13 research outputs found

    Quantifying environmental risk factors for multiple sclerosis in discordant monozygotic twins: a case report

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    Relative contribution of genetic and environmental risk factors in complex disorders is widely explored through discordant identical twins. Multiple sclerosis is a demyelinating disease of the central nervous system in which the interplay of genetic and environmental risk factors define the disease pathogenicity. Robust epidemiological studies in different populations suggested that active levels of serum vitamin D and viral load implicate in MS pathogenicity and severity. In order to refine non-shared components of susceptibility factors in MS, we investigated the role of serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D and viral infection in a pair of identical twins remained discordant for MS during the course of 5 years follow up. Here we report serological finding regarding the viral load and serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D level in a pair of discordant monozygotic twins. Based on our observation, lower levels of serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D and higher anti-viral IgG titre was consistent with the disease statues in the affected sib

    Substance abuse and the risk of severe COVID-19: Mendelian randomization confirms the causal role of opioids but hints a negative causal effect for cannabinoids

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    Since the start of the COVID-19 global pandemic, our understanding of the underlying disease mechanism and factors associated with the disease severity has dramatically increased. A recent study investigated the relationship between substance use disorders (SUD) and the risk of severe COVID-19 in the United States and concluded that the risk of hospitalization and death due to COVID-19 is directly correlated with substance abuse, including opioid use disorder (OUD) and cannabis use disorder (CUD). While we found this analysis fascinating, we believe this observation may be biased due to comorbidities (such as hypertension, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease) confounding the direct effect of SUD on severe COVID-19 illness. To answer this question, we sought to investigate the causal relationship between substance abuse and medication-taking history (as a proxy trait for comorbidities) with the risk of COVID-19 adverse outcomes. Our Mendelian randomization analysis confirms the causal relationship between OUD and severe COVID-19 illness but suggests an inverse causal effect for cannabinoids. Considering that COVID-19 mortality is largely attributed to disturbed immune regulation, the possible modulatory impact of cannabinoids in alleviating cytokine storms merits further investigation

    Mutations specific to the Rac-GEF domain of <i>TRIO</i> cause intellectual disability and microcephaly

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    Background: Neurodevelopmental disorders have challenged clinical genetics for decades, with over 700 genes implicated and many whose function remains unknown. The application of whole-exome sequencing is proving pivotal in closing the genotype/phenotype gap through the discovery of new genes and variants that help to unravel the pathogenic mechanisms driving neuropathogenesis. One such discovery includes TRIO, a gene recently implicated in neurodevelopmental delay. Trio is a Dbl family guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) and a major regulator of neuronal development, controlling actin cytoskeleton dynamics by activating the GTPase Rac1.Methods: Whole-exome sequencing was undertaken on a family presenting with global developmental delay, microcephaly and mild dysmorphism. Father/daughter exome analysis was performed, followed by confirmatory Sanger sequencing and segregation analysis on four individuals. Three further patients were recruited through the deciphering developmental disorders (DDD) study. Functional studies were undertaken using patient-specific Trio protein mutations.Results: We identified a frameshift deletion in TRIO that segregated autosomal dominantly. By scrutinising data from DDD, we further identified three unrelated children with a similar phenotype who harboured de novo missense mutations in TRIO. Biochemical studies demonstrated that in three out of four families, the Trio mutations led to a markedly reduced Rac1 activation.Conclusions: We describe an inherited global developmental delay phenotype associated with a frameshift deletion in TRIO. Additionally, we identify pathogenic de novo missense mutations in TRIO associated with the same consistent phenotype, intellectual disability, microcephaly and dysmorphism with striking digital features. We further functionally validate the importance of the GEF domain in Trio protein function. Our study demonstrates how genomic technologies are yet again proving prolific in diagnosing and advancing the understanding of neurodevelopmental disorders.<br/

    The role of non-HLA single nucleotide polymorphisms in multiple sclerosis susceptibility.

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    Multiple sclerosis (MS) is the most common neurological disease of the central nervous system affecting young adults. While the etiology of the disease is still unknown, epidemiological and genetics studies have shown a significant inherited component involved in MS pathogenesis. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) associated with MS have been recently evaluated by two main groups of high-throughput genotyping analyses: candidate gene approaches and genome-wide association studies (GWAS). Although both types of studies have identified polymorphisms in the human leukocyte antigen (HLA) region as the strongest susceptibility loci for MS, recent investigations have identified a broad spectrum of non-HLA genes prominently associated with MS. This review will focus on recent findings in non-HLA genes as well as their SNPs which have shown high linkage to MS as a genetic-based disorder. Understanding of non-HLA polymorphisms will help elucidate the signalling aberrations involved in MS development and may help to identify novel, personalized approaches to therapy

    Understanding the disease genome: gene essentiality and the interplay of selection, recombination and mutation

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    Despite the identification of many genetic variants contributing to human disease (the ‘disease genome’) establishing reliable molecular diagnoses remain challenging in many cases. The ability to sequence the genomes of patients has been transformative but difficulty in interpretation of voluminous genetic variation often confounds recognition of underlying causal variants. There are numerous predictors of pathogenicity for individual DNA variants but their utility is reduced because many plausibly pathogenic variants are probably neutral. The rapidly increasing quantity and quality of information on the properties of genes suggests that gene-specific information might be useful for prediction of causal variation when used alongside variant-specific predictors of pathogenicity. The key to understanding the role of genes in disease relates in part to gene essentiality which has recently been approximated, for example, by quantifying the degree of intolerance of individual genes to loss-of-function variation. Increasing understanding of the interplay between genetic recombination, selection and mutation and their relationship to gene essentiality suggests that gene-specific information may be useful for the interpretation of sequenced genomes. Considered alongside additional distinctive properties of the disease genome, such as the timing of the evolutionary emergence of genes and the roles of their products in protein networks, the case for using gene-specific measures to guide filtering of sequenced genomes seems strong

