344 research outputs found

    La costruzione cooperativa di prove di verifica dell’apprendimento scolastico tramite la piattaforma PRO.V.A. Funzioni e analisi delle chat

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    I circa 300 corsisti che hanno partecipato al TFA (Tirocinio Formativo Attivo) della Sapienza (a.a. 2014-2015) hanno seguito il modulo previsto suddivisi in tre grandi aree tematiche: Scienze e Matematica; Lingue e Storia dell’arte (Lettere A); Lettere (Lettere B). Con il supporto di tutor d’aula è stato deciso di dividere i corsisti in piccoli sottogruppi in base alla classe di concorso (massimo 6 persone a gruppo) per avviare un’attività laboratoriale con l’obiettivo di costruire in maniera collegiale delle prove di verifica degli apprendimenti scolastici utilizzando la piattaforma PRO.V.

    Pembentukan Karakter Siswa Melalui Penerapan Pendekatan Scientific

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis apakah penerapan pendekatan Scientific dapat membentuk karakter siswa. Karena rendahnya karakter bangsa serta menurunnya kualitas moral dalam kehidupan manusia terutama di kalangan siswa disebabkan kurangnya pendidikan karakter yang ditanamkan semenjak masih sekolah. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di SMK Negeri 1 Langsa di kelas X-Akuntasi-1. Dalam penelitian ini data diperoleh dari lembar angket yang diisi oleh 23 responden, 30 butir daftar pernyataan tertutup yang dibuat berdasarkan aspek nilai-nilai karakter yang telah ditentukan. Data dianalisis dengan langah-langkah: pengeditian (editing), skoring, tabulasi dengan cara menghitung mean dan standar deviasi, kategorisasi dengan tiga kategori yaitu: (baik,cukup,kurang), dan analisis persentase. Berdasarkan hasil persentase lembar angket karakter siswa kelas X-Akuntansi-1 temasuk kategori “baik” dengan persentase 60,86%, artinya melalui lembar angket, telah terlihat siswa memiliki karakter yang baik dan mampu sesuai dengan aspek karakter yang diamati. Dengan demikian, berdasarkan hasil persentase lembar observasi dan angket karakter siswa di kelas X-Akuntansi-1 diperoleh lebih dari 60%. Jadi dapat disimpulkan bahwa dengan menerapkan pendekatan scientific pada materi statistika dapat membentuk karakter siswa

    Power-aware allocation of MBSFN subframes using Discontinuous Cell Transmission in LTE systems

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    In LTE and its evolutions, energy efficiency is a critical aspect, also in view of the dramatic traffic growth foreseen for the next years. Cell Discontinuous Transmission (DTX) techniques can be important tools to achieve the needed efficiency in the networks, and one possibility is to implement the DTX by switching off the eNB at some subframes (MBSFN subframes) and not in others (where reference signals are also transmitted). Switching schedules in LTE are made for larger periods (e.g., 40/80ms or even more). We present an algorithm that i) estimates how many resources will be needed in a period, and ii) shows how many resource blocks to activate in each subframe so as to maximize the power efficiency. The problem is formulated as an integer linear problem and solved heuristically. Numerical results show that the power saving is significant, close to the theoretical minimum at low loads, and it comes with a tolerable extra dela

    Hybrid treatment of spatio‐temporal behavior in surface reactions with coexisting immobile and highly mobile reactants

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    For surface reactions on single-crystal substrates which involve highly mobile adspecies, there is a vast separation in natural time and length scales. Adspecies hop rates can be many orders of magnitude larger than rates for other processes. Strong spatial correlations or ordering can exist on the atomic scale, while spatial pattern formation occurs on a macroscopic scale due to high diffusivity. An efficient analysis of such systems is provided by a hybrid treatment which we apply here to the monomer-dimer surface reaction model in the case of coexisting immobile dimer adspecies and highly mobile monomer adspecies. Specifically, we combine a mean-field treatment of the randomized mobile adspecies, and a lattice-gas description of the immobile adspecies. Monte Carlo simulations then reveal bistability and critical bifurcation phenomena, while precisely accounting for the influence of correlations in the immobile adspecies distribution. A corresponding analysis of the evolution of macroscopic spatial inhomogeneities is achieved through parallel simulation of the distributed macroscopic points with distinct correlated states and adspecies coverages. These simulations are appropriately coupled to describe diffusive mass transport of the mobile adspecies. In this way, we examine for this model the propagation and structure of chemical waves, corresponding to interface between bistable reactive states, and thereby determine the relative stability of these states

