247 research outputs found

    Spatial Externalities and Vector-Borne Plant Diseases: Pierce’s Disease and the Blue-Green Sharpshooter in the Napa Valley

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    Pierce’s Disease (PD) is a bacterial disease that can kill grapevines over a span of one to three years. In this paper, we examine and model PD and vector control decisions made at the vineyard level in the Napa Valley in an effort to understand how the pest and disease affect individual growers, and to examine spatial externality issues and potential benefits from cooperation between adjacent vineyards. The model that we created adds to the literature by (a) treating grape vines as capital stocks that take time to reach bearing age and thus cannot be immediately replaced in the event of becoming diseased. We also (b) relax the assumption of an interior solution by examining the boundaries of parameter space for which winegrape growing is profitable and thus allowing growers to abandon land if it is not. We also explore (c) the effect of changing different policy parameters, such as PD control and vine replacement costs. Finally (d) we examine the potential benefits of cooperation between growers to manage vector populations, and determine that coordinated vector control could help riparian-adjacent growers to lessen grapevine losses and land abandonment, and thus to remain profitable in times of high PD pressure.Pierce’s Disease, winegrapes, perennial crop modeling, agricultural pests and diseases, optimal control theory, Crop Production/Industries, Production Economics, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy, Q12, Q24, C61,

    The Benefits and Costs of Alternative Policies for the Management of Pierce's Disease: A Case Study of the Blue-Green Sharpshooter in the Napa Valley

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    Replaced with revised version of poster on 07/23/10.Production Economics, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    City Size Distribution Analyses Based on the Concept of Entropy Competition

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    The present work pursues theoretical and empirical objectives.With regards to the former, it is demonstrated that the natural tendency to uniformity of both the probability distribution of a city to have a certain number of inhabitants and that of a person to reside in a town of a given number of citizens leads to a competition between their information entropies, which provides the power law distribution as the most probable one for city size. It is also shown that Zipf’s law reflects the significant control of the existence of interconnections between cities on the self-organization of their size.With regards to the empirical objectives, based on population data of European countries and Italian municipalities, the theoretical approach proposed is validated. At the Italian scale, city distribution is shown to be a power law for cities above 10,000 inhabitants. In the 20 Italian regions, the breakpoint in the distribution is generally lower. Finally, the geographical control on city distribution is discussed based on the results achieved in some regions


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    Multiproduct, multispecies revenue functions are estimated for the midwater and bottom-trawl pollock fisheries off Alaska. There are strong year and seasonal effects on coefficient estimates, and the technology is joint in outputs for each major operation type. The model is a step toward prediction of fishery regulatory effects.Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    Energy recovery from vinery waste: Dust explosion issues

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    The concern about global warming issues and their consequences is more relevant than ever, and the H2020 objectives promoted by the EU are oriented towards generating climate actions and sustainable development. The energy sector constitutes a difficult challenge as it plays a key role in the global warming impact. Its decarbonization is a crucial factor, and significant efforts are needed to find efficient alternatives to fossil fuels in heating/electricity generation. The biomass energy industry could have a contribution to make in the shift to renewable sources; the quest for a suitable material is basically focused on the energy amount that it stores, its availability, logistical considerations, and safety issues. This work deals with the characterization of a wine-waste dust sample, in terms of its chemical composition, fire behavior, and explosion violence. This material could be efficiently used in energy generation (via direct burning as pellets), but scarce information is present in terms of the fire and explosion hazards when it is pulverized. In the following, the material is analyzed through different techniques in order to clearly understand its ignition sensitivity and fire effects; accelerating aging treatment is also used to simulate the sample storage life and determine the ways in which this affects its flammability and likelihood of explosion

