1,144 research outputs found

    The role of mathematics courses in creating and developing students’ research competencies within the social and economic field

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    Training specialists in social and economic areas should be regarded as a key priority. It is crucial to endow students of relevant specialties with basic mathematical knowledge and skills, to help these people fulfill their professional functions and use the main data sources, along with various mathematical methods, which can be efficiently used within economics and sociolog

    Review of analytical instruments for EEG analysis

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    Since it was first used in 1926, EEG has been one of the most useful instruments of neuroscience. In order to start using EEG data we need not only EEG apparatus, but also some analytical tools and skills to understand what our data mean. This article describes several classical analytical tools and also new one which appeared only several years ago. We hope it will be useful for those researchers who have only started working in the field of cognitive EEG

    Super rogue waves in simulations based on weakly nonlinear and fully nonlinear hydrodynamic equations

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    The rogue wave solutions (rational multi-breathers) of the nonlinear Schrodinger equation (NLS) are tested in numerical simulations of weakly nonlinear and fully nonlinear hydrodynamic equations. Only the lowest order solutions from 1 to 5 are considered. A higher accuracy of wave propagation in space is reached using the modified NLS equation (MNLS) also known as the Dysthe equation. This numerical modelling allowed us to directly compare simulations with recent results of laboratory measurements in \cite{Chabchoub2012c}. In order to achieve even higher physical accuracy, we employed fully nonlinear simulations of potential Euler equations. These simulations provided us with basic characteristics of long time evolution of rational solutions of the NLS equation in the case of near breaking conditions. The analytic NLS solutions are found to describe the actual wave dynamics of steep waves reasonably well.Comment: under revision in Physical Review

    Нормативно-правове регулювання трудових відносин, ускладнених іноземним елементом

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    Сергєєва С. М. Нормативно-правове регулювання трудових відносин, ускладнених іноземним елементом : автореф. дис. ... канд. юрид. наук : 12.00.03 / С. М. Сергєєва; кер. роботи О. П. Бичківський; Нац. ун.-т "Одеська юридична академія". – Одеса, 2004. – 20 с.Дисертація на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата юридичних наук за спеціальністю 12.00.03. - цивільне право і цивільний процес; сімейне право; міжнародне приватне право. - Одеська національна юридична академія, Одеса, 2004. Дисертація присвячена дослідженню юридичної природи, а також теоретичних і практичних аспектів питань, які виникають при норматив- но-правововому регулюванні трудових відносин, ускладнених іноземним елементом. Особлива увага приділяється характеристиці джерел міжнародного приватного права в галузі регулювання міжнародних трудових відносин, визначається взаємодія і взаємовплив міжнародного приватного права і трудового права. Дається комплексна характеристика колізій законів, колізійних норм у сфері регулювання трудових відносин ускладнених іноземним елементом; наводиться аналіз закордонного законодавства, розглядаються підстави виникнення і способи розв'язання колізій законів у сфері регулювання трудових відносин, ускладнених іноземним елементом. Розкриваються особливості матеріально-правового регулювання їхашових ш'гшпсин за участю іноземців в Україні. Приділено увагу| сп(вВіДН01йЬйнКї"іНЬ}ййотВорчості міжнародних організацій і національного законодавства у сфері трудових відносин, ускладнених іноземним елементом. Пропонуються рекомендації стосовно вдосконалення законодавства України в сфері правового регулювання трудових відносин, ускладнених іноземним елементом.Диссертация на соискание научной степени кандидата юридических наук по специальности 12.00.03 - гражданское право и гражданский процесс; семейное право; международное частное право. - Одесская национальная юридическая академия, Одесса, 2004. Диссертация является самостоятельной завершенной научной работой, одним из первых в Украине исследований нормативно-правового регулирования трудовых отношений, усложненных иностранным элементом. Диссертация состоит из вступления, четырех разделов, шестнадцати подразделов, вывода и списка используемых источников. Во вступлении обосновывается актуальность темы работы, определяются предмет и объект исследования, его цель и основные задачи, излагается научная новизна. В диссертационной работе анализируются источники международного частного права в сфере регулирования международных трудовых отношений, проводится сравнительный анализ предмета и метода регулирования международного частного и трудового права, определяются взаимодействие и взаимовлияние трудового и международного частного права. В работе дается комплексная характеристика коллизий законов, коллизионных норм в сфере регулирования трудовых отношений, усложненных иностранным элементом, анализируется зарубежное законодательство. Существенное внимание уделяется исследованию статуса работников- мигрантов в международном и национальном праве, анализируется правовой статус иностранцев в трудовых отношениях и коллизионные нормы в регулировании трудовой миграции с участием украинской стороны. Кроме того, исследуется соотношение нормотворчества международных организаций и национального законодательства в сфере трудовых отношений, усложненных иностранным элементом. Предлагаются рекомендации по усовершенствованию законодательства Украины в сфере правового регулирования трудовых отношений, усложненных иностранным элементом.A Candidate of Law dissertation, speciality 12.00.03. - Civil law and Civil procedure; Family law; International private law. - Odessa National Law Academy, Odessa, 2004. The thesis is a pioneering research (in Ukraine) of the legal nature, of the theoretical and practical aspects of those problems which emerge within the legal- normative regulation of employment relations complicated with a foreign element. The dissertation includes an Introduction, four Chapters, general Conclusions and a List of references. The topicality of the research, its subject matter and objectives are revealed in the Introduction, as well as the particular results, which constitute the novelty in the legal theory and practices. International private law sources and several foreign countries legislation systems are analysed to compare the subjects and methods of regulation concerning international employment relations, to determine the interaction and influences among the international private law and the employment law systems adopted in various countries. Law collisions are characterised to reveal their reasons, analysed are particular ways of harmonising the conflicting legal norms which regulate employment relations complicated with a foreign element. Special emphasis is given to the legal status of employees-migrants and the regulation of their employment by the international and national laws, to the legal and substantive status of employment migrants involving foreign citizens in Ukraine. Compared are lawmaking principles followed by international organisations in their legal norms and the national legislation regulating employment relations involving foreigners and migrants. A number of particular recommendations are offered to improve the good Ukrainian legislation within the sphere of employment regulation complicated with a foreign element

