447 research outputs found

    Training health professionals in patient-centered communication during magnetic resonance imaging to reduce patients’ perceived anxiety

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    Objective: We examined how a patient-centered communication training program for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) affected health professional (HP) practice and patients’ perceived anxiety (PA). Methods: We implemented an intervention program. Six of the 17 eligible HPs completed the study. The proportion of observed desired behaviors (PODBs), including MRI procedure explanation (MRI-PE), communication, and MRI checking procedures was measured using an observation grid. We tested 182 patients (85 pre-, 58 post-, and 39 at follow-up) for PA pre- and post-MRI. Results: The Bayesian ANOVA effect size suggested moderate evidence of improvement in HP PODBs, preto post-intervention. Use of MRI-PE declined between post-intervention and follow-up (6 months later). Observed changes in PA, pre- to post-MRI, could be related to time constraints and perceived pressure to explain the exam in detail once institutional routines are reestablished. Conclusion: In MRI units, time constraints condition the performance of HPs who address patients’ PA. Practice implications: “Real workplace” interventions that promote better patient-centered communication and provide each patient with a comprehensive explanation of MRI procedures also appear to improve HP PODBs

    Unknown Primary Merkel Cell Carcinoma With Cutaneous Spread

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    The authors present the case of a woman in the seventh decade of life with medical history of: left nephrectomy for renal tuberculosis and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma treated with chemotherapy (QT) and radiotherapy. She presented with a 2-month history of non-tender, left inguinal lymph node enlargement. Positron Emission Tomography (PET)-CT -scanshowed hypermetabolic inguinal and retroperitoneal lymphadenopathies, no primary tumour. On the second dermatological examination a pink, 2 cm plaque on the anterior left knee was noted. The histopathological analysis revealed Merkel cell carcinoma. The patient underwent two lines of systemic QT, with life-threatening toxicities limiting treatment. Followed overwhelming disease progression with lymphoedema and numerous skin metastases in the left lower limb. The patient received palliative care until death. The rare incidence of such neoplasia and its uncommon clinical presentation justifies reporting this case and highlights the importance of multidisciplinary teams in the management of cancer patients.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Antibiotic Effects on Microbial Communities Responsible for Denitrification and N2O Production in Grassland Soils

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    Antibiotics in soils may affect the structure and function of microbial communities. In this study, we investigated the acute effects of tetracycline on soil microbial community composition and production of nitrous oxide (N2O) and dinitrogen (N-2) as the end-products of denitrification. Grassland soils were pre-incubated with and without tetracycline for 1-week prior to measurements of N2O and N-2 production in soil slurries along with the analysis of prokaryotic and fungal communities by quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) and next-generation sequencing. Abundance and taxonomic composition of bacteria carrying two genotypes of N2O reductase genes (nosZ-I and nosZ-II) were evaluated through qPCR and metabolic inference. Soil samples treated with tetracycline generated 12 times more N2O, but N-2 production was reduced by 84% compared to the control. In parallel with greater N2O production, we observed an increase in the fungi: bacteria ratio and a significant decrease in the abundance of nosZ-II carrying bacteria; nosZ-I abundance was not affected. NosZ-II-carrying Bacillus spp. (Firmicutes) and Anaeromyxobacter spp. (Deltaproteobacteria) were particularly susceptible to tetracycline and may serve as a crucial N2O sink in grassland soils. Our study indicates that the introduction of antibiotics to agroecosystems may promote higher N2O production due to the inhibitory effects on nosZ-II-carrying communities

    Editorial - Food Microbiology 2020

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    Food microbiology studies the microbiota of food products

    Pilomatrixoma Recurring As Giant Form

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    Pilomatrixoma is a benign skin tumor that originates from the hair matrix. It usually appears in children and young adults and is preferably in the head and neck region. It clinically presents as an asymptomatic firm, solitary subcutaneous mass of less than 3 cm. When located in the preauricular area, it is often misdiagnosed as benign or malignant parotids, skin tumors, or sebaceous cysts. Its treatment of choice is surgery, and recurrence is due to incomplete excision. We present a case of a male referred to our hospital with a diagnosis of recurrent pilomatrixoma in its giant form. The lesion was fully excised with no signs of recurrence and no functional impairment.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Experiência no curso de estudantes de 1º ano – um estudo no âmbito das tutorias de acompanhamento na Universidade de Évora