    Becoming an Adult: Challenges for Those with Mental Health Conditions [English and Spanish versions]

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    A Spanish translation of this publication is available for download under Additional Files below. This brief will describe psychosocial development and family life cycle changes during the transition to adulthood in typical youth and youth with serious mental health conditions (SMHC). We also describe additional challenges this population faces, and what can be done to support them and improve their outcomes. Originally published as: Transitions RTC Research Brief 3, 2011

    Practical large-scale coordinated scheduling in LTE-Advanced networks

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    In LTE-Advanced, the same spectrum can be re-used in neighboring cells, hence coordinated scheduling is employed to improve the overall network performance (cell throughput, fairness, and energy efficiency) by reducing inter-cell interference. In this paper, we advocate that large-scale coordination can be obtained through a layered solution: a cluster of few (i.e., three) cells is coordinated at the first level, and clusters of coordinated cells are then coordinated at a larger scale (e.g., tens of cells). We model both small-scale coordination and large-scale coordination as optimization problems, show that solving them at optimality is prohibitive, and propose two efficient heuristics that achieve good results, and yet are simple enough to be run at every Transmission Time Interval (TTI). Detailed packet-level simulations show that our layered approach outperforms the existing ones, both static and dynamic

    Karakteristik pada Balita Diare dengan Infeksi Enteropathogenic Escherichia Coli (Epec) di Puskesmas Rawat Inap Kota Pekanbaru

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    Diarrheal diseases remain one of the leading cause of childhood morbidity and mortality in most developing countries, with Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) being one of the most important aetiologic agents of children under-five years diarrhea in many of these countries. In Indonesia especially Pekanbaru, the epidemiology of these EPEC have not been well studied. During the period from April 2014 to September 2014, 47 stool sample were collected from children under-five years with acute diarrhea in the hospitality primary health care in Pekanbaru and the examination has been done in Microbiology Laboratory of Medical Faculty Riau University. The Escherichia coli were isolated and diagnosed by standard microbiological methods. The isolates confirmed to be Esherichia coli were subjected to a slide agglutination test with Escherichia coli polyvalent antisera. This study was a descriptive study using a consecutive sampling method to describe the characterization of Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) infection on children under-five years at the hospitality primary health care in Pekanbaru. Based on gender and age from all specimens that were collected, the diarrhea mostly found in male (59.5%), and in 12-59 months patients (93.6%). Out of the 47 stool samples, 1 isolate (2.2%) were positive for EPEC. The isolate was recovered from the 19 months female

    Resource allocation for network-controlled device-to-device communications in LTE-Advanced

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    Network-controlled device-to-device (D2D) communication allows cellular users to communicate directly, i.e., without passing through the eNodeB, while the latter retains control over resource allocation. This allows the same time–frequency resources to be allocated to spatially separated D2D flows simultaneously, thus increasing the cell throughput. This paper presents a framework for: (1) selecting which communications should use the D2D mode, and when, and (2) allocating resources to D2D and non-D2D users, exploiting reuse for the former. We show that the two problems, although apparently similar, should be kept separate and solved at different timescales in order to avoid problems, such as excessive packet loss. We model both as optimization problems, and propose a heuristic solution to the second, which must be solved at millisecond timescales. Simulation results show that our framework is practically viable, it avoids the problem of packet losses, increases throughput and reduces delays

    Improving network performance via optimization-based centralized coordination of LTE-A cells

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    This paper shows how to improve the overall network performance (cell throughput, fairness, and energy efficiency) via centralized coordination of LTE-A cells. We first present optimization models for small-scale coordination (i.e., three cells). Then, we show that extending the same solution to a higher number of cells is generally unfeasible, due to both an unfeasible amount of reporting on the UE side, and too high computational requirements. To overcome this limitation we then propose a layered solution which i) relies on small-scale coordination at the first level (e.g., three cells at the same site), and ii) coordinates groups of coordinated cells at a higher scale (i.e., tens of cells), using optimization models, reaping the benefits of a centralized architecture. We show through packet-level simulations that our scheme brings significant benefits, in terms of fairness, throughput, and energy efficiency