29 research outputs found

    Women at Altitude: Sex-Related Physiological Responses to Exercise in Hypoxia.

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    Sex differences in physiological responses to various stressors, including exercise, have been well documented. However, the specific impact of these differences on exposure to hypoxia, both at rest and during exercise, has remained underexplored. Many studies on the physiological responses to hypoxia have either excluded women or included only a limited number without analyzing sex-related differences. To address this gap, this comprehensive review conducted an extensive literature search to examine changes in physiological functions related to oxygen transport and consumption in hypoxic conditions. The review encompasses various aspects, including ventilatory responses, cardiovascular adjustments, hematological alterations, muscle metabolism shifts, and autonomic function modifications. Furthermore, it delves into the influence of sex hormones, which evolve throughout life, encompassing considerations related to the menstrual cycle and menopause. Among these physiological functions, the ventilatory response to exercise emerges as one of the most sex-sensitive factors that may modify reactions to hypoxia. While no significant sex-based differences were observed in cardiac hemodynamic changes during hypoxia, there is evidence of greater vascular reactivity in women, particularly at rest or when combined with exercise. Consequently, a diffusive mechanism appears to be implicated in sex-related variations in responses to hypoxia. Despite well-established sex disparities in hematological parameters, both acute and chronic hematological responses to hypoxia do not seem to differ significantly between sexes. However, it is important to note that these responses are sensitive to fluctuations in sex hormones, and further investigation is needed to elucidate the impact of the menstrual cycle and menopause on physiological responses to hypoxia

    Chirurgie orthognatique et asymétrie faciale : réussites et déceptions

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    Les asymĂ©tries faciales sont traitĂ©es chez l'adulte en combinant les thĂ©rapeutiques orthodontiques et chirurgicales. La prĂ©paration orthodontique, lors des dĂ©compensations transversales, tient un rĂŽle capital pour permettre d'effectuer une chirurgie de recentrage. L'ostĂ©otomie de Lefort I et le clivage mandibulaire de dĂ©rotation ne suffisent pas toujours Ă  rĂ©tablir une symĂ©trie faciale correcte. La stabilitĂ© Ă  long terme de la rĂ©habilitation chirurgicale et orthodontique peut ĂȘtre remise en question par l'inconstance des rĂ©sultats immĂ©diats, avec une rĂ©apparition de la bascule du plan d'occlusion et une perte progressive de la symĂ©trie mandibulaire. À travers des cas traitĂ©s prĂ©sentant une dysmorphie transversale importante, l'auteur Ă©voque la place du facteur musculaire dans les processus de rĂ©cidive et celle de l'analyse Ă©lectromyographique des muscles masticateurs

    Incorporating the maxillary transverse dimension in the treatment plan

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    Transverse dimension of the maxilla is a key point to consider when elaborating a surgical-orthodontic approach. Though the esthetic impact of transverse maxillary disharmonies is mild, their functional impact is major, with a tendency to underestimate it. The diagnosis of a transverse maxillary disharmony should be made during childhood, pointing out the alveolar part (endo or exoalveoly) and the skeletal part (endo or exognathy) of the dysmorphosis. The authors, an orthodontist and a maxillofacial surgeon, bring their respective look upon transverse maxillary disharmonies and present the various therapeutic means that can be utilized, most of the time through a surgical-orthodontic collaboration. Long-term occlusal stability definitely requires the integration of the maxillary transverse dimension when elaborating a surgical-orthodontic therapeutic approach

    L’intĂ©gration de la dimension transversale du maxillaire dans le plan de traitement

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    L’intĂ©gration de la dimension transversale du maxillaire est un point fondamental dans l’élaboration d’un plan de traitement orthodontico-chirurgical. Capitales d’un point de vue fonctionnel, les anomalies du sens transversal maxillaire n’ont que peu de retentissements esthĂ©tiques, ce qui expose au risque de les sous-estimer. Le diagnostic d’une anomalie transversale maxillaire doit ĂȘtre rĂ©alisĂ© pendant l’enfance en prĂ©cisant la part alvĂ©olaire (endo- ou exoalvĂ©olie) et la part basale (endo- ou exognathie maxillaire) de la dysmorphose. Les auteurs, orthodontiste et chirurgien maxillofacial, apportent leurs regards respectifs sur ces anomalies du sens transversal maxillaire et prĂ©sentent les moyens thĂ©rapeutiques qui peuvent ĂȘtre utilisĂ©s, le plus souvent dans le cadre d’une collaboration orthodontico-chirurgicale. L’intĂ©gration de la dimension transversale dans le plan de traitement orthodontico-chirurgical est indispensable du point de vue de la stabilitĂ© occlusale Ă  long terme