    Biomass from winery waste: Evaluation of dust explosion hazards

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    Food and drink supply chains have significant environmental impacts due to their use of resources, emissions, and waste production. An efficient method to reduce this impact is the valorisation of biomass waste through energy recovery by using it as a source of heat. The European energy system faces several fundamental challenges being currently the largest emitter of greenhouse gases due to its large dependence on fossil fuels (mostly natural gas). Therefore, the energy sector's decarbonization will play a central role in achieving a climateneutral economy in Europe. Identifying the suitable material for biofuel is basically focused on the amount of energy that the material stores, availability, and logistic considerations. Sawdust and wood chips have been extensively used as biofuel in recent years, but other promising raw and waste materials could be adopted (with the positive effect of reducing the impact on forestry soil and the food chain). Novel materials bring consequently novel challenges, also regarding their safe use. As an example, a relevant waste flow is produced from wine manufacturing. A solid with high moisture content is obtained from grapes pressing, and it could be reused to produce distillates. The obtained exhausted pomace could be considered among the materials potentially involved in energy recovery. It is also carrying dust explosion hazard, as solid residues could be present in the form of coarse and fine powders. In this work, grape pomace is examined: its explosion safety-related properties are evaluated to define the severity of events in which this material could be ignited. Minimum Ignition Energy (MIE), explosion pressure peak (Pmax), deflagration severity index (KSt), autoignition temperature (MIT), and Volatile Point (VP) are measured according to standard procedures. This material's thermal susceptibility and ignition sensitivity are studied and compared with biomasses from different sources (ligneo-cellulosic and herbaceous)

    Political economy of renewable resource federalism

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    Author Posting. © Ecological Society of America, 2021. This article is posted here by permission of Ecological Society of America for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Ecological Applications 00 (2021): e2276, doi:10.1002/eap.2276.The authority to manage natural capital often follows political boundaries rather than ecological. This mismatch can lead to unsustainable outcomes, as spillovers from one management area to the next may create adverse incentives for local decision making, even within a single country. At the same time, one‐size‐fits‐all approaches of federal (centralized) authority can fail to respond to state (decentralized) heterogeneity and can result in inefficient economic or detrimental ecological outcomes. Here we utilize a spatially explicit coupled natural–human system model of a fishery to illuminate trade‐offs posed by the choice between federal vs. state control of renewable resources. We solve for the dynamics of fishing effort and fish stocks that result from different approaches to federal management that vary in terms of flexibility. Adapting numerical methods from engineering, we also solve for the open‐loop Nash equilibrium characterizing state management outcomes, where each state anticipates and responds to the choices of the others. We consider traditional federalism questions (state vs. federal management) as well as more contemporary questions about the economic and ecological impacts of shifting regulatory authority from one level to another. The key mechanisms behind the trade‐offs include whether differences in local conditions are driven by biological or economic mechanisms; degree of flexibility embedded in the federal management; the spatial and temporal distribution of economic returns across states; and the status‐quo management type. While simple rules‐of‐thumb are elusive, our analysis reveals the complex political economy dimensions of renewable resource federalism.This work was partially supported through the Ecological Federalism working group of the National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis, an Institute sponsored by the National Science Foundation through NSF Award (No. DBI‐1300426), with additional support from the Howard H. Baker Jr. Center for Public Policy and The University of Tennessee, Knoxville. M. G. Neubert acknowledges support from the U.S. National Science Foundation (DEB‐1558904) and from the J. Seward Johnson Endowment in support of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution’s Marine Policy Center. We would like to thank seminar participants at Oregon State University, Nature Policy Lab at U.C. Davis, and the 2019 Association of Environmental and Resource Economists Summer Conference for valuable comments and suggestions on earlier versions of this research

    Reframing Optimal Control Problems for Infectious Disease Management in Low-Income Countries

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    Optimal control theory can be a useful tool to identify the best strategies for the management of infectious diseases. In most of the applications to disease control with ordinary differential equations, the objective functional to be optimized is formulated in monetary terms as the sum of intervention costs and the cost associated with the burden of disease. We present alternate formulations that express epidemiological outcomes via health metrics and reframe the problem to include features such as budget constraints and epidemiological targets. These alternate formulations are illustrated with a compartmental cholera model. The alternate formulations permit us to better explore the sensitivity of the optimal control solutions to changes in available budget or the desired epidemiological target. We also discuss some limitations of comprehensive cost assessment in epidemiology