13 research outputs found

    Multidisciplinary approach to prostatitis

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    The modern clinical research on prostatitis started with the work of Stamey and coworkers who developed the basic principles we are still using. They established the segmented culture technique for localizing the infections in the males to the urethra, the bladder, or the prostate and to differentiate the main categories of prostatitis. Such categories with slight modifications are still used according to the NIH classification: acute bacterial prostatitis, chronic bacterial prostatitis, Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome (CPPS) and asymptomatic prostatitis. Prostatic inflammation is considered an important factor in influencing both prostatic growth and progression of symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia and prostatitis. Chronic inflammation/neuroinflammation is a result of a deregulated acute phase response of the innate immune system affecting surrounding neural tissue at molecular, structural and functional levels. Clinical observations suggest that chronic inflammation correlates with chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CP/CPPS) and benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and an history of clinical chronic prostatitis significantly increases the odds for prostate cancer. The NIHNIDDK classification based on the use of the microbiological 4- glasses localization test or simplified 2-glasses test, is currently accepted worldwide. The UPOINT system identifies groups of clinicians with homogeneous clinical presentation and is used to recognize phenotypes to be submitted to specific treatments. The UPOINTS algorithm implemented the original UPOINT adding to the urinary domains (U), psycho-social (P), organspecific (O), infection (I), neurological (N), muscle tension and tenderness (T) a further domain related to sexuality (S). In fact sexual dysfunction (erectile, ejaculatory, libido loss) has been described in 46-92% of cases with a high impact on the quality of life of patients with CP/CPPS. Prostatic ultrasound represents the most popular imaging test in the work-up of either acute and chronic prostatitis although no specific hypo-hyperechoic pattern has been clearly associated with chronic bacterial prostatitis and CPPS. Use of a digital-processing software to calculate the extension of prostatic calcification area at ultrasound demonstrated a higher percentage of prostatic calcification in patients with chronic bacterial prostatitis. Multiparametric Magnetic Resonance Imaging (mpMRI) is the current state-of-the art imaging modality in the assessment of patients with prostate cancer although a variety of benign conditions, including inflammation, may mimic prostate cancer and act as confounding factors in the discrimination between neoplastic and non-neoplastic lesions. Bacteria can infect prostate gland by: ascending the urethra, reflux of urine into the prostatic ducts, direct inoculation of bacteria through inserted biopsy needles or hematogenous seeding. Enterobacteriaceae are the predominant pathogens in acute and chronic bacterial prostatitis, but an increasing role of Enterococci has been reported. Many strains of these uropathogens exhibit the ability to form biofilm and multidrug- resistance. Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI) agents, in particular Chlamydia trachomatis and Mycoplasma genitalium, have been also considered as causative pathogens of chronic bacterial prostatitis. On the contrary the effective role in genital diseases of other "genital mycoplasmas" is still a much debated issue. Sexually Transmitted Infections agents should be investigated by molecular methods in both patient and sexual partner. "Next generation" investigations, such as cytokine analysis, cytological typing of immune cells could help stratifying the immune response. Epigenetic dysregulation of inflammatory factors should be investigated according to systemic and compartment-specific signals. The search for biomarkers should also include evaluation of hormonal pathways, as measurement of estrogen levels in semen. Antimicrobials are the first line agents for the treatment of bacterial prostatitis. The success of antimicrobial treatment depends on the antibacterial activity and the pharmacokinetic characteristics of the drug which must reach high concentrations in prostate secretion and prostate tissue. Acute bacterial prostatitis can be a serious infection with a potential risk for urosepsis For iInitial treatment of severely ill patients, intravenous administration of high doses of bactericidal antimicrobials, such as broad-spectrum penicillins, third-generation cephalosporins or fluoroquinolones, is recommended in combination with an aminoglycoside. Use of piperacillin-tazobactam and meropenem is justified in presence of multiresistant gramnegative pathogens. The antibiotic treatment of chronic prostatitis is currently based on the use of fluoroquinolones that, given for 2 to 4 weeks, cured about 70% of men with chronic bacterial prostatitis. For the treatment of Chlamydial prostatitis macrolides were shown to be more effective than fluoroquinolones, whereas no differences were observed in microbiological and clinical efficacy between macrolides and tetracyclines for the treatment of infections caused by intracellular pathogens. Aminoglycosides and fosfomycin could be considered as a therapeutic alternative for the treatment of quinolone resistant prostatitis. Use of alpha-blockers in CP/CPPS patients with urinary symptoms and analgesics +/- non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID), in presence of pain demonstrated a reduction of symptoms reduction and an improvement of quality of life, although long term use of NSAID is limited by side effect profile. However, the multimodal therapeutic regimen by contemporary use of alphablockers, antibiotics and anti-inflammatory showed a better control of prostatitis symptoms than single drug treatment. Novel therapeutic substances for the treatment of pain, such as the cannabinoid anandamide would be highly interesting to test. An alternative for the treatment of chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome is phytotherapy, as primary therapy or in association with other drugs. Quercetin, pollen extract, extract of Serenoa repens and other mixtures of herbal extracts showed a positive effect on symptoms and quality of life without side effects. The association of CP/CPPS with alterations of intestinal function has been described. Diet has its effects on inflammation by regulation of the composition of intestinal flora and direct action on the intestinal cells (sterile inflammation). Intestinal bacteria (microbiota) interacts with food influencing the metabolic, immune and inflammatory response of the organism. The intestinal microbiota has protective function against pathogenic bacteria, metabolic function by synthesis of vitamins, decomposition of bile acids and production of trophic factors (butyrate), and modulation of the intestinal immune system. The alteration of the microbiota is called "dysbiosis" causing invasive intestinal diseases pathologies (leaky gut syndrome and food intolerances, irritable bowel syndrome or chronic inflammatory bowel diseases) and correlating with numerous systemic diseases including acute and chronic prostatitis. Administration of live probiotics bacteria can be used to regulate the balance if intestinal flora. Sessions of hydrocolontherapy can represent an integration to this therapeutic approach. Finally, microbiological examination of sexual partners can offer supplementary information for treatment