    Організаційно-правові основи морського агентування

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    Сергєєва Н. М. Організаційно-правові основи морського агентування : автореф. дис. ... канд. юрид. наук : 12.00.07 / Н. М. Сергєєва; кер. роботи Є. В. Додін; Нац. ун.-т "Одеська юридична академія". – Одеса, 2000. – 21 с.Дисертація на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата юридичних наук за спеціальністю 12.00.07 - теорія управління; адміністративне право і процес; фінансове право. - Одеська національна юридична академія, Одеса, 2000. У дисертації проводиться аналіз організаційно-правових основ морського агентування - інституту адміністративного права, регулювання якого істотно змінилося за останні роки. Комплексно розглядаються взаємовідносини держаних органів і суднових агентів при здійсненні адміністративно-правового регулювання морського агентування, визначається специфіка організаційно-правових засобів і методів регулювання діяльності суднових агентів та пропонуються заходи щодо вдосконалення законодавства України з питань морського агентування.Диссертация на соискание научной степени кандидата юридических наук по специальности 12.00.07 - теория управления; административное право и процесс; финансовое право. - Одесская национальная юридическая академия, Одесса, 2000. В диссертации проводится анализ организационно-правовых основ морского агентирования - института административного права, регулирование которого существенно изменилось в последние годы. Комплексно рассматриваются взаимоотношения государственных органов и судовых агентов при осуществлении административно-правового регулирования морского агентирования, определяется специфика организационно-правовых средств и методов регулирования деятельности судовых агентов и предлагаются меры по совершенствованию законодательства Украины по вопросам морского агентирования.Thesis for a Candidate of Law's degree by specialized 12.00.07 - Theory of Management; Administrative Law and Process; Financial Law. - Odessa National Law Academy, Odessa, 2000. From the point of view of the science of administration and law and the science of maritime law this paper is the first complex research of organizational and legal bases of ships' agency service. It is noted that in the legal literature, as a whole, problems of ships' agency service have not been discussed from the standpoint of its organizational and legal bases, therefore the science of law has no developed conceptual provisions connected with organizational and legal status of a ship agent, there are no elaborations as for specificity of the state regulation of ships' agency service, its foundations and limits. The thesis discloses the notion substance of a ship agent, clarifies the essence of ships' agency service, points out specific functions of a ship agent which are of administrative nature. There are revealed historical preconditions of ships' agency service, the history of legal regulation of ships' agency service is given, the process of ships' agency service formation as an independent kind of activity is discussed. The thesis lists the comparative characteristic of legal acts, as well as methods of state regulation of ships' agency service in various countries of the world: Belgium, Great Britain, Germany, Holland, Denmark, Italy, Russia, France, Sweden, Japan. There is given an analysis of effective normative legal acts of Ukraine which establish the procedure for implementation of ships' agency service in Ukraine, as well as legal means of its state regulation are determined. The thesis gives compound consideration of mutual relations between state bodies and ship agents when implementing processes of state registration of subjects of ships' agency service, licensing of ships' agency service, control on the part of authorized state bodies over the activity of ship agents and implementation of other means and methods of administrative and legal regulation with respect to ship agents when they perform their functions in organizing and coordinating all operations connected with supply and services of ships, as well as proposes measures for perfection of means of legal regulation of ships' agency service and their use. Proposals are made as for the necessity to simplify state legitimacy of the subjects of ships' agency service activity, to perfect criteria for referring agency service of the merchant marine to licensed types of activity, to introduce definite qualification requirements to persons exercising ships' agency service, to adopt a professional code of conduct for ship agents proceeding from their special status and specifics of activity, as well as the necessity to observe international standards for ship agents

