205 research outputs found


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    Various problems that are still faced by Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMB) are in utilizing the use of financial statements. The inability to practice accounting is the main factor that causes problems and triggers MSMB failure in developing their business. This study aims to determine: (1) the effect of business size on MSMB perception on the importance of financial statement preparation, (2) the effect of time on MSMB perception on the importance of financial reporting, (3) the influence of educational background on MSMB's perception of the importance of preparing financial statements, (4) the effect of business size, length of business, educational background on MSMB's perception on the importance of preparing financial statements. The results of this study indicate that (1) there is no positive effect on the scale of the company on the use of accounting information. Evidenced by a regression coefficient of 0.222, the value of t is greater than t table 1.258, and the significance value is 0.210 (0.210> 0.05). (2) there is a positive influence of accounting knowledge on the use of accounting information. Evidenced by a regression coefficient of 0.188, the value of t is greater than t table 4.629, and significant value of 0.000 (0.00

    Geometric Prequantization of the Moduli Space of the Vortex equations on a Riemann surface

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    The moduli space of solutions to the vortex equations on a Riemann surface are well known to have a symplectic (in fact K\"{a}hler) structure. We show this symplectic structure explictly and proceed to show a family of symplectic (in fact, K\"{a}hler) structures ΩΨ0\Omega_{\Psi_0} on the moduli space, parametrised by Ψ0\Psi_0, a section of a line bundle on the Riemann surface. Next we show that corresponding to these there is a family of prequantum line bundles PΨ0{\mathcal P}_{\Psi_0} on the moduli space whose curvature is proportional to the symplectic forms ΩΨ0\Omega_{\Psi_0}.Comment: 8 page

    Pengobatan tradisional pada masyarakat pedesaan daerah riau

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    Buku ini membahas tentang sistem pengobatan tradisional pada masyarakat pedesaan daerah Riau. walaupun pengobatan modern telah kita kenal, namun pengobatan tradisional masih berfungsi pada masyarakat kota maupun masyarakat pedesaan. Mengingat pelaksanaan pengobatan tradisional ini lebih banyak dilakukan oleh masyarakat desa, maka penelitian ini membahas pengobatan tradisional yang dilakukan oleh masyarakat desa di wilayah Negeri Pangean Kecamatan Kuantan Hilir Kabupaten Daerah Tingkat II Indragiri Hulu


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    Tujuan pelaksanaan pengabdian kepada masyarakat (PKM) ini yaitu memberikan pendampingan pengelolaan dan perhitungan dana zakat sesuai syariat Islam bagi para takmir masjid. Takmir masjid yang menjadi mitra pengabdian yaitu pengurus takmir masjid (8 masjid) di Desa Jeblog, Kecamatan Karanganom, Kabupaten Klaten. Pelaksanaan pengabdian ini sepenuhnya mendapatkan dukungan dari Pemerintah Desa Jeblog. Metode pelaksanaan pengabdian ini dilakukan dengan tutorial materi zakat yang dilanjutkan dengan diskusi dua arah secara intensif, dan diakhir pelaksanaan pengabdian dilakukan demontrasi perhitungan zakat selama 4 (empat) kali pertemuan. Waktu pelaksanaan pengabdian masyarakat ini yaitu semester ganjil 2019/2020 selama bulan September-Desember 2019. Tempat pelaksanaan pengabdian di gedung pertemuan balai desa yang telah disediakan oleh perangkat Desa Jeblog. Hasil pengabdian ini menunjukkan bahwa dengan adanya pendampingan pengelolaan dan perhitungan dana zakat sesuai syariat Islam memberikan pemahaman lebih mendalam terhadap tata cara pengelolaan dan perhitungan dana zakat bagi para pengurus takmir masjid di Desa Jeblog, Kecamatan Karanganom, Kabupaten Klaten. Implikasi dari kegiatan pengabdian ini menjadikan pengelolaan dana zakat secara baik sesuai rambu-rambu yang diberikan oleh syariat Islam, menjadikan dana zakat lebih produktif secara maksimal dan tepat sasaran bagi penerimanya. Kata kunci: pendampingan, zakat, syariat Islam, takmir masji

    Descriptions of Midwives Attitudes on Delivery Insurance Scheme Policy in Sampang District

