great organization like the Islamic University \u2745 \u27(Unisma) Bekasi which requires service of documents quickly and accurately even though the number of documents that are managed very much. The main feature of this system is the storage and retrieval of documents, for which the system is built with a database structure in such a way in order to optimally serve the data needs of the faculty and staff. Central Admin (rector office) manage data across faculties, aided by the Manager (admin faculty) to verify the data in each faculty. User (lecture and staff) can enter and manage personal academic data each individual, so that the results can help any academic activity in the study program, the faculty and the university as a self- evaluation study program or the maintenance of lecture functional rank. Unisma DMS was developed using the PHP programming language and MySQL database in order to be accessible via the intranet network already installed in all faculties

    Sistem Pakar Deteksi Kerusakan Mesin Sepeda Motor Non Matic dengan Menggunakan Metode Forward Chaining Berbasis Web

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      An expert system is a computer program that serves as an expert consultant for a particular field. Users who use this program as if face to face with the real experts. Planning system in the knowledge base uses if-then rules as knowledge representation. Making inference method put forward chaining method that has been modified to fit the problem. Implementation of this expert system program using the programming language PHP. Knowledge base collected from experts through interviews and observations as well as literature, this application collects knowledge base on the type of damage that occurs in non-matic motorcycle as well as on handling solutions, knowledge base compiled in the form of a decision tree and implemented in the form of a database. The benefits of this research is to help analyze the damage to the motorcycle engine non matic for mechanical beginners and students doing the work practices of industry, the result is to create an application that can diagnose the damage of a motorcycle engine non matic to help students who are implementing the practice of industrial work in diagnosing damage machine.   Keywords: forward chaining method, non-matic motorcycle, expert systems &nbsp

    Perbaikan Teknologi Pengolahan Dodol Jambu Biji Skala IKM

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    Buah jambu biji (Psidium guajava L) adalah salah satu hasil hortikultura yang potensial untuk dikembangkan. Buah jambu biji segar mempunyai rasa dan aroma yang kuat, sehingga dapat diolah menjadi berbagai produk awetan, diantaranya adalah produk dodol. Produk dodol jambu biji sudah diproduksi di beberapa daerah, mulai dari skala Industri Rumah Tangga (IRT) sampai skala IKM. Masalah yang dihadapi pengrajin dodol adalah belum adanya formula yang tepat, penentuan kematangan dodol, waktu pemasakan yang terlalu lama serta daya awet dodol yang singkat, sehingga jangkauan pemasarannya tidak terlalu jauh. Tujuan penelitian yang dilakukan adalah meningkatkan mutu produk dodol jambu biji yang diproduksi pengrajin (skala IKM) dan mendapatkan Standar Operational Procedur (SOP) pengolahan dodol jambu yang tepat. Metode penelitian terdiri dari kinjungan studi dan identifikasi ke pengrajin dodol jambu biji, percobaan perbaikan proses pengolahan dodol jambu biji, analisis dan penyimpanan produk dodol jambu biji, serta evaluasi teknologi dan proses pembuatan dodol jambu biji. Dengan melakukan proses produksi dalam kondisi menerapkan GMP, menggunakan peralatan produksi terukur suhu dan lama pemanasannya, serta penggunaan santan kelapa yang tidak mudah terhidrolisa dibandingkan minyak goreng, proses pengolahan dodol jambu terbaik dalam proses C. Formulasi proses pengolahan C adalah santan kental (30%). SOP pengolahan dodol jambu biji meliputi proses sortasi, blanching, penghancuran, penyaringan, penimbangan bubur buah dan bahan penolong, pemasakan, kematangan produk ditandai adonan mudah dibalik, tidak lengket dan warna produk coklat, penyimpanan dalam suhu ruang selama 24 jam, pemotongan dan pembentukan, serta pengemasan. Hasil analisa mutu dodol jambu biji terpilih (prses C) adalah kadar air sebesar 12,0%, kadar abu 1,08%, serat kasar 2,01%, jumlah gula 53,7%, ALT 40 kloni/g, kapang dan khamir <10 koloni/g, dan E. Coli <3 APM/g

    Individual differences and personalized learning: a review and appraisal

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