84 research outputs found

    Wall Crossing As Seen By Matrix Models

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    The number of BPS bound states of D-branes on a Calabi-Yau manifold depends on two sets of data, the BPS charges and the stability conditions. For D0 and D2-branes bound to a single D6-brane wrapping a Calabi-Yau 3-fold X, both are naturally related to the Kahler moduli space M(X). We construct unitary one-matrix models which count such BPS states for a class of toric Calabi-Yau manifolds at infinite 't Hooft coupling. The matrix model for the BPS counting on X turns out to give the topological string partition function for another Calabi-Yau manifold Y, whose Kahler moduli space M(Y) contains two copies of M(X), one related to the BPS charges and another to the stability conditions. The two sets of data are unified in M(Y). The matrix models have a number of other interesting features. They compute spectral curves and mirror maps relevant to the remodeling conjecture. For finite 't Hooft coupling they give rise to yet more general geometry \widetilde{Y} containing Y.Comment: 44 pages, 9 figures, published versio

    Wall-crossing, free fermions and crystal melting

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    We describe wall-crossing for local, toric Calabi-Yau manifolds without compact four-cycles, in terms of free fermions, vertex operators, and crystal melting. Firstly, to each such manifold we associate two states in the free fermion Hilbert space. The overlap of these states reproduces the BPS partition function corresponding to the non-commutative Donaldson-Thomas invariants, given by the modulus square of the topological string partition function. Secondly, we introduce the wall-crossing operators which represent crossing the walls of marginal stability associated to changes of the B-field through each two-cycle in the manifold. BPS partition functions in non-trivial chambers are given by the expectation values of these operators. Thirdly, we discuss crystal interpretation of such correlators for this whole class of manifolds. We describe evolution of these crystals upon a change of the moduli, and find crystal interpretation of the flop transition and the DT/PT transition. The crystals which we find generalize and unify various other Calabi-Yau crystal models which appeared in literature in recent years.Comment: 61 pages, 14 figures, published versio

    Topological recursion for chord diagrams, RNA complexes, and cells in moduli spaces

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    We introduce and study the Hermitian matrix model with potential V(x)=x^2/2-stx/(1-tx), which enumerates the number of linear chord diagrams of fixed genus with specified numbers of backbones generated by s and chords generated by t. For the one-cut solution, the partition function, correlators and free energies are convergent for small t and all s as a perturbation of the Gaussian potential, which arises for st=0. This perturbation is computed using the formalism of the topological recursion. The corresponding enumeration of chord diagrams gives at once the number of RNA complexes of a given topology as well as the number of cells in Riemann's moduli spaces for bordered surfaces. The free energies are computed here in principle for all genera and explicitly for genera less than four.Comment: 34 pages, 2 figure

    Supersymmetric Gauge Theories, Intersecting Branes and Free Fermions

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    We show that various holomorphic quantities in supersymmetric gauge theories can be conveniently computed by configurations of D4-branes and D6-branes. These D-branes intersect along a Riemann surface that is described by a holomorphic curve in a complex surface. The resulting I-brane carries two-dimensional chiral fermions on its world-volume. This system can be mapped directly to the topological string on a large class of non-compact Calabi-Yau manifolds. Inclusion of the string coupling constant corresponds to turning on a constant B-field on the complex surface, which makes this space non-commutative. Including all string loop corrections the free fermion theory is elegantly formulated in terms of holonomic D-modules that replace the classical holomorphic curve in the quantum case.Comment: 67 pages, 6 figure

    Quantum Curves and D-Modules

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    In this article we continue our study of chiral fermions on a quantum curve. This system is embedded in string theory as an I-brane configuration, which consists of D4 and D6-branes intersecting along a holomorphic curve in a complex surface, together with a B-field. Mathematically, it is described by a holonomic D-module. Here we focus on spectral curves, which play a prominent role in the theory of (quantum) integrable hierarchies. We show how to associate a quantum state to the I-brane system, and subsequently how to compute quantum invariants. As a first example, this yields an insightful formulation of (double scaled as well as general Hermitian) matrix models. Secondly, we formulate c=1 string theory in this language. Finally, our formalism elegantly reconstructs the complete dual Nekrasov-Okounkov partition function from a quantum Seiberg-Witten curve.Comment: 63 pages, 9 figures; revised published versio

    Crystal Melting and Wall Crossing Phenomena

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    This paper summarizes recent developments in the theory of Bogomol'nyi-Prasad-Sommerfield (BPS) state counting and the wall crossing phenomena, emphasizing in particular the role of the statistical mechanical model of crystal melting. This paper is divided into two parts, which are closely related to each other. In the first part, we discuss the statistical mechanical model of crystal melting counting BPS states. Each of the BPS state contributing to the BPS index is in one-to-one correspondence with a configuration of a molten crystal, and the statistical partition function of the melting crystal gives the BPS partition function. We also show that smooth geometry of the Calabi-Yau manifold emerges in the thermodynamic limit of the crystal. This suggests a remarkable interpretation that an atom in the crystal is a discretization of the classical geometry, giving an important clue as to the geometry at the Planck scale.In the second part we discuss the wall crossing phenomena. Wall crossing phenomena states that the BPS index depends on the value of the moduli of the Calabi-Yau manifold, and jumps along real codimension one subspaces in the moduli space. We show that by using type IIA/M-theory duality, we can provide a simple and an intuitive derivation of the wall crossing phenomena, furthermore clarifying the connection with the topological string theory. This derivation is consistent with another derivation from the wall crossing formula, motivated by multi-centered BPS extremal black holes. We also explain the representation of the wall crossing phenomena in terms of crystal melting, and the generalization of the counting problem and the wall crossing to the open BPS invariants.Comment: PhD thesis, 129 pages, 39 figures, comments welcome; v2: typos corrected, references added, now in IJMPA format; v3: figures correcte

    3d-3d Correspondence Revisited

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    In fivebrane compactifications on 3-manifolds, we point out the importance of all flat connections in the proper definition of the effective 3d N=2 theory. The Lagrangians of some theories with the desired properties can be constructed with the help of homological knot invariants that categorify colored Jones polynomials. Higgsing the full 3d theories constructed this way recovers theories found previously by Dimofte-Gaiotto-Gukov. We also consider the cutting and gluing of 3-manifolds along smooth boundaries and the role played by all flat connections in this operation.Comment: 43 pages + 1 appendix, 6 figures Version 2: new appendix on flat connections in the 3d-3d correspondenc