965 research outputs found

    Carbon nanotube: a low-loss spin-current waveguide

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    We demonstrate with a quantum-mechanical approach that carbon nanotubes are excellent spin-current waveguides and are able to carry information stored in a precessing magnetic moment for long distances with very little dispersion and with tunable degrees of attenuation. Pulsed magnetic excitations are predicted to travel with the nanotube Fermi velocity and are able to induce similar excitations in remote locations. Such an efficient way of transporting magnetic information suggests that nanotubes are promising candidates for memory devices with fast magnetization switchings


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    Quaternary structure of the European spiny lobster (Palinurus elephas) 1 x 6-mer hemocyanin from cryoEM and amino acid sequence data

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    Arthropod hemocyanins are large respiratory proteins that are composed of up to 48 subunits (8 x 6-mer) in the 75 kDa range. A 3D reconstruction of the 1 x 6-mer hemocyanin from the European spiny lobster Palinuris elephas has been performed from 9970 single particles using cryoelectron microscopy. An 8 Angstrom resolution of the hemocyanin 3D reconstruction has been obtained from about 600 final class averages. Visualisation of structural elements such as a-helices has been achieved. An amino acid sequence alignment shows the high sequence identity (>80%.) of the hemocyanin subunits from the European spiny lobster P. elephas and the American spiny lobster Panulirus interruptus. Comparison of the P. elephas hemocyanin electron microscopy (EM) density map with the known P. interruptus X-ray structure shows a close structural correlation, demonstrating the reliability of both methods for reconstructing proteins, By molecular modelling, we have found the putative locations for the amino acid sequence (597-605) and the C-terminal end (654-657), which are absent in the available P. interruptus X-ray data. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserve

    Within-patient plasmid dynamics in Klebsiella pneumoniae during an outbreak of a carbapenemase-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae

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    INTRODUCTION: Knowledge of within-patient dynamics of resistance plasmids during outbreaks is important for understanding the persistence and transmission of plasmid-mediated antimicrobial resistance. During an outbreak of a Klebsiella pneumoniae carbapenemase-producing (KPC) K. pneumoniae, the plasmid and chromosomal dynamics of K. pneumoniae within-patients were investigated. METHODS: During the outbreak, all K. pneumoniae isolates of colonized or infected patients were collected, regardless of their susceptibility pattern. A selection of isolates was short-read and long-read sequenced. A hybrid assembly of the short-and long-read sequence data was performed. Plasmid contigs were extracted from the hybrid assembly, annotated, and within patient plasmid comparisons were performed. RESULTS: Fifteen K. pneumoniae isolates of six patients were short-read whole-genome sequenced. Whole-genome multi-locus sequence typing revealed a maximum of 4 allele differences between the sequenced isolates. Within patients 1 and 2 the resistance gene- and plasmid replicon-content did differ between the isolates sequenced. Long-read sequencing and hybrid assembly of 4 isolates revealed loss of the entire KPC-gene containing plasmid in the isolates of patient 2 and a recombination event between the plasmids in the isolates of patient 1. This resulted in two different KPC-gene containing plasmids being simultaneously present during the outbreak. CONCLUSION: During a hospital outbreak of a KPC-producing K. pneumoniae isolate, plasmid loss of the KPC-gene carrying plasmid and plasmid recombination was detected within the isolates from two patients. When investigating outbreaks, one should be aware that plasmid transmission can occur and the possibility of within- and between-patient plasmid variation needs to be considered