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    O presente estudo pretende conhecer a experiência no curso de estudantes de 1º ano que ingressaram na Universidade de Évora no final do 1º semestre. Estudos realizados sobre a percepção dos estudantes relativa ao contexto de aprendizagem no ensino superior indicam forte relação com as abordagens à aprendizagem e apresentam forte relevância para a compreensão da forma como os estudantes acedem ao conhecimento e para a definição de processos de aprendizagem de elevada qualidade (Entwistle, 2009; Chaleta & Entwistle, 2011). Os dados foram obtidos através da aplicação do CEQP (Ramsden, 2005; 2006; Chaleta et al, 2012) com 565 estudantes de diferentes cursos e áreas científicas. Os resultados indicaram que a experiência no curso é positiva para o conjunto dos estudantes havendo necessidade de observar com mais atenção as questões relacionadas com a avaliação. A grande maioria dos estudantes revela também satisfação com o curso que frequenta. Palavras-Chave: Experiência no Curso; Tutorias de Acompanhamento; CEQP; Ensino Superior. Abstract This study examine the experience in the course of the 1st year students who entered at the University of Évora. Studies on the perception of students on the learning environment in higher education indicate a strong relationship with the approaches to learning and have strong relevance to the understanding how students access the knowledge and the definition of high quality learning processes (Entwistle, 2009; Chaleta & Entwistle, 2011). The data were obtained by applying the CEQP (Ramsden, 2005, 2006; Chaleta et al, 2012) with 565 students from different courses and scientific areas. The results indicated that the course experience is positive for all the students but we need to look more closely at the issues related to assessment. The vast majority of students also reveals satisfaction with the course who attends Keywords: Course Experience; Mentor Monitoring; CEQP; Higher Education

    Salmonella sp. in edible offal (liver and tongue) from pigs slaughtered for consumption

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    During this study, 120 samples from slaughtered pigs (tongue swabs, n=40; liver swabs, n=40; liver parenchyma, n=40) were collected in a slaughterhouse. Salmonella sp. was isolated using conventional microbiological methods and strains were analyzed using serotyping, antimicrobial susceptibility testing and macrorestriction profiling (MRP) by Pulse Field Gel Electrophoresis (PFGE), to identify clonal relationships and potential contamination sources

    Observed development of the vertical structure of the marine boundary layer during the LASIE experiment in the Ligurian Sea

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    In the marine environment, complete datasets describing the surface layer and the vertical structure of the Marine Atmospheric Boundary Layer (MABL), through its entire depth, are less frequent than over land, due to the high cost of measuring campaigns. During the seven days of the Ligurian Air-Sea Interaction Experiment (LASIE), organized by the NATO Undersea Research Centre (NURC) in the Mediterranean Sea, extensive in situ and remote sensing measurements were collected from instruments placed on a spar buoy and a ship. Standard surface meteorological measurements were collected by meteorological sensors mounted on the buoy ODAS Italia1 located in the centre of the Gulf of Genoa. The evolution of the height (<I>z<sub>i</sub></I>) of the MABL was monitored using radiosondes and a ceilometer on board of the N/O Urania. <br><br> Here, we present the database and an uncommon case study of the evolution of the vertical structure of the MABL, observed by two independent measuring systems: the ceilometer and radiosondes. Following the changes of surface flow conditions, in a sequence of onshore – offshore – onshore wind direction shifting episodes, during the mid part of the campaign, the overall structure of the MABL changed. Warm and dry air from land advected over a colder sea, induced a stably stratified Internal Boundary Layer (IBL) and a consequent change in the structure of the vertical profiles of potential temperature and relative humidity

    Avaliação Retrospetiva da Reconstrução Oncológica da Cabeça e Pescoço com 114 Retalhos Livres num Centro Oncológico Terciário Português

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    Introduction: The Portuguese experience in microsurgical reconstruction of the head and neck after oncological surgery is scantly described. The primary aim of this study was to characterize the use of microvascular reconstruction after head and neck tumor resection in a Portuguese tertiary oncological centerMaterial and Methods: The authors retrospectively evaluated 114 microvascular free flap procedures performed for head and neck reconstruction after oncological resection in a department of Head and Neck Surgery of a Portuguese tertiary oncological center. Patients were operated on from January 2012 to May 2018. Data on patient demographic features, tumour characteristics, perioperative complications, postoperative aesthetic and functional results, survival time and time to recurrence were extracted. Results: Most tumours mandating microsurgical reconstruction were mucosal squamous cell carcinomas (85%) and were located in the oral region (95.6%). Around 45% of the patients had a T4a tumour and 30% a T2 tumour. Cervical metastases were present in 45.6% of the cases. The radial forearm flap and the fibular flap were the most commonly used microsurgical reconstructive options (58% and 41%, respectively). More than 80% of patients had no post-operative complications. Partial necrosis of the flap occurred in 6.1% of patients, while total flap necrosis occurred in 3.5% of cases. Aesthetic and functional results were considered at least satisfactory in all patients in which the flaps survived. Discussion: This study is by far the largest series of microsurgical head and neck reconstruction after oncological surgery reported by a single tertiary centre in Portugal. Survival and functional benefits are similar to those reported in other large oncological centres in the world. Conclusion: Microvascular reconstruction seems like a reliable treatment option in head and neck oncological surgery at our institution.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio