367 research outputs found

    Neurosurgical implications of the Jugular Vein Nutcracker

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    In the last ten years, a new variant of Eagle Syndrome is emerging and being described: Styloid Jugular Nutcracker (SJN). In SJN, an elongated or vertically directed styloid process causes jugular vein stenosis by compressing the vein against the arch of C1. The clinical consequences appear to be various and misunderstood, ascribable mainly to venous flow impairment and consequent intracranial hypertension. The aim of this paper is to create an overview of Jugular Vein Nutcracker and to focus on its neurosurgical implications. A PRISMA-based literature search was performed to select the most relevant papers on the topic and to realize a mini-review. Future searches in the neurosurgical field should focus on collecting data about further causes of jugular stenosis compression and the association of SJN with cerebrovascular diseases. It would also be interesting to investigate the potential role of primary and secondary prevention, which is unknown so far

    Acute subdural hematoma in the elderly. outcome analysis in a retrospective multicentric series of 213 patients

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    OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to analyze the risk factors associated with the outcome of acute subdural hematoma (ASDH) in elderly patients treated either surgically or nonsurgically. METHODS: The authors performed a retrospective multicentric analysis of clinical and radiological data on patients aged ≥ 70 years who had been consecutively admitted to the neurosurgical department of 5 Italian hospitals for the management of posttraumatic ASDH in a 3-year period. Outcome was measured according to the Glasgow Outcome Scale (GOS) at discharge and at 6 months' follow-up. A GOS score of 1-3 was defined as a poor outcome and a GOS score of 4-5 as a good outcome. Univariate and multivariate statistics were used to determine outcome predictors in the entire study population and in the surgical group. RESULTS: Overall, 213 patients were admitted during the 3-year study period. Outcome was poor in 135 (63%) patients, as 65 (31%) died during their admission, 33 (15%) were in a vegetative state, and 37 (17%) had severe disability at discharge. Surgical patients had worse clinical and radiological findings on arrival or during their admission than the patients undergoing conservative treatment. Surgery was performed in 147 (69%) patients, and 114 (78%) of them had a poor outcome. In stratifying patients by their Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) score, the authors found that surgery reduced mortality but not the frequency of a poor outcome in the patients with a moderate to severe GCS score. The GCS score and midline shift were the most significant predictors of outcome. Antiplatelet drugs were associated with better outcomes; however, patients taking such medications had a better GCS score and better radiological findings, which could have influenced the former finding. Patients with fixed pupils never had a good outcome. Age and Charlson Comorbidity Index were not associated with outcome. CONCLUSIONS: Traumatic ASDH in the elderly is a severe condition, with the GCS score and midline shift the stronger outcome predictors, while age per se and comorbidities were not associated with outcome. Antithrombotic drugs do not seem to negatively influence pretreatment status or posttreatment outcome. Surgery was performed in patients with a worse clinical and radiological status, reducing the rate of death but not the frequency of a poor outcome

    Approccio endoscopico endonasale alla giunzione craniocervicale: l’importanza di preservare o ricostruire l’arco anteriore dell’atlante

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    Riportiamo la nostra esperienza con l’approccio endoscopico endonasale (EEA) in una serie consecutiva di 10 pazienti affetti da lesioni anteriori della giunzione cranio-cervicale. L’obiettivo dello studio è analizzare l’outcome di questi pazienti focalizzando l’attenzione sulla possibilità di preservare o ricostruire l’arco anteriore di C1, quale importante elemento di stabilità della giunzione cranio-cervicale. Dal gennaio 2009 al dicembre 2013, 10 pazienti con patologia della giunzione craniocervicale sono stati operati mediante approccio endoscopico endonasale. Le lesioni trattate includevano 4 casi di non riducibile compressione bulbo-midollare extradurale anteriore della giunzione (secondarie ad artrite reumatoide o anomalie della giunzione), 4 casi di fratture inveterate di C1 o del dente dell’epistrofeo e 2 casi lesioni tumorali. La valutazione clinica pre- e postoperatoria è stata effettuata mediante la scala di Ranawat per i casi di artrite reumatoide e di Nurick per gli altri. Il follow-up radiologico comprendeva invece RM, TC e RX con prove morfo-dinamiche per eventuale preesistente severa instabilità. Dopo l’approccio EEA puro alla giunzione craniocervicale, nessun paziente ha presentato un peggioramento neurologico, né si sono verificate significative complicanze. Al follow-up medio di 31 mesi (range 14-73 mesi), un miglioramento di almeno un livello della classificazione Ranawat o Nurick si è osservato in 6 pazienti mentre gli altri 4 sono rimasti stabili. Il follow-up neuroradiologico ha documentato in tutti i casi un’adeguata decompressione bulbo-midollare, mentre nei casi di frattura di C1 o C2 una regolare fusione ossea delle rime di frattura. Nessun paziente ha presentato segni di instabilità e non è stata pertanto necessaria alcuna procedura di stabilizzazione e fusione posteriore. L’approccio endoscopico endonasale garantisce un’adeguata esposizione delle lesioni antero-mediali della giunzione craniocervicale. Nella nostra serie di pazienti tale procedura ha permesso di preservare o ricostruire l’arco anteriore di C1, evitando quindi una sintesi posteriore e la relativa perdita di movimento rotazionale C0-C2 e l’instabilità subassiale

