89 research outputs found

    Analysis of Relation Between Fluorescence Intensity and Ripeness Levels of Loosed Palm Oil Fruits

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    Fluorescence imaging telah dikembangkan sebagai metode nondestruktif yang berpotensi untuk penilaian kualitas buah dan sayuran. Grading tandan buah segar (TBS) kelapa sawit sangat penting dilakukan untuk mendapatkan CPO yang berkualitas tinggi di Perusahaan kelapa sawit. Fluoresensi imaging belum secara menyeluruh digunakan untuk mengeksplorasi grading kelapa sawit. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari intensitas fluoresensi pada buah kelapa sawit yang brondolan dan hubungannya terhadap tingkat kematangan buah menggunakan sistem pencitraan fluoresensi. Sistem terdiri dari laser dioda 650 nm, kamera monokrom CMOS dan filter warna. Filter yang digunakan adalah warna jingga karna dieksitasi oleh laser dioda merah. Sampel adalah buah segar kelapa sawit brondolan dari varietas Tanera bernama Marihat dan Topaz yang diambil pada bagian buah luar TBS kelapa sawit. Sampel memiliki tiga tingkat kematangan yaitu mentah, matang, lewat matang yang setiap tingkat nya terdiri dari 5 buah. Kategori kematangan ditentukan oleh pemanen yang berpengalaman. Buah yang disinari direkam oleh kamera dan menghasilkan intensitas gray menggunakan software imageJ yang dibandingkan pada tiga tingkat kematangan. Konsenstrasi antosianin pada lapisan mesocarp buah Marihat diukur sebagai perbandingan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa intensitas fluoresensi tertinggi diperoleh pada buah lewat matang, diikuti oleh matang dan mentah. Intensitas gray pada buah Topaz lebih tinggi 5-11% untuk setiap tingkat kematangan. Hal ini dapat disebabkan konsentrasi antosianin jenis Topaz lebih tinggi dari Marihat. Hal ini memerlukan penelitian lebih lanjut

    Modification and Testing of Wind Turbine with Double Savonius

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    Indonesia geographically located at tropical region where the wind is very fluctuate and relatively slow. Therefore it is important for designer to investigate the proper design of the slow wind speed turbine that applicable in Indonesia. In this paper, Savonius wind turbine is selected and modified with double level to explore its capability in generating voltage. The main aim of this study is to investigate the performance of the double Savonius turbine in term of its capability in generating voltage. In experimental test, it can be obtained that the double Savonius Turbine could effectively generate 12V at 3 m/s and 17V at 5.4 m/s

    The Influence Of Brand Positioning Fun, Art And Education Bale Seni Barli-Kota Baru Parahyangan Toward Visit Decision In Bale Seni Barli-Kota Baru Parahyangan

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    Bale Seni Barli-Kota Baru Parahyangan is one tourist attraction (DTW) art which is located in Kota Baru Parahyangan, Padalarang. Number of tourists visiting Bale Seni Barli-Kota Baru Parahyangan from year to year has increased, but did not meet the expected targets visit the manager. Building a strong Brand Positioning able to provide a reference for tourists in choosing DTW to be addressed which can then influence the decision of tourists to visit a DTW. Therefore Bale Seni Barli-Kota Baru Parahyangan trying to build a strategy Brand Positioning Fun, Art and Education in order to position itself as DTW which offers attractions and tourist activity-laden art education but still fun for tourists. This study aims to find out about how much influence the Brand Positioning Fun, Art and Education against the decision of visiting tourists in Bale Seni Barli-Kota Baru Parahyangan. In this study, the independent variable (X) is the Brand Positioning and the dependent variable was the decision to visit, with a sample of 100 respondents, data collection techniques using a questionnaire (questionnaire), interviews, documentary studies and literature studies, while data analysis techniques using simple regression. The results showed that the influence strategy Brand Positioning Fun, Art and Education on the decision been run Bale Seni Barli-Kota Baru Parahyangan have a strong influence, which amounted to 83%. This shows that when Brand Positioning Fun, Art and Education implemented properly, then the decision to tourists visiting Bale Seni Barli-Kota Baru Parahyangan will increase

    Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Penerimaan Opini Audit Going Concern

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    This paper aims to test and provide empirical evidence about the influence of auditor reputation, disclosure, audit tenure, firm size, and the previous year's audit opinion to the going concern audit opinion. At this point the auditor should be able to disclose an entity's business continuity and be able to predict the company's ability to carry out its business. Population of this research is manufacturing companies listed on Indonesian Stock Exchange (IDX) between 2007 to 2011. Research sample amounts to 53 companies acquired by purposive sampling method, with observation period of 5 years. Data were analyzed by using logistic regression. Based on this research can be concluded that audit tenure, size of the company, and previous year's audit opinion significantly influence the going concern audit opinion. While the auditor reputation and disclosure did not significantly influence the going concern audit opinion

    Pengaruh Karakteristik Komite Audit dan Karakteristik Perusahaan terhadap Manajemen Laba

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    This study was aimed to analyse the influence of audit committee characteristics and firm characteristics on earnings management in manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2009-2011. The independent variables were audit committee characteristics (independency, financial expertise, size, and activity of audit committee) and firm characteristics (leverage, firm size, and profitability), while the dependent variable was earnings management wihich was measured by discretionary accruals using the Modified Jones Model. The hypothesis proposed in this study was that audit committee and firm characteristics influenced earnings management.Data of this study were obtained from the annual report and financial statements of manufacturing firms drawn from the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The population of this study were manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange during the years 2009-2011. The samples were determinated by purposive sampling method, and 140 companies were then collected. The hypothesis was tested using multiple regression analysis. The results of this study showed that financial expertise of audit committee and profitability had significant influence on earnings management. On the other hand, independency, size, and activity of audit committee, leverage, and firm size had no significant influence on the earnings management

    Hubungan Persepsi K3 Karyawan dengan Perilaku Tidak Aman di Bagian Produksi Unit IV PT. Semen Tonasa

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    Perilaku tidak aman merupakan salah satu penyebab terjadinya kecelakaan kerja akibat kelalaian pekerja saat bekerja, angka kecelakaan kerja yang disebabkan oleh perilaku tidak aman di Indonesia sebesar 80% dan kondisi tidak aman sebesar 20%. Kecelakan yang diakibatkan oleh perilaku tidak aman merupakan masalah pekerja yang sering dihadapi oleh Perusahaan-Perusahaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui hubungan persepsi K3 karyawan dengan perilaku tidak aman di bagian produksi unit IV PT. Semen Tonasa. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah observasional dengan desain cross sectional study. Populasi adalah seluruh karyawan di bagian produksi unit IV PT. Semen Tonasa sebanyak 153 karyawan. Adapun sampel penelitian ini adalah 60 karyawan. Penarikan sampel menggunakan proportional random sampling. Analisa data yang dilakukan adalah univariat dan bivariat dengan uji chi square dan uji phi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa dari 6 variabel independen yang diteliti, terdapat lima variabel yang memiliki hubungan dengan variabel dependen, yaitu umur (p=0,011), masa kerja (p=0,026), pengetahuan (p=0,025), sikap (p=0,020) dan persepsi (p=0,011). Sedangkan variabel pelatihan K3 tidak berhubungan dengan nilai (p=0,57). Kesimpulannya adalah ada hubungan antara umur, masa kerja, pengetahuan, sikap dan persepsi dengan karyawan di bagian produksi unit IV PT. Semen Tonasa

    PERAN MASJID DALAM PEMBERDAYAAN EKONOMI UMAT (Studi pada Masjid Nurul ‘Ashri Caturtunggal Depok Sleman)