    Aarskog-Scott syndrome: phenotypic and genetic heterogeneity

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    Aarskog-Scott syndrome (AAS) is a rare developmental disorder which primarily affects males and has a relative prevalence of 1 in 25,000 in the general population. AAS patients usually present with developmental complications including short stature and facial, skeletal and urogenital anomalies. The spectrum of genotype-phenotype correlations in AAS is unclear and mutations of the FGD1 gene on the proximal short arm of chromosome X account for only 20% of the incidence of the disorder. Failure to identify pathogenic variants in patients referred for FGD1 screening suggests heterogeneity underlying pathophysiology of the condition. Furthermore, overlapping features of AAS with several other developmental disorders increase the complexity of diagnosis. Cytoskeletal signaling may be involved in the pathophysiology of AAS. The FGD1 protein family has a role in activation of CDC42 (Cell Division Control protein 42 homolog) which has a core function in remodeling of extracellular matrix and the transcriptional activation of many modulators of development. Therefore, mutations in components in the EGFR1 (Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor 1) signaling pathway, to which CDC42 belongs, may contribute to pathophysiology. Parallel sequencing strategies (so-called next generation sequencing or high throughput sequencing) enables simultaneous production of millions of sequencing reads that enormously facilitate cost-effective identification of cryptic mutations in heterogeneous monogenic disorders. Here we review the source of phenotypic and genetic heterogeneity in the context of AAS and discuss the applicability of next generation sequencing for identification of novel mutations underlying AAS

    Exome sequencing identifies a disease variant of the mitochondrial ATP-Mg/Pi carrier SLC25A25 in two families with kidney stones.

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    BACKGROUND: Calcium kidney stones are common and recurrences are often not preventable by available empiric remedies. Their etiology is multifactorial and polygenic, and an increasing number of genes are implicated. Their identification will enable improved management. METHODS: DNA from three stone-formers in a Southampton family (UK) and two from an Italian family were analyzed independently by whole exome sequencing and selected variants were genotyped across all available members of both pedigrees. A disease variant of SLC25A25 (OMIM 608745), encoding the mitochondrial ATP-Mg/Pi carrier 3 (APC3) was identified, and analyzed structurally and functionally with respect to its calcium-regulated transport activity. RESULTS: All five patients had a heterozygous dominant SLC25A25 variant (rs140777921; GRCh37.p13: chr 9 130868670 G>C; p.Gln349His; Reference Sequence NM_001006641.3). Non-stone formers also carried the variant indicating incomplete penetrance. Modeling suggests that the variant lacks a conserved polar interaction, which may cause structural instability. Calcium-regulated ATP transport was reduced to ~20% of the wild type, showing a large reduction in function. CONCLUSION: The transporter is important in regulating mitochondrial ATP production. This rare variant may increase urine lithogenicity through impaired provision of ATP for solute transport processes in the kidney, and/or for purinergic signaling. Variants found in other genes may compound this abnormality

    Rare coding variants as risk modifiers of the 22q11.2 deletion implicate postnatal cortical development in syndromic schizophrenia

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    22q11.2 deletion is one of the strongest known genetic risk factors for schizophrenia. Recent whole-genome sequencing of schizophrenia cases and controls with this deletion provided an unprecedented opportunity to identify risk modifying genetic variants and investigate their contribution to the pathogenesis of schizophrenia in 22q11.2 deletion syndrome. Here, we apply a novel analytic framework that integrates gene network and phenotype data to investigate the aggregate effects of rare coding variants and identified modifier genes in this etiologically homogenous cohort (223 schizophrenia cases and 233 controls of European descent). Our analyses revealed significant additive genetic components of rare nonsynonymous variants in 110 modifier genes (adjusted P = 9.4E-04) that overall accounted for 4.6% of the variance in schizophrenia status in this cohort, of which 4.0% was independent of the common polygenic risk for schizophrenia. The modifier genes affected by rare coding variants were enriched with genes involved in synaptic function and developmental disorders. Spatiotemporal transcriptomic analyses identified an enrichment of coexpression between modifier and 22q11.2 genes in cortical brain regions from late infancy to young adulthood. Corresponding gene coexpression modules are enriched with brain-specific protein-protein interactions of SLC25A1, COMT, and PI4KA in the 22q11.2 deletion region. Overall, our study highlights the contribution of rare coding variants to the SCZ risk. They not only complement common variants in disease genetics but also pinpoint brain regions and developmental stages critical to the etiology of syndromic schizophrenia

    Rare genetic coding variants associated with human longevity and protection against age-related diseases

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    Extreme longevity in humans has a strong genetic component, but whether this involves genetic variation in the same longevity pathways as found in model organisms is unclear. Using whole-exome sequences of a large cohort of Ashkenazi Jewish centenarians to examine enrichment for rare coding variants, we found most longevity-associated rare coding variants converge upon conserved insulin/insulin-like growth factor 1 signaling and AMP-activating protein kinase signaling pathways. Centenarians have a number of pathogenic rare coding variants similar to control individuals, suggesting that rare variants detected in the conserved longevity pathways are protective against age-related pathology. Indeed, we detected a pro-longevity effect of rare coding variants in the Wnt signaling pathway on individuals harboring the known common risk allele APOE4. The genetic component of extreme human longevity constitutes, at least in part, rare coding variants in pathways that protect against aging, including those that control longevity in model organisms