    Early postoperative MRI overestimates residual tumour after resection of gliomas with no or minimal enhancement

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    Standards for residual tumour measurement after resection of gliomas with no or minimal enhancement have not yet been established. In this study residual volumes on early and late postoperative T2-/FLAIR-weighted MRI are compared. A retrospective cohort included 58 consecutive glioma patients with no or minimal preoperative gadolinium enhancement. Inclusion criteria were first-time resection between 2007 and 2009 with a T2-/FLAIR-based target volume and availability of preoperative, early (<48 h) and late (1-7 months) postoperative MRI. The volumes of non-enhancing T2/FLAIR tissue and diffusion restriction areas were measured. Residual tumour volumes were 22% smaller on late postoperative compared with early postoperative T2-weighted MRI and 49% smaller for FLAIR-weighted imaging. Postoperative restricted diffusion volume correlated with the difference between early and late postoperative FLAIR volumes and with the difference between T2 and FLAIR volumes on early postoperative MRI. We observed a systematic and substantial overestimation of residual non-enhancing volume on MRI within 48 h of resection compared with months postoperatively, in particular for FLAIR imaging. Resection-induced ischaemia contributes to this overestimation, as may other operative effects. This indicates that early postoperative MRI is less reliable to determine the extent of non-enhancing residual glioma and restricted diffusion volumes are imperativ

    Retrospective analysis of treatment outcome in 315 patients with oligodendroglial brain tumors

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    Although chemotherapy with procarbazine, lomustine and vincristine (PCV) is considered to be well tolerated, side effects frequently lead to dose reduction or even discontinuation of treatment of oligodendroglial brain tumors. The primary objective of the analysis was to retrospectively compare progression-free survival (PFS) after PCV vs. PC chemotherapy (without vincristine to avoid side effects). Patients were retrospectively identified from a database containing our patients between 1990 and 2003. For the selected cases, all histopathology reports were re-evaluated by a local neuropathologist. Based on the updated histology data, patients were included in the study if they had at least one histological diagnosis of an oligodendroglial tumor. PFS after start of PCV (n = 61) and PC (n = 84) chemotherapy identical (median 30 months). Multivariate analysis adjusting for prognostic imbalances favouring the PC group showed a minor, statistically non-significant benefit for PCV (hazard ratio 0.81, 95% confidence interval 0.53–1.25; p = 0.346). Younger age (< 50 y) was a statistically significant predictor of longer PFS. Significant advantages in terms of overall survival after first diagnosis of oligodendroglial tumor (OS, n = 315) were found for patients < 50 y (p < 0.001), oligodendrogliomas versus oligoastrocytomas (p = 0.002), and WHO°II vs. °III (p < 0.001). Three risk groups regarding OS were identified. Findings support the hypothesis that PC may be as effective as PCV chemotherapy, while avoiding the additonal risks of vincristine. Younger age, lower tumor grade and histology of an oligodendroglioma were identified to be favorable prognostic factors

    Cognitive and behavioural effects of chronic stimulation of the subthalamic nucleus in patients with Parkinson's disease

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    Objective: To investigate cognitive and behavioural effects of bilateral lead implants for high frequency stimulation (HFS) of the subthalamic nucleus in patients with Parkinson's disease; and to discriminate between HFS and the effects of surgical intervention on cognitive function by carrying out postoperative cognitive assessments with the stimulators turned on or off. Methods: Motor, cognitive, behavioural, and functional assessments were undertaken in 20 patients with Parkinson's disease before implantation and then at three, six, and 12 months afterwards. Nine patients were also examined 18 months after surgery. Postoperative cognitive assessments were carried out with stimulators turned off at three and 18 months, and turned on at six and 12 months. Results: Cognitive assessment showed a significant postoperative decline in performance on tasks of letter verbal fluency (across all postoperative assessments, but more pronounced at three months) and episodic verbal memory (only at three months, with stimulators off). At three, six, and 12 months after surgery, there was a significant improvement in the mini-mental state examination and in a task of executive function (modified Wisconsin card sorting test). On all postoperative assessments, there was an improvement in parkinsonian motor symptoms, quality of life, and activities of daily living while off antiparkinsonian drugs. A significant postoperative decrease in depressive and anxiety symptoms was observed across all assessments. Similar results were seen in the subgroup of nine patients with an 18 month follow up. Following implantation, three patients developed transient manic symptoms and one showed persistent psychic akinesia. Conclusions: Bilateral HFS of the subthalamic nucleus is a relatively safe procedure with respect to long term cognitive and behavioural morbidity, although individual variability in postoperative cognitive and behavioural outcome invites caution. Stimulation of the subthalamic nucleus does not per se appear to impair cognitive performance in patients with Parkinson's disease and may alleviate the postpoperative decline in verbal fluency

    Iodine-125 brachytherapy for brain tumours - a review

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    Iodine-125 brachytherapy has been applied to brain tumours since 1979. Even though the physical and biological characteristics make these implants particularly attractive for minimal invasive treatment, the place for stereotactic brachytherapy is still poorly defined