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    Salah satu peran masjid adalah untuk mengatasi masalah kemiskinan di masyrakat. Oleh karena itu, peran masjid tidak boleh hanya terfokus pada ibadah mahdhah saja, namun juga harus berfokus pada ibadah sosial. Ada 700.000 masjid di Indonesia. Masalah kemiskinan seharunya mudah diatasi oleh masjid-masjid tersebut. Namun fakta di lapangan menunjukkan bahwa banyak masjid yang megah fisiknya namun tidak megah dampaknya. Wacana kembali ke masjid sudah banyak digaungkan. Sudah banyak masjid yang mulai ikut dengan wacana ini. salah satu dari masjid-masjid yang ikut bergabung adalah masjid Nurul ‘Ashri.Untuk mengetahui bagaimana peran masjid Nurul ‘Ashri dalam pemberdayaan ekonomi umat serta bagaiamana kendala masjid Nurul ‘Ashri dalam permberdayaan ekonomi umat.Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian lapangan (field research) dengan metode kualitatif. Subyeknya yaitu pengurus masjid Nurul ‘Ashri. Obyek untuk penelitian ini yaitu peran masjid dalam pemberdayaan ekonomi umat. Metode yang dipakai yaitu tringulasi dengan analisis data, menggunakan reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Ada tiga peran masjid Nurul ‘Ashri yaitu simpan pinjam untuk usaha kecil menengah, pasar murah, dan pasar barang baru dan bekas. Masjid Nurul ‘Ashri berhasil melakukan pemberdayaan ekonomi umat dilihat dari indikator keberhasilan pemberdayaan Schuler, Hashemi, dan Riley. Kendala yang dihadapi yaitu kesulitan untuk menanamkan sikap tolong menolong sehingga hal ini memakan waktu dalam penerapan program. Dengan ketiga program pemberdayaan ini, yaitu simpan pinjam, pasar murah, dan pasar barang baru dan bekas, jamaah dan masyarakat benar-benar mendapatkan dampak positif berupa kesejahteraan ekonomi. Kata Kunci : Peran Masjid, Pemberdayaan, Ekonomi Uma

    Investigation of Loading of Pulsed and Continuous-Wave Optical Dipole Force Traps

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    We have investigated the behavior of an optical dipole force trap realized using a mode-locked Nd:YAG laser and have compared performance to a continuous-wave (cw) trap built using the same laser but running in a cw mode. The traps are used to confine ultracold 85Rb atoms which are loaded from a magneto-optical trap (MOT). In most respects, the two traps behave similarly over a wide range of laser parameters provided that the average potential well depth is the same; however, there is a notable difference in the dipole trap loading efficiency dependence on the detuning of the MOT trap laser frequency during the loading stage

    Application of UPFC to Improve the FRT Capability of Wind Turbine Generator

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    Variable speed wind turbine generators installation has been significantly increased worldwide in the last few years. Faults at the grid side may call for the disconnection of the wind turbine from the grid as under such events, wind turbine generator (WTG) may not comply with the recent developed grid codes for wind energy conversion systems (WECS). In this paper, a unified power flow controller (UPFC) is applied to improve the fault ride through (FRT) capability of doubly fed induction generator (DFIG)-based WECS during voltage swell and voltage sag at the grid side. Simulation is carried out using MATLAB/Simulink software. Results show that UPFC can effectively improve the FRT capability of DFIG-based WECS and hence maintaining wind turbine connection to the grid during certain levels of voltage fluctuation at the grid side


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    Tracing the research outcome such as journal article, proceeding and book are a must currently due to all creditsand academic promotions should be able to be tracked online. One facility that is developed to facilitate the tracerfunction of these publications is a repository. The community service program is aimed to increase and gain theknowledge and experience of staff and lecturers in Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan (STIK) Tamalatea, Makassar ondesign and management of publication repository system in their institution. This community service program is basedon the current situation in STIK where there is no repository system yet in their institution. This program consists ofthree main courses: 1) Introduction of credit points for academic promotion, 2) Design of repository system forinstitution publications, and 3) Management of repository system for institution publications. During the program, allparticipants of 20 persons showed enthusiasm and actively for discussion. To quantitatively the participants' performance,a simple knowledge test before and after the program was conducted. As a result, about 83,33 % knowledge ofparticipants on the course is improved. This community service program is significantly improved participants'knowledge and positively constructed the potential cooperation between two institutions in the future
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