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Evaluations in Institutions of Higher Education in Africa: The Case of the University of Eswatini
The paper attempts to give an overview of evaluation in higher education institutions with particular emphasis on the faculties of humanities, education and social sciences disciplines at the University of Eswatini (Swaziland) in Southern Africa. It describes the general methodology of evaluation and identifies obstacles and relevant strategies for improving existing evaluation system. The paper points out that the nature and quality of assessment instruments used will influence the type of learning that takes place. In other words, if the lecturer evaluates and credits acquisition of knowledge, then the student will tend to study this alone. Therefore, a wider range of evaluation activities covering various objectives of a course will lead to varied learning and teaching experience within a course. Finally, the paper recommends that since the existing examination system is subjective, it is necessary to review it periodically to ensure that it fulfils the purpose for which it is designed to achieve
Place de la Radiotherapie dans la prise en charge therapeutique du sarcome de kaposi epidemique
Les auteurs abordent la prise en charge thĂ©rapeutique du sarcome de Kaposi associĂ© au VIH, qui pose des problĂšmes dâindications thĂ©rapeutiques, certains auteurs Ă©mettant lâidĂ©e que les traitements antirĂ©troviraux seuls pourraient suffire pour son traitement. Sur la base dâune expĂ©rience de prĂšs de dix ans pendant lesquels 720 patients ont Ă©tĂ© pris en charge, les auteurs passent dâabord en revue les diffĂ©rentes prĂ©sentations cliniques du sarcome de kaposi associĂ© au VIH. Ils proposent ensuite les indications thĂ©rapeutiques, et donnent enfin un peu plus longuement les modalitĂ©s de la radiothĂ©rapie quâils proposent pour ces malades.MOTS CLES: Sarcome de Kaposi Ă©pidĂ©mique â PrĂ©sentations cliniques â Indications thĂ©rapeutiques- RadiothĂ©rapi
Knudsen Effect in a Nonequilibrium Gas
From the molecular dynamics simulation of a system of hard-core disks in
which an equilibrium cell is connected with a nonequilibrium cell, it is
confirmed that the pressure difference between two cells depends on the
direction of the heat flux. From the boundary layer analysis, the velocity
distribution function in the boundary layer is obtained. The agreement between
the theoretical result and the numerical result is fairly good.Comment: 4pages, 4figure
A hierarchy of models related to nanoflows and surface diffusion
In last years a great interest was brought to molecular transport problems at
nanoscales, such as surface diffusion or molecular flows in nano or
sub-nano-channels. In a series of papers V. D. Borman, S. Y. Krylov, A. V.
Prosyanov and J. J. M. Beenakker proposed to use kinetic theory in order to
analyze the mechanisms that determine mobility of molecules in nanoscale
channels. This approach proved to be remarkably useful to give new insight on
these issues, such as density dependence of the diffusion coefficient. In this
paper we revisit these works to derive the kinetic and diffusion models
introduced by V. D. Borman, S. Y. Krylov, A. V. Prosyanov and J. J. M.
Beenakker by using classical tools of kinetic theory such as scaling and
systematic asymptotic analysis. Some results are extended to less restrictive
Profil epidemiologique et anatomo-clinique des malade du centre d'oncologie de Doula:Une analyse sur neuf ans
Les auteurs prĂ©sentent une Ă©tude rĂ©trospective et analytique, sur neuf ans et sept mois (19 juin 1999 au 1er fĂ©vrier 2008) rĂ©alisĂ©e sur les malades reçus en consultation au Centre dâOncologie de Douala pendant cette pĂ©riode. Lâobjectif est dâĂ©tudier le profil Ă©pidĂ©miologique de ces malades, en particulier le sexe, lâĂąge, et les localisations tumorales observĂ©es pour chaque patient. 4775 patients ont Ă©tĂ© reçus en consultation durant la pĂ©riode dâĂ©tude, comprenant 3065 femmes (64%) et 1710 hommes (36%). Les Ăąges varient de un Ă 90 ans, avec une moyenne de 41,3 ans. La distribution des frĂ©quences selon la localisation montre une trĂšs nette prĂ©dominance des localisations gynĂ©cologiques et mammaires (2151 cas, soit 45,05%), suivies des lymphomes (845 cas, soit 17,7%) puis des sarcomes de Kaposi (720 cas reprĂ©sentant 15% de lâeffectif total). Ainsi, sur 840 tumeurs malignes du sein rĂ©pertoriĂ©es, 90 patientes (11%) sont dâemblĂ©e mĂ©tastatiques, et cent patientes (12%) prĂ©sentent des mastites carcinomateuses trĂšs souvent ulcĂ©rĂ©es. Quatre cents cancers du col utĂ©rin sont dĂ©nombrĂ©s, dont seulement 50 (12,50%) Ă©taient encore Ă un stade clinique infĂ©rieur ou Ă©gal au stade II de la FIGO. Lâon relĂšve Ă©galement que sur 720 cas de sarcomes de Kaposi reçus, seulement 10 patients (1 ,40%) Ă©taient indemnes de lâinfection Ă VIH. Des tentatives dâexplications sont amorcĂ©es, dans la recherche de perspectives porteuses pour lâavenir.MOTS CLES: EpidĂ©miologie-Localisations-OncologieâDoualaâCameroun
Volumetric formulation of lattice Boltzmann models with energy conservation
We analyze a volumetric formulation of lattice Boltzmann for compressible
thermal fluid flows. The velocity set is chosen with the desired accuracy,
based on the Gauss-Hermite quadrature procedure, and tested against controlled
problems in bounded and unbounded fluids. The method allows the simulation of
thermohydrodyamical problems without the need to preserve the exact
space-filling nature of the velocity set, but still ensuring the exact
conservation laws for density, momentum and energy. Issues related to boundary
condition problems and improvements based on grid refinement are also
investigated.Comment: 8 figure
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