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    Background: Delivery insurance Scheme known as “Jampersal” is one of the main program in health care. The goalis to decrease maternal and infant Mortality Rate. The successful of Jampersal implementation is determined by therole of midwife as main actor. This study aimed to know how the midwives attitudes on Jampersal policy. Methods: An observational study with cross sectional design. This study was conducted from March to December 2012 in Sampang District east Java Province Indonesia. Midwives attitudes were gathered through questionnaires for delivered during regular meeting at District Health Office of Sampang. Focus Group Discussion for midwives conducted at Batulenger and Robatal Health Centers. All data were analyzed descriptively, through content analysis. Results: This study indicated that most of midwives supported the implementation of Jampersal. They believed that Jampersal will assist midwives activities in attempting decrease maternal and neonatal mortality. According to midwives, barriers to delivery access by health professionare financial and transportation as well as culture and geographic barriers. Midwives stated tasks and rewards that they have accepted is in appropiate. However, midwives agreed to continue Jampersal that program widely. Midwives prefer to assist medical service rather than delivery services. Never the less, most of midwives prefer to serve birth delivering ratherthan refer delivery to the hospital. Conclusion: In generally, Jampersal policy has accepted and implemented by midwives in Sampang District even though there is some limitation. Recommendation: Improving commitments of Sampang District Health Office is concerned with responsibility claims, medical consumables provide and drugs supplay for obstetrics and gynecology service in Delivery Insurance Scheme

    Struktur bahasa Sokop

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    Penelitian "Struktur Bahasa Sokop" merupakan penelitian yang pertama kali diadakan oleh Proyek Penelitian Bahasa dan Sastra Daerah Riau, Pusat Pembinaan dan Pengembangan Bahasa, Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, tahun 1982/1983. Bahasa Sokop adalah salah satu bahasa yang terdapat di tanah air dan merupakan milik bangsa Indonesia yang perlu dipehhara dan dilestarikan. Berkat bantuan semua pihak, penelitian "Struktur Bahasa Sokop" dapat diselesaikan dan hasilnya dituangkan ke dalam bentuk laporan. Dalam kesempatan ini, tim ingin menyampaikan ucapan terima kasih yang sedalam-dalamnya kepada semua pihak, terutama kepada Pimpinan Proyek beserta staf, Rektor Unri, Pemda Riau, dan staf yang telah memberikan bantuan dan kemudahan dalam pelaksanaan penelitian

    ThinPrep Cytopathology of Cutaneous Meningioma with Histologic Correlation

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    The poster with identifier https://doi.org/10.13028/q6bn-9b12 has been removed at the request of the author

    Ancestry Specific variation in neuropsychological disorders among the South Asian population

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    The enormous genetic diversity in South Asia resulting from a long and complex admixture history resulted in the emergence of variation in various traits and variations in disease susceptibility. Neuropsychological disorders are one such example that shows variation at the population level. In this study, we aimed at understanding the variation in neuropsychological disorders at the population level among South Asian populations by curating, comparing and contrasting single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), known to be associated with the same. Whole-genome data comprising of 1662 South Asians, belonging to 241 distinct populations were obtained from the database of Dr. David Reich, Harvard Medical School, USA. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) revealed that the Ancestral Tibeto Burman (ATB) genomes form a distinct and distinguishable cluster for the SNPs known to be associated with neuropsychological disorders. Identical By Descent (IBD) analysis showed that out of the top seven populations in terms of IBD sharing, six are from Southern India indicating that these populations may have undergone a recent selective sweep for these SNPs. Further, out of the top ten genomes, according to the number of genomes fixed for the minor alleles, seven were from Southern India. Furthermore, several indigenous populations from South India depicted high F values (>0.25) for SNPs associated with neuropsychological disorders, indicating higher susceptibility for neuropsychological disorders among these South Indian populations. Interestingly, we found that most of the SNPs, fixed for the alternative alleles, were also found to be fixed among the ancient genomes from Indus Valley Civilization (IVC), indicating that these SNPs likely got transmitted to various modern-day South Indian populations from IVC


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    Protein-energy malnutrition is the most widespread nutritional deficiency disorder in India, commonly occurring in children aged 6 months-2 years,as per the National Family Health Survey, 2007. The dermatologic manifestations are more florid and characteristic in kwashiorkor than in marasmus.Here, we present a case of a 1½ years old male, with extensive skin lesions, owing to severe malnutrition. Malnourishment is one of the foremostconditions seen in the developing countries. It is essential to provide adequate nutritional support to the growing children and to impart proper education to the mothers with regard to weaning and care during the illness of children aged under 5 years
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