515 research outputs found

    Faktor Ć¢ā‚¬ā€œ Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Return Saham dengan Harga Saham sebagai Variabel Moderating pada Perusahaan Manufaktur yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia

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    The objective of the research was to find out and to analyze the influence of Return on Equity, Current Ratio, Debt to Assets Ratio, and Return on Assets simultaneously and partially on Stock Return with Stock Price as moderating variable in 144 manufacture companies listed in the Indonesia Stock Exchange in the period of 2012-2016, and 87 of them were used as the samples. The data were processed by using Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) test and analyzed by using multiple linear regression analysis. The result of the research showed that Return on Equity, Current Ratio, Debt to Assets Ratio, and Return on Assets simultaneously had significant influence on Stock Return. Partially, Return on Equity had positive but insignificant influence on Stock Return, Debt to Assets Ratio had negative and insignificant influence on Stock Return, Current Ratio had negative but significant influence on Stock Return, and Return of Assets had positive but significant influence on Stock Return. From the result of the test on moderating variable, it was concluded that Stock Price was not able to moderate the correlation of Return on Equity, Current Ratio, Debt to Assets Ratio, and Return on Assets with Stock Retur

    Components of genetic counsellor education: A systematic review of the peer-reviewed literature.

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    The need for appropriately trained genetic counsellors to support genetic healthcare is now acknowledged. However, while programmes for education of genetic counsellors exist in a number of countries, these do not conform to any specific international standards. As genetic techniques, educational standards and professional standards have been evolved, and with increasing mobility of genetic counsellors, it is of great importance to have some comparison of education and training between different countries. This systematic review was conducted to determine the components of educational programmes for genetic counsellors worldwide that have been published in peer-reviewed literature. Databases were searched for studies published in English from 2000 to 2014 related to the topic. We identified 406 potential papers, of these, 11 studies met the inclusion criteria. The findings indicate that, in most cases, the theoretical components of genetic counsellor programmes conform to the recommendations and requirements of relevant professional bodies. However, clinical preparation of genetic counsellors in real-life professional practice settings seems to be less well addressed as this is essential to ensure genetic counsellors are able to provide safe patient care after graduation. Further work to gain agreement internationally on genetic counsellor education is needed

    Values, Optimum Stimulation and Brand Loyalty: New Scales in New Populations

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    The new emphasis on relationships in marketing has spurred a resurgence of interest in brand loyalty and the positive effect of brand loyalty on company profitability and long-term survival have been well-documented in recent years. Recent research has begun to identify new types and sources of affect that might comprise and distinguish loyalty responses, especially from a phenomenological perspective. This article focuses on exploratory consumer behavior (ECB), an often-neglected influence on brand loyalty that has received almost no attention in the brand loyalty literature. Risk-taking in product and retail outlet choice innovative shopping behavior, variety and novelty-seeking, browsing and recreational shopping and curiosity-motivated information processing are among the many consumer behaviors thought to have strong exploratory components. The tendency to engage in ECB has been operationalized most often using instruments designed to measure optimum stimulation level (OSL) (Baumgartner & Steenkamp, 1996; Steenkamp & Baumgartner, 1992). Although values and OSL have been the focus of large and important research streams, the role of values in ECB has not been explored. South Africa is an important transition economy receiving much interest from international investors. It is important as a market and as an entry point to sub-Saharan Africa and the Indian Ocean Rim. The current research employed two new instruments, Steenkamp and Baumgartner's new shortened Change Seeker Index (CSI) and Schwartz' new Portraits Questionnaire (PQ), in a study of the optimum stimulation level (OSL) and value priorities of a nationally-representative sample of 3493 South Africans. Schwartz' theory concerning the structure and content of values has received much interest in the psychology literature during the decade. The theory proposes ten motivational value types that are distinguished by the motivational goal each value type each expresses. These four value types are further thought to aggregate into four higher-order values. The nature of Schwartz' value structure is such that the inter-relationships of the value types can be represented with a circular structure in which those value types most negativciy correlated will appear on opposite sides of the circle and value types most similar will appear adjacent to one another. When one relates a concept such as OSL to the motivational value types, one would expect a sinusoid curve to emerge. In particular, one would expect high OSL consumers to place more priority on openness-to-change values and less priority on conservation values. Moreover, the theory would predict opposite value priorities for low OSL consumers. The results indicate that high and low OSL consumers exhibit value differences consistent with Schwartz' theory about the content and structure of values and the predicted sinusoid pattern between value priorities and OSL emerged. The association between values and brand loyalty exhibited three general sinusoid patterns. Comparative sample partitions based on value priorities and OSLs suggest that values may be sensitive to a wider range of motivations that underlie differences in exploratory product acquisition, shopping behavior and brand loyalty. The results suggest that value priorities and OSL are important influences on brand loyalty behavior.http://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/39597/3/wp210.pd

