88 research outputs found

    Development of control and measuring materials by preparation as «Welder»

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    В статье представлена технология разработки контрольно-измерительных материалов текущего контроля при подготовке по рабочей профессии «Сварщик» в образовательных учреждениях среднего профессионального образованияThe article presents the technology development of control and measuring materials of current control when preparing for the profession "Welder" in educational institutions of secondary vocational educatio

    Analysis of microtubule targeting drugs and mitotic slippage

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    Microtubule-targeting (MT) drugs taxanes and vinca alkaloids are widely used as chemotherapeutic agents against different tumors for more than 30 years because of their ability to block mitotic progression by disrupting the mitotic spindle and activating the spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC) for a prolonged period of time. However, responses to mitotic arrest are different—some cells die during mitotic arrest, whereas others undergo mitotic slippage and survive becoming able for proliferation. Using normal fibroblasts and several cancer cell types we determined two critical doses, T1 and T2, of mitotic inhibitors (nocodazole, Taxol, and vinorelbine). T1 is the maximal dose cells can tolerate undergoing normal division, and T2 is the minimal mitostatic dose, wherein > 90% of mitotic cells are arrested in mitosis. In all studied cell lines after treatment with mitotic inhibitors in a dose above T2 cells had entered mitosis either die or undergo mitotic slippage. We show that for all three drugs used cell death during mitotic arrest and after slippage proceeded via mitochondriadependent apoptosis. We determined two types of cancer cells: sensitive to mitotic arrest, that is, undergoing death in mitosis (DiM) frequently, and resistant to mitotic arrest, that is, undergoing mitotic slippage followed by prolonged survival. We then determined that inhibition of Bcl-xL, but not other antiapoptotic proteins of the Bcl-2 group that regulate MOMP, make resistant cells susceptible to DiM induced by mitotic inhibitors. Combined treatment with MT drugs and highly specific Bcl-xL inhibitors A-1155643 or A-1331852 allows achieving 100% DiM in a time significantly shorter than maximal duration of mitotic arrest in all types of cultured cells tested. We further examined efficacy of sequential treatment of cultured cells using mitotic inhibitors followed by inhibitors of Bcl-xL anti-apoptotic protein and for the first time show that sensitivity to Bcl-xL inhibitors rapidly declines after mitotic slippage. Thus sequential use of mitotic inhibitors and inhibitors of Bcl-xL anti-apoptotic protein will be efficient only if the Bcl-xL inhibitor will be added before mitotic slippage occurs or soon afterward. The combined treatment proposed might be an efficient approach to anti-cancer therapy

    Vibration diagnostic system for evaluation of state interconnected electrical motors mechanical parameters

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    The paper presents the structural diagram and mathematical model of a vibration diagnostic system to measure angular velocities of two interconnected electric motors. The system is based on vibration signals and the control signals of the motor mechanical parameters. The measurement procedure of the rotor rotational speed is based on vibration signals during synchronization. The procedure presented allows simultaneous measurement and synchronization frequencies of rotation to diagnose of the motors' mechanical parts. The calculated reduced error of synchronizing frequencies of rotation of the rotors, which is 0.45% of the measurement range of frequencies of rotation from 0 to 80Hz.Наведено структурну схему та математичну модель вібро-діагностичної системи для вимірювання кутових швидкостей двох взаємоз'єднаних електродвигунів. Система заснована на вимірюванні вібраційних сигналів та контролі механічних параметрів електродвигунів. Процедура вимірювання частоти обертання ротора базується на сигналах вібрації з подальшою синхронізацією цих частот. Пропонована процедура дозволяє одночасно вимірювати та синхронізувати частоти обертання і одночасно діагностувати стан механічних частин електродвигунів. Розрахункова зведена похибка синхронізації частот обертання роторів становить 0,45% в діапазоні вимірювання частот обертання від 0 до 80 Гц

    Calculation of the visible-UV absorption spectra of hydrogen sulfide, bisulfide, polysulfides, and As and Sb sulfides, in aqueous solution