    Diffusive idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis in young man

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    Background: Diffusive idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis (DISH) or Forestier's disease is a rheumatologic disorder, in which occurs intense fracture along the conjunctions of whole body and mainly at the front oblong conjunction of spinal cord. The purpose of the study was to present the case of diagnosis of DISH in 43-year-old male and the importance of an early diagnosis and relief of symptoms. Case report: A young man presented with a history of pain at lumbar and right rump the last 5 years, mainly at walking and prolonged standing. From his medical history, extensive clinical examination and representative substantiation, it was decided that he was affected by DISH. Conclusions: As healthcare professionals, we emphasize the need for differential diagnosis between inflammatory and sterile musculoskeletal diseases and the grating of the appropriate palliative care

    Factors affecting mental patients' behaviors and attitudes regarding smoking

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    Background: Patients with mental health problems are in high risk to develop addiction, since smoking incidence is three times higher than that of the general population. The aim of the study was to investigate the factors affecting mental health patients' smoking habits. Methods: The sample of study were 356 patients out of 403 initially approached, with 142 hospitalized in hospital facilities and 214 in community settings. The «Smoking in psychiatric hospitals" and General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-28) questionnaires were used. A principal component analysis was performed using the correlation coefficients of the various variables and an orthogonal varimax rotation, in order to interpret the seven factors emerging. Among the variables the most important factors appeared to be the type of healthcare facility, legal status, depression and age. Results: The type of healthcare facility was correlated to demographic characteristics, clinical features, psychopathology and functionality, but also to the attitudes and behaviors related to smoking. More specifically, the in-hospital patients were heavier smokers, about 90% of the patients said they would consider quitting smoking. The various variables had only a small effect on the intention to quit smoking. The comparison of the coefficients of determination of each variable, showed that age had the strongest effect (R2=0.152), while the GHQ D subscale (severe depression) had the least significant effect (R2=0.023). From all (7) factors, it appears that hospitalization was positively correlated with factor 5 and negatively with the factors 2, 3 and 6, legal status (commitment order) negatively with factors 1 and 4, while depression (or consuming antidepressants) positively factor 4 and negatively to factors 1 and 3. Finally, age was the only variable that is associated with the agent 7. Conclusions: Patients are permissive to staff's smoking in the healthcare facility and may resist attempts to restrict it. It is important that these conclusions are taken into account in any systematic attempt to limit smoking within mental health settings