    Evidence for the extracellular delivery of influenza NS1 protein

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    We constructed a reporter influenza A/Puerto Rico/8/1934 virus expressing truncated 124aa N-terminal NS1 protein fused to a luciferase reporter sequence (NanoLuc) without signal peptide. The reproduction activity of the vector correlated well with the luminescent activity in the lysates of infected cell cultures or mouse respiratory organ suspensions. Surprisingly, we found that luciferase enzymatic activity was present not only in the intracellular compartments but also in cell culture supernatants as well as in the sera or bronchiolar lavages of infected mice. This fact allowed us to formulate a working hypothesis about the extracellular delivery mechanism of the NS1 protein. To test this idea, we conducted co-transfection experiments in Vero cells with different combinations of plasmids encoding influenza genomic segments and chimeric NS1-NanoLuc encoding plasmid. We found that the emergence of the luciferase reporter in the extracellular compartment was promoted by the formation of the ribonucleoprotein complex (RNP) from the co-transfection of plasmids expressing PB1, PB2, PA, and NP proteins. Therefore, influenza NS1 protein may be delivered to the extracellular compartment together with the nascent RNP complexes during the maturation of virus particles.We constructed a reporter influenza A/Puerto Rico/8/1934 virus expressing truncated 124aa N-terminal NS1 protein fused to a luciferase reporter sequence (NanoLuc) without signal peptide. The reproduction activity of the vector correlated well with the luminescent activity in the lysates of infected cell cultures or mouse respiratory organ suspensions. Surprisingly, we found that luciferase enzymatic activity was present not only in the intracellular compartments but also in cell culture supernatants as well as in the sera or bronchiolar lavages of infected mice. This fact allowed us to formulate a working hypothesis about the extracellular delivery mechanism of the NS1 protein. To test this idea, we conducted co-transfection experiments in Vero cells with different combinations of plasmids encoding influenza genomic segments and chimeric NS1-NanoLuc encoding plasmid. We found that the emergence of the luciferase reporter in the extracellular compartment was promoted by the formation of the ribonucleoprotein complex (RNP) from the co-transfection of plasmids expressing PB1, PB2, PA, and NP proteins. Therefore, influenza NS1 protein may be delivered to the extracellular compartment together with the nascent RNP complexes during the maturation of virus particles

    H5N1 influenza vaccine quality is affected by hemagglutinin conformational stability

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    Since 1997, highly pathogenic H5N1 avian influenza viruses have circulated in wild and domestic birds and sporadically have infected humans. Conventional inactivated vaccines made from these viruses were shown to have decreased HA content and immunogenicity compared to seasonal preparations. We assumed that the high pH threshold (5.6-6.0) known for the HA conformational change (pH of fusion or activation) of avian highly pathogenic influenza viruses resulted in the low stability of native HA conformation and affected the vaccine quality. The 58Lys→Ile mutation introduced into the HA2 subunit of the HA of A/chicken/Kurgan/5/05 (H5N1) virus decreased the pH threshold of the HA activation. The mutant virus demonstrated increased HA stability toward acidic pH and elevated temperature, decreased binding efficiency to the monoclonal antibody IIF4 that recognizes the HA low pH form, and increased HA resistance to trypsin digestion. Virus with modified HA was less susceptible to freezing stress and showed an increased content of immunocompetent HA in inactivated vaccine preparation compared to the analogous virus with original HA. Therefore, we have shown a way to increase the quality of inactivated vaccines made from highly pathogenic avian influenza viruses.Since 1997, highly pathogenic H5N1 avian influenza viruses have circulated in wild and domestic birds and sporadically have infected humans. Conventional inactivated vaccines made from these viruses were shown to have decreased HA content and immunogenicity compared to seasonal preparations. We assumed that the high pH threshold (5.6-6.0) known for the HA conformational change (pH of fusion or activation) of avian highly pathogenic influenza viruses resulted in the low stability of native HA conformation and affected the vaccine quality. The 58Lys→Ile mutation introduced into the HA2 subunit of the HA of A/chicken/Kurgan/5/05 (H5N1) virus decreased the pH threshold of the HA activation. The mutant virus demonstrated increased HA stability toward acidic pH and elevated temperature, decreased binding efficiency to the monoclonal antibody IIF4 that recognizes the HA low pH form, and increased HA resistance to trypsin digestion. Virus with modified HA was less susceptible to freezing stress and showed an increased content of immunocompetent HA in inactivated vaccine preparation compared to the analogous virus with original HA. Therefore, we have shown a way to increase the quality of inactivated vaccines made from highly pathogenic avian influenza viruses