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    Recently we showed that visible-UV spectra in aqueous solution can be accurately calculated for arsenic (III) bisulfides, such as As(SH)(3), As(SH)(2)S(- )and their oligomers. The calculated lowest energy transitions for these species were diagnostic of their protonation and oligomerization state. We here extend these studies to As and Sb oxidation state III and v sulfides and to polysulfides S(n)(2-), n = 2–6, the bisulfide anion, SH(-), hydrogen sulfide, H(2)S and the sulfanes, S(n)H(2), n = 2–5. Many of these calculations are more difficult than those performed for the As(iii) bisulfides, since the As and Sb(v) species are more acidic and therefore exist as highly charged anions in neutral and basic solutions. In general, small and/or highly charged anions are more difficult to describe computationally than larger, monovalent anions or neutral molecules. We have used both Hartree-Fock based (CI Singles and Time-Dependent HF) and density functional based (TD B3LYP) techniques for the calculations of absorption energy and intensity and have used both explicit water molecules and a polarizable continuum to describe the effects of hydration. We correctly reproduce the general trends observed experimentally, with absorption energies increasing from polysulfides to As, Sb sulfides to SH(- )to H(2)S. As and Sb(v) species, both monomers and dimers, also absorb at characteristically higher energies than do the analogous As and Sb(III)species. There is also a small reduction in absorption energy from monomeric to dimeric species, for both As and Sb III and v. The polysufides, on the other hand, show no simple systematic changes in UV spectra with chain length, n, or with protonation state. Our results indicate that for the As and Sb sulfides, the oxidation state, degree of protonation and degree of oligomerization can all be determined from the visible-UV absorption spectrum. We have also calculated the aqueous phase energetics for the reaction of S(8 )with SH(- )to produce the polysulfides, S(n)H(-), n = 2–6. Our results are in excellent agreement with available experimental data, and support the existence of a S(6 )species

    Lambda hyperons produced in central nucleus-nucleus interactions at 4.5 GeV/c momentum per incident nucleon

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    Transverse momenta and rapidities of Lambda 's produced in central nucleus-nucleus collisions at 4.5 GeV/c·u (C-C,...,O-Pb) were studied and compared with those from inelastic He-Li interactions at the same incident momentum. Polarization of the Lambda hyperons was found to be consistent with zero ( alpha P=-0.06=0.11 for Lambda 's from central collisions). An upper limit of the Lambda -bar / Lambda production ratio was estimated to be less than 4.5 x 10-3. The experiment was performed in a triggered streamer chamber

    Peasant settlers and the ‘civilizing mission’ in Russian Turkestan, 1865-1917

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    This article provides an introduction to one of the lesser-known examples of European settler colonialism, the settlement of European (mainly Russian and Ukrainian) peasants in Southern Central Asia (Turkestan) in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. It establishes the legal background and demographic impact of peasant settlement, and the role played by the state in organising and encouraging it. It explores official attitudes towards the settlers (which were often very negative), and their relations with the local Kazakh and Kyrgyz population. The article adopts a comparative framework, looking at Turkestan alongside Algeria and Southern Africa, and seeking to establish whether paradigms developed in the study of other settler societies (such as the ‘poor white’) are of any relevance in understanding Slavic peasant settlement in Turkestan. It concludes that there are many close parallels with European settlement in other regions with large indigenous populations, but that racial ideology played a much less important role in the Russian case compared to religious divisions and fears of cultural backsliding. This did not prevent relations between settlers and the ‘native’ population deteriorating markedly in the years before the First World War, resulting in large-scale rebellion in 1916

    Melted slag and electric current

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    Experimental data concerning effects of transient currents and electromagnetic fields on the electric conductivity and microstructure of melted slag are reported in this paper. Proposed experimental data may be used in technological processes aimed at electric power-saving and electric power efficiency upgrading

    Changes in melted slag structure with their temperature change

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    Experimental data proving that the melted slag structure is changed with temperature increasing or decreasing are shown in this paper. Melts structure transformations induce changes in rheological properties of melts, as well as occurrence of thermal effects in melts and changes in chemical compositions of melts structure components

    Правовое положение профсоюзов в области социально-трудовых отношений. Әлеуметтік-еңбек қатынастары аясында кәсіподақтың құқықтық жағдайы.

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    В данной статье рассматриваются проблемы модернизации законодательства о профессиональных союзах. Со дня провозглашения независимости Казахстана профсоюзы являются участником строительства новой жизни, с их участием принимались все законодательные акты в сфере трудовых и социальных отношений. Профсоюзы– это опора стабильности, базовый элемент социально-трудовых отношений. Перед профсоюзами Казахстанапоставлены новые задачи по активному участию в реализации Стратегии «Казахстан – 2050». Президент отме- тил, что главная цель республики состоит в создании к 2050 году общества благоденствия на основе сильного государства, развитой экономики и возможностей всеобщего труда [1]. Аталған мақалада кәсіподақ туралы заңнамалардың жетілдіру мәселелері қаралған.Қазақстан тәуелсіздік жариялаған күннен бастап кәсіподақтар жаңа өмірдің қатысушысы және олардың қатысуымен еңбек және әлеуметтік қатынастар аясында барлық заңнамалар қабылданды.Кәсіподақтар – әлеуметтік еңбек қатынастарының базалық элементі, тұрақтылықтың негізі.Қазақстан кәсіподақтары алдында Қазақстан – 2050 Стратегиясын жүзеге асыру барысында жаңадан міндеттер қойылған.Елбасы Республиканың басты мақсаты 2050 жылға дейін өркениетті қоғамның негізінде экономикасы дамыған және жалпы еңбекпен қамтамасыз етілген мықты мемлекет құру екендігін атап өтті [1]