    Values, Optimum Stimulation and Brand Loyalty: New Scales in New Populations

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    The new emphasis on relationships in marketing has spurred a resurgence of interest in brand loyalty and the positive effect of brand loyalty on company profitability and long-term survival have been well-documented in recent years. Recent research has begun to identify new types and sources of affect that might comprise and distinguish loyalty responses, especially from a phenomenological perspective. This article focuses on exploratory consumer behavior (ECB), an often-neglected influence on brand loyalty that has received almost no attention in the brand loyalty literature. Risk-taking in product and retail outlet choice innovative shopping behavior, variety and novelty-seeking, browsing and recreational shopping and curiosity-motivated information processing are among the many consumer behaviors thought to have strong exploratory components. The tendency to engage in ECB has been operationalized most often using instruments designed to measure optimum stimulation level (OSL) (Baumgartner & Steenkamp, 1996; Steenkamp & Baumgartner, 1992). Although values and OSL have been the focus of large and important research streams, the role of values in ECB has not been explored. South Africa is an important transition economy receiving much interest from international investors. It is important as a market and as an entry point to sub-Saharan Africa and the Indian Ocean Rim. The current research employed two new instruments, Steenkamp and Baumgartner's new shortened Change Seeker Index (CSI) and Schwartz' new Portraits Questionnaire (PQ), in a study of the optimum stimulation level (OSL) and value priorities of a nationally-representative sample of 3493 South Africans. Schwartz' theory concerning the structure and content of values has received much interest in the psychology literature during the decade. The theory proposes ten motivational value types that are distinguished by the motivational goal each value type each expresses. These four value types are further thought to aggregate into four higher-order values. The nature of Schwartz' value structure is such that the inter-relationships of the value types can be represented with a circular structure in which those value types most negativciy correlated will appear on opposite sides of the circle and value types most similar will appear adjacent to one another. When one relates a concept such as OSL to the motivational value types, one would expect a sinusoid curve to emerge. In particular, one would expect high OSL consumers to place more priority on openness-to-change values and less priority on conservation values. Moreover, the theory would predict opposite value priorities for low OSL consumers. The results indicate that high and low OSL consumers exhibit value differences consistent with Schwartz' theory about the content and structure of values and the predicted sinusoid pattern between value priorities and OSL emerged. The association between values and brand loyalty exhibited three general sinusoid patterns. Comparative sample partitions based on value priorities and OSLs suggest that values may be sensitive to a wider range of motivations that underlie differences in exploratory product acquisition, shopping behavior and brand loyalty. The results suggest that value priorities and OSL are important influences on brand loyalty behavior.values, OSL, brand loyalty

    The Winding Road to Relapse: Forging a New Understanding of Cue-Induced Reinstatement Models and Their Associated Neural Mechanisms

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    In drug addiction, cues previously associated with drug use can produce craving and frequently trigger the resumption of drug taking in individuals vulnerable to relapse. Environmental stimuli associated with drugs or natural reinforcers can become reliably conditioned to increase behavior that was previously reinforced. In preclinical models of addiction, these cues enhance both drug self-administration and reinstatement of drug seeking. In this review, we will dissociate the roles of conditioned stimuli as reinforcers from their modulatory or discriminative functions in producing drug-seeking behavior. As well, we will examine possible differences in neurobiological encoding underlying these functional differences. Specifically, we will discuss how models of drug addiction and relapse should more systematically evaluate these different types of stimuli to better understand the neurobiology underlying craving and relapse. In this way, behavioral and pharmacotherapeutic interventions may be better tailored to promote drug use cessation outcomes and long-term abstinence

