47 research outputs found

    Task level disentanglement learning in robotics using βVAE

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    Humans observe and infer things in a disentanglement way. Instead of remembering all pixel by pixel, learn things with factors like shape, scale, colour etc. Robot task learning is an open problem in the field of robotics. The task planning in the robot workspace with many constraints makes it even more challenging. In this work, a disentanglement learning of robot tasks with Convolutional Variational Autoencoder is learned, effectively capturing the underlying variations in the data. A robot dataset for disentanglement evaluation is generated with the Selective Compliance Assembly Robot Arm. The disentanglement score of the proposed model is increased to 0.206 with a robot path position accuracy of 0.055, while the state-of-the-art model (VAE) score was 0.015, and the corresponding path position accuracy is 0.053. The proposed algorithm is developed in Python and validated on the simulated robot model in Gazebo interfaced with Robot Operating System

    Very low thermal conductivity in lanthanum phosphate-zirconia ceramic nanocomposites processed using a precipitation-peptization synthetic approach

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    A wet chemical synthetic approach involving precipitation-peptization mechanisms was successfully adopted for the development of LaPO4-ZrO2 nanocomposites with the ZrO2 content varying in the 5-20 wt% range. Stoichiometric lanthanum phosphate, formed as nanofibrils during the precipitation reaction with orthophosphoric acid, was subsequently transformed into nanorods of ~10 nm width and <100 nm length upon peptization at pH 2. Zirconia dispersions were homogeneously incorporated as ultrafine particulates through zirconium oxychloride hydrolysis using ammonia. The nanocomposite precursor thus obtained could be densified to >98% TD for the LaPO4-10 wt% ZrO2 composition upon sintering at 1600 °C. The addition of ZrO2 to LaPO4 impeded densification and grain growth inhibition of up to 50% was obtained for LaPO4-20 wt% ZrO2 nanocomposites. Furthermore, the nanocomposites indicated very low thermal conductivity values (1 W m-1 K-1) compared to single phase LaPO4. The non-reactivity of LaPO4 and ZrO2 at high temperatures and the low thermal conductivity values of LaPO4-ZrO2 render them effective for high temperature thermal insulation applications. © 2016 The Royal Society of Chemistry and the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique

    Unique occurrence of large-sized diamondback squid Thysanoteuthis rhombus (Troschel, 1857) in the Gulf of Mannar

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    The presence of the large-sized diamondback squid Thysanoteuthis rhombus (Troschel, 1857) in the Gulf of Mannar biosphere was confirmed after a two-decade absence, based on a single specimen observed during landings at the Pamban lighthouse Fish Landing Centre. A squid measuring 633 mm in mantle length and weighing 15.1 kg was caught in the hook and line at a depth of 20 m. The discovery of this species in the Gulf of Mannar unequivocally confirms that the population is still present in the ecosyste

    The total neutron production from the alpha induced reaction on natural Zirconium

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    A significant amount of alpha particles, upto \sim 35 MeV are produced in the reactor environment. Alpha induced reaction on natural Zirconium, a reactor component, upto 40 MeV has been measured using stacked foil activation technique. The total neutron production cross section from all possible channels for α\alpha energies upto 35 MeV is also estimated using TALYS 1.96. The isomeric cross section ratio for the production of the radionuclide 95Nb^{95}Nb has been measured and reported for the first time

    Measurement and analysis of photonuclear reactions on thick target samples of biological importance

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    A novel method for quantification of trace elements in herbal samples using photon activation analysis is reported. Seven trace elements have been detected and their concentrations have been estimated from residue yields after the photo-nuclear reaction. This method can complement the conventional neutron activation analysis for trace elemental detection. The data is useful for setting referral standards for quality assurance of herbs and herbal formulations commercially available for therapeutic purposes. This is a relatively simple, novel and sensitive method for trace elemental analysis which can be scaled to suit industrial and statutory requirements of standardization and quality control

    Measurement and analysis of photonuclear reactions on thick target samples of biological importance

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    404-408A novel method for quantification of trace elements in herbal samples using photon activation analysis is reported. Seven trace elements have been detected and their concentrations have been estimated from residue yields after the photo-nuclear reaction. This method can complement the conventional neutron activation analysis for trace elemental detection. The data is useful for setting referral standards for quality assurance of herbs and herbal formulations commercially available for therapeutic purposes. This is a relatively simple, novel and sensitive method for trace elemental analysis which can be scaled to suit industrial and statutory requirements of standardization and quality control