    Approaching Petavolts per meter plasmonics using structured semiconductors

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    A new class of strongly excited plasmonic modes that open access to unprecedented Petavolts per meter electromagnetic fields promise wide-ranging, transformative impact. These modes are constituted by large amplitude oscillations of the ultradense, delocalized free electron Fermi gas which is inherent in conductive media. Here structured semiconductors with appropriate concentration of n-type dopant are introduced to tune the properties of the Fermi gas for matched excitation of an electrostatic, surface "crunch-in" plasmon using readily available electron beams of ten micron overall dimensions and hundreds of picoCoulomb charge launched inside a tube. Strong excitation made possible by matching results in relativistic oscillations of the Fermi electron gas and uncovers unique phenomena. Relativistically induced ballistic electron transport comes about due to relativistic multifold increase in the mean free path. Acquired ballistic transport also leads to unconventional heat deposition beyond the Ohm's law. This explains the absence of observed damage or solid-plasma formation in experiments on interaction of conductive samples with electron bunches shorter than 10−13seconds\rm 10^{-13} seconds. Furthermore, relativistic momentum leads to copious tunneling of electron gas allowing it to traverse the surface and crunch inside the tube. Relativistic effects along with large, localized variation of Fermi gas density underlying these modes necessitate the kinetic approach coupled with particle-in-cell simulations. Experimental verification of acceleration and focusing of electron beams modeled here using tens of Gigavolts per meter fields excited in semiconductors with 1018cm−3\rm 10^{18}cm^{-3} free electron density will pave the way for Petavolts per meter plasmonics.Comment: 16 pages, 10 figure

    Development of amoxicillin resistance in Escherichia coli after exposure to remnants of a non-related phagemid-containing E. coli:an exploratory study

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    OBJECTIVE: To determine the effect of exposure to remnants of a phagemid-containing E. coli, killed by treatment with a propanol-based hand rub, on antimicrobial resistance in E. coli isolates. METHODS: An in vitro model was developed in which a clinical E. coli isolate (EUR1) was exposed to remnants of an E. coli K-12 strain containing a phagemid (pBS-E12) strain treated with Sterillium®. A series of 200 experiments was performed using this in vitro model. As a control, a series of 400 experiments was performed where the EUR1 was exposed either to the remnants of an E. coli K-12 strain (not containing a phagemid) (E12) treated with Sterillium® (n = 200) or to dried Sterillium® only (n = 200). The number of experiments that showed growth of an amoxicillin-resistant EUR1 isolate was evaluated in all three groups. An additional 48 experiments were performed in which a different clinical E. coli isolate (EUR2) was exposed to remnants of the pBS-E12 treated with Sterillium®. Whole-genome sequencing and phenotypic testing for AmpC beta-lactamase production was performed to investigate the mechanism behind this resistance development. RESULTS: In 22 (11.0%) of 200 experiments in which the EUR1 isolate was exposed to remnants of a pBS-E12 an amoxicillin-resistant mutant isolate was obtained, as opposed to only 2 (1.0%) of 200 experiments involving the exposure of the EUR1 to Sterillium® only (risk difference: 10.0%; 95% CI 5.4-14.6%)) and 1 (0.5%) of 200 experiments involving the exposure of the EUR1 isolate to the remnants of the phagemid-free E12 (risk difference: 10.5%; 95% CI 6.1-14.9%). In 1 (2.1%) of the 48 experiments in which the EUR2 isolate was exposed to remnants of a pBS-E12 an amoxicillin-resistant mutant isolate was obtained. The development of resistance in all experiments was due to mutations in the promoter/attenuator region of the chromosomal AmpC beta-lactamase (cAmpC) gene leading to cAmpC hyperproduction. CONCLUSION: Exposure of an E. coli isolate to another phagemid-containing E. coli that was treated with propanol-based hand rub increased the development of amoxicillin resistance. Although phagemids are cloning vectors that are not present in clinical isolates, this finding may have implications for hand disinfection practices in healthcare facilities

    MSIS 2000: Model Curriculum and Guidelines for Graduate Degree Programs in Information Systems

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    This article contains the official text of the MSIS 2000 model curriculum as approved by both the Association for Computing Machinery and the Association for Information Systems. It is presented here in its original form

    TIMP3 interplays with apelin to regulate cardiovascular metabolism in hypercholesterolemic mice

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    Tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase 3 (TIMP3) is an extracellular matrix (ECM) bound protein, which has been shown to be downregulated in human subjects and experimental models with cardiometabolic disorders, including type 2 diabetes mellitus, hypertension and atherosclerosis. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of TIMP3 on cardiac energy homeostasis during increased metabolic stress conditions
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