98 research outputs found

    Application of serious games to sport, health and exercise

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    Use of interactive entertainment has been exponentially expanded since the last decade. Throughout this 10+ year evolution there has been a concern about turning entertainment properties into serious applications, a.k.a "Serious Games". In this article we present two set of Serious Game applications, an Environment Visualising game which focuses solely on applying serious games to elite Olympic sport and another set of serious games that incorporate an in house developed proprietary input system that can detect most of the human movements which focuses on applying serious games to health and exercise

    Exploring students’ satisfaction in the university learning environment: A study of newly introduced courses for state universities in Sri Lanka

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    Newly introduced undergraduate courses in state universities failed due to various reasons. The purpose of this study is to explore the factors that affect student satisfaction in the learning environment and to which extent such factors influence the learning behaviour of university students. The study adopts the nudge theory to analyse the students’ decision making based on choice architecture and the constructivist grounded theory, which explores how students determine satisfaction with learning. This study has been conducted in the context of the students who follow newly introduced courses in state universities in Sri Lanka. The study has applied quantitative research design to answer the research questions following the survey method. The conceptual framework of the study focuses on physical and intellectual support factors in the learning environment to measure student satisfaction. The results derive that academic support provided by the staff is the main factor to satisfy the students in the learning environment, which has a significant relationship. Support of the library has been identified as a factor which negatively affects student satisfaction. The study reveals that how students’ decision-making behaviour can be analysed through nudging. The primary contribution of the study is to the literature on identifying key factors which assist students in the learning environment to do the studies satisfactorily when they read for newly introduced courses in state universities. The study develops a novel theoretical structure through nudge theory to identify the students’ behaviour and satisfaction level. The practical implications are vital in this study which indicates that important aspects of developing in higher education in Sri Lanka to improve the quality of newly introduced courses in business. Keywords: Satisfaction, Learning environment, Nudg

    Field Shielding of N\u3csub\u3eB\u3c/sub\u3eTN Based Multilayer Structure for Accelerating Cavities

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    Over the past few decades, bulk niobium (Nb) has been the material of choice for superconducting radio frequency (SRF) cavities used in particle accelerators to achieve higher accelerating gradients and lower RF losses. Multi-layer (SIS) structures consisting of alternating thin layers of superconductor(S) and insulator(I) deposited on a bulk Nb have been proposed to enhance the peak surface magnetic field and sustain a higher accelerating gradient. In this study, multilayers based NbTiN and AlN deposited on bulk Nb are used to test the proposed enhancement using the DC magnetic Hall probe technique. The technique detects a penetrating magnetic field through the multilayer sample as it is placed under an external mag-netic field produced by a magnetic coil. This work reports the characterization and measurements of the magnetic field of full flux penetration through single layers of NbTiN and bilayers of NbTiN/AlN on bulk Nb


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    With the development of halogenated hydrocarbons by E.I.Du Pont deNemours & Co (USA) as refrigerants, there had been an increase in usage ofthese chloroflurocarbons (CFCs) in refrigeration applications worldwidesince 1950, mainly because these substances have excellent thermodynamicand safety characteristics. In Sri Lanka the consumption of CFC wasincreased rapidly up to 1995 (Table 1). Scientists had discovered the effectsof CFCs on the earth's ozone layer in nineteen seventies and it was agreed bylarge number of countries to phase out the production and usage of CFCs bybecoming party to the Montreal Protocol. The Montreal Protocol on OzoneDepleting Substances (ODS) was signed in 1987 to implement the phase outprogramme. Sri Lanka became a party to this Protocol in 1989 and is boundto implement phase out ODSs by dates. specified by the Protocol. In order toreach that target, National Ozone Unit (NOU) was established in the Ministryof Environment and Natural Resources in 1994. NOU has implementedseveral projects in order to reduce consumption of CFC with the assistance ofMultilateral Fund (MLF) of the Protocol.Sri Lanka has introduced a licensing system in 1998 to control the imports ofCFCs and so far achieved successful reduction of CFC consumption. Thetable 1 shows the downward trend of CFC consumption as a result of actiontaken by the NOU. As an Article 5 country under the Montreal Protocol SriLanka need to phase out CFC consumption by 2010. However, Sri Lanka hastaken steps to phase out CFC by the end of 2007.To achieve phase out as planned, three refrigerator manufacturers werefunded to con vert from CFC -11 to HCFC -141 b and from CFC 12 to R 134a,converted an aerosol manufacturing plant from CFC 12 to Hydrocarbons andlaunched a scheme to pay incentives for converting CFC refrigeration plants to non-Cf'Cs. In addition the NOU has taken steps in awareness creation,training of refrigeration technicians and recovery and recycling of CFC. As aresult, consumption of CFC in the manufacturing sector has been phased outand remaining consumption in the servicing sector could be eliminatedthrough projects already planned.Apart from ozone layer depletion, CFCs are powerful greenhouse gases muchstronger than C02. Therefore it is important to reduce emission of CFC notonly to save the ozone layer but also to prevent global warming and climatechange.