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    Commonly available therapeutic approaches for treating anemia of chronic kidney disease include oral iron supplementation such as ferrous fumarate, intra venous iron administration and erythropoiesis stimulating agents including erythropoietin, darbepoetin alfa, etc. Nowadays ESAs are used widely to treat anemia of chronic kidney disease and several studies have found that if used inappropriately it can even lead to cardiovascular diseases. The harmful effect of free iron in human body includes microbial growth promotion and free radical-induced reactions which can further cause deterioration of patient condition. Iron overload can lead to organ multiple organ failure in kidney disease patients. The iron level in the body is one of the significant factor for the effectiveness of erythropoietin. A well maintained iron homeostasis is required in the kidney disease patients to observe an effective treatment for anemia in chronic kidney disease patients. Lactoferrin, an iron-binding glycoprotein has been studied widely for its effect on iron homeostasis, anti-microbial activity, etc. Its safety and efficacy over other oral iron supplements have been established from several studies. This review article aims to support the need for further studies for attaining more vast knowledge regarding the use of lactoferrin in the treatment of anemia of chronic kidney disease.  Keywords: Anemia in chronic kidney disease, free iron, erythropoiesis stimulating agents (ESA), Lactoferrin, Glycoprotein, Iron homeostasis &nbsp

    Studies on Batoids Diversity off Rameswaram Island, Tamil Nadu

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    Gulf of Mannar (GoM) and Palk Bay (PB) are two biodiversity rich ecosystems in the east coast of India as it occupies vast coral reefs, seagrass meadows, sandy and muddy bottoms. Rameswaram Island covers both GoM and PB in its south and north vicinities respectively. Month and season wise species diversity of batoids off the Rameswaram Island analysed. Based on the cyclic phenomena of meteorological events, three seasons are broadly indicated as month wise and they are (1) Pre –Monsoon (PRM) (June to September) (2) Monsoon (M) (October to January) (3) Post-Monsoon (POM) (February-May). The diversity indices calculated using the PRIMER package. In the Rameswaram Island waters, the number of batoid species recorded in various seasons was in the range of 11–40. While the maximum number of species was found in PRM (35), the minimum was found in POM (11). Totally, 40 species of batoids were recorded in the area. These included 21 species belonging to family Dasyatidae, 5 to family Rhinobatidae, 6 to family Mobulidae, 2 each to Rhinopteridae, and Aetobatidae 1 species to families Glaucostegidae, Rhinidae, Gymnuridae and Myliobatidae. Neotrygon indica, was the most dominant species followed by Aetobatus ocellatus., R. javanica, Gymnura poecilura, Brevitrygon imbricata, Himantura uarnak, H. tutul, H. leopard, Maculabatis gerrardi, Taeniurops meyeni, Pateobatis bleekeri and Pastinachus ater were observed in all seasons. The Shannon diversity was more in July (4.60) followed by August (4.45) and June (4.40). The Margalef species richness showed remarkable differences between July (6.12) and April (1.11). The evenness was comparatively more in February (0.97) than July (0.95). Highest Shannon diversity (4.75) and species richness (6.82) was observed in PRM. Species evenness was more in POM (0.94) and least during PRM (0.92). The variation in taxonomic distinctness index was more between PRM and POM (0.962 - 0.912). All three diversity indices in M were intermediate between PRM and POM. PRM and M formed a group with highest similarity percentage of 64.31 to which POM got linked at 32.86

    Differentiation of two Chlorophthalmus species Chlorophthalmus corniger (Alcock, 1894) and C. acutifrons (Hiyama, 1940) based on otolith morphometry

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    A comparative morphometric analysis of otoliths was done to understand the major morphometric characters responsible for differentiating two species of Green-eyes (Chlorophthalmus corniger and C. acutifrons) which is one of the dominant fish groups caught in the deep-sea trawling during the exploratory surveys as well as in the by-catch of trawlers targeting deep-sea shrimps at a depth range of 300 – 500 m in the Indian waters. A total of 53 intact, right otoliths (25 and 28 for C. corniger and C. acutifrons, respectively) were considered for the morphometric analysis to differentiate species collected from Andaman Sea. The study extracted four otolith morphometric measurements and five shape indices measured from the otoliths using image analysing software including otolith weight. The otolith morphometric parameters and shape indices showed significant relationship with the fish size were scaled with standard length to remove the influence of fish size from the data. Principal component analysis using scaled otolith morphometric measurements indicated that the first two axes described 84.78 % and 11.80 % of variation, respectively. The PC1 differentiated the species based on ellipticity and otolith weight followed by area and perimeter. C. acutifrons is differentiated from their congener with a more elliptic, heavy otolith with more otolith surface area. One-way PERMANOVA confirmed significant difference in otolith morphology between the species. Present study confirmed the suitability of otolith morphometric analysis in differentiating Chlorophthalmus species which are quite inevitable for taxonomic studies as well as for the better understanding of the species resolution in diet studies