19 research outputs found

    Внутренние резервы для спасения Украины

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    В статье рассматриваются проблемы выхода Украины из социально-экономического кризиса. Основные пути выхода из него - это не заимствования зарубежных кредитов, а поиск внутренних резервов для спасения страны. В Украине имеются реальные потенциальные возможности решить кризисные проблемы без помощи из Запада.У статті розглядаються проблеми виходу України із соціально-економічної кризи. Основні напрямки вихо- ду із неї — це не запозичення закордонних кредитів, а пошук внутрішніх резервів для спасіння країни. В Укра- їні є всі реальні потенційні можливості для вирішення кризових проблем без допомоги із Заходу.The paper considers the problems of Ukraine’s way out of socio-economic crisis. Main ways out of crisis are to search for internal reserves for saving the country, instead of borrowing foreign loans. Ukraine has real potentialities to overcome the crisis without the assistance from the West

    A seismic refraction survey in the Kerguelen isles, southern Indian Ocean

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    Two 65 km long on land refraction lines, with shot detonated at sea, were implemented in the Courbet Peninsula, eastern region of the Kerguelen archipelago (Terres Australes et Antarctiques Françaises, southern Indian Ocean). The first profile P1, oriented NE SW, runs from Cap Ratmanoff toward Mont Ross, and the second one, P2, from Pointe Suzanne, SE of the Courbet Peninsula, through the Val Studer. Data from both profiles were supplemented by using the Bouguer gravity anomaly map not previously studied. The data combined standard travel time interpretation, wide angle reflected wave study, synthetic seismograms and S wave analysis. The velocity depth behaviour shows that the mean crustal thickness ranges from 14 to 17 km only, varying with the locality. The structure of the crust beneath Kerguelen resembles those observed beneath aseismic ridges (i.e. the Crozet Rise and the Madagascar Ridge). Average velocity of 5.5 km s 1 on both lines is in the range of those determined for oceanic layer 2, which is there 8 9 km thick. Average velocity of 6.6 km s 1 is in the range of velocities within oceanic layer 3. The transition to mantle velocity, 7.95 km s 1 is best modelled by a positive velocity gradient within the crust. This feature is similar to that observed on structures generated near spreading centres. These new data combined with geological and geochemical investigations in the archipelago support an oceanic origin for the Kerguelen Heard Ridge, and also Broken Ridge. Both structures were joined 40 Myr ago, as shown by the magnetic anomaly pattern. Refraction studies invalidate the assumption that isostatic compensation is achieved by a 23 km deep crustal root, but substantiate the contribution of a low velocity mantle. Gravity data are consistent with refraction studies. No crustal root appears to be present beneath Mont Ross. The best match between gravity and refraction data in the Val Studer is obtained by assuming the presence of a shallow intrusive body, related to the fault and dyke system, and Montagnes Vertes plutonic intrusive complex nearby

    Isostatic response of the lithosphere beneath the Mozambique Ridge (SW Indian Ocean) and geodynamic implications

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    International audienceS U M M A R Y The SW Indian Ocean is characterized by the presence of several aseismic features. The Mozambique Ridge, an elongated feature lying roughly parallel to the SE coast of Africa, is by far the least known of those structures, mainly due to the scarcity of marine data. To date, the crustal nature and the origin of the ridge are still controversial points. Since knowledge of the origin of the Mozambique Ridge is important for a better understanding of the evolution of the SW Indian Ocean, the isostatic response of the lithosphere beneath the ridge is analysed in order to characterize its effective elastic thickness and the emplacement process of the feature. Two different approaches are applied, the direct computation of the geoid anomaly over the ridge, by means of a 2.5-dimensional method, and the computation of the admittances between the bathymetry and both the geoid and gravity anomalies. Both approaches point to a local isostatic response of the lithosphere. The crustal thickness beneath the Mozambique Ridge ranges from 17 to 30 km and the average density, from 2.78 to 2.7 X lo3 kg m-3, varying with locality

    doi:10.1093/nar/gkm1008 SURVEY AND SUMMARY Human premature aging, DNA repair and

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    Genomic instability leads to mutations, cellular dysfunction and aberrant phenotypes at the tissue and organism levels. A number of mechanisms have evolved to cope with endogenous or exogenous stress to prevent chromosomal instability and maintain cellular homeostasis. DNA helicases play important roles in the DNA damage response. The RecQ family of DNA helicases is of particular interest since several human RecQ helicases are defective in diseases associated with premature aging and cancer. In this review, we will provide an update on our understanding of the specific roles of human RecQ helicases in the maintenance of genomic stability through their catalytic activities and protein interactions in various pathways of cellular nucleic acid metabolism with an emphasis on DNA replication and repair. We will also discuss the clinical features of the premature aging disorders associated with RecQ helicase deficiencies and how they relate to the molecular defects

    Deep structure of the northern Kerguelen Plateau and hotspot-related activity

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    Seismic refraction profiles were carried out in 1983 and 1987 throughout the Kerguelen Isles (southern Indian Ocean, Terres Australes and Antarctiques Francaises, TAAF) and thereafter at sea on the Kerguelen-Heard Plateau during the MD66/KeOBS cruise in 1991. These profiles substantiate the existence of oceanic-type crust beneath the Kerguelen-Heard Plateau stretching from 46 degrees S to 55 degrees S, including the archipelago. Seismic velocities within both structures are in the range of those encountered in 'standard' oceanic crust. However, the Kerguelen Isles and the Kerguelen-Heard Plateau differ strikingly in their velocity-depth structure. Unlike the Kerguelen Isles, the thickening of the crust below the Kerguelen-Heard Plateau is caused by a 17 km thick layer 3. Velocities of 7.4 km s(-1) or so within the transition to mantle zone below the Kerguelen Isles are ascribed to the lower crust intruded and/or underplated by upper mantle material. The crust-mantle boundary below the Kerguelen-Heard Plateau is abrupt and devoid of any underplated material. The difference in structure between the northern edge of the Kerguelen Plateau (including the archipelago) and the Kerguelen-Heard Plateau may be related to variability of the time-dependent hotspot activity. The Kerguelen-Heard Plateau was emplaced during the Cretaceous time (110 Ma) when the volcanic output rate of the Kerguelen Plateau and the Ninetyeast Ridge was high (as well as high potential temperature). The northernmost Kerguelen Plateau and the archipelago were emplaced during Tertiary time (40-45 Ma), as the volcanic output rate reduced. Furthermore, intraplate volcanism continued in the Kerguelen archipelago for at least 40 Ma. The isostatic compensation of the Kerguelen Isles and the Kerguelen-Heard Plateau is achieved by low-density mantle material, as shown by refraction and geoid studies. The velocity-depth structure below the Kerguelen Isles is similar to that found below intraplate oceanic islands such as Hawaii. Despite the differences in age, the crust below Iceland (0 Ma) and the Kerguelen Plateau (100-120 Ma) are strikingly akin. The similarity between the Kerguelen-Heard Plateau and Iceland, then, strongly supports a similar origin for both structures, the Kerguelen-Heard Plateau being a fossil equivalent of present-day Iceland. Crustal thickening beneath the Kerguelen-Heard Plateau, which may result from an Iceland-type setting (i.e. an active spreading centre over a hotspot), is mostly produced by thickening of layer 3, layer 2 representing 25 per cent only of the thickness of the igneous crust. The Kerguelen Isles, despite the initial volcanism near the active Southeast Indian Ridge, behave as a midplate volcanic island and are definitely not representative of the whole Kerguelen Plateau structure

    Small-scale crustal variability within an intraplate structure: the Crozet Bank (southern Indian Ocean)

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    The Crozet Bank, the easternmost region of the Crozet Plateau (austral Indian Ocean), is capped by two groups of islands which form the Crozet Archipelago (Terres Australes and Antarctiques Francaises). A N-S-trending 2 km deep basin, the Indivat Basin, extends between the two groups of islands and bisects the Crozet Bank into two separate domains. The interpretation of the KeOBS8 seismic refraction profile shot during the KeOBS/MD66 cruise (January-February 1991) over the eastern Crozet Plateau was carried out by ray tracing and the computation of synthetic seismograms. This interpretation leads to a rather complex seismic structure and outlines a pronounced eastward crustal thinning from 16.5 to 10 km at the expense of layer 2. The thinning of the crust is abrupt east of the Indivat Basin. Unlike below the Hawaiian Islands and the Marquesas Islands, no underplated mantle material underlies the crust of the Crozet Bank. Moreover, this deep seismic sounding has further revealed that a high-velocity feature outcropping the seabed 30 km east of Ile aux Cochons could be a major structural feature, deeply rooted within the lower crust. The occurrence of this feature (a submarine volcano?) is associated with a mantle dyke causing a steep shallowing of the lower crustal interfaces. Gravity modelling was performed along line KeOBS8, with a density structure deduced from the seismic section, to model free-air anomalies derived from altimetry data, This modelling confirms that the Indivat Basin, underlined by a gravity low running roughly N-S between the two groups of islands, is a major structural boundary. As the model generates medium-wavelength anomalies of adequate amplitude, it also confirms that the volcano, located west of the Indivat Basin, is a deeply rooted feature. The Crozet Bank clearly appears as a plume-affected structure, which may have originated from a deep thermal anomaly within the lithosphere. More recent volcanic episodes, related to a still active plume activity under the Crozet Bank, could have uplifted upper-mantle material and caused the emplacement of the newly discovered feature and of the western group of islands

    Small-scale crustal variability within an intraplate structure : the Crozet Bank (southern Indian Ocean)

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    The Crozet Bank, the easternmost region of the Crozet Plateau (austral Indian Ocean), is capped by two gropus of islands which form the Crozet Archipelago (Terres Australes and Antarctiques Françaises). A N-S-trending 2 km deep basin, the Indivat Basin, extends between the two groups of islands and bisects the Crozet Bank into two separate domains. The interpretation of the KeOBS8 seismic refraction profile shot during the KeOBS/MD66 cruise (January-February 1991) over the eastern Crozet Plateau was carried out by ray tracing and the computation of synthetic seismograms. This interpretation leads to a rather complex seismic structure and outlines a pronounced eastward crustal thinning from 16.5 to 10 km at the expense of layer 2. The thinning of the crust is abrupt east of the Indivat Basin. Unlike below the Hawaiian Islands and the Marquesas Islands, no underplated mantle material underlies the crust of the Crozet Bank. Moreover, this deep seismic sounding has further revealed tha high-velocity outcropping the seabed 30 km east of Ile aux Cochons could be a major structural feature, deeply rooted withn he lower crust. The occurrence of this feature (a submarine volcano ?) is associated with a mantle dyke causing a steep shallowing of the lower crustal interfaces. Gravity modelling was performed along line KeOBS8, with a density structure deduced from the seismic section, to model free-air anomalies derived from altimetry data. This modelling confirms that the Indivat Basin, underlined by a gravity low running roughly N-S between the two groups of islands, is a major structural boundary. As the model generates medium-wavelength anomalies of adequate amplitude, it also confirms that the volcano, located west of the Indivat Basin, is a deeply rooted feature. The Crozet Bank clearly appears as a plume-affected structure, which may have originated from a deep thermal anomaly within the lithsophere... (D'après résumé d'auteur