    Cumulative effect of psychotherapy in remission of symptomatology of major depressive disorder

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    Background: Major depressive disorder constitutes the most commonly appeared psychological disorder. The aim of this study was to investigate the cumulative effect of psychotherapy over drug therapy in remitting depressive symptoms was examined. Method-materials: The sample consisted of 62 patients given the diagnosis of major depressive disorder who suffered in the past two years with at least 2 major depressive episodes. Additional inclusion criteria were, age of patients to be between 26-60 years old, onset of disorder ≥4 years, and weight of symptomatology having scores in MADRS ≥34 and in CGI ≥5. All patients were assigned randomly in four groups of combined therapy. The progress of depressive symptoms was measured with taxonomic manuals of psychological diseases MADRS from 1rst week of hospitalization, and every 3 weeks, until the 24th week of treatment. Results: Of the 42 participants, 24 were male and 38 female with mean age 42,3±8,8 years. The statistical significant improvement on depressive symptoms (p<0.001) occurred from induction week (MADRS=41) to the 6th week (MADRS=32) of hospitalization defined the level of remission of depressive symptoms. This remission mostly was a mixed effect of drug therapy and psychotherapy, since all 4 groups of patients showed similar decline in MADRS scores. Maintenance phase occurred about the 3rd month of treatment (MADRS=14), at which point the greater cumulative effect over pharmacotherapy was that of psychodynamic-analytical therapy at 6th month with 52% remission (p<0.001) from baseline, while that of cognitive-behavioral therapy was 40%, and respectively only 22% for the supportive therapy. Conclusions: Remission rate of depressive symptoms occurred about the 6th week of hospitalization, with maintenance phase to occur at 12th week of treatment, time point at which psychodynamic and cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy had a statistical and clinical greater effect over drug therapy on remission maintenance of depressive symptoms compared to supportive therapy. © All rights reserved

    Prevalence of obesity in children aged 6-12 years in Greece: nutritional behaviour and physical activity

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    Introduction: During the last two decades, obesity has proved to be one of the most important problems of public health, and it is considerably more frequent in developed countries, not only in adults, but in children, too. The aim of the current study is to evaluate the prevalence of overweight and obesity in children. Material and methods: Two thousand three hundred and seventy-four pupils in primary education were considered for the study (1206 boys and 1168 girls). Results: In the population-based study, the proportion of overweight children was 23.9%, of obese children 7.3%, and of those with central obesity 35.5%. The boys were obese in a higher percentage than the girls (9.2% vs. 5.3%, p < 0.05). The obesity rates were gradually reduced as the children were growing older. The nutritional habits which were identified to have a positive association with obesity were the following: skipping breakfast, not consuming fruits and vegetables, and consuming bread and soft drinks. Children's healthy nutrition in school was related to lower rates of generalised and central obesity, while the hours spent watching TV were positively associated with all types of obesity. Conclusions: Results from the study suggest that a high proportion of children are overweight or obese. Therefore, it is important to adhere to a healthy lifestyle which emphasizes healthy food choices and habits, regular physical activity, and limiting screen time

    Sun-Protection Habits of Primary Students in a Coastal Area of Greece

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    Aim. The aim of the present study was to record habits and attitudes of primary school students in Greece regarding sun-protection measures. Materials and Methods. 2,163 students with an average age of 9.9 (±1.1) years, studying in 14 schools of a Greek region, constituted our sample. The SPSS 17.0 software was used for the statistical analysis and significance level was set to P≤0.05. Results. Our sample had an equal gender distribution. 16% of the students belonged to the high-risk group, 70.2% of the participants lived 0–5 km away from the sea (urban area), 84.2% of the students were Greek, and 15.8% had non-Greek nationality. Half of the participants said they wear a hat when under the sun and 72% of them said they use sunscreen. 33.1% of the students said they had a sunburn last summer. Greek students as well as those who lived near the sea had better behaviour patterns regarding sun protection. Finally, children who did not use a sunscreen systematically had suffered sunburns more often than the rest. Conclusions. Health education programmes are necessary for students and parents/teachers alike, in order to raise awareness about everyday sun protection