    Samples for 3rd Harmonic Magnetometry Assessment of NbTiN-Based SIS Structures

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    In the quest for alternative superconducting materials to bring accelerator cavity performance beyond the bulk niobium (Nb) intrinsic limits, a promising concept uses superconductor-insulator-superconductor (SIS) thin film structures that allows magnetic flux shielding in accelerator cavities to higher fields [1]. Candidate materials for such structures are NbTiN as the superconductor and AlN as the insulator. We have demonstrated high quality NbTiN and AlN deposited by reactive DC magnetron sputtering (DCMS), both for individual layers and multilayers. Interface quality has been assessed for bilayer stacks with 250 nm NbTiN layers and AlN thicknesses from 30 nm down to1 nm. These SIS structures show continued sharp interfaces with total average roughness under 2 nm. The Hfp enhancement of the films will be examined with a 3rd harmonic magnetometry. The system is being designed and built in a continuing collaboration with CEA Saclay. It can measure 25 to 50 mm samples on a temperature controlled stage. This contribution presents an overview of the design of the 3rd harmonic magnetometer and the material properties assessment of standalone films and multilayer nanostructures


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    Rural survival depends largely on the wealth or the natural environment. "Kitul" or theFish-tail palm is one or the important species which has been exploited from the wild hythe villagers from the ancient past. Tapping the inllorescence 01" the Kitul tree forcollecting the phloem sap for producing jaggnry, treacle and toddy has he en generatingpractices, among the rural folk in some villages particularly those abutting the naturalforests. The tapping process makes direct use of the transport mechanism of the tree inwhich the assimilates arc moved to the developing organs. The method of tapping differsfro II I "Lice to place. Usually tappers use plant extracts for seasoning the inflorescenceherol,' r.ipping. The purpose of using these various plant extracts is the arresting of thcmaturation of the inflorescence and the increasing of thc sap Ilow. The knowledge 01" theseindigenous tapping practices arc not being handed down the generations and thereforebeing gradually lost. This paper presents the results of a preliminary investigation thetraditional tapping methods of Kitul by the people in villages abutting the Sinharaja forestand the Knuckcls ranges

    Measurements of Magnetic Field Penetration in Superconducting Materials for SRF Cavities

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    Superconducting radiofrequency (SRF) cavities used in particle accelerators operate in the Meissner state. To achieve high accelerating gradients, the cavity material should stay in the Meissner state under high RF magnetic field without penetration of vortices through the cavity wall. The field onset of flux penetration into a superconductor is an important parameter of merit of alternative superconducting materials other than Nb which can enhance the performance of SRF cavities. There is a need for a simple and efficient technique to measure the onset of field penetration into a superconductor directly. We have developed a Hall probe experimental setup for the measurement of the flux penetration field through a superconducting sample placed under a small superconducting solenoid magnet which can generate magnetic fields up to 500 mT. The system has been calibrated and used to measure different bulk and thin film superconducting materials. This system can also be used to study SIS multilayer coatings that have been proposed to enhance the vortex penetration field in Nb cavities

    Investigation of the Multilayer Shielding Effect Through NBTin-AIN Coated Bulk Niobium

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    We report measurements of the dc field onset Bp of magnetic flux penetration through NbTiN-AlN coating on bulk niobium using the Hall probe experimental setup. The measurements of Bp reveal the multilayer shielding effect on bulk niobium under high magnetic fields at cryogenic temperatures. We observed a significant enhancement in Bp for the NbTiN-AlN coated Nb samples as compared to bare Nb samples. The observed dependence of Bp on the coating thickness is consistent with theoretical predictions

    Use of Gliricidia sepium as a Nurse Plant to Reforest Man-made Grasslands in the Knuckles Forest Reserve, Sri Lanka

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    Biodiversity richness and socially beneficial watershed services are high in the KnucklesForest Reserve. However, the lower montane forest patches on the eastern slopes of the KFRare highly fragmented mainly due to anthropogenic disturbances. If these forest fragments arenot connected in the near future, they will disappear from the landscape due to their lowregeneration rates. Native tree species when used for restoration of these lands faces manydifficulties due to various biotic and abiotic stresses including harsh microclimatic conditionsand infertile soils. Therefore, usage of a nurse plant will facilitate the growth of target speciesdue to creation of favourable microclimatic conditions. Gliricidia sepium has been used as ashade plant in Sri Lanka, since colonial times. More recently it has been used for indigenousfarming practices, soil stabilization, living fences and as fuel wood, animal forage, greenmanure. In our research we investigate the potential of G. sepium as a nurse plant to establishfour native tree species on man-made grasslands in central Sri Lanka. The study wasconducted on four blocks of grasslands. Four replicates of each of the three island sizes(small 4 m2, medium 16 m2, and large 64 m2) were created inside each block. One set ofislands in each block were planted with G. sepium stakes at 2 m intervals in a grid format.The other set of islands in each block was kept as a control without planting G. sepiumstakes. Seedlings of Macaranga indica, Bhesa ceylanica, Symplocos cochinchinensis andEugenia bracteata were planted randomly in islands with and without G. sepium stakes.After three months of establishment, the survival rate of G. sepium in the four blocks wasmore than 80% and the survival rate of the G. sepium was 20% higher in the small andmedium islands than the large islands. The mean number of sprouts per stake was more thaneight in medium and large islands and less than six in small islands. The mean survival ratewas higher (5.8%) and the mean growth rates was lower (0.006%) for all the four nativespecies with G. sepium than without G. sepium after three months of planting. G. sepiumincreased the survival rates of native species after three months of establishment due tofavourable microclimatic conditions created by them. However, growth rate of the nativespecies which were planted with G. sepium was lower probably due to interspecificcompetition. Therefore, G. sepium can be used as an effective nurse plant in initial phases ofreforestation programmes to increase the survival rates of native tree species on degradedsubmontane sites in Sri Lanka.
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