    Thyroid papillary carcinoma arising in ectopic thyroid tissue within a neck branchial cyst

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    BACKGROUND: Thyroid gland derives from one median anlage at the base of the tongue, and from the two fourth branchial pouches. A number of anomalies may occur during their migration. These can be in form of ectopic tissues, which are frequently found along the course of thyroglossal duct and rarely in other sites, many of these may develop same diseases as the thyroid gland. CASE PRESENTATION: A 36-years-old female presented with a 3 month history of left side neck mass. The mass disappeared following aspiration of brown colored fluid, which on cytological examination showed cells with nuclear irregularities that warranted the resection of the lesion. The histology demonstrated a thyroid papillary carcinoma arising within the branchial cyst. Thereafter, the patient underwent a total thyroidectomy with central lymph nodes dissection. Histology showed a multifocal papillary carcinoma with central lymph nodes metastases. Only four cases of primary thyroid carcinomas in neck branchial cyst have been described so far. CONCLUSION: In a lateral cystic neck mass, although rare, occurrence of ectopic thyroid tissue and presence of a papillary thyroid carcinoma should be kept in mind

    Suplementacija s antioksidansima i serumski lipidi kod bolesnika s Graves-ovom bolesti: Učinak na LDL-kolesterol

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    The effect of supplementation with a fixed combination of antioxidants (beta-carotene, selenium, vitamins C and E) on serum lipids was monitored in patients with newly detected Graves\u27 disease. Measurements were made prior to the commencement of therapy and after 30 and 60 days. Patients were randomized into two groups. Test group comprised patients who received antioxidant supplementation in addition to methimazole, while patients treated with methimazole only were in the control group. The concentration of total and HDL-cholesterol increased significantly in test and control groups (p < 0.05) but these groups did not differ significantly. Concentration of LDL-cholesterol increased significantly in the test group only (p < 0.005) and was significantly different from the control group 60 days after the commencing the therapy (p < 0.005). Significant increase in the LDL-cholesterol concentration in the test group requires further investigations.U ovom istraživanju promatran je učinak suplementacije fiksnom kombinacijom antioksidansa (beta-karoten, selen, vitamin C i E) na koncentracije serumskih lipida, u odnosu na brzinu postizanja eutiroze. Mjerenja su obavljena u bolesnika s novo otkrivenom Graves-ovom boleŔću liječenih metimazolom (tiamazolom) prije početka terapije, te nakon 30 i 60 dana. Bolesnici su bili randomizirani u dvije skupine. Test skupinu sačinjavali su bolesnici koji su dodatno uzimali antioksidanse, a kontrolnu skupinu bolesnici koji su uzimali samo metimazol (tiamazol). Koncentracije ukupnog i HDL-kolesterola u serumu rasle su tijekom terapije kod bolesnika iz obje skupine (p < 0,05) no, nisu se međusobno značajno razlikovale 60 dana nakon početka terapije. Kod bolesnika test skupine, koncentracija LDL-kolesterola se značajno povećala (p < 0,005) i bila je značajno različita od one u kontrolnoj skupini (p < 0,005), 60 dana nakon početka liječenja. Rezultati ovog istraživanja ukazuju da suplementacija s ovom kombinacijom antioksidansa nema značajnog utjecaja na promjene koncentracije serumskih lipida kod bolesnika s Graves-ovom boleŔću 60 dana nakon početka terapije, s izuzetkom LDL-kolesterola. Zbog značajnog porasta koncentracije LDL-kolesterola kod bolesnika s Graves-ovom boleŔću, koji su dodatno uzimali antioksidanse, potrebna su daljnja istraživanja u cilju pojaÅ”njenja opisanih promjena
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