3,066 research outputs found

    Almost commutative Riemannian geometry: wave operators

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    Associated to any (pseudo)-Riemannian manifold MM of dimension nn is an n+1n+1-dimensional noncommutative differential structure (\Omega^1,\extd) on the manifold, with the extra dimension encoding the classical Laplacian as a noncommutative `vector field'. We use the classical connection, Ricci tensor and Hodge Laplacian to construct (\Omega^2,\extd) and a natural noncommutative torsion free connection (,σ)(\nabla,\sigma) on Ω1\Omega^1. We show that its generalised braiding \sigma:\Omega^1\tens\Omega^1\to \Omega^1\tens\Omega^1 obeys the quantum Yang-Baxter or braid relations only when the original MM is flat, i.e their failure is governed by the Riemann curvature, and that \sigma^2=\id only when MM is Einstein. We show that if MM has a conformal Killing vector field τ\tau then the cross product algebra C(M)τRC(M)\rtimes_\tau\R viewed as a noncommutative analogue of M×RM\times\R has a natural n+2n+2-dimensional calculus extending Ω1\Omega^1 and a natural spacetime Laplacian now directly defined by the extra dimension. The case M=R3M=\R^3 recovers the Majid-Ruegg bicrossproduct flat spacetime model and the wave-operator used in its variable speed of light preduction, but now as an example of a general construction. As an application we construct the wave operator on a noncommutative Schwarzschild black hole and take a first look at its features. It appears that the infinite classical redshift/time dilation factor at the event horizon is made finite.Comment: 39 pages, 4 pdf images. Removed previous Sections 5.1-5.2 to a separate paper (now ArXived) to meet referee length requirements. Corresponding slight restructure but no change to remaining conten

    Braided Matrix Structure of the Sklyanin Algebra and of the Quantum Lorentz Group

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    Braided groups and braided matrices are novel algebraic structures living in braided or quasitensor categories. As such they are a generalization of super-groups and super-matrices to the case of braid statistics. Here we construct braided group versions of the standard quantum groups Uq(g)U_q(g). They have the same FRT generators l±l^\pm but a matrix braided-coproduct \und\Delta L=L\und\tens L where L=l+SlL=l^+Sl^-, and are self-dual. As an application, the degenerate Sklyanin algebra is shown to be isomorphic to the braided matrices BMq(2)BM_q(2); it is a braided-commutative bialgebra in a braided category. As a second application, we show that the quantum double D(\usl) (also known as the `quantum Lorentz group') is the semidirect product as an algebra of two copies of \usl, and also a semidirect product as a coalgebra if we use braid statistics. We find various results of this type for the doubles of general quantum groups and their semi-classical limits as doubles of the Lie algebras of Poisson Lie groups.Comment: 45 pages. Revised (= much expanded introduction

    Some Remarks on Producing Hopf Algebras

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    We report some observations concerning two well-known approaches to construction of quantum groups. Thus, starting from a bialgebra of inhomogeneous type and imposing quadratic, cubic or quartic commutation relations on a subset of its generators we come, in each case, to a q-deformed universal enveloping algebra of a certain simple Lie algebra. An interesting correlation between the order of initial commutation relations and the Cartan matrix of the resulting algebra is observed. Another example demonstrates that the bialgebra structure of sl_q(2) can be completely determined by requiring the q-oscillator algebra to be its covariant comodule, in analogy with Manin's approach to define SL_q(2) as a symmetry algebra of the bosonic and fermionic quantum planes.Comment: 6 pages, LATEX, no figures, Contribution to the Proceedings of the 4th Colloquium "Quantum Groups and Integrable Systems" (Prague, June 1995

    Generalized exclusion and Hopf algebras

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    We propose a generalized oscillator algebra at the roots of unity with generalized exclusion and we investigate the braided Hopf structure. We find that there are two solutions: these are the generalized exclusions of the bosonic and fermionic types. We also discuss the covariance properties of these oscillatorsComment: 10 pages, to appear in J. Phys.

    Quantum Field Theory with Nonzero Minimal Uncertainties in Positions and Momenta

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    A noncommutative geometric generalisation of the quantum field theoretical framework is developed by generalising the Heisenberg commutation relations. There appear nonzero minimal uncertainties in positions and in momenta. As the main result it is shown with the example of a quadratically ultraviolet divergent graph in ϕ4\phi^4 theory that nonzero minimal uncertainties in positions do have the power to regularise. These studies are motivated with the ansatz that nonzero minimal uncertainties in positions and in momenta arise from gravity. Algebraic techniques are used that have been developed in the field of quantum groups.Comment: 52 pages LATEX, DAMTP/93-33. Revised version now includes a chapter on the Poincare algebra and curvature as noncommutativity of momentum spac

    Stack-run adaptive wavelet image compression

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    We report on the development of an adaptive wavelet image coder based on stack-run representation of the quantized coefficients. The coder works by selecting an optimal wavelet packet basis for the given image and encoding the quantization indices for significant coefficients and zero runs between coefficients using a 4-ary arithmetic coder. Due to the fact that our coder exploits the redundancies present within individual subbands, its addressing complexity is much lower than that of the wavelet zerotree coding algorithms. Experimental results show coding gains of up to 1:4dB over the benchmark wavelet coding algorithm

    Comment on "Fermionic entanglement ambiguity in noninertial frames"

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    In this comment we show that the ambiguity of entropic quantities calculated in Physical Review A 83, 062323 (2011) for fermionic fields in the context of Unruh effect is not related to the properties of anticommuting fields, as claimed in Physical Review A 83, 062323 (2011), but rather to wrong mathematical manipulations with them and not taking into account a fundamental superselection rule of quantum field theory.Comment: To appear in Physical Review A. Some of the problems discussed in this comment can also be found in other previously published papers studying the Unruh effect for fermions (in the context of quantum information theory). An extended version of the comment can be found here http://arxiv.org/abs/1108.555

    Induced Representations of Quantum Kinematical Algebras and Quantum Mechanics

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    Unitary representations of kinematical symmetry groups of quantum systems are fundamental in quantum theory. We propose in this paper its generalization to quantum kinematical groups. Using the method, proposed by us in a recent paper (olmo01), to induce representations of quantum bicrossproduct algebras we construct the representations of the family of standard quantum inhomogeneous algebras Uλ(isoω(2))U_\lambda(iso_{\omega}(2)). This family contains the quantum Euclidean, Galilei and Poincar\'e algebras, all of them in (1+1) dimensions. As byproducts we obtain the actions of these quantum algebras on regular co-spaces that are an algebraic generalization of the homogeneous spaces and qq--Casimir equations which play the role of qq--Schr\"odinger equations.Comment: LaTeX 2e, 20 page

    On the construction of generalized Grassmann representatives of state vectors

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    Generalized ZkZ_k-graded Grassmann variables are used to label coherent states related to the nilpotent representation of the q-oscillator of Biedenharn and Macfarlane when the deformation parameter is a root of unity. These states are then used to construct generalized Grassmann representatives of state vectors.Comment: 8 page