169 research outputs found

    Study of the performance of disinfection with sodium hypochlorite on a full-scale sewage treatment plant

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    A full-scale sewage treatment plant was investigated to assess the performance of the disinfection stage. Sodium hypochlorite was used as a disinfectant agent and the process efficiency was evaluated by E.coli removal. The research took place over a period of two years in order to evaluate the effect of retention time (t) and residual chlorine (Cr) under different seasonal conditions. The effectiveness of E.coli removal with sodium hypochlorite proved to be strictly dependent on the factor CR t (product of residual chlorine with the contact time). The regression line of the experimental points was, on the whole, well comparable with the model proposed by Collins, especially in the field of CRt lower than 30 mg L-1 min

    Application Of A Decision Support System For The SustainablePlanning Of Rio Pojuca Basin (Bahia, Brazil) Water Resources

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    The paper presents the structure and the application of a Decision Support System (DSS) to Pojuca River watershed placed in the Northeast Region of Brazil (Bahia State). It is composed of surface-water quality models (total phosphorus, BOD, dissolved oxygen concentration and thermo-tolerant coliform bacteria pollution). A model evaluates the riverine microhabitat applying autochthonous fish species habitat suitability indexes (water depth, velocity, substrate and dissolved oxygen) valuated by local ichthyologists. Surface-water quality and microhabitat models are based on a hydrologic and hydraulic model. Models have been calibrated and validated using discharge and water quality measurements collected during a 1.5-year period of monitoring. Output data are available on a spreadsheet and ready to be spatially analyzed in a GIS software. We show how DSS can help the decision-making process to achieve the sustainable development of the basin, considering population growth, economic activities, climate change, management of sewage and wastewater treatment systems. The DSS is also applied to a challenging scenario: the building of an in series reservoir for supplying the Capital (Salvador) of drinking water. The experience has been characterized also by a large involvement of local specialists, with the aim to emphasize the existing qualifications and to consider local culture

    Aeraulic behaviour of a biotrickling filter pilot plant: experiments and simulations

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    Trickling bed biofilters (or biotrickling filters, BTFs) are biological systems for polluted air treatment. Hydrodynamics of BTFs, and reactors in general, is of paramount importance for obtaining good performances. In fact, a non-uniform distribution of the pollutant into the bed brings to dead zones or bypass which reduce the bed working volume and, therefore, cause low removal efficiencies. The paper presents the preliminary results obtained regarding the aeraulic behavior of a BTF pilot plant with seashells as packing material. Experimental results of bed void fraction and pressure drop at several flow rates were used to obtain Ergun equation coefficients for dry bed. A numerical simulation of the reactor flow field carried out with a commercial CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) code, validated by the means of velocity measurements made with a Hot Wire Anemometer (HWA) completed the analysis of the reactor hydrodynamics

    Removal and survival of fecal indicators in a constructed wetland after uasb pre-treatment

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    The experimentation plant, based on a sub-surface horizontal flow phytodepuration (SSHFP) unit with a pre-treatment by an upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactor, proved valuable in treating the sewage of a small rural community located in north Brazil. During a six-month trial, the plant achieved an average removal efficiency of 98.2% (1.74 log removal) for fecal coliforms (FC) and 96.0% (1.40 log removal) for Enterococci (EN), as well as 95.6% for BOD5, 91.0% for COD,00 and 95.4% for suspended solids (SS). The contribution of the UASB reactor to this overall performance was very significant as, alone, it achieved a yield of 62.7% for FC and 60% for EN, in addition to 65.2% for BOD5 and 65.0% for SS. EN was chosen, in addition to FC, because of its higher specificity and strong environmental persistence, leading to an increased risk to human health. In fact, the experimental results confirmed its lower removal efficiency compared to FC. The mechanical and biological mechanisms that led to such a removal efficiency of the two fecal indicators (FIs) are outlined in the article. The same mechanisms led to a good level of equivalence between the removal efficiency of the two FIs with the removal efficiency of SS and BOD5, for both the whole plant and the UASB reactor alone. The research demonstrated the close correlation between the concentrations of EN and FC for the plant effluent. This correlation can be explained by the following mathematical expression of the regression line Log EN = 0.2571 Log FC + 3.5301, with a coefficient of determination R-2 = 0.912. This implies that the concentration of the more specific indicator EN could be calculated, with acceptable approximation, from the simple analysis of FC and vice versa. The experimental plant brought important health benefits to the local population. In particular, there were no significant odor emissions; moreover, the risk of fecal pathogenic diseases was drastically reduced; finally, there was no proliferation of insects and other disease vectors, due to the absence of stagnant or semi-stagnant water exposed to the atmosphere

    The sensitivity of a specific denitrification rate under the dissolved oxygen pressure

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    The biological denitrification process is extensively discussed in scientific literature. The process requires anoxic conditions, but the influence of residual dissolved oxygen (DO) on the efficiency is not yet adequately documented. The present research aims to fill this gap by highlighting the effects of DO on the specific denitrification rate (SDNR) and consequently on the efficiency of the process. SDNR at a temperature of 20â—¦C (SDNR20â—¦C) is the parameter normally used for the sizing of the denitrification reactor in biological-activated sludge processes. A sensitivity analysis of SNDR20â—¦C to DO variations is developed. For this purpose, two of the main empirical models illustrated in the scientific literature are taken into consideration, with the addition of a deterministic third model proposed by the authors and validated by recent experimentations on several full-scale plants. In the first two models, SDNR20â—¦C is expressed as a function of the only variable food:microrganism ratio in denitrification (F:MDEN), while in the third one, the dependence on DO is made explicit. The sensitivity analysis highlights all the significant dependence of SDNR20â—¦C on DO characterized by a logarithmic decrease with a very pronounced gradient in correspondence with low DO concentrations. Moreover, the analysis demonstrates the relatively small influence of F:MDEN on the SDNR20â—¦C and on the correlation between SDNR20â—¦C and DO. The results confirm the great importance of minimizing DO and limiting, as much as possible, the transport of oxygen in the denitrification reactor through the incoming flows and mainly the mixed liquor recycle. Solutions to achieve this result in full-scale plants are reported

    Municipal Solid Waste treatment by integrated solutions: energy and environmental balances

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    This paper reports a comparison between two scenarios developed in order to manage the municipal solid waste in an area in the North part of Italy. In the proposed scenarios various technological solutions, regarding the selective collection, the energy recovery and the modality of final disposal were taken into account. The comparison was done considering both mass/energy and environmental balance, trying to focus the most suitable solution. The experience can be completed with other scenarios containing different technical solution intermediate between the two considered in this study

    IEC 61508: Effect of test policy on the probability of failure on demand of safety instrumented systems

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    Standard IEC 61508 provides probabilistic equations for determining the Average Probability of Failure on Demand (PFDavg) and the Average Probability of Failure per Hour (PFHavg) for some architectures of Safety Instrumented Systems (SIS) under the hypothesis of equal redundant components, taking into account Common Cause Failures (CCF), Detection Coverage (DC) and Proof Test Coverage (PTC) parameters. Surprisingly, IEC standard does not mention the testing policy aspects of SIS redundant components. However, from a close examination of the probabilistic equations, it is possible to recognize that the simultaneous/sequential testing policy has been implicitly assumed. This paper describes the conditions under which the staggered testing policy - which is better than all the others in case of independent tested components - can be advantageously applied to reduce PFDavg when CCF, DC and PTC parameters are taken into account

    Assessment of biological kinetics in a conventional municipal WWTP by means of the oxygen uptake rate method

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    Pollution control of surface water bodies requires stringent checks on wastewater treatment plants performances. The satisfactory operation of biological treatment, commonly performed by means of activated sludge processes, requires a number of controlling and monitoring procedures. Suitable respirometric techniques for the determination of the kinetic parameters that regulate biological processes have been implemented in order to achieve this aim. This paper describes the results of an experimental research carried out in a conventional Italian municipal wastewater treatment plant. Particularly, the research has been finalized to both evaluate the biological process for the removal of biodegradable pollutants, such as carbonaceous substrates and ammonia nitrogen, and to collect data in order to evaluate a possible plant upgrade. Heterotrophic and autotrophic biomass kinetic parameters have been examined using respirometric techniques based on oxygen uptake measurements. The research performed makes a valuable contribution toward verifying the reliability of the values proposed in the literature for some kinetic parameters, which have been commonly used for a long time

    Application of strategies for particulate matter reduction in urban areas: an italian case

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    The paper describes the particulate matter pollution in a Northern Italian city: Varese. The city is distinguished by a particular orographic and meteorological situation, characterized by valleys and heavy rainfalls. Nevertheless the urban area is interested by particulate matter pollution mainly due to heating systems and traffic. Here some corrective strategies in order to reduce PM air pollution have been presented, applied and evaluated by the means of a simplified model which considers emissions and meteorological conditions

    Improving biotreatment efficiency of hot waste air streams: experimental upgrade of a full plant

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    Biological methods as bio and biotrickling filtration are an energy-efficient and economical alternative to treat biodegradable odorants and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in order to obey stringent releases regulations that have arisen during the last few decades. In this work a plant upgrade case study, employing these techniques, is presented. It refers to a critical situation in which off air streams, characterized by medium odorous compounds loads and high temperatures, were treated using a biofilter only. In that context, sufficient removal efficiencies were not achieved. Therefore, it has been proposed to replace the existing biofilter by a biotrickling one implementing a minimal number of